scholarly journals La cobertura integral de prestaciones a las personas con discapacidad / The comprehensive coverage of benefits for people with disabilities

Ángeles María Báez

El presente trabajo versará sobre el análisis de una polémica sentencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación en la que se decide a favor de la Obra Social del Poder Judicial de la Nación, la cual había impugnado la resolución que la condenaba a prestar cobertura íntegra a una persona con discapacidad. El fundamento de la Corte: la omisión por parte del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de la aplicación de la resolución OSPJ 822/13 que establece las condiciones de cobertura de la prestación de asistencia domiciliaria de las personas con discapacidad, que es compatible con la Ley 24.901. Sin duda alguna, un caso controvertido en el que se encuentra en juego el derecho a la salud, la protección de las personas con discapacidad y el alcance de la cobertura de las obras sociales.   The present work will deal with the analysis of a controversial sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in which it is decided in favor of the Social Work of the Judicial Power of the Nation, which had challenged the resolution that condemned it to provide coverage integrates a person with a disability. The basis of the Court: the omission by the Court of First Instance of the application of the resolution OSPJ 822/13 that establishes the conditions of coverage of the provision of domiciliary assistance for persons with disabilities, which is compatible with Law 24,901. Undoubtedly, a controversial case in which the right to health is at stake, the protection of people with disabilities and the scope of coverage of social works.

Nadia Virginia Copello

La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Argentina revocó una sentencia que condenaba a una Obra Social al cumplimiento de prestaciones médicas. En el novedoso caso están en juego el derecho a la salud, a la cobertura médica integral de personas con discapacidad y el derecho de defensa, más precisamente, el respeto por el debido proceso, siendo esto último la base para así decidir en favor de la demandada.   The Supreme Court of Justice of the Argentine Nation revoked a sentence that condemned a Social Work to the fulfillment of medical benefits. In the new case, the right to health, the comprehensive medical coverage of people with disabilities and the right to defense are at stake, more precisely, respect for due process, the latter being the basis for deciding in favor of the defendant.

María Florencia Blanco Pighi

El derecho a la salud es reconocido por la Constitución Argentina, pero, como todo derecho, no es absoluto. La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, mediante el fallo en análisis, establece ciertos requisitos para asegurar la cobertura por parte del Estado, de prestaciones que garanticen el acceso a este derecho para personas con discapacidad. El voto en disidencia establece que, muchas veces, apegarse a requisitos formales puede implicar cercenar el goce efectivo del derecho a la salud, que es de carácter constitucional.   The right to health is recognized by the Argentine Constitution, but, as every right, is not absolute. The Supreme Court of Justice, through the sentence to analyze, establishes certain requirements to ensure coverage by the State of benefits that guarantee access to this right for people with disabilities. The dissident vote establishes that, often, adhering to formal requirements may imply clogging the effective enjoyment of the right to health, which is constitutional in nature.

Antonela Bordignon

El presente artículo analizará el fallo dictado por la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, a través del cual, hacen lugar al recurso extraordinario y deja sin efecto la sentencia impugnada por la demandada en la causa “C.T., N c/OSDE s/amparo de Salud”.  El órgano supremo de Justicia de la Nación consideró que la alzada carecía de fundamentos que dieran sustento a su decisión; así como también existía una clara omisión en la valoración de las pruebas aportadas por la parte demandada, lo que la colocaba en una situación desventajosa. Entiende la Corte que se está frente a otra de las tantas sentencias arbitrarias. ¿Incide entonces que se trate de derechos fundamentales, como es el derecho a la salud? ¿Pierden objetividad los magistrados cuando se encuentran involucrados esta clase de derechos? Se intentará dilucidar a continuación.   This article will analyze the sentence handed down by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, through which, it leaves the sentence contested by the defendant in the case “CT, N c / OSDE s / amparo de Salud” without effect. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation considered that the elevation lacked grounds to support its decision; as well as there was a clear omission in the assessment of the evidence provided by the defendant, which placed it in a disadvantageous situation. The Court understands that it is facing another of the many arbitrary sentences. Does it imply that these are fundamental rights, such as the right to health? ¿Do magistrates lose objectivity when this kind of rights is involved? Attempts will be made to clarify below.

Ángeles María Báez

El presente trabajo versará sobre el análisis de un fallo en el que se decide hacer lugar al dictado de una medida cautelar solicitada, en el marco de una acción de amparo, por la madre de una niña de tres años que padecía epilepsia. El tribunal hizo lugar al requerimiento y ordenó a la Obra Social la cobertura total e integral del medicamento anticonvulsionante indicado por el médico tratante. Sin duda alguna, un fallo ejemplar, en el que podremos apreciar la recepción del instituto de la tutela anticipada y del cúmulo de principios y garantías constitucionales que protegen el derecho a la salud y a las personas con discapacidad en el derecho argentino.   The present work will deal with the analysis of a ruling in which it is decided to make room for the issuance of a precautionary measure requested, within the framework of an action of amparo, by the mother of a three-year-old girl who suffered from epilepsy. The court made the request and ordered the social work full and comprehensive coverage of the anticonvulsant medication indicated by the treating doctor. Undoubtedly, an exemplary ruling, in which we can appreciate the reception of the institute of early guardianship and the accumulation of principles and constitutional guarantees that protect the right to health and people with disabilities in Argentine law.

Juan Santiago Ylarri

El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el acceso a la justicia en materia del derecho a la salud, en particular, de las personas con discapacidad. En primer lugar, se examinan las normas que regulan la cuestión y la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema en la materia. Luego, se hace referencia a diversos precedentes en materia de acceso a la justicia de las personas con discapacidad. También, se desarrollan las acciones de clase como un mecanismo apto para garantizar los derechos de las personas con discapacidad.Se concluye que los tribunales no deberían ser especialmente rigurosos en los aspectos formales de los procesos judiciales, a fin asegurar una adecuada tutela de los derechos constitucionales en juego.   In this paper we will analyze access to justice on the right to health, particularly for people with disabilities. First, we will examine the rules governing the issue and the case law of the Supreme Court in the matter. We will refer to the case law regarding access to justice for people with disabilities. Also class actions are studied as a mechanism to guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities. We conclude that courts should not be particularly rigorous in the formal aspects of judicial process, in order to ensure appropriate protection of constitutional rights at stake.

Valentina Ruiz de los Llanos

El presente trabajo, tiene por finalidad el análisis de un nuevo fallo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, referido a los alcances de las prestaciones en materia de salud que las Obras Sociales deben brindar a las personas con discapacidad y qué debe entenderse por cobertura integral.   The purpose of this work is to analyze a new ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, referring to the scope of health benefits that Social Works must provide to people with disabilities and to analyze what should be understood by comprehensive coverage.

1958 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 1026-1029 ◽  
John P. Roche

I want to dissent initially from the rather constricting frame of reference that Schubert has established in his paper. He has every right in the world to set rhetorical snares, but I have no intention of walking into them. If I may summarize, Schubert asserts that he is a spokesman for a radical new direction in the study of public law, claiming that the old ways are moribund. He further urges that we should look with envy at the creative function of the social psychologists who supplied the Supreme Court with the banners it carried in Brown v. Board of Education while we were bumbling around with historical and philosophical trivia. He concludes that instead of wasting our time with talmudic disputations on whether the Supreme Court reached the “right” or the “wrong” decisions in specific cases, we should settle down to build a firm “scientific” foundation for our discipline.Not the least amusing aspect of this indictment is that I find myself billed as the defender of the ancien régime, as the de Maistre of public law. Therefore, for the benetfit of the young and impressionistic, let me break loose from Schubert's rhetorical trap: I too think that much of the research done in public law—and, for that matter, in political science generally—has been trivial.

Ángeles María Baez

El presente artículo abordará el análisis de una sentencia dictada por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la provincia de Córdoba sobre un recurso de apelación entablando en contra de una resolución que hizo lugar a la acción de amparo impetrada por la parte actora. El Máximo Tribunal de la provincia rechazó la impugnación intentada, ordenando en el fallo lineamientos de suma relevancia para el Derecho a la Salud y especialmente para un grupo vulnerable como son las personas con discapacidad.   The aim of this article is to analyse the decision taken by the Superior Court of Justice of the province of Córdoba on an appeal filed against a resolution, which allowed the amparo action brought by the plaintiff. The Superior court of the province rejected the attempted injunction, setting the rules which are extremely relevant guidelines for the Right to Health and especially for a vulnerable group such as people with disabilities.

María Florencia Blanco Pighi

Los derechos humanos de los pueblos originarios, entre ellos, el derecho a la salud, son reconocidos por la Constitución Argentina, por tratados internacionales ratificados por nuestro país, por la normativa interna y por las constituciones provinciales. La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, mediante el fallo en análisis, establece que la protección de estos derechos debe asegurarse por la vía más idónea, y que, al existir una acción de amparo en curso, la medida cautelar de interposición más reciente, debe ser rechazada.   The Argentinian Constitution, the international human rights treaties ratified by Argentina, the argentine internal regulations and the constitution of several provinces, recognize the aboriginal´s human rights, including the right to health. In the judgment in analysis, the Argentinian Supreme Court of Justice, states that the protection of those rights needs to be accomplish by the most suitable way. When a legal protection action is in curse, the most recently filed action must be rejected.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (59) ◽  
pp. 377
Ferado Rister de Sousa LIMA

RESUMO Objetivo: O estudo objetiva analisar as decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal, com o propósito de identificar julgamentos proferidos no período de 2010 a 2013, e verificar se houve incorporação de novos conceitos sobre o direito à saúde na sua jurisprudência. Metodologia: A metodologia empregada é a pesquisa bibliográfica, por meio da análise de decisões jurisprudenciais do Supremo Tribunal Federal, delimitada ao período de 2010 a 2013. Resultados: A leitura dos acórdãos denota como direta ou indiretamente estão fundamentados na ausência dos parâmetros. É possível também falar-se em novos parâmetros e não em ausência de critérios. Prefere-se a ausência de critérios ante o entendimento de que os rígidos pontos de partida anteriores moldaram por décadas a atuação judicial e a sua retirada acabou fragilizando a argumentação jurídica, a ponto de não se discutirem questões pertinentes. Os acórdãos dispõem em oferecer esperança como fonte de cura. Uma linguagem muito longínqua da ciência médica e sem qualquer critério de gestão do dinheiro público instaurou-se nos novos julgamentos da Corte. A ausência de consistência jurídica fica também evidenciada com a completa despreocupação em enfrentar a argumentação jurídica oferecida pela política. Tudo está tão conforme os novos conceitos que não se justifica argumentar ou enfrentar as teses jurídicas da Administração Pública. Eis o novo paradigma jurisdicional em direito à saúde. Contribuições: A contribuição central do presente trabalho está na análise de decisões da Suprema Corte a fim de identificar o tratamento dado a questões de direito à saúde.Palavras-chave: Ministros proativos; nova racionalidade; jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal; papel do Direito. ABSTRACT Objective: The study aims to analyze the decisions of the Supreme Federal Court, with the purpose of identifying judgments handed down from 2010 to 2013, and to verify whether new concepts about the right to health have been incorporated into its jurisprudence. Methodology: The methodology used is bibliographic research, through the analysis of jurisprudential decisions of the Federal Supreme Court, limited to the period from 2010 to 2013. Results: The reading of the judgments shows how directly or indirectly they are based on the absence of parameters. It is also possible to talk about new parameters and not in the absence of criteria. The absence of criteria is preferred due to the understanding that previous rigid starting points have shaped judicial action for decades and its withdrawal has weakened the legal argument, to the point of not discussing relevant issues. Judgments offer hope as a source of healing. A very distant language of medical science and without any criterion for the management of public money was established in the Court's new judgments. The lack of legal consistency is also evidenced by the complete lack of concern in facing the legal arguments offered by the politics. Everything is so in line with the new concepts that there is no reason to argue or face the legal theses of the Public Administration. This is the new jurisdictional paradigm in the right to health. Contributions:The central contribution of the present paper is the analysis of the Supreme Court decisions in order to identify the treatment given to issues of right to  health. Keywords: Proactive ministers; new rationality; jurisprudence of the Supreme Federal Court; role of law.

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