scholarly journals Agronomic performance and chemical response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to some organic nitrogen sources and conventional nitrogen fertilizers under sandy soil conditions

2008 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan ◽  
Ayman M. Helmy
1984 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 599-605 ◽  
N. W. HOLT ◽  

This study investigated the influence of plant density on several agronomic traits of four sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars grown at Indian Head and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in the semiarid prairies. At populations of 40 000–85 000 plants∙ha−1, plant density had no significant effect on seed yield. The increase in percentage oil content with increase in plant density (44.3–45.6%) was small but significant. As plant density was increased, days to flower, height and test weight increased while days to maturity, head diameter and average seed weight decreased. Cultivars × density interactions were generally not significant. Environment (five location-years) had a significant effect on all variables, and environments × cultivar interactions were significant for most of these. Results of this experiment indicated that testing of sunflower lines at several locations in the growing area would be necessary for best assessment but one plant density, suitable to that area, could be used.Key words: Sunflower, plant density, seed, oil, seed size, Helianthus annuus L.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 329-344 ◽  
Imre Kádár

Karbonátos Duna–Tisza közi homoktalajon vizsgáltuk a 0, 30, 90 és 270 kg·ha–1mikroelem-terhelés 4. évi utóhatását a napraforgóra. A mikroelemek sóit egy ízben a kísérlet indulásakor 1995 tavaszán szórtuk ki Cr2(SO4)3, K2Cr2O7, CuSO4, Pb(NO3)2, Na2SeO3és ZnSO4formájában. A 6 elem×4 terhelés = 24 kezelés×3 ismétlés = 72 (egyenként 7×5 = 35 m² méretű) parcellát jelentett. A termőhely a homoktalajokra jellemzően rossz vízgazdálkodású, aszályérzékeny és a főbb tápelemekkel (NPK) gyengén ellátott. A szántott réteg 0,7–1,0% humuszt, 2–3% CaCO3-ot tartalmaz, a talajvíz 5–10 m mélyen található. Alaptrágyaként 100–100–100 kg·ha–1N, P2O5és K2O hatóanyagot alkalmazunk évente az egész kísérletben. A növényi sorrend sárgarépa, zöldborsó, őszi búza, napraforgó volt. A főbb eredmények: – A kedvező időjárás/csapadékviszonyok nyomán a szennyezetlen kontrolltalajon kereken 2,3 t·ha–1kaszat, illetve összesen 7,1 t·ha–1légszáraz föld feletti biomassza képződött. A kaszat olajtartalma 51% volt, az olajhozam 1,2 t·ha–1mennyiséget tett ki. A kísérlet 4. évében a Se-terhelés bizonyult toxikusnak. Terméscsökkenés már a 30 kg·ha–1adagnál igazolható volt, míg a 270 kg·ha–1terhelésnél a napraforgó gyakorlatilag kipusztult, a föld feletti biomassza 1/10-ére zuhant. A melléktermés/főtermés aránya betakarításkor a kontrollon mért 2,1-ről 5,0-re nőtt, a toxicitás a generatív fázisban volt a kifejezettebb. – A napraforgó szerveinek Cr-tartalma egy nagyságrenddel dúsult a kontrollhoz viszonyítva. A koncentrációemelkedés a Cr(VI)-kezelésben átlagosan kétszerese volt a Cr(III)-kezelésben mértnek. A koncentrációk a hajtás, szár, levél, tányér, kaszat sorrendben csökkentek. Hasonló sorrendben mérséklődött az Pb-koncentráció is, mely a kaszatban már minden esetben a 0,1 mg·kg–1kimutatási határ alatt maradt. Mérsékelten emelkedett szennyezett talajon a Cu-tartalom, mely a kaszatban már igazolhatóan nem is változott. A Zn-koncentráció maximálisan 2–3-szorosára nőtt. Hiperakkumulációt mutatott a Se minden növényi részben, ezres nagyságrendbeli dúsulással. A szelénnel kezelt talajon termett napraforgó magja emberi fogyasztásra, illetve a hajtása, szára takarmányozási célokra egyaránt alkalmatlanná vált. – A terméscsökkenés miatt a maximális Se-felvétel a 30 és 90 kg·ha–1terhelésnél jelentkezett és 450 g·ha–1mennyiséget tett ki. Változatlan körülményeket feltételezve a 30 kg·ha–1felvétele 66 évet, a 90 kg·ha–1fitoremediációja mintegy 200 évet venne igénybe. A napraforgó föld feletti termése szennyezett talajon maximálisan kb. 10 g Pb, 24 g Cr, 100 g Cu és 330 g Zn elemet vont ki a talajból ha-onként. A 270 kg·ha–1talajtisztítás tehát 27 ezer Pb-évet, 11 ezer Cr-évet a Cr (VI)-kezelésben, 2700 Cu-évet, illetve 818 Zn-évet igényelne. – A levéldiagnosztikai adatok alapján a napraforgó Ca- és Mg-túlsúlyt; enyhe N- K-, P- és Cu-, illetve kifejezett Zn-hiányt jelzett. Az abszolút Zn-hiány nem okozott terméscsökkenést azonban, mivel a P/Zn arány az optimális 50–150 körüli tartomány közelében maradt. Az 1 t kaszat + a hozzátartozó tányér és szár ún. fajlagos elemtartalma az alábbi volt: 34 kg N, 7 kg P (16 kg P2O5), 32 kg K (38 kg K2O), 66 kg Ca (92 kg CaO), 15 kg Mg (25 kg MgO) és 4–5 kg S. Adataink iránymutatóul szolgálhatnak a növény elemigényeinek becslésekor. A hazai szaktanácsadásban ajánlott 30 kg P2O5fajlagos mutató kifogásolható, túltrágyázásra ösztönöz. – A kísérlet 4. éve után NH4-acetát+EDTA-oldható formában találtuk a karbonátos homoktalaj szántott rétegében a Cr átlagosan 0,5%-át a Cr(III)-kezelésben, illetve mintegy 1%-át a Cr(VI)-kezelésben, a Se 1,5%-át. A Cr(VI) és a Se az altalajba mosódhatott, illetve részben megkötődhetett. A Cu, Pb és Zn elemek bevitt mennyiségének átlagosan 1/3-át találtuk oldható formában.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Guilherme Henrique Expedito Lense ◽  
Fernanda Almeida Bócoli ◽  
Alberto Donizete Alves

The sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an oilseed crop with agronomic features that justify its tillage in the southeast of Brazil. The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance of sunflower genotypes tallaged in Muzambinho (MG) in the second harvest. It was adopted the randomized blocks design, with six genotypes (MULTISSOL, BRS G35, BRS G47, BRS G48, M734, and SYN 045) and four repetitions, totalizing 24 experimental plots with an area of 16.8 m2 on its plot. The plant population adopted was about 45000 plants ha-1. The obtained data were submitted to the analysis of variance and the Tukey test, by 5% of probability. There was variation in the agronomic performance of the genotypes to all evaluate parameters. The variety of MULTISSOL was the genotype that presented the larger precocity. The hybrid SYN 045 presented the longer cycle. The hybrid M734 is the genotype with a bigger weight of 1.000 achenes. The genotypes that provided the better yield of grains and oil were M734, SYN 045 and BRS G48. The biggest oil content in the achenes was observed in SYN 045 e BRS G48.

Irriga ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Marconi Seabra Filho ◽  
Milena Alves Dos Santos ◽  
James Do Nascimento Costa ◽  
Cicero Lima De Almeida ◽  
Luís Gonzaga Pinheiro Neto

EFEITO DA FERTIRRIGAÇÃO DE NITROGÊNIO NA MASSA E NO TEOR DE ÓLEO EM GIRASSOL*     MARCONI SEABRA FILHO1; MILENA ALVES DOS SANTOS2; JAMES DO NASCIMENTO COSTA2; CICERO LIMA DE ALMEIDA3 E LUÍS GONZAGA PINHEIRO NETO1   * Artigo extraído da tese do primeiro autor 1Professor, Eixo de Recursos Naturais, Instituto Federal do Ceará/Campus Sobral, Av. Doutor Guarani 317 - Derby Clube, Sobral - CE, 62040-730, [email protected]; [email protected] 2Estudante, Eixo de Recursos Naturais, Instituto Federal do Ceará/Campus Sobral, Av. Doutor Guarani 317 - Derby Clube, Sobral - CE, 62040-730, [email protected]; [email protected] 3Tecnico Laboratório, Eixo de Recursos Naturais, Instituto Federal do Ceará/Campus Sobral, Av. Doutor Guarani 317 - Derby Clube, Sobral - CE, 62040-730, [email protected]     1 RESUMO   O girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) apresenta-se como uma cultura resistente, adaptando-se às mais diversas condições de clima e solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do parcelamento da fertirrigação de nitrogênio, na cultura do girasol sobre a massa de 1000 sementes (M1000S) e o teor de óleo (TOS). O ensaio foi conduzido na área experimental da Estação Meteorológica da Universidade Federal do Ceará. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (FN2 – duas aplicações; FN4 - quatro aplicações; FN8 - oito aplicações; FN16 - dezesseis aplicações; FN32 - trinta e duas aplicações de nitrogênio) e cinco repetições. Os resultados mostram que quanto maior o fracionamento da aplicação de N, maior foi a M1000S e o TOS. Conclui-se que o parcelamento da adubação de nitrogênio aumentou linearmente as variaveis analisadas dentro do limite analisado que foi de 32 aplicações. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Frequência de aplicações, Fracionamento da adubação, Helianthus annuus L     SEABRA FILHO, M.; SANTOS, M. A.; COSTA, J. N.; ALMEIDA, C. L; PINHEIRO NETO, L. G. EFFECT OF NITROGEN FERTIRRIGATION ON THE MASS AND OIL CONTENT ON SUNFLOWER     2 ABSTRACT   The sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) presents itself as a resistant crop, adapting to the most diverse climatic and soil conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of nitrogen fertilization in the sunflower crop on the mass of 1000 seeds (M1000S) and the oil content (TOS). The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Meteorological Station of the Federal University of Ceará. A randomized block design with five treatments (FN2 - two applications, FN4 - four applications, FN8 - eight applications, FN16 - sixteen applications, FN32 - thirty two applications of nitrogen) and five replications were used. The results show that the higher the fractionation of the application of N, the greater the M1000S and the TOS. It was concluded that the nitrogen fertilization scheme increased linearly the variables analyzed within the limit of 32 applications.   Keywords: Frequency of applications, Fertilization fractionation, Helianthus annuus L.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Marwa, A. Ahmed ◽  
Fatma H. A. El-Agyzy ◽  
Khaled, A. Shaban

Two field experiments were conducted at El-Rod village at Sahl El-Houssinia, El-Sharkia governorate, (32°15' 00" N 30°50' 00" E), Egypt. The study investigated evaluations of different nitrogen fertilizers sources (calcium nitrate, ammonium sulphate and urea fertilizers) and rates (0, 47.6, 71.4 and 107 kg N/ha) alone or combined with bio-fertilizer (using bio-fertilization with Rhiobium radiobacter sp strain on improve nutrients available and contents in cowpea productivity and quality in newly reclaimed saline soil conditions during two summer seasons 2017 and 2018.  The studies treatments were disturbed among the experimental pelts in split design with six replicates. The obtained results cleared that the used ammonium sulphate fertilizer was increase effect with increasing rate in EC, pH, and available N, P, K , Fe, Mn and Zn content in soil. Moreover data recorded the applied 71.4 kg N /ha was increase of plant height, weight of 100 seeds, weight of pods (g/plant) , weight of seeds (g)/plant and seeds yield (ton ha-1) have been affected by inoculation with bio-fertilizer combined with nitrogen sources fertilizers  and different rates than other treatments. The highest values of N, P , K, Fe, Mn and Zn concentrations and uptake in seeds treated with ammonium sulphate at rate 71.4 kg N/ha than other treatments. The decrease of the soil salinity to increased content of cowpea plant of chlorophyll and protein, but increased salinity of the soil led to increase the content of the plant of proline. The application of ammonium sulphat at 30 kg N/fed combined with bio-fertilizer was improve soil properties and cowpea productivity and quality under saline soils conditions.

1985 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 501-509 ◽  
N. W. HOLT ◽  

Years, locations and planting density are significant factors that influence the agronomic performance of Sundak nonoilseed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in southeastern Saskatchewan. As plant densities of sunflower were increased from 37 500 to 75 000 plants/ha at Indian Head from 1975 to 1977, achene (seed) yield and test weight increased linearly with density while percentages of roasting and dehulling seed categories decreased. Row spacings of 30–90 cm affected plant height and seed yield and size, but absolute amounts were not large. Based on 1984 prices of four seed-size categories, highest gross economic returns were favored by the higher plant densities. In a second test at Indian Head and Oxbow in 1979 and Areola in 1980, a range of plant densities from 22 900 to 76 400 plants/ha did not significantly affect seed yield or gross economic returns. However, yield and returns tended to be greatest for 50 000-60 000 plants/ha. Percentages of large seed decreased as plant population increased. Because markets generally favor the large-seed size categories and the price differentials among seed size categories tend to increase, plant densities of 40 000 to 50 000 plants/ha might better be recommended to allow for years with greater price differentials.Key words: Nonoilseed sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., plant density, row spacing, seed size, economic returns

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