Use of Web Analytics in Portals

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-44
Jana Polgar

Web analytics are typically branded as a tool for measuring website traffic. They can be equally used as a tool for business research, results of advertising campaigns, and market research. Web analytics provide data on the number of visitors, page views, measure a visitor’s navigation through a website, etc. This collection of data is typically compared against some metrics to indicate whether the web site is delivering expected values, what improvements should be considered, and so on. These metrics are also used to improve a web site or marketing campaign’s audience response. Tracking portal visits are important in order to obtain a better understanding of which parts of the portal are delivering value. However, portals have unique attributes associated with the page composition techniques, page, and portlet refresh. Portal always presents multiple topics on the same page, which pose specific challenges to explore exciting opportunities allowing the web designer to gain insights about portal usage and user behaviour. Furthermore, portals are inherently multidimensional, and effective tools to monitor and analyse portal data usage must be able to support multidimensional analysis.

Jana Polgar

Web analytics are typically branded as a tool for measuring website traffic. They can be equally used as a tool for business research, results of advertising campaigns, and market research. Web analytics provide data on the number of visitors, page views, measure a visitor’s navigation through a website, etc. This collection of data is typically compared against some metrics to indicate whether the web site is delivering expected values, what improvements should be considered, and so on. These metrics are also used to improve a web site or marketing campaign’s audience response. Tracking portal visits are important in order to obtain a better understanding of which parts of the portal are delivering value. However, portals have unique attributes associated with the page composition techniques, page, and portlet refresh. Portal always presents multiple topics on the same page, which pose specific challenges to explore exciting opportunities allowing the web designer to gain insights about portal usage and user behaviour. Furthermore, portals are inherently multidimensional, and effective tools to monitor and analyse portal data usage must be able to support multidimensional analysis.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Swati Chawla ◽  
Dr. Gurdev Singh

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and summarizing of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. To check the web analytics the website IJCT is considered. This paper is the first step to analyze the availability and performability of the site. Availability depicts that for how much time the system is up i.e. check the utilization of the system on which that site works.  Performability is the method to analyze each and every module separately and clearly in an efficient manner. Availability and performability collectively check the reliability of the system to ensure the performance measurement of that system. Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring and depicting website traffic but can be used as a tool for business research and market research, as well as a means to check and improve upon the effectiveness and utilization of a web site .The tool used for the web analytics for this site is AWStats. AWStats is an open source Web analytics reporting tool, which used for analyzing the amount of data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers .This tool check the performance of the IJCT separately by dividing one month module to days in month, week in month ,hours in month ,contribution  of various countries, traffic generated etc. This paper deal with the securitization of IJCT for January month to indicate how many events and functionality occurs during surfing on this journal by various users on the Web. This critique helps us to identify the throughput of IJCT.  Here it is clear that users do not actually read: instead, they download and upload the data. A study of different online journals defines that this website scored massive response instead of the short time span. It completely and efficiently elaborate the usage of the IJCT by stating user visited, number of visits,  number of hits ,bandwidth and many more.

2017 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-61
Elena Mancini

Le malattie rare raggruppano un numero elevato di patologie molto diverse tra loro, accumunate, dalla bassissima frequenza statistica nella popolazione (penetranza). Ne consegue una scarsissima numerosità di pazienti per ogni singola patologia e una loro distribuzione in diverse aree geografiche, fattori che comportano oggettive difficoltà nel reclutamento dei pazienti in studi sperimentali e nel coordinamento e organizzazione della ricerca con conseguente ridotta possibilità di effettuare studi clinici e ricerche di carattere genetico. In tale quadro, al fine di fare fronte alle drammatiche necessità di assistenza socio-sanitaria, cura e riabilitazione dei malati rari, sono sorte, in gran parte per merito degli stessi familiari, le associazioni di malati rari. Attualmente tali associazioni svolgono un’attività significativa nella proposizione, organizzazione, partecipazione diretta e pubblicazione dei risultati di ricerche scientifiche. Tale ruolo, rende le associazioni dei pazienti protagoniste anche nel sostegno all’organizzazione e realizzazione di studi clinici e sperimentazioni di farmaci in modo del tutto autonomo e indipendente da controlli da parte delle autorità sanitarie e dei comitati etici. Tale fenomeno noto come “Research Led by Participants” è stato reso possibile dalle enormi potenzialità di contatto e organizzazione offerte dalla rete che ha consentito la creazione di comunità virtuali di pazienti, di siti e blog dedicati all’informazione e comunicazione, e più recentemente, alla raccolta di dati, alla pubblicazione di risultati di ricerche condotte dai malati, nonché al reclutamento degli stessi per la conduzione di tali studi, secondo il modello proposto, ad esempio, dal sito PatientsLikeMe. Non possono tuttavia essere trascurati gli importanti aspetti etici implicati dalla ricerca condotta dai partecipanti. Tali aspetti concernono, come evidente, sia la validità scientifica di tali studi che la protezione dei soggeti che aderiscono alla sperimentazione. Si tratta di una forma di sperimentazione del tutto nuova che richiede la capacità di proporre una modalità di gestione condivisa tra cittadini/pazienti, “terzo settore”, ricercatori, istituzioni e comitati etici in grado di valorizzarne i potenziali benefici conoscitivi creando regole etiche “misurate” su tali circostanze. Nell’articolo sarà proposto un modello teorico di governance del fenomeno e saranno indicati possibili criteri etici operativi. ---------- Rare diseases gather up a large number of different pathologies, all very different among them but similar for the low statistical attendance of population (penetrance). Therefore there is a very low number of patients sick of the same pathology and their presence in different geographical areas makes objectively difficult to recruit patients in order to study their disease and coordinate and organize the research of the pathology. As a consequence there is a very reduced possibility to carry on clinical studies and genetic researches. In this framework, in order to face the dramatic necessity of sociological and sanitary assistance, treatment and rehabilitation of the rare patients, families members generally organize Rare Diseases Patient Organizations. At the moment these organizations develop an important activity with regard to organization, proposals, direct participation and publication of the scientific research results. These organizations also play an important part in supporting the organization and the realization of clinical trials. They play in total autonomy and are independent from every ethical and scientific oversight by the sanitary authorities and ethical committees. This extraordinary event known as “Research Led by Participants”, has been realized thanks to the large contacts possibilities and organization offered by the web which made possible the creation of virtual communities of patients, of blog and web site for information and communication and, more recently, for collecting statistical data, publication of the patients research results and the recruitment of patients in order to manage the studies following the rules and models proposed, for example, by the web site “PatientsLikeMe”. We must however put in evidence the important ethical issues involved in the research led by the participants. These aspects concern, obviously, either the scientific validity of these studies or the protection of the subjects who accept to be submitted to the experimentation. It is a completely new way of experimentation that requires the capacity to propose and follow a governance that must be accepted and shared by citizens/patients, “third sector”, research workers, institutions and ethical committees able to exploit the potential advantageous knowledge and create ethical rules inspired to those new situations. In this article it will be proposed a theoretical model of governance of this phenomenon and also it will be outlined ethical rules for operative plans.

Infolib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Olga Udartseva ◽  

The article deals with the problem of assessing the effect of managing a library web-site. The purpose of the article is to identify indicators of effective website management. It has been established that the result of website management can be expressed by several effects at once: social, technological, managerial, economic. The analytical basis for assessing indicators is the data of web analytical tools. The definition of the effectiveness of the library in the web environment, considered in the article, is given. A detailed list of actions is proposed to assess the possible effects of managing a library website using web analytics data

A.V. Krishna Prasad ◽  
Varaprasad Rao M

Web plays an important role in running business organizations, governments, societies, education sector, scientific organizations, social networks etc. As soon as web application has been deployed into the production environment, some or all of its features are available to the users. Web analytics is used to understand the usage pattern and its behaviour of users. The Web analytics is a procedure of measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting of Internet data to optimize the business processes and maximize their revenue. Web Analytics is processes of inspecting, analyzing, tracking, measuring and reporting of web data for the purpose of discovering useful information, understanding web site quality, assess and improve the effectiveness of a website.

2003 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-86
Christine Rzepka

One of the top reasons given for use of the internet is the ability to search for health information. However, much of the planning for web-based health information often fails to consider accessibility issues. If health care organizations and community agencies’ web sites have the latest, most wellresearched information on the health topics of the day, it is useless to those who cannot access it because of invisible technological barriers. Many flashy, high-tech sites were designed only to appeal to the needs of the mainstream population, with no consideration given to how people with disabilities must adapt their use of the web in order to access information. This article addresses issues of access specific to web site development, and will explore barriers to accessibility frequently experienced by web users with disabilities, requirements for ADA compliance, and how people with disabilities use the web. Web site accessibility guidelines, as well as simple evaluation tools, will be discussed. A thorough review of the article will enable even the least tech-savvy of health educators to enhance their skills in planning and evaluating web sites to promote access for people with disabilities.

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