scholarly journals Técnica legislativa y disfunciones de las técnicas normativas en España. Retos actuales.


LABURPENA: Legezkotasun-printzipioaren krisiaren eta arau-hierarkiaren printzipioaren aldaketaren ondorioz Espainiako arau-sistemak gaur egun dituen arazoei heltzen die lan honek. Horrek agerian uzten ditu legegintza-ahalaren eta erregelamenduak egiteko ahalaren distortsio garrantzitsu batzuk, eta distortsio horiek, azken batean, herritarrek legegintza-jardueraren eta administrazio-jardueraren aurrean izan behar dituzten gutxieneko bermeak murriztea dakarte. Gainera, aurrekoa estu-estu lotuta dago garrantzi handiagoko gai batekin, hots, arauen ugaritzearekin eta gure arauetan dagoen kalitate eta arrazionaltasun faltarekin. Gure ustez, hori gertatzen da ez dagoelako legegintza-teknika eraginkor eta efiziente baterako jarraibideak ezartzen dituen “legegintza-teoriarik”. Gogoeta patxadatsua egin behar dugu zer legegintza-politika behar dugun jakiteko; izan ere, horrela bakarrik egin ahal izango dugu argitasun pixka bat egungo arau-sistema nahasian, eta herritarrei behar duten segurtasun juridikoa bermatu. Gure helburua da gai horiek aztertzea eta ekimen batzuk proposatzea, gure legegintza-teknikaren kalitatea eta arrazionaltasuna hobetzeko. ABSTRACT: This work addresses the current problems of the Spanish regulatory system as a consequence of the crisis of the principle of legality and the alteration of the principle of the hyerarchy of the norms. This exposes some important distortions both in legislative and regulatory powers, which ultimately are translated into a loss in the minimum guarantees citizens must enjoy vis a vis the legislative activity and administrative action. Moreover, this is closely linked to a deeper issue at stake: the proliferation of regulations and the lack of quality and rationality that reigns in our norms. We believe this is due to the absence of a "theory of legislation" that establishes the guidelines for an effective and efficient legislative technique. It is necessary to reflect carefully on which legislative policy is required, as only then can we provide some clarity to the current confusing regulatory system and assure the citizens the legal certainty they need. We aim to analyse these issues and propose several initiatives that may improve the quality and rationality of our legislative technique. RESUMEN: Este trabajo aborda los problemas actuales del sistema normativo español como consecuencia de la crisis del principio de legalidad y la alteración del principio de jerarquía normativa. Ello pone de manifiesto algunas distorsiones importantes tanto de la potestad legislativa como de la potestad reglamentaria que, en último extremo se traducen en una merma de las mínimas garantías que deben tener los ciudadanos ante la actividad legislativa y la actuación administrativa. Además, lo anterior está íntimamente relacionado con una cuestión de mayor calado como es la proliferación normativa y la falta de calidad y racionalidad que impera en nuestras normas. Entendemos que ello es debido a la ausencia de una “teoría de la legislación” que establezca cuáles son las pautas para una técnica legislativa eficaz y eficiente. Es necesario realizar una reflexión pausada de qué política legislativa necesitamos, pues sólo así podremos aportar algo de claridad en el confuso sistema normativo actual y garantizar a los ciudadanos la seguridad jurídica que necesitan. Es nuestro objetivo analizar estas cuestiones y proponer algunas iniciativas que mejoren la calidad y la racionalidad de nuestra técnica legislativa.


LABURPENA: Hirigintza-jardueraren garrantziak argi erakusten du administrazioaren diziplinazko esku-hartzea beharrezkoa dela. Baina esku-hartze hori administrazioaren jardueraren berri ematen duten printzipioek bideratu behar dute. Printzipioon artean legaltasunekoak, segurtasun juridikokoak eta proportzionaltasunekoak nabarmenduko ditugu jarraian. Proportzionaltasun printzipioa hirigintzako zaharberritze arloan aplikatzeak balio dezake administrazioaren jarduera arrazionaltasunez eta justiziaz hornitzeko arauaren aplikazio zorrotzen aurrean, baita praktikan konplexuak diren egoerak konpontzeko ere. Baina beharrezkoa da hori aplikatzeko suposizioak eta eskakizunak hobeto arautzea, segurtasun juridikoa ez dadin ahuldu eta ez dadin erabili legez kontrako jarduerak justifikatzeko tresna gisa. RESUMEN: La trascendencia de la actividad urbanística no deja lugar a dudas sobre la necesidad de la intervención administrativa disciplinaria. Pero tal intervención ha de estar orientada por los principios que informan la actuación administrativa, de los que, concretamente, resaltamos ahora los de legalidad, seguridad jurídica y proporcionalidad. La aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad en el ámbito restaurador urbanístico puede servir para dotar de racionalidad y justicia a la actuación administrativa frente a la estricta aplicación de la norma y dar solución a situaciones complejas en la práctica, pero es necesaria una mejor regulación de los supuestos y requisitos para su aplicación a fin de evitar que la seguridad jurídica se vea resentida y que sea utilizado como instrumento para justificar ilegalidades. ABSTRACT: The importance of town-planning activity is beyond doubt about the need of the disciplinary administrative intervention. But that intervention has to be directed by the principles which rule the administrative action, among which, we specifically highlight the principle of legality, legal certainty and proportionality. The application of the principle of proportionality in the town-planning urban sphere can be suitable for providing the administrative action with rationality and fairness against the strict application of the norm and so give answer to complex situations, but it is necessary a better regulation of the facts and conditions for its application so as to avoid to damage legal certainty and that it is used as a tool for justifying illegalities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (11) ◽  

The principle of legal certainty applied to the principle of extra ordinary crime is contrary to the respect for humanity as the most fundamental human rights principle and the principle of legality is associated with positive law and international conventions. The results of this study are intended to seek or find arguments for the certainty of the execution of the death penalty for the community, family, convicts and the state, so that the research on death penalty decisions in narcotics cases that occurred from 2014 to 2018. This research method is included in normative juridical law research. The conclusion is, sentencing with the threat of the death penalty can still be applied in Indonesia in narcotics crime cases is appropriate. Therefore, the death penalty, of course, state law does not conflict with religious law/teachings, in other words, the death penalty does not conflict with the first precepts because the first principle of Pancasila is Belief in One God, which means based on the beliefs/religions of each person who in carrying out/believes His religion is also guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which is contained in Article 28 E paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) and Article 29 paragraph (2).

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Fabio Giuffrida

This contribution examines whether the principles laid down in M.A.S., M.B. (‘ Taricco II’) may play a role in some forthcoming decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). In Scialdone, the Court will be asked to strike a balance between the effectiveness of national legislation on VAT offences and the principle of lex mitior. The key difference between Taricco and Scialdone lies in the fact that the lex mitior principle, unlike the regulation of the statute of limitation, falls within the scope of the principle of legality at the European level. Kolev concerns instead an alleged incompatibility between Article 325 TFEU and the Bulgarian Code of Criminal Procedure. Unlike Taricco, therefore, the CJEU will have to deal with national rules that form part of procedural criminal law. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that the Court may reach a Taricco II-like conclusion (i.e. disapplication in theory, exception to the disapplication in practice), especially if the reasoning of the CJEU will rely on the importance of foreseeability and legal certainty in criminal matters. These same principles could lead the CJEU, in Menci, not to endorse the partial revirement of the European Court of Human Rights in the A. and B v. Norway ruling and, as a consequence, not to lower the EU standard of protection of the right not to be tried or punished twice for the same offence.

Richard Summers

Effective legal redress against unlawful building works or construction activities can be an elusive target.  Given the desirability of legal certainty attached to administrative decisions in terms of which building plans are approved, should the practical implications of this principle trump the equally important principle of legality?  This article examines the – at times – competing imperatives of certainty and legality in the context of several recent decisions of the Western Cape High Court that related to applications for interdictory relief for the cessation of allegedly unlawful building works.  The practical difficulties for an applicant in these circumstances are particularly acute when the relief is sought pending the final determination of an application for judicial review of the impugned administrative decision to grant building plan approval.  The article highlights the approach of the Western Cape High Court in three cases to invoking considerations of legality in circumstances where building works had reached an advanced stage and the respondent had effectively achieved what has been described as an "impregnable position".  The principal difficulty for an applicant lies in the fact that where interdictory relief is sought against building works that have reached an advanced stage, this potentially renders an eventual successful review application brutum fulmen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Lulu Yulianti

Indonesia is one of the countries that adheres to the concept of the state law which is closely related to the principle of legality as a guarantee of legal certainty for the people and the country. However, there is often a legal vacuum due to the rapid development of human needs. This problem is certainly not all can be arranged in detail in legislation in writing, because it will cause over regulation. Therefore, discretion must be a solution to fill the legal vacuum in line with the development of human needs. Discretion is certainly not necessarily without the burden of accountability. Maladministration often occurs in the implementation of discretion which results in criminal liability for corruption and legal liability for state administration. To find out the concept of discretion and place it in appropriate judicial competence, it is necessary to review the history of the concept of discretion and the history of the element of abusing authority which is closely the case with the concept of discretion. In this research, we will discuss the history of the concept of discretion in Indonesiay And the history of abusing authority in Indonesia is divided into 3 periods, namely the period before independence, the new order and reformation. 


LABURPENA: Azterlan honek agerian uzten du gure Zuzenbidearen barruko legezkotasunaren printzipioaren krisia eta gainbehera, zeina areagotu egin duten ekonomia-krisiak politikara eta erakundeetara ekarri dituen ondorioek. Beste printzipio batzuk, segurtasun juridikoarena edo legezko konfiantzarena, esaterako, gai dira lege idatzien gainetik ezarrita geratzeko. Printzipio horien izaera orokorrak idatzizko lege baten berezko espezialitateak baino segurtasun handiagoa ekartzen du, azken hori aldaketa etengabe eta azkarren menpean baitago. Hori guztia dela eta, behar-beharrezkoa da gure diziplinaren beste planteamendu bat egitea; izan ere, orain arte legezkotasun-printzipioan eta formalismoan oinarritu izan da. RESUMEN: Este estudio pone de manifiesto la crisis y decadencia del principio de legalidad en nuestro Derecho, agravada por las consecuencias que ha acarreado la crisis económica en el entramado político e institucional. Otros principios jurídicos, como el de seguridad jurídica o el de confianza legítima, emergen con capacidad para imponerse sobre la ley escrita. La generalidad de los principios aporta una seguridad mayor que la especialidad inherente a una ley escrita, sometida a continuas y vertiginosas modificaciones. Todo ello exige un replanteamiento de nuestra disciplina, apoyada hasta ahora en el carácter basilar del principio de legalidad y en el formalismo. ABSTRACT: This study reveals the crisis and decline of the principle of legality in our Law, aggravated by the impact that the economic crisis has resulted in the political and institutional framework. Other legal principles, such as legal certainty and legitimate expectation, emerge with capacity to impose on the written law. The generality of the principles brings greater security to specialty inherent in a law written, subjected to continuous and dizzying change. All of this requires a rethinking of our discipline, supported so far by basilar character of the principle of legality and in the formalism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Ade Adhari

ABSTRAKPutusan Nomor 003/PUU-IV/2006 menyatakan materiele wederrechtelijk dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi bertentangan dengan Pasal 28D ayat (1) UUD NRI 1945, dan tidak berlaku mengikat. Penelitian ini berupaya memahami apakah tepat atau tidak pertimbangan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam putusan tersebut. Dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan penelitian doktrinal, norma hukum serta asas yang melandasi lahirnya putusan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui terdapat ketidaktepatan dalam pertimbangan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Mahkamah Konstitusi telah keliru dalam usahanya memvalidasi Penjelasan Pasal 2 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi dengan menguji berdasarkan asas legalitas yang terdapat dalam Pasal 1 ayat (1) KUHP. Padahal prinsipnya pengujian yang dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi adalah menguji undang-undang terhadap UUD NRI 1945. Selain itu, Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi berorientasi pada asas legalitas yang hanya mengutamakan rechtssicherheit dan mengesampingkan keberadaan gerechtigkeit dan zweckmässigkeit. Lebih dari itu, tidak diakuinya materiele wederrechtelijk telah meniadakan eksistensi hukum yang hidup di masyarakat sebagai sumber hukum untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan bersifat melawan hukum. Hal ini bertentangan dengan mandat Pasal 18B ayat (2) UUD NRI 1945, dan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dengan demikian materiele wederrechtelijk tidak bertentangan dengan kontitusi.Kata kunci: materiele wederrechtelijk, korupsi, konstitusionalitas. ABSTRACT Constitutional Court Decision Number 003/PUUIV/2006 states unlawful criminal acts (materiele wederrechtelijk) in the Anti-Corruption Law is inconsistent with Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution, and not binding. Doctrinal research, legal norms and principles underlying the birth of the court decision are used in answering whether the problem arising from the decision is justified. Based on the result of the research, there is an inaccuracy in the consideration of the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court has erred in its attempt to validate the Elucidation of Article 2 Paragraph (1) of Corruption Law by examining based on the legality principle contained in Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. Whereas in principle, what has been conducted by the Constitutional Court is a judicial review of the law against the 1945 Constitution. In addition, the Constitutional Court’s decision is oriented on the principle of legality which only prioritizes legal  certainty (Rechtssicherheit) and overrides justice (Gerechtigkeit) and utility (Zweckmässigkeit). Moreover, the unrecognized materiele wederrechtelijk has negated the existence of a living law in society as a source of law to declare unlawful acts. This is contrary to the mandate of Article 18B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution and various prevailing laws and regulations. Thus, the material wederrechtelijk is not contradictory to the constitution. Keywords: materiele wederrechtelijk, corruption, constitutionality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Agus Iskandar

ABSTRAK Tax amnesty in the form of tax debt relief along with sanctions creates legal problems. The problem is how to enforce the law on the principle of legality in the legal system of taxation in Indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical approach, therefore the main data used is secondary data in the form of legislative regulations - data analysis invitations carried out in qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the study, that legal certainty in law enforcement by looking at the inaccuracies of regulations concerning the substance and form of legislation - invitation will weaken the principle of legality. From the experience of tax amnesty implementation, it turns out that tax amnesty does not necessarily increase state revenues, nor does tax amnesty automatically increase investment. As a suggestion, tax amnesty as an incentive needs to get policy support from other sectors so as to create the expected investment climate. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (13) ◽  
Bhakti Prasetyo

Hypnosis crime is a conventional crime that has existed since ancient times until today, although it has been around since before this country turns to date we have not had a clause governing criminal offenses. In Empirical hypnosis crime has a lot going on in Indonesia and has many court decisions are fixed (Incracht) that hypnosis criminal act is a criminal offense. The principle of legality to say that "there is no act can be imprisoned except by the power of the criminal provisions of the existing law" means that the person can not be punished without any written rules that govern them.In fact a lot of events that happen in the middle of the community where the event has not been set in criminal law today. Hypnosis crime is one of the many legal issues that occur at this time where the crime is no crime that govern article.Judge looks hypnosis is used as a tool for easy mode or intentions that resulted in harm to another person called a crime and imprisonment sanction that be a lesson to the public or to the law enforcement agencies for to ensure legal certainty and sense of fairness in society.Key words :Penegakkan hukum (law enforcement), Keadilan (Justice),  Kepastian (assurance)Sanksi ( Sanction )


LABURPENA: Ofiziozko berrikuspenaren teknikaren bitartez, egintza administratibo bat eman duen organoak eraginik gabe utz dezake egintza hori, deuseztasun erradikaleko arrazoiak direla eta; horrenbestez, nahitaezkoa da legezkotasunaren eta segurtasun juridikoaren printzipioen arteko talka neurtzea edo haztatzea. Ebatzi gabeko auzi bat da zehaztea ea, Administrazioak erabateko deuseztasunik ez dela irizten dion kasuetan ere, Estatu Kontseiluaren edo kontsulta-organo autonomikoaren irizpena nahitaezkoa den, eskaria egin duen partikularraren eskubidea delako. Artikulu honetan, aurrez aurreko bi jarrerak aztertzen dira, eta irizpena nahitaezkoa ez dela dioen jarrera aldezten da. ABSTRACT: Conceived as that technique that allows the body that elaborates an administrative act to revoke it on grounds of complete nullity, the institution of the ex officio review requires weighing the impact over the principle of legality and that of legal certainty. An open question is to determine whether in those cases where the Administration considers that nullity is wanting, yet the opinion by the Council of State or autonomic equivalents remains compulsory as a right of the individual petitioner. In this article, two opposing perspectives are analyzed taking sides with the position that considers the opinion not prescriptive. RESUMEN: Concebida como aquella técnica que permite al órgano autor de un acto administrativo dejarlo sin efecto por motivos de nulidad radical, la institución de la revisión de oficio exige ponderar la colisión entre el principio de legalidad y el de seguridad jurídica. Una cuestión no resuelta consiste en determinar si en los casos en que la Administración considera que no existe nulidad de pleno derecho, si aun así resulta preceptivo dictamen del Consejo de Estado u órgano consultivo autonómico porque sea un derecho del particular instante. En este artículo se analizan las dos posiciones enfrentadas, tomando partido por la que considera que el dictamen no es preceptivo.

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