scholarly journals Johann Christian Heuson, a little-known auroral scholar of the early 18th century

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-95
K. Schlegel ◽  
S. Silverman

Abstract. Heuson published two booklets of observations of the aurora of 17/18 February, 1/2 March 1721, and 16/17 November 1729 together with contemporary thoughts about the subject. His work characterizes him as a well-educated scholar familiar with contemporary auroral observations and theories. Heuson rejects views of the aurora as an omen or portent of divine wrath, but explains the aurora as a natural phenomenon and is thus in line with other well-known auroral scholars of that time.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Orlando Fraga

Three central features of Baroque music encompass a large portion of questions about the performance of this particular repertory: its improvisatory aspect, the use of basso continuo, and the instrumental color and variety. Teorbo and lute solos, aside of playing a role as a continuo, filled in the intermissions of oratorios in Italy since late 17th century, while organ concertos provided the same function for English oratorios in the early 18th century. It is from Handel's early period ‒ his first trip to Italy in 1707 ‒ that teorbo and archiliuto start to appear in his vocal music. Handel employed either the teorbo or archiliuto (or simply liuto) in twelve vocal works and in one instrumental Ouverture.  A complete examination of the circumstances that involve this particular aspect of Handel's music is the subject this paper.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 321-337
Валентина [Valentina] Миронска-Христовска [Mironska-Hristovska]

Relations between the Sublime Porte and the Archbishopric of Ohrid in the 18th century (reasons for rapprochement and estrangement)Non-canonical abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric on May 17, 1767 is an act that made deep impact in Macedonian history. The abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric, conducted at the discretion of the Constantinople Patriarchate – is the key axis around which present denials of Macedonian Church revolve together with the denial of historical cultural tradition of Macedonian nation, Macedonian territories and Macedonian name. As a result of this situation, from today’s perspective, we are given the opportunity to highlight the raising of Macedonian question, which unfortunately hasn’t been resolved primarily due to the politics of our neighbours.Since the abolishment occurred during the Ottoman rule in Macedonia, the subject matter results from it as well as the consideration of relations between the Sublime Porte and the Ohrid Archbishopric. Ever since the 14th century Macedonia was territorially and administratively under the Sublime Porte, where as spiritually it was independent (as of the 10th century). The Porte not interfering with the autocephaly of Ohrid Archbishopric provided a range of benefits to the development of Macedonian medieval written tradition (notably by scriptor centers), the continued development of Slavic church services, the development of other cultural spheres as well as preservation of Macedonian folk language and Macedonian beat.The key turning point in deteriorated relationship between the Archbishopric and the Porte occurred in the late 17th or early 18th century, when the Porte was highly engaged in European political and military events, when its economic power declined, when phanariotes strengthened their positions as Constantinople Patriarchate and in the external and internal politics of the Ottoman empire. Their propaganda against Ohrid church superiors was so successful that triggered frequent replacement of archbishops, their financial power was so great that they became leaders in trade on the Balkans, Russia and Europe, they acquired range of privileges, one of the key being that they were official interpreters – dragomen in negotiations between the Porte and European powers. They used it all to achieve their political goal – abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric, an act through which they tended to realize their Megali Idea for the process of which they began assimilation that interfered with church services, cultural heritage, language, identity and the territory of Macedonian people.  Relacje pomiędzy Wysoką Portą a arcybiskupstwem ochrydzkim w XVIII wieku (powody zacieśniania i rozluźniania wzajemnych stosunków) Niekanoniczna likwidacja arcybiskupstwa ochrydzkiego 17 maja 1767 roku okazała się wydarzeniem brzemiennym w skutki dla historii Macedonii. Decyzja patriarchatu w Carogrodzie o jego likwidacji stała się punktem odniesienia, wokół którego koncentrują się problemy współczesności – negowanie istnienia Macedońskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego, kulturowo-historycznej tradycji macedońskiej, narodu macedońskiego, terytorium państwa oraz jego nazwy własnej. Ciągłość tej sytuacji z dzisiejszej perspektywy daje możliwość podkreślenia problemu macedońskiego, który nie został rozwiązany w wyniku polityki, jaką prowadziły sąsiednie państwa.Likwidacja arcybiskupstwa nastąpiła w okresie panowania osmańskiego, co pozwala na ukazanie relacji kształtujących się pomiędzy Wysoką Portą a arcybiskupstwem ochrydzkim. Ziemie macedońskie od XIV wieku znajdowały się pod terytorialną i administracyjną jurysdykcją państwa osmańskiego, utrzymywały jednak od X wieku niezależność religijną.Autokefalię arcybiskupstwa ochrydzkiego wobec Wysokiej Porty umożliwiała średniowieczna tradycja piśmiennicza (skupiona głównie wokół ośrodków skryptorskich), kontynuacja liturgii w języku słowiańskim oraz zachowanie języka, którym posługiwali się słowiańscy mieszkańcy ziem macedońskich.Pogorszenie relacji pomiędzy arcybiskupstwem a Portą nastąpiło pod koniec XVII wieku i na początku wieku XVIII, kiedy imperium osmańskie było maksymalnie zaangażowane w politykę i wojny prowadzone w Europie, kiedy słabło ekonomicznie. Tymczasem fanarioci wzmacniali swe pozycje w patriarchacie w Carogrodzie, zyskiwali też na znaczeniu w wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej polityce państwa. Działania, jakie podejmowali wobec biskupów ochrydzkich, okazały się na tyle skuteczne, że zaczęli wypierać hierarchów macedońskich z ich stanowisk. Fanarioci stawali się coraz większą siłą finansową – zyskali ­uprzywilejowany status w handlu na Bałkanach, w Rosji i w Europie, otrzymali również liczne przywileje, jakie zapewniała im funkcja oficjalnych tłumaczy (dragomanów) w rozmowach pomiędzy Portą a państwami europejskimi. Wszystko to wykorzystywali do realizacji swoich celów politycznych – likwidacja arcybiskupstwa w Ochrydzie miała być krokiem do urzeczywistnienia ­Megali Idei, prowadzącym do asymilacji ludności ziem macedońskich poprzez wprowadzenie liturgii w języku greckim, asymilację dziedzictwa kultury, języka i tożsamości.

2010 ◽  
Vol 38 (110) ◽  
pp. 51-74
Maria Johansen

THIS IS THE TIME. AND THIS IS THE RECORD OF TIMEToday’s extensive use of databases for storing identifying biometric and genetic information raises several questions on the relations between bodies, tech nology, information, power, human rights and personal integrity. While an individualistic understanding of the human being is inadequate as a way of approaching this complex of problems, we are also confronted with the challenge not to dissolve the subject, thus overlooking the fragility of our condition and the ways in which our bodies are being encroached. The present article attempts to meet this double challenge.Starting with the short story Fantomina: or Love in a Maze, written by Eliza Haywood during the early 18th century, and with a discussion on some relations between fiction, power and surveillance, the article investigates contemporary ways in which bodies are being inscribed in laws and captured in the trap of scription when used as proofs of identity. The article analyzes questions of identification in their historical complexity, as well as the patterns that are played out by powers of recording, operating with some continuity over the past centuries.It is also suggested that so-called bodily freedoms and rights, as well as integrity, could gain in critical significance by considering the “betweenness” – the inter-est of Hannah Arendt – and the ways in which our existence presupposes the other (understood as both the world and the others conditioning us). Opposing the individualistic tradition, the law understood as a boundary does not, thus, enclose independent individuals in sovereign possession of themselves beyond time and space; instead, the boundary gains its significance in relation to an opaque who in continuous becoming.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 323-378
David Allen ◽  
Briony A. Lalor ◽  
Ginny Pringle

This report describes excavations at Basing Grange, Basing House, Hampshire, between 1999 and 2006. It embraces the 'Time Team' investigations in Grange Field, adjacent to the Great Barn, which were superseded and amplified by the work of the Basingstoke Archaeological & Historical Society, supervised by David Allen. This revealed the foundations of a 'hunting lodge' or mansion built in the 1670s and demolished, and effectively 'lost', in the mid-18th century. Beneath this residence were the remains of agricultural buildings, earlier than and contemporary with the nearby Great Barn, which were destroyed during the English Civil War. The report contains a detailed appraisal of the pottery, glass and clay tobacco pipes from the site and draws attention to the remarkable window leads that provide a clue to the mansion's date of construction. It also explores a probable link with what was taking place on the Basing House site in the late 17th and early 18th century.

2010 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-99 ◽  
Oliver Jahraus

Der Beitrag untersucht den Zusammenhang von Reflexivität und Medialität (das, was ein Medium zum Medium macht), indem er die Idee der Reflexion an den konkreten Formen von Spiegelungen in Literatur und Film wie zum Beispiel Doppelgänger oder Figurenspaltungen darstellt. Dabei zeigt sich, daß jedes Medium autoreflexiv verfasst ist und daß die Vorstellung von Subjektivität seit dem 18. Jahrhundert selbst auf diesem Zusammenspiel von Reflexivität und Medialität beruht. Das Subjekt gilt demnach als reflexiver Effekt der Medialität, wie es an einer Betrachtung von Foucaults berühmter Meninas-Interpretation nachverfolgt werden kann.<br><br>This article analyses the relation between reflexivity and mediality (what makes a medium a medium) by presenting concrete situations of optical and specular reflections in literature and film, such as doubles (Doppelgänger) and split figures. Thus it can be shown that since the 18th century every medium is self-reflexive and that the concept of subjectivity has its basis in the interplay of reflexivity and mediality. The subject is an effect of medialitity as may be demonstrated by a new recapitulation of Foucault’s famous Meninas-interpretation.

Vera V. Serdechnaia ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of literary romanticism. The research aims at a refinement of the “romanticism” concept in relation to the history of the literary process. The main research methods include conceptual analysis, textual analysis, comparative historical research. The author analyzes the semantic genesis of the term “romanticism”, various interpretations of the concept, compares the definitions of different periods and cultures. The main results of the study are as follows. The history of the term “romanticism” shows a change in a number of definitions for the same concept in relation to the same literary phenomena. By the end of the 20th century, realizing the existence of significant contradictions in the content of the term “romanticism”, researchers often come to abandon it. At the same time, the steady use of the term “romanticism” testifies to the subject-conceptual component that exists in it, which does not lose its relevance, but just needs a theoretical refinement. Conclusion: one have to revise an approach to romanticism as a theoretical concept, based on the change in the concept of an individual in Europe at the end of the 18th century. It is the newly discovered freedom of an individual predetermines the rethinking for the image of the author as a creator and determines the artistic features of literary romanticism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018/2 ◽  
pp. 31-53

DESIGNATION OF JUDICIAL DOCUMENTS IN THE THIRD STATUTE OF LITHUANIA AND THE ATTRIBUTES OF THEIR EVOLUTION ADAM STANKEVIČ The author of the article analyses the designation of documents drawn up and issued by the court, their conception, field of application, and place in the court procedure as presented in the Third Statute of Lithuania (TSL). In addition, an attempt is made to exhibit the changes that such documents and their designations underwent in later centuries (until the end of the 18th c.) by means of the example of the Lithuanian Tribunal. The research revealed that documents which in the sources from different periods were referred to by the same name meant different things or were simultaneously attributed several meanings. In the 17th-18th century, only part of the terms featured in the Third Statute of Lithuania were used in the judicial practice of the Lithuanian Tribunal, and with time some of them were replaced with other terms. Several terms denoting summonses (pozew, mandat, zakaz) can be identified in the TSL, and all of them were in use until the very end of the 18th century. However, a single term – dekret / decretum – was used to designate the judgement (actually, for some time there was a differentiation between the court judgement and its procedural summary, but later the generalized term for the judgement prevailed). A number of documents in the TSL are referred to as the “open letter”, however, later some of them acquired specialised names (e.g. the power of attorney). With time, there were certain changes in the context in which some of the terms were used (e.g. the term “cedule” which in the 18th century was already consistently used exceptionally in a particular situation, namely when a litigant refused to obey the order of the court and informed in writing a judicial officer of such refusal) or the terms themselves underwent certain changes (in the 18th century the term membran was substituted with the term blankiet). Part of the judicial documents mentioned in the TSL disappeared in the long run or there was a certain decrease in their significance (this is true of the reminder and adjournment documents as well as glejt (protection letter)). The examples above suggest that the Lithuanian Tribunal would sometimes issue reminders and guarantee documents, though legal acts did not explicitly provide for that. The TSL offered a number of terms hardly related with the investigation of a case, therefore in the early 18th century, with the improvement of judicial procedures, they underwent rapid changes. The procedure of the implementation of a court ruling, which underwent significant changes, is accountable for the introduction of new terms, for example, with time several terms pertaining to the notification of the litigants were used simultaneously (obwieszczenie, innotescencyja, list tradycyjny). Most probably due to the unification processes observed in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century, a number of Latin origin terms were introduced in the judicial practice of the GDL, e.g. cytacyja, decyzyja, innotestencyja, plenipotencyja, obdukcyja, wizyja, inkwizycyja, weryfikacyja, kalkulacyja, tradycyja (all of them had been used in Poland but were not featured in the TSL).

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-167
Christopher M. Graney

This paper discusses measurements of the apparent diameter and parallax of the star Sirius, made in the early 18th century by Jacques Cassini, and how those measurements were discussed by other writers. Of particular interest is how other writers accepted Cassini’s measurements, but then discussed Sirius and other stars as though they were all the same size as the sun. Cassini’s measurements, by contrast, required Sirius and other stars to dwarf the sun—something Cassini explicitly noted, and something that echoed the ideas of Johannes Kepler more than a century earlier.

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