scholarly journals Pre-commencement interviews to support transition and retention of first year undergraduate students

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-31 ◽  
Denise Wood ◽  
Gillian Gray-Ganter ◽  
Robyn Bailey

This paper reports the findings of a pilot study conducted at a regional university in Australia involving a pre-commencement interview strategy that aimed to better support first-year students transitioning into an undergraduate nursing program. The aim of the study was to determine the efficacy of the approach and inform the development of more effective transition and retention strategies (STARS) at the institutional level. The study was informed by Kalsbeek’s (2013) ‘4 Ps’ framework for student retention, which identifies student profile, progress through their studies, university processes and alignment between a university’s promises and the student experience of its delivery on those promises as critical components of an all-of-institution approach to improving student retention and success. An additional ‘P’, preparedness, was identified as another important dimension, recognising that student preparedness for study is a vital component of an effective transition and retention strategy. The findings viewed through the lens of the expanded ‘5Ps’ framework highlight the potential of the approach as an institutional strategy for improving student transition, retention and success.  

2006 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-138 ◽  
Tracey J. Devonport ◽  
Andrew M. Lane

Relationships between self-efficacy, coping and retention among first-year undergraduate students were investigated. Qualitative methods were used to develop a self-efficacy measure assessing confidence to achieve those competencies required to successfully complete the first year of an undergraduate degree. One hundred and thirty-one first-year students completed a 40-item self-efficacy questionnaire and the MCOPE (Crocker & Graham, 1995) at the start of the academic year. Factor analysis indicated a coherent 5-factor model that described self-efficacy to manage time, use learning resources, work in groups, work well in lectures, and communicate. Results indicated that the coping strategies of planning and seeking social support for instrumental purposes significantly related to more than one self-efficacy factor and that self-efficacy scores taken at the start of the course could correctly classify 81.3% of students who subsequently withdrew. Findings lend insight into the association between strategies used to cope with environmental and interpersonal demands, and self-efficacy to cope with the demands of an undergraduate degree.

Alison Farrell ◽  
Janet Goosney ◽  
Karen Hutchens

Introduction: Many faculty in two Schools of Nursing found that students in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Nursing program were not well equipped to perform information literacy activities efficiently and effectively, such as doing research to support their daily work. A course-integrated information literacy program was implemented at both sites, which left some students having very little information literacy training, whereas others who started the program in later years had information literacy training in all or most years of the curriculum. This study sought to evaluate students as they gained more experience with information literacy. Methods: To determine if increased exposure to information literacy training improved students' levels of competency and confidence, the authors compared first-year students with two groups of fourth-year students who had differing exposures to information literacy. Results: Acceptable response rates for data analysis were acquired at only one site. It was found that overall, fourth-year students were more confident and tested better with information literacy competencies than first-year students, but there was not as much improvement as was hypothesized. Discussion: The results of this evaluation have demonstrated a need to improve the information literacy teaching in certain areas. The data have also indicated that students do indeed retain information literacy skills with an increased number of sessions. Further areas for study are outlined as well as the limitations and strengths of the study design.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Christine S. Chauvet ◽  
Maya R. Kalogirou ◽  
Olive Yonge

Background and objectives: First year students experience a significant transition when entering nursing school. The purpose of this research was to explore first year nursing students’ experiences to enhance and innovate the undergraduate nursing program at a large public Canadian university.Methods: The Faculty of Nursing approached their curriculum redesign process utilizing a Developmental Evaluation (DE) framework. Nineteen first year students participated in semi structured interviews and focus groups where they discussed their personal experiences as well as the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the program. After thematic analysis of the data, recommendations were provided to the faculty administration to guide changes made to the new curriculum.Results: Students appreciated opportunities where they could apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Students also expressed many sources of stress, such as inconsistency within and between courses, differing expectations, content, instruction style, and evaluation. They also voiced that there was a lack of communication and support from the Faculty and identified issues with grading systems.Conclusions: The findings from this study highlighted the need to revise the nursing curriculum to provide more student support and foster a positive student-faculty relationship. The current structure of nursing programs has created competition among students, causing a greater focus on obtaining higher grades than on meaningful learning. Integrated learning with authentic experiences was best received by first year students and provided for a collaborative environment. Finally, the findings from this study highlight the opportunities created by utilizing a DE approach to evaluate and innovate nursing curricula.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
Meg Raven

Objective: This study sought to better understand the research expectations of first-year students upon beginning university study, and how these expectations differed from those of their professors. Most academic librarians observe that the research expectations of these two groups differ considerably and being able to articulate where these differences are greatest may help us provided more focused instruction, and allow us to work more effectively with professors and student support services. Methods: 317 first-year undergraduate students and 75 professors at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, NS were surveyed to determine what they each expected of first-year student research. Students were surveyed on the first day of term so as to best understand their research expectations as they transitioned from high school to university. Results: The gulf between student and professor research expectations was found to be considerable, especially in areas such as time required for reading and research, and the resources necessary to do research. While students rated their preparedness for university as high, they also had high expectations related to their ability to use non-academic sources. Not unexpectedly, the majority of professors believed that students are not prepared to do university-level research, they do not take enough responsibility for their own learning, they should use more academic research sources, and read twice as much as students believe they should. Conclusions: By better understanding differing research expectations, students can be guided very early in their studies about appropriate academic research practices, and librarians and professors can provide students with improved research instruction. Strategies for working with students, professors and the university community are discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Kimberly Miller

A Review of: Hulseberg, A., & Twait, M. (2016). Sophomores speaking: An exploratory study of student research practices. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 23(2), 130-150. Abstract Objective – To understand sophomore undergraduate students’ research practices. Design – Mixed methods online survey and participant interviews. Setting – A small liberal arts college in the Midwestern United States of America. Subjects – The sample consisted of 660 second-year students; 139 students responded to the survey (21% response rate). In-depth interviews were conducted with 13 of the 139 survey respondents. Methods – A 13-item survey was emailed to sophomore students during October 2012. To analyze the results, the authors and a library student intern developed a coding scheme to apply to open-ended survey questions. Survey respondents could also volunteer for in-depth interviews. A total of 50 survey respondents volunteered, and 14 were invited for in-depth interviews between December 2012 and January 2013. The interview protocol included open-ended questions about students’ research experiences. Students were also asked to identify and discuss one recent research project. Interviews were audio and video recorded; data from one interview was lost due to technology failure, resulting in data analysis of 13 interviews. Interview transcripts were coded by an anthropology doctoral student, the study authors, and a library student assistant. Main Results – The survey found that students completed fewer research projects and used fewer library resources as sophomores than they did as first-year students. For example, only 4.9% (n=7) of students reported completing zero research assignments in their first year, compared with 34.5% (n=48) in their second year. When asked if there were library resources or skills they wanted to know about sooner in their academic career, students’ top reply was “Nothing” (34.5%, n=48), followed by “Navigating the physical space” (15.8%, n=22), “Librarians/staff & reference desk” (11.5%, n=16), and “Effective searching & evaluating sources” (10.8%, n=15). Male and female students’ responses differed, with male students less likely overall to express interest in library resources. While 42.4% (n=59) of students replied that they would consult with a librarian for help with their research projects, this option ranked third after professors (83.5%, n=116) and peers (70.5%, n=98). Again, responses varied by gender, with female students (49.5%, n=49) more likely than male students (26.3%, n=10) to contact a librarian about a research project. Most interview participants replied that searching online, including library resources, was their research starting point. Students most often selected research topics, based on their interest, from a professor-approved list. Students identified “relevant content, familiarity . . . , and credibility” (p. 138) as important source evaluation characteristics. The majority of students also used library information sources in their research, including databases, research guides, and the catalogue. Students most often mentioned struggling with “finding sources/identifying keywords” (n=6) and “finding known items” (n=6). Unlike survey respondents, interview participants unanimously reported consulting with a librarian. Most students (n=11) received library instruction as first-year students, and some suggested that this instruction helped them feel comfortable asking for help. Finally, most students felt that their research habits improved from their first year to their second year, specifically with regards to “their research technique, improved confidence . . . and an expanded source horizon” (p. 143). Conclusion – The authors recommend continuing strong information literacy support to first-year students, as well as working with faculty members and other campus partners to promote reference services to sophomores. When compared to previous research, the current study reports a higher percentage of students seeking librarian assistance; however, because some students also reported confusion about when and how to ask for help, further analysis could explore how reference librarians capitalize on peer and faculty “referral networks” (p. 145). Finding that students face significant challenges early in the research process was consistent with previous research, and future study might reveal more about this specific phenomenon in sophomores. Interviews should also be extended to include students who are non-library users. Finally, the authors suggest that the findings provide no evidence of a “sophomore information literacy slump” (p. 146).

Jasbir Karneil Singh ◽  
Ben K. Daniel

Expressing an authoritative voice is an essential part of academic writing at university. However, the performance of the authorial self in writing is complex yet fundamental to academic success as a large part of academic assessment involves writing to the academy. More specifically, the performance of the authorial self can be complex for English as a Second Language (ESL) student-writers. This research investigated the extent to which ESL first-year students at the Fiji National University perform their authorial voice using interactional metadiscourse in their academic writing. The study employed a quantitative analysis of corpus produced by 16 Fijian ESL undergraduate students enrolled in an EAP course. The research found that the ESL authorial voice was predominantly expressed through boosters and attitude markers, with relatively little usage of other interactional metadiscoursal elements such as hedges, engagement markers and self-mentions. Further, the research showed that this particular cohort expressed their authorial voice and identity through boosted arguments and avoiding language that directly mentions the authorial self. The study concludes that the ESL authorial self for this cohort manifests itself in a selected range of selected interactional metadiscoursal elements, requiring the need to raise the awareness of self-reflective expressions for ESL students. The study also encourages further exploration of ESL authorial identity construction in academic writing at undergraduate level and beyond.

Gylo (Julie) Hercelinskyj ◽  
Beryl McEwan

This chapter presents an overview of an innovative teaching approach in an undergraduate nursing degree at Charles Darwin University (CDU). The authors describe the development and initial integration into the first year clinical nursing subject of a virtual learning space using a case-based approach to address some of the issues associated with an externalised Bachelor of Nursing program. In addition, the use of the CDU vHospital® in supporting early role socialisation into nursing and professional identity of first year nursing students will be explored. The findings and outcomes of formal and informal evaluations of the resource are also presented. Lastly, the authors identify recommendations for future development and areas for potential future research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 229-245 ◽  
Nicolás Veiga ◽  
Florencia Luzardo ◽  
Kenneth Irving ◽  
María N. Rodríguez-Ayán ◽  
Julia Torres

As a fundamental part of their chemical education, first-year undergraduate students are substantially involved in laboratory activities. Despite the specific teaching staff choices on the main laboratory aims, students normally receive a vast amount of information during these activities. Apart from understanding theoretical content, fundamental skills such as manipulation, data collection and interpretation should be developed. In this context, learners could feel overwhelmed since they can only process a few pieces of information at a time. Indeed, our experience at theUniversidad de la República(Uruguayan public university) shows that many first-year students are in fact not able to cope with all the information they receive during laboratory activities. As a result, many of them only follow the experimental protocol automatically, without gaining significant knowledge or developing the necessary skills. In this work, we assessed the use of new online interactive pre-laboratory activities implemented for 252 first-year university students enrolled in a 12-module General Chemistry laboratory course. The student choice of interactiveversusmore traditional material was evaluated together with observed preferences regarding the different interactive tools offered. Besides, an online pre-laboratory discussion forum was also implemented and assessed. Both the interactive material and the discussion forum were chosen freely by the majority of students (61% and 79%, respectively). Interestingly, the choice was to some extent modulated by student previous performance. Interactive pre-laboratory material was more frequently chosen by low previous performance students, whereas pre-laboratory forum was preferentially used by high previous performance students. Finally, the influence of these new materials on student laboratory performance was statistically analyzed. Other personal and academic variables were also taken into account. Interactive material access was positively correlated with the final laboratory marks for medium previous performance learners. On the other hand, for lower previous performance students, the academic discussion between teachers and partners promoted by the online forum was positively correlated with their academic performance.

2017 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-150 ◽  
Kati Mäenpää ◽  
Kirsi Pyhältö ◽  
Hanna Järvenoja ◽  
Jouni Peltonen

Motivation regulation, study engagement, and students' wellbeing are critical components of skillful self-regulated learning. However, few studies have focused on these factors and their relationship in nursing education and as there is an increased usage of blended learning in nursing education, measuring students' learning in this setting is increasingly important. This person-oriented, quantitative study explored first-year nursing students' ( N = 90) motivation regulation related to study engagement and study burnout in blended and traditional learning environments in two undergraduate nursing programs. Regardless of the learning environment, the majority of the nursing students (65.6%) had a highly developed motivation regulation profile. They performed highly on motivation regulation, showed strong engagement, and exibhited reduced exposure for study burnout compared to those with less-developed motivation regulation profiles. It is suggested that motivation regulation, study engagement, and experienced burnout influence nursing students' learning. These components should be emphasized in developing nursing education and facilitating nursing students' learning.

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