2004 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Vera Irene Jurkevics

Este texto reflete um segmento da pesquisa de nossa Tese de Doutorado e, objetiva analisar algumas das mudanças ocorridas na Igreja, com base nas diretrizes estabelecidas pelo Concílio Vaticano II (1962-1965). Algumas delas, como as Comunidades Eclesiais de Base e a Teologia da Libertação promoveram o catolicismo à condição de principal interlocutor das mudanças sociais e políticas, enquanto outras, como a Renovação Carismática Católica (RCC), privilegiada neste artigo, buscaram recuperar a importância do indivíduo, revalorizaram os sacramentos rituais, a oração, destacando uma vivência religiosa fortemente marcada pela expansão das emoções, da cura, dos milagres e dos efeitos mágicos dos dons do Espírito Santo. Catholic Charismatic Renovation: re-enchantment of the world Abstract This text reflects part of the research of our Doctorate Theses and aims to analyze some of the changes occurred in the Church, based on the directives established by the II Vatican Council (1962-1965). Some of them, such as the Ecclesiastic Communities of Base and the Theology of Liberation promoted the Catholicism to the condition of main interlocutor of the social and political changes, whereas others, such as Catholic Charismatic Renovation (RCC), privileged in this article, sought for getting back the individual importance, revalued the ritual sacraments, the prayer, emphasizing a religious experiencing strongly characterized by emotions expansion, by healing, by miracles, and by magical effects of the Holy Spirit gifts.

Richard Lennan

Karl Rahner (1904–84) played a significant role in broadening the emphases of Roman Catholic ecclesiology in the decades before the Second Vatican Council (1962–5). He contributed notably to the work of Vatican II itself, and was likewise prominent in promoting a positive reception of the council’s ecclesiology. Rahner viewed the church in relation to God’s self-communication in grace. For Rahner, the church was a sacramental reality, formed by grace to witness to Christ in the world. The church’s sacramental role encompassed all aspects of its life, including its structures and organs of authority, which could not be ends in themselves. Rahner combined a deep commitment to the mission of the church in the world with a clear-eyed view of the church’s need to be self-critical and to remain open to the movement of the Holy Spirit, especially in the promotion of unity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 44 (124) ◽  
pp. 373
Frei Carlos Josaphat

O artigo apresenta a ética de liberdade proposta pelo Concílio Vaticano II para a Igreja e o mundo. Parte da afirmação: “Todos serão teodidatas”, ou seja, no íntimo da consciência todos os seres humanos abertos ao transcendente estarão unidos direta e imediatamente a Deus. Considera vários paradigmas éticos formulados pelo Concílio. No paradigma pneumatológico ressalta a centralidade da ação do Espírito Santo. A docilidade à Palavra e ao Espírito Santo constitui atitude fundamental para se viver em autenticidade da consciência e obediência à Igreja. No paradigma eclesiológico reflete sobre a Igreja Povo de Deus como comunhão no Espírito e do Espírito; como sacramento do Amor, dedica-se à amplidão e profundidade do Amor, o que é decisivo para o aggiornamento proposto por João XXIII. No paradigma antropológico, mostra a conquista da compreensão de unidade entre dignidade singular da pessoa e a imagem divina da tradição bíblica; sobressai-se o valor da liberdade e o dom da fé, que fundamenta a ética dos valores; esta integra e leva à perfeição a aspiração à liberdade e às liberdades.Abstract. The article presents the ethic of freedom proposed by the Second Vatican Council for the Church and the world. Part of the statement: “all will be teodidatas”, in other words, in the depths of consciousness every human being open to the transcendent will be united directly and immediately to God. Consider various ethical paradigms formulated by the Council. In the pneumatological paradigm the emphasis is on the centrality of the Holy Spirit. The docility to the Word and to the Holy Spirit is a fundamental attitude to live in authenticity of conscience and obedience to the Church. In the Ecclesiological paradigm the reflection on the Church, people of God, as communion in the Spirit and of the Spirit; as sacrament of Love, is dedicated to the breadth and depth of love, what is decisive for the “aggiornamento” proposed by John XXIII. In the anthropological paradigm, the conquest is revealed of the understanding of unity between singular dignity of the person and the divine image of biblical tradition; excels the value of freedom and the gift of faith, which is the basis of the ethical values; this integrates and brings to perfection the aspiration to freedom and freedoms.

2010 ◽  
Vol 36 (100) ◽  
pp. 353
Bernardino Leers

Várias pesquisas de opinião demonstram que a grande maioria dos católicos, casais e pais, não aceitam a doutrina oficial sobre a “paternidade responsável”. Evitando qualquer solução cômoda e inspirado pelos textos do Concílio Vaticano II e seus autores principais, o A. procura analisar pistas teológicas: o princípio da Encarnação; a universalidade das consciências morais; a autonomia das realidade terrestres; os leigos no povo de Deus, protagonistas da ação no mundo. Pelo diálogo com os casais e a convergência dos posicionamentos, sob a luz dos Espírito Santo, abrir-se-á o caminho da solução.ABSTRACT: Several opinion based polls demonstrate that the great majority of catholics, couples and parents, do not accept the official doctrine concerning “responsible parenthood”. Avoiding any easy solution and inspired by the texts of the Vatican Council II and its principal authors, some theological clues are analyzed: the principle of the Incarnation; the universality of moral consciences; the autonomy of terrestrial realities; the laity in the people of God as protagonists of action in the world. Through dialogue with couples and through the convergence of stances under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the way toward a possible solution may be opened up.

1988 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 298-309
Joseph M. McShane

Throughout his career John Carroll supported the American religious settlement with surprising and consistent enthusiasm. Indeed, his enthusiasm for the religious liberty of the new republic seemed to be boundless. Thus he never tired of celebrating and advertising its benefits. He assured American Catholics that it was “a signal instance of [God's] mercy” and a product of the active intervention of Divine Providence and the Holy Spirit, who have “tutored the minds of men” in such a way that Catholics could now freely worship God according to the “dictates of conscience.” Flushed with pride, he even predicted that if America were wise enough to abide by the terms of this providential arrangement, the nation would become a beacon to the world, proving that “general and equal toleration…is the most effectual method to bring all denominations of Christians to an unity of faith.” Finally, confident that the extraordinary freedom accorded American Catholics would make the American church “the most flourishing portion of the church,” he urged European states and churches to follow America's inspired lead.

1998 ◽  
Vol 58 (230) ◽  
pp. 275-310
Medoro de Oliveira Souza Neto

O Espírito Santo engendra uma dinâmica comunional na Igreja, mediante os carismas, que instauram uma estrutura permanente carismático-ministerial-alterativa, que é comum às diversas comunidades neotestamentárias, não obstante modelos organizacionais diferentes. Isso permite superar a dicotomia clero/laicato, sem prejuízo para o ministério ordenado e, ao mesmo tempo, fundamentando o protagonismo dos leigos na missão e sua co-participação nas decisões da Igreja. Abstract: Through the Charismas, the Holy Spirit engenders a dynamic communion in the Church which establishes a permanent and articulate structure between charisma and ministries, which is usual to the diverse New Testament communities, though with dijferent organizaiional models. This fact overcomes the dichotomy clergy-laity, without damage to the ordained ministry, and at the same time laying the foundation for the lead of the lay people in the mission and its co-participation in the decisions of the church.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Dale T. Irvin

In his 1998 article titled “God Inside Out: Toward a Missionary Theology of the Holy Spirit,” Stephen Bevans referred to Johannes Hoekendijk’s 1964 publication The Church Inside Out as his starting point. This article follows Bevans’s lead in exploring Hoekendijk’s legacy and contribution to theology and mission today. At key points I draw the connection of Hoekendijk’s thinking with that of Bevans, highlighting in the end the manner in which they both agree that the church itself is not of ultimate importance to God, but the world into which the Spirit still sends us in mission.

2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-101
Robert P. Menzies

AbstractIn this article, Menzies notes that Reformed theologians have tended to read Luke's writings in the light of Paul's epistles. As a result, their theological reflection on the Spirit has centered more on his work in the Word and sacraments, the 'inner witness' of the Spirit, and less on his mission to the world. Additionally, this methodology has encouraged Reformed scholars to associate the Pentecostal gift (i.e. Spirit baptism) with conversion and regeneration. However, through an examination of key passages in Luke-Acts, Menzies argues that Luke has a unique contribution to make to a holistic biblical theology of the Spirit. Luke's understanding of baptism in the Holy Spirit is different from that of Paul. It is missiological rather than soteriological in nature. The Spirit of Pentecost is, in reality, the Spirit for others - the Spirit that compels and empowers the church to bring the 'good news' of Jesus to a lost and dying world. It is this Lukan, missiological perspective that shapes a Pentecostal understanding of baptism in the Holy Spirit. Menzies concludes that the clarity and vigor of Luke's message is lost when his narrative is read through Pauline lenses. Luke has a distinctive voice and it is a voice the church needs to hear.

Tom Greggs

This chapter examines Bonhoeffer’s account of the church and advocates that throughout Bonhoeffer’s corpus there remains a desire to explicate the reality of the church in terms of its structural being with and for the other. This structure exists both internally in terms of its members’ relation to each other, and externally as the church relates as a corporate body to the world. The chapter considers Bonhoeffer’s ecclesiological method; the visibility of the church; vicarious representation; the church as the body of Christ; the agency of the Holy Spirit; preaching, the sacraments, and the offices of the church; and the question of the church in a religionless age.

1948 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-240
G. Johnson

In its classical expression Christianity means a new life which God makes available for all who become apprentices of His Son Jesus Christ. Now sinful men cannot unaided appropriate the blessings of that life. Besides the message of the Prodigal who “ came to himself” the Gospel exhibits in the Cross divine love that has entered the far country and suffers the ordeal inevitably imposed there by human sin. Really to hear the Gospel is to respond in penitent love to the God who was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. But how shall men hear unless there be preachers? The Gospel by God's gracious provision is brought to each new generation by those who enter into the apostolic tradition; apostolic, because in history we depend upon those who were the first eye-witnesses of Jesus and His resurrection. Nevertheless the apostles preached under the authority of the Holy Spirit who testifies to Christ and proceeds from the eternal life of the Father and the Son (see John 14.26; 15.26 f.). Paul the apostle preached in the power of the Spirit (Rom. 15.19; 1 Cor. 2.4); it was God who had given apostles to the Church, inspiring them with wisdom and knowledge (1 Cor. 12.8, 28). We find similar testimony in Eph. 3.5 (a revelation disclosed to the apostles and prophets by the Spirit); 1 Pet. 1.12, which links preaching and inspiration; and Acts where we read of men filled with the Spirit, like Stephen and Philip, going out as evangelists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 136
Gernaida K. R. Pakpahan ◽  
Frans Pantan ◽  
Epafras Djohan Handojo

Peter Wagner, as an expert on church growth, stated that the Apostolic church is a church that is experiencing rapid growth. This claim is made because many Apostolic churches have been built around the world. The church continued the spirit of the apostles at the time of the early church's birth. However, it is important to conduct an in-depth study regarding the realization in the field; whether a thriving Apostolic church is carrying out God's mission or the personal ambition of a charismatic church leader. This study analyzes how the church which is said to be an Apostolic church runs its organization so that it experiences significant growth. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The researcher tries to explore the phenomena and data obtained through respondents about the transformative apostolic church that was developed in the ministry of the Indonesian Bethel Church of Gatot Subroto. In conclusion, GBI Gatot Subroto is a transformative apostolic church, because of several things, such as a visionary church, senior pastors or mentor pastors as apostolic leaders, divine authority and the work of the Holy Spirit have an impact, the church as a center for leadership training and discipleship across generations implements apostolic ministry followed by other gifts/services, prioritizing mission, and focusing on the Kingdom of God.AbstrakPeter Wagner, sebagai salah satu ahli pertumbuhan gereja, menyatakan bahwa gereja Apostolik adalah gereja yang mengalami pertumbuhan secara pesat. Klaim ini disampaikan karena banyak-nya terbangun gereja-gereja beraliran Apostolik di seluruh dunia. Gereja tersebut melanjutkan semangat para rasul pada masa lahirnya gereja mula-mula. Namun, penting untuk dilakukan kajian mendalam terkait realisasi di lapangan; apakah gereja Apostolik yang berkembang menja-lankan misi Allah atau ambisi pribadi dari pemimpin gereja yang berkharismatik. Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana gereja yang dikatakan sebagai gereja Apostolik menjalankan organisa-sinya, sehingga mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti berusaha mengeksplorasi fenomena dan data-data yang diperoleh melalui responden tentang gereja apostolik transformatif yang dikembangkan dalam pelayanan Gereja Bethel Indonesia Gatot Subroto. Kesimpu-lannya, GBI Gatot Subroto adalah gereja apostolik transformatif, karena beberapa hal, seperti: gereja yang visioner, gembala senior atau gembala pembina sebagai pemimpin kerasulan, otoritas Ilahi dan pekerjaan Roh Kudus berdampak, gereja sebagai pusat pelatihan kepemimpinan dan pemuridan lintas generasi, menerap-kan jawatan rasuli diikuti karunia-karunia/jawatan lainnya, memprioritaskan misi, dan berfokus pada Kerajaan Allah.

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