Clinical pharmacy post competency evaluation of pharmaceutical postgraduate students by the weighted technique of order preference by similarity to ideal solution method

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 292-294
Ning ZHANG ◽  
Aihua WANG
2021 ◽  
Wojciech Kamiński

AbstractThis article considers factors of number of sidings and the occurrences of transit traffic and presents a comparison of selected railway lines in Poland. Multi-criteria analysis methods were used, like the zero unitarization method and the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method. The comparison made it possible to arrange the selected railway lines in the order from the most to the least useful. The obtained results showed also that zero unitarization method is limited only to the analysis of all lines on which transit traffic occurs or all lines without transit traffic. The comparison of all lines is possible using the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method.

Pratibha Rani ◽  
Arunodaya Raj Mishra ◽  
Abbas Mardani ◽  
Fausto Cavallaro ◽  
Raghunathan Krishankumar ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Yuqing Geng ◽  
Mukasar Maimaituerxun ◽  
Han Zhang

The interaction between water governance and tourism is complicated and significant so that the study of the coupling coordination between these two subsystems is important. This study analyzes the correlation mechanism of the water governance-tourism system, constructs the composite and aggregated evaluation system which consists of 5 dimensions and 15 indicators, uses information entropy weight technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution method to evaluate the development degrees of both water governance and tourism growth of the 11 regions in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, analyzes the two subsystems’ relation of coupling coordination temporally and spatially with the coupling coordination degree model, predicts degrees of coupling coordination of the regions for the next 4 years with gray system prediction model, and proposes specific and generalizable countermeasures. The results show that these methods can provide an effective reference to evaluate the coupling coordination development of water governance and tourism and to provide scientific and generalizable countermeasures for enhancement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-88
Rita Ratna Sari ◽  
Nurwati Nurwati ◽  
Elly Rahayu

Abstract:All students in the world of education in the learning process are not separated from the various rules and regulations that apply or are implemented by the school and it is mandatory to be obeyed by every student. With this, it is intended that every student knows about discipline. At SMP Negeri 1 Bosar Maligas presence, tidiness, personality and order are aspects of discipline which are used as references to measure the level of student discipline. The mechanism for measuring the level of discipline of each student is measured manually, namely by accumulating points of violations committed by students, then determining the sanctions that will be given. The purpose of this study is to analyze and design a decision support system to determine the level of discipline and sanctions for student violations using the TOPSIS (Technique Order Preference by Similarity To Ideal Solution) method and implement the system to assist counseling teachers in monitoring student discipline levels, and can be effective and efficiently find the number of points of violation committed by students. The system is designed using the MySQL database, PHP programming language, and Macromedia Dreamweaver application software. Keywords: Discipline, TOPSIS, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Hypertext PrePocessor, Decision Support Systems.  Abstrak: Semua siswa di dalam dunia pendidikan  dalam proses belajar tidak ada yang  terlepas dari berbagai tata tertib dan peraturan yang berlaku atau di jalankan oleh sekolah dan memang wajib harus di taati oleh setiap siswa. Dengan adanya hal tersebut bertujuan supaya setiap siswa mengetahui tentang kedisiplinan.  Di SMP Negeri 1 Bosar Maligas kehadiran, kerapian, kepribadian dan ketertiban  merupakan aspek kedisiplinan yang dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk mengukur tingkat kedisiplinan siswa. Mekanisme pengukuran tingkat  disiplin dari masing-masing siswa diukur dengan cara manual, yaitu dengan mengakumulasi point pelanggaran yang dilakukan siswa, kemudian ditentukan sanksi yang akan diberikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan merancang sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan tingkat kedisiplinan dan sanksi pelanggaran siswa menggunakan metode TOPSIS (Technique Order Preferenceby Similarity ToIdeal Solution) dan mengimplementasikan sistem tersebut untuk membantu guru BK dalam memantau tingkat kedisiplinan siswa, dan dapat dengan efektif dan efesien mencari jumlah point pelanggaran yang di lakukan oleh siswa.Sistemdi rancang menggunakan database MySQL,bahasa pemrograman PHP, dan software aplikasi macromedia dreamweaver. Kata Kunci :Kedisiplinan, TOPSIS, Macromedia Dreamweaver, PHP, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Satit Yodmun ◽  
Wichai Witayakiattilerd

This paper presents a stock selection approach assisted by fuzzy procedures. In this approach, stocks are classified into groups according to business types. Within each group, the stocks are screened and then ranked according to their investment weight obtained from fuzzy quantitative analysis. Groups were also ranked according to their group weight obtained from fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method (TOPSIS). The overall weight for each stock was then derived from both of these weights and used for selecting a stock into the portfolio. As a demonstration, our analysis procedures were applied to a test set of data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 53 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 627-634
Raman Kumar ◽  
Sunpreet Singh

This study focuses on multi-criteria decision-making theory to pick vacuum cleaner available in the Indian market. The choice of a vacuum cleaner for the customer is an intricate decision-making, the problem involving multiple conflicting criteria such as the cost of the vacuum cleaner, dust bag capacity, power consumption, and so on. The simple methodology based on the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution method is presented to choose a vacuum cleaner. Based on data collection, eight different companies/brands are considered with 26 diverse models. The ranks of the different alternatives obtained with Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution method are presented. The result reveals that the alternative Karcher WD 3.200 comes out to be the first choice, followed by Karcher WD 4.200 and Eureka Forbes Sensi. This approach based upon multi-criteria decision-making is very beneficial for retailer and wholesalers to help consumers/customers for purchasing their product/item or the consumer itself can make use of this simple methodology. The established proof-of-concept could be further used in the different domains of engineering, science, and management, wherein the decision-making could be biased and vague.

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