Pollack Periodica
Latest Publications





Published By Akademiai Kiado Zrt.

1788-3911, 1788-1994

2021 ◽  

Abstract Transmission congestion issues became more severe and difficult to control as the power sector became more deregulated. The grey wolf optimization algorithm is proposed to relieve congestion by rescheduling generation effectively, resulting in the least congestion cost. The selection of participating generators is based on sensitivity, and the proposed technique is used to determine the best-rescheduled output active power generation to minimize line overload. The IEEE-30 bus system is used to test the proposed optimization technique. It has been demonstrated that when compared to other algorithms like the real coded genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and differential evolution algorithm, the proposed approach produces excellent results in terms of congestion cost.

2021 ◽  

Abstract Many of the engineering applications have faced the delicate contact problem in the area close to the forces where it is very difficult to experimentally carry out various measurements and draw important conclusions on the condition of the contact points. In this paper the forced state in the vicinity of the forces for the half-plane will be studied. Furthermore, the qualities displayed by the half-plane under the action of normal forces, tangential forces and the moment caused by a pair of forces will be analyzed, as well as changes in the elastic characteristics for the forced plane state and the deformed plane state.

2021 ◽  

Abstract A new two-level hierarchical approach to control the trolley position and payload swinging of an overhead crane is proposed. At the first level, a simple mathematical pendulum model is investigated considering the time delay due to the use of a vision system. In the second level, a chain model is developed, extending the previous pendulum model considering the vibration of the suspending chain. The relative displacement of the payload is measured with a vision sensor, and the rest of the state-space variables are determined by a collocated observer. The gain parameters related to the state variables of the chain vibration are determined by the use of a pole placement method. The proposed controller is verified by numerical simulation and experimentally on a laboratory test bench.

2021 ◽  

Abstract Finite element method is known as the most common methods in a numerical analysis of reservoirs subjected to the influence of an earthquake. Investigating the effects of interaction between structures and fluid during the earthquake is among the major objectives of the present research. In this article, by selecting a variety of conventional modes of fluid storage, the dynamic effects of the reservoir and their mutual effects based on changes in physical parameters are analyzed. Unexpectedly, based on the results of this study, it was observed that the crisis situation always does not occur in the full state of the tank. Moreover, the filled and semi-filled reservoirs require seismic retrofitting for mode 10% below the tank height.

2021 ◽  

Abstract This paper presents an experimental study of abrasive waterjet turning of an extrusion aluminum alloy (AlMg0,7Si). The aim of the paper is to determine differences of two methods from the point of view of machined surface quality and the depth of penetration, i.e., the diameter of the parts after the turning process. During the experiments, the traverse speed of the cutting head and the rotation of the turned parts were changed, other parameters, like pressure of the water, abrasive mass flow rate were kept constant. Diameter and some surface roughness parameters of the test parts were measured after the machining. On the base of experimental results, advantages, and disadvantages of two methods are explained in the paper.

2021 ◽  

Abstract The article is devoted to decision of actual task of air distribution efficiency increase due to swirled air jets application. The aim of the paper is investigation of swirled air jets, analytical dependencies obtaining for determination of the air velocity attenuation coefficient, aerodynamic local resistance coefficient and noise level from the twisting plates inclination angle; optimization of the twisting plates inclination angle of the air distributor. It has been established that increase of the angle results in the air velocity attenuation coefficient increase and results in decrease of the noise level and resistance coefficient of air distributor. The optimum angle of the plates is determined considering aerodynamic, noise and energy aspects and equals 36°.

2021 ◽  

Abstract Many security vulnerabilities can be detected by static analysis. This paper is a case study and a performance comparison of four open-source static analysis tools and plugins (PMD, SpotBugs, Find Security Bugs, and SonarQube) on Java source code. Experiments have been conducted on the widely used Juliet Test Suite with respect to six selected weaknesses from the official Top 25 list of Common Weakness Enumeration. In this study, analysis metrics have been calculated for helping Java developers decide which tools can be used when checking their programs for security vulnerabilities. It turned out that particular weaknesses are best detected with particular tools.

2021 ◽  

Abstract This paper robotic process automation is highlighted in modern business environments to understand about the progression of robotic process automation and how robotic process automation has brought changes to the world of business. Adoption of robotic process automation tools has raised lots of questions, but their deployment in a business has changed the outcome of the return on investment in a business by reducing cost and time taken on repetitive tasks. The paper is differentiating robotic process automation bot from artificial intelligence and robotics for the better understanding of lay audience. The paper also gives an insight about futuristic aspects of robotic process automation and robotic process automation 2.0.

2021 ◽  

Abstract This study aims to increase the mechanical properties of the composite material manufactured by the lamination process. In this study, the lamination process will be implemented in two ways, and mechanical properties are compared between the two methods. The first method covers the lamination process under the influence of vacuum pressure only, while in the second method lamination process is achieved by the influence of vacuum pressure and vibrate by shaker device. The results showed that the endurance stress of fatigue increased by 18.18% for the material manufactured by the lamination process under the influence of vibration, while the yield stress and ultimate stress values remained roughly constant for both methods.

2021 ◽  

Abstract Building information modeling is a complex and structure-based methodology. It applies predefined steps and frameworks; however, an audit procedure can be complicated and time-consuming. The steps of the evaluations are based on logical connections that also form algorithms in a manual workflow. Algorithms can be interpreted by computers with the help of software languages. A higher level of automation, more efficient workflows, and more economical and accurate results can be developed by using algorithms.

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