scholarly journals La conformité entre les règlements d'urbanisme, le plan d'urbanisme et le schéma d'aménagement

2005 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 543-621
François Marchand

Since the adoption of an Act respecting land use and development, the council of a regional county municipality has a legal obligation to adopt a development plan. Every municipality in the regional county community is also required to adopt a planning program, a zoning by-law, a subdivision by-law and a building by-law. This program and those by-laws must be in conformity with the objectives of the development plan. In some cases, the local by-laws also must be in conformity with the local planning program. In the first part, this essay establishes the difference between the obligation of conformity with the regional plan and the obligation of conformity with the local planning program. In the second part, the essay analyses the principles of conformity ; first the principles of interpretation and second the principles of application.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-110
Adrian Firdaus ◽  
M. Dwi Yoga Sutanto ◽  
Rajin Sihombing ◽  
M. Weldy Hermawan

Abstract Every port in Indonesia must have a Port Master Plan that contains an integrated port development plan. This study discusses one important aspect in the preparation of the Port Master Plan, namely the projected movement of goods and passengers, which can be used as a reference in determining the need for facilities at each stage of port development. The case study was conducted at a port located in a district in Maluku Province and aims to evaluate the analysis of projected demand for goods and passengers occurring at the port. The projection method used is time series and econometric projection. The projection results are then compared with the existing data in 2018. The results of this study show that the econometric projection gives adequate results in predicting loading and unloading activities as well as the number of passenger arrival and departure in 2018. This is indicated by the difference in the percentage of projection results towards the existing data, which is smaller than 10%. Whereas for loading and unloading activities, time series projections with logarithmic trends give better results than econometric projections. Keywords: port, port master plan, port development, unloading activities  Abstrak Setiap pelabuhan di Indonesia harus memiliki sebuah Rencana Induk Pelabuhan yang memuat rencana pengem-bangan pelabuhan secara terpadu. Studi ini membahas salah satu aspek penting dalam penyusunan Rencana Induk Pelabuhan, yaitu proyeksi pergerakan barang dan penumpang, yang dapat dipakai sebagai acuan dalam penentuan kebutuhan fasilitas di setiap tahap pengembangan pelabuhan. Studi kasus dilakukan pada sebuah pelabuhan yang terletak di sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Maluku dan bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi ter-hadap analisis proyeksi demand barang dan penumpang yang terjadi di pelabuhan tersebut. Metode proyeksi yang dipakai adalah proyeksi deret waktu dan ekonometrik. Hasil proyeksi selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan data eksisting tahun 2018. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa proyeksi ekonometrik memberikan hasil yang cukup baik dalam memprediksi aktivitas bongkar barang serta jumlah penumpang naik dan turun di tahun 2018. Hal ini diindikasikan dengan selisih persentase hasil proyeksi terhadap data eksisting yang lebih kecil dari 10%. Sedangkan untuk aktivitas muat barang, proyeksi deret waktu dengan tren logaritmik memberikan hasil yang lebih baik daripada proyeksi ekonometrik. Kata-kata kunci: pelabuhan, rencana induk pelabuhan, pengembangan pelauhan, aktivitas bongkar barang

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (9) ◽  
pp. 3763-3775 ◽  
K. Meusburger ◽  
G. Leitinger ◽  
L. Mabit ◽  
M. H. Mueller ◽  
A. Walter ◽  

Abstract. Snow processes might be one important driver of soil erosion in Alpine grasslands and thus the unknown variable when erosion modelling is attempted. The aim of this study is to assess the importance of snow gliding as a soil erosion agent for four different land use/land cover types in a subalpine area in Switzerland. We used three different approaches to estimate soil erosion rates: sediment yield measurements in snow glide depositions, the fallout radionuclide 137Cs and modelling with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). RUSLE permits the evaluation of soil loss by water erosion, the 137Cs method integrates soil loss due to all erosion agents involved, and the measurement of snow glide deposition sediment yield can be directly related to snow-glide-induced erosion. Further, cumulative snow glide distance was measured for the sites in the winter of 2009/2010 and modelled for the surrounding area and long-term average winter precipitation (1959–2010) with the spatial snow glide model (SSGM). Measured snow glide distance confirmed the presence of snow gliding and ranged from 2 to 189 cm, with lower values on the north-facing slopes. We observed a reduction of snow glide distance with increasing surface roughness of the vegetation, which is an important information with respect to conservation planning and expected and ongoing land use changes in the Alps. Snow glide erosion estimated from the snow glide depositions was highly variable with values ranging from 0.03 to 22.9 t ha−1 yr−1 in the winter of 2012/2013. For sites affected by snow glide deposition, a mean erosion rate of 8.4 t ha−1 yr−1 was found. The difference in long-term erosion rates determined with RUSLE and 137Cs confirms the constant influence of snow-glide-induced erosion, since a large difference (lower proportion of water erosion compared to total net erosion) was observed for sites with high snow glide rates and vice versa. Moreover, the difference between RUSLE and 137Cs erosion rates was related to the measured snow glide distance (R2 = 0.64; p < 0.005) and to the snow deposition sediment yields (R2 = 0.39; p = 0.13). The SSGM reproduced the relative difference of the measured snow glide values under different land uses and land cover types. The resulting map highlighted the relevance of snow gliding for large parts of the investigated area. Based on these results, we conclude that snow gliding appears to be a crucial and non-negligible process impacting soil erosion patterns and magnitude in subalpine areas with similar topographic and climatic conditions.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 353
Ya-Wen Chiueh ◽  
Chih-Hung Tan ◽  
Hsiang-Yi Hsu

In the face of climate change, extreme climates are becoming more frequent. There were severe droughts in Taiwan in 2020, 2014–2015, and 2002. In these years, the paddy fields were kept fallow to save water and transfer agricultural water to non-agricultural use. On the other hand, with global warming, the existence of paddy fields may be one of the natural solutions to regional temperature mitigation. This study used remote sensing to quantify the difference in temperature between paddy fields and urban areas. The result of overall surface temperature deductive analysis revealed that the temperature in the whole Taoyuan research area was 1.2 °C higher in 2002 than in 2003 because of fallowing of the paddy field, while in the Hsinchu research area, it was 1.5 °C higher in 2002 than in 2003, due to the same reason described above. In terms of the difference in land use, for the Hsinchu research area, the surface temperature deductive result showed that the average paddy field temperature in 2002 was 22.3 °C (sample area average), which was 7.7 °C lower than that of the building and road point and 4.3 °C lower than that of the bare land point. The average paddy field temperature in 2003 was 19.2 °C (sample area average), which was 10.1 °C lower than that of the building and road point and 8.3 °C lower than that of the bare land point. Then this study evaluated the economic valuation of the paddy field cooling effect using the contingent valuation method. Through the paddy field cooling effect and in the face of worsening extreme global climate, the willingness to pay (WTP) of the respondents in Taiwan for a decrease of 1 °C with regard to the regional microclimate was evaluated. It was found that people in Taiwan are willing to pay an extra 8.89 USD/per kg rice/year for the paddy for a decrease in temperature by 1 °C in the regional microclimate due to the paddy field. Furthermore, this study applied the benefits transfer method to evaluate the value of a decrease of 1 °C in the regional microclimate in Taiwan. The value of a decrease of 1 °C in the regional microclimate in Taiwan is 9,693,144,279 USD/year. In this regard, the economic value of 1 °C must not be underestimated. In conclusion, more caution is needed while making decisions to change the land use of paddy fields to other land uses.

1979 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 363-379 ◽  

A procedure is outlined for analyzing soil data for regional land use planning. Maps of basic land factor limitations are illustrated for the Ottawa urban fringe, and each map is evaluated for biological and nonbiological uses. The major land factors relative to urbanization are used along with other data to derive an urban "suitability" map. Results are compared to the regional development plan for the area.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
pp. 2909-2930 ◽  
Sebastian Lienert ◽  
Fortunat Joos

Abstract. A dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) is applied in a probabilistic framework and benchmarking system to constrain uncertain model parameters by observations and to quantify carbon emissions from land-use and land-cover change (LULCC). Processes featured in DGVMs include parameters which are prone to substantial uncertainty. To cope with these uncertainties Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) is used to create a 1000-member perturbed parameter ensemble, which is then evaluated with a diverse set of global and spatiotemporally resolved observational constraints. We discuss the performance of the constrained ensemble and use it to formulate a new best-guess version of the model (LPX-Bern v1.4). The observationally constrained ensemble is used to investigate historical emissions due to LULCC (ELUC) and their sensitivity to model parametrization. We find a global ELUC estimate of 158 (108, 211) PgC (median and 90 % confidence interval) between 1800 and 2016. We compare ELUC to other estimates both globally and regionally. Spatial patterns are investigated and estimates of ELUC of the 10 countries with the largest contribution to the flux over the historical period are reported. We consider model versions with and without additional land-use processes (shifting cultivation and wood harvest) and find that the difference in global ELUC is on the same order of magnitude as parameter-induced uncertainty and in some cases could potentially even be offset with appropriate parameter choice.

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 108 ◽  
Ketut Dewi Martha Erli Handayani ◽  
Putu Gde Ariastita

Development plan of monorail and tramway in Surabaya City aimed to encourage the movement based transit. TOD (Transit Oriented Development) is model for integration of transportation and land use in order to encourage the transit ridership. The result of study in worldwide show the success of TOD application in increasing the usage of transit mode by developing policies on land uses around station/terminal. Therefore, it needs to adopt TOD in transit area of Surabaya City to achieve the sustainable transportation. This study conclude criteria of TOD that can be applied in transit area of Surabaya City are mixed land uses, high intensity of activities around station/terminal, integrated design of circulation and road network, and pedestrians/cyclists friendly design.Development plan of monorail and tramway in Surabaya City aimed to encourage the movement based transit. TOD (Transit Oriented Development) is model for integration of transportation and land use in order to encourage the transit ridership. The result of study in worldwide show the success of TOD application in increasing the usage of transit mode by developing policies on land uses around station/terminal. Therefore, it needs to adopt TOD in transit area of Surabaya City to achieve the sustainable transportation. This study conclude criteria of TOD that can be applied in transit area of Surabaya City are mixed land uses, high intensity of activities around station/terminal, integrated design of circulation and road network, and pedestrians/cyclists friendly design.

Urban Studies ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (16) ◽  
pp. 3650-3668 ◽  
Sofia Pagliarin

Governance dynamics and spatial planning regulations are significant factors in the occurrence (or containment) of urban sprawl. However, qualitative investigations of the planning regulatory systems and practices, and governance arrangements that cumulatively stimulate suburbanisation, typically remain detached from land-change analyses. Based on the concept of institutional frames of spatial planning systems, this article elucidates how governance dynamics and spatial planning practices, at different scales, can partially explain suburban land-use patterns. The territorial transformations of two Southern European metropolitan regions, Barcelona and Milan, are examined through land-use data (1990–2012) at different territorial scales. Demographic (1991–2011) and administrative (2011) data are also analysed. In-depth interviews about individual and collective land management practices have been carried out, as well as document analysis concerning spatial planning laws and regulations. This research shows that the metropolitan character of urban sprawl originates from local planning practices mainly performed by municipal authorities through land-use micro-transformations. Further, it highlights the decisive role that higher-level institutions can play in land containment. Urban sprawl is hence not necessarily an unplanned phenomenon, but rather a ‘differently planned’ local and regional land-use strategy.

Ali Ben Abbes ◽  
Imed Riadh Farah

Due to the growing advances in their temporal, spatial, and spectral resolutions, remotely sensed data continues to provide tools for a wide variety of environmental applications. This chapter presents the benefits and difficulties of Multi-Temporal Satellite Image (MTSI) for land use. Predicting land use changes using remote sensing is an area of interest that has been attracting increasing attention. Land use analysis from high temporal resolution remotely sensed images is important to promote better decisions for sustainable management land cover. The purpose of this book chapter is to review the background of using Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in land use change prediction, to discuss the difference on modeling using stationary as well as non-stationary data and to provide examples of both case studies (e.g. vegetation monitoring, urban growth).

Anne Vernez Moudon ◽  
Sarah E. Kavage ◽  
Jean E. Mabry ◽  
D. W. Sohn

Land use and transportation are linked by complex, yet identifiable, relationships. Tools are needed to formalize this relationship and to take it into account when decisions are made about urban and suburban transportation systems. This paper reviews foundational concepts of performance measures of metropolitan transportation systems. It offers a rationale for the types of tools needed to measure and assess land use and transportation system efficiency. One tool being developed by the Washington State Department of Transportation–-the Transportation-Efficient Land Use Mapping Index (TELUMI)–-illustrates how research findings can be applied in metropolitan transportation planning. TELUMI uses cartographic modeling (CM) techniques and parcel-level geographic information system data. The fine resolution of the data measures microscaled land use conditions associated with travel patterns in built-up areas. CM generates maps of zones in a region that match land use conditions with travel behaviors. Zones are defined by land use variables, such as density of activities, presence and agglomeration of destinations, block size, and transportation infrastructure attributes. CM also performs advanced quantitative analyses of map attributes, and it is effective with lay and professional audiences. TELUMI's use of individual land use variables makes it possible to target intervention strategies, such as augmenting density or building sidewalks, and to evaluate their effectiveness in improving transportation efficiency. TELUMI assists transportation and local planning authorities in allocating transportation investments appropriate to multimodal travel.

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