Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
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Published By Copernicus Gmbh


2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-220
Emixi Sthefany Valdez ◽  
François Anctil ◽  
Maria-Helena Ramos

Abstract. This study aims to decipher the interactions of a precipitation post-processor and several other tools for uncertainty quantification implemented in a hydrometeorological forecasting chain. We make use of four hydrometeorological forecasting systems that differ by how uncertainties are estimated and propagated. They consider the following sources of uncertainty: system A, forcing, system B, forcing and initial conditions, system C, forcing and model structure, and system D, forcing, initial conditions, and model structure. For each system's configuration, we investigate the reliability and accuracy of post-processed precipitation forecasts in order to evaluate their ability to improve streamflow forecasts for up to 7 d of forecast horizon. The evaluation is carried out across 30 catchments in the province of Quebec (Canada) and over the 2011–2016 period. Results are compared using a multicriteria approach, and the analysis is performed as a function of lead time and catchment size. The results indicate that the precipitation post-processor resulted in large improvements in the quality of forecasts with regard to the raw precipitation forecasts. This was especially the case when evaluating relative bias and reliability. However, its effectiveness in terms of improving the quality of hydrological forecasts varied according to the configuration of the forecasting system, the forecast attribute, the forecast lead time, and the catchment size. The combination of the precipitation post-processor and the quantification of uncertainty from initial conditions showed the best results. When all sources of uncertainty were quantified, the contribution of the precipitation post-processor to provide better streamflow forecasts was not remarkable, and in some cases, it even deteriorated the overall performance of the hydrometeorological forecasting system. Our study provides an in-depth investigation of how improvements brought by a precipitation post-processor to the quality of the inputs to a hydrological forecasting model can be cancelled along the forecasting chain, depending on how the hydrometeorological forecasting system is configured and on how the other sources of hydrological forecasting uncertainty (initial conditions and model structure) are considered and accounted for. This has implications for the choices users might make when designing new or enhancing existing hydrometeorological ensemble forecasting systems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-195
Ian Cartwright

Abstract. Baseflow to rivers comprises regional groundwater and lower-salinity intermediate water stores such as interflow, soil water, and bank return flows. Chemical mass balance (CMB) calculations based on the specific conductivity (SC) of rivers potentially estimate the groundwater contribution to baseflow. This study discusses the application of the CMB approach in rivers from south-eastern Australia and assesses the feasibility of calibrating recursive digital filters (RDFs) and sliding minima (SM) techniques based on streamflow data to estimate groundwater inflows. The common strategy of assigning the SC of groundwater inflows based on the highest annual river SC may not always be valid due to the persistent presence of lower-salinity intermediate waters. Rather, using the river SC from low-flow periods during drought years may be more realistic. If that is the case, the estimated groundwater inflows may be lower than expected, which has implications for assessing contaminant transport and the impacts of near-river groundwater extraction. Probably due to long-term variations in the proportion of groundwater in baseflow, the RDF and SM techniques cannot generally be calibrated using the CMB results to estimate annual baseflow proportions. Thus, it is not possible to extend the estimates of groundwater inflows using those methods, although in some catchments reasonable estimates of groundwater inflows can be made from annual streamflows. Short-term variations in the composition of baseflow also lead to baseflow estimates made using the CMB method being far more irregular than expected. This study illustrates that estimating baseflow, especially groundwater inflows, is not straightforward.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-181
Haowen Yue ◽  
Mekonnen Gebremichael ◽  
Vahid Nourani

Abstract. Accurate weather forecast information has the potential to improve water resources management, energy, and agriculture. This study evaluates the accuracy of medium-range (1–15 d) precipitation forecasts from the Global Forecast System (GFS) over watersheds of eight major dams (Selingue Dam, Markala Dam, Goronyo Dam, Bakolori Dam, Kainji Dam, Jebba Dam, Dadin Kowa Dam, and Lagdo Dam) in the Niger river basin using NASA's Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals (IMERG) Final Run merged satellite gauge rainfall observations. The results indicate that the accuracy of GFS forecast varies depending on climatic regime, lead time, accumulation timescale, and spatial scale. The GFS forecast has large overestimation bias in the Guinea region of the basin (wet climatic regime), moderate overestimation bias in the Savannah region (moderately wet climatic regime), but has no bias in the Sahel region (dry climate). Averaging the forecasts at coarser spatial scales leads to increased forecast accuracy. For daily rainfall forecasts, the performance of GFS is very low for almost all watersheds, except for Markala and Kainji dams, both of which have much larger watershed areas compared to the other watersheds. Averaging the forecasts at longer timescales also leads to increased forecast accuracy. The GFS forecasts, at 15 d accumulation timescale, have better performance but tend to overestimate high rain rates. Additionally, the performance assessment of two other satellite products was conducted using IMERG Final estimates as reference. The Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) merged satellite gauge product has similar rainfall characteristics to IMERG Final, indicating the robustness of IMERG Final. The IMERG Early Run satellite-only rainfall product is biased in the dry Sahel region; however, in the wet Guinea and Savannah regions, IMERG Early Run outperforms GFS in terms of bias.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-148
Johannes Laimighofer ◽  
Michael Melcher ◽  
Gregor Laaha

Abstract. Statistical learning methods offer a promising approach for low-flow regionalization. We examine seven statistical learning models (Lasso, linear, and nonlinear-model-based boosting, sparse partial least squares, principal component regression, random forest, and support vector regression) for the prediction of winter and summer low flow based on a hydrologically diverse dataset of 260 catchments in Austria. In order to produce sparse models, we adapt the recursive feature elimination for variable preselection and propose using three different variable ranking methods (conditional forest, Lasso, and linear model-based boosting) for each of the prediction models. Results are evaluated for the low-flow characteristic Q95 (Pr(Q>Q95)=0.95) standardized by catchment area using a repeated nested cross-validation scheme. We found a generally high prediction accuracy for winter (RCV2 of 0.66 to 0.7) and summer (RCV2 of 0.83 to 0.86). The models perform similarly to or slightly better than a top-kriging model that constitutes the current benchmark for the study area. The best-performing models are support vector regression (winter) and nonlinear model-based boosting (summer), but linear models exhibit similar prediction accuracy. The use of variable preselection can significantly reduce the complexity of all the models with only a small loss of performance. The so-obtained learning models are more parsimonious and thus easier to interpret and more robust when predicting at ungauged sites. A direct comparison of linear and nonlinear models reveals that nonlinear processes can be sufficiently captured by linear learning models, so there is no need to use more complex models or to add nonlinear effects. When performing low-flow regionalization in a seasonal climate, the temporal stratification into summer and winter low flows was shown to increase the predictive performance of all learning models, offering an alternative to catchment grouping that is recommended otherwise.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Álvaro Ossandón ◽  
Manuela I. Brunner ◽  
Balaji Rajagopalan ◽  
William Kleiber

Abstract. Timely projections of seasonal streamflow extremes can be useful for the early implementation of annual flood risk adaptation strategies. However, predicting seasonal extremes is challenging, particularly under nonstationary conditions and if extremes are correlated in space. The goal of this study is to implement a space–time model for the projection of seasonal streamflow extremes that considers the nonstationarity (interannual variability) and spatiotemporal dependence of high flows. We develop a space–time model to project seasonal streamflow extremes for several lead times up to 2 months, using a Bayesian hierarchical modeling (BHM) framework. This model is based on the assumption that streamflow extremes (3 d maxima) at a set of gauge locations are realizations of a Gaussian elliptical copula and generalized extreme value (GEV) margins with nonstationary parameters. These parameters are modeled as a linear function of suitable covariates describing the previous season selected using the deviance information criterion (DIC). Finally, the copula is used to generate streamflow ensembles, which capture spatiotemporal variability and uncertainty. We apply this modeling framework to predict 3 d maximum streamflow in spring (May–June) at seven gauges in the Upper Colorado River basin (UCRB) with 0- to 2-month lead time. In this basin, almost all extremes that cause severe flooding occur in spring as a result of snowmelt and precipitation. Therefore, we use regional mean snow water equivalent and temperature from the preceding winter season as well as indices of large-scale climate teleconnections – El Niño–Southern Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation – as potential covariates for 3 d spring maximum streamflow. Our model evaluation, which is based on the comparison of different model versions and the energy skill score, indicates that the model can capture the space–time variability in extreme streamflow well and that model skill increases with decreasing lead time. We also find that the use of climate variables slightly enhances skill relative to using only snow information. Median projections and their uncertainties are consistent with observations, thanks to the representation of spatial dependencies through covariates in the margins and a Gaussian copula. This spatiotemporal modeling framework helps in the planning of seasonal adaptation and preparedness measures as predictions of extreme spring streamflows become available 2 months before actual flood occurrence.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-116
Andreas Riedl ◽  
Yafei Li ◽  
Jon Eugster ◽  
Nina Buchmann ◽  
Werner Eugster

Abstract. Non-rainfall water (NRW), defined here as dew, hoar frost, fog, rime, and water vapour adsorption, might be a relevant water source for ecosystems, especially during summer drought periods. These water inputs are often not considered in ecohydrological studies, because water amounts of NRW events are rather small and therefore difficult to measure. Here we present a novel micro-lysimeter (ML) system and its application which allows us to quantify very small water inputs from NRW during rain-free periods with an unprecedented high accuracy of ±0.25 g, which corresponds to ±0.005 mm water input. This is possible with an improved ML design paired with individual ML calibrations in combination with high-frequency measurements at 3.3 Hz and an efficient low-pass filtering to reduce noise level. With a set of ancillary sensors, the ML system furthermore allows differentiation between different types of NRW inputs, i.e. dew, hoar frost, fog, rime, and the combinations among these, but also additional events when condensation on leaves is less probable, such as water vapour adsorption events. In addition, our ML system design allows one to minimize deviations from natural conditions in terms of canopy and soil temperatures, plant growth, and soil moisture. This is found to be a crucial aspect for obtaining realistic NRW measurements in short-statured grasslands. Soil temperatures were higher in the ML compared to the control, and thus further studies should focus on improving the thermal soil regime of ML. Our ML system has proven to be useful for high-accuracy, long-term measurements of NRW on short-statured vegetation-like grasslands. Measurements with the ML system at a field site in Switzerland showed that NRW input occurred frequently, with 127 events over 12 months with a total NRW input of 15.9 mm. Drainage-water flow of the ML was not measured, and therefore the NRW inputs might be conservative estimates. High average monthly NRW inputs were measured during summer months, suggesting a high ecohydrological relevance of NRW inputs for temperate grasslands.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-127
Tao Xu ◽  
Hongxi Pang ◽  
Zhaojun Zhan ◽  
Wangbin Zhang ◽  
Huiwen Guo ◽  

Abstract. In the East Asian monsoon region, winter extreme precipitation events occasionally occur and bring great social and economic losses. From December 2018 to February 2019, southeastern China experienced a record-breaking number of extreme precipitation events. In this study, we analyzed the variation in water vapor isotopes and their controlling factors during the extreme precipitation events in Nanjing, southeastern China. The results show that the variations in water vapor isotopes are closely linked to the change in moisture sources. Using a water vapor d-excess-weighted trajectory model, we identified the following five most important moisture source regions: South China, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and continental regions (northwestern China and Mongolia). Moreover, the variations in water vapor d excess during a precipitation event reflect rapid shifts in the moisture source regions. These results indicate that rapid shifts among multiple moisture sources are important conditions for sustaining wintertime extreme precipitation events over extended periods.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-89
Albert Nkwasa ◽  
Celray James Chawanda ◽  
Jonas Jägermeyr ◽  
Ann van Griensven

Abstract. To date, most regional and global hydrological models either ignore the representation of cropland or consider crop cultivation in a simplistic way or in abstract terms without any management practices. Yet, the water balance of cultivated areas is strongly influenced by applied management practices (e.g. planting, irrigation, fertilization, and harvesting). The SWAT+ (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model represents agricultural land by default in a generic way, where the start of the cropping season is driven by accumulated heat units. However, this approach does not work for tropical and subtropical regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, where crop growth dynamics are mainly controlled by rainfall rather than temperature. In this study, we present an approach on how to incorporate crop phenology using decision tables and global datasets of rainfed and irrigated croplands with the associated cropping calendar and fertilizer applications in a regional SWAT+ model for northeastern Africa. We evaluate the influence of the crop phenology representation on simulations of leaf area index (LAI) and evapotranspiration (ET) using LAI remote sensing data from Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS) and WaPOR (Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data) ET data, respectively. Results show that a representation of crop phenology using global datasets leads to improved temporal patterns of LAI and ET simulations, especially for regions with a single cropping cycle. However, for regions with multiple cropping seasons, global phenology datasets need to be complemented with local data or remote sensing data to capture additional cropping seasons. In addition, the improvement of the cropping season also helps to improve soil erosion estimates, as the timing of crop cover controls erosion rates in the model. With more realistic growing seasons, soil erosion is largely reduced for most agricultural hydrologic response units (HRUs), which can be considered as a move towards substantial improvements over previous estimates. We conclude that regional and global hydrological models can benefit from improved representations of crop phenology and the associated management practices. Future work regarding the incorporation of multiple cropping seasons in global phenology data is needed to better represent cropping cycles in areas where they occur using regional to global hydrological models.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-70
Kim Madsen van't Veen ◽  
Ty Paul Andrew Ferré ◽  
Bo Vangsø Iversen ◽  
Christen Duus Børgesen

Abstract. Electromagnetic induction (EMI) is used widely for hydrological and other environmental studies. The apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), which can be mapped efficiently with EMI, correlates with a variety of important soil attributes. EMI instruments exist with several configurations of coil spacing, orientation, and height. There are general, rule-of-thumb guides to choose an optimal instrument configuration for a specific survey. The goal of this study was to provide a robust and efficient way to design this optimization task. In this investigation, we used machine learning (ML) as an efficient tool for interpolating among the results of many forward model runs. Specifically, we generated an ensemble of 100 000 EMI forward models representing the responses of many EMI configurations to a range of three-layer subsurface models. We split the results into training and testing subsets and trained a decision tree (DT) with gradient boosting (GB) to predict the subsurface properties (layer thicknesses and EC values). We further examined the value of prior knowledge that could limit the ranges of some of the soil model parameters. We made use of the intrinsic feature importance measures of machine learning algorithms to identify optimal EMI designs for specific subsurface parameters. The optimal designs identified using this approach agreed with those that are generally recognized as optimal by informed experts for standard survey goals, giving confidence in the ML-based approach. The approach also offered insight that would be difficult, if not impossible, to offer based on rule-of-thumb optimization. We contend that such ML-informed design approaches could be applied broadly to other survey design challenges.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-54
Fanny Lehmann ◽  
Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma ◽  
Jonathan Bamber

Abstract. The water budget equation describes the exchange of water between the land, ocean, and atmosphere. Being able to adequately close the water budget gives confidence in our ability to model and/or observe the spatio-temporal variations in the water cycle and its components. Due to advances in observation techniques, satellite sensors, and modelling, a number of data products are available that represent the components of water budget in both space and time. Despite these advances, closure of the water budget at the global scale has been elusive. In this study, we attempt to close the global water budget using precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff data at the catchment scale. The large number of recent state-of-the-art datasets provides a new evaluation of well-used datasets. These estimates are compared to terrestrial water storage (TWS) changes as measured by the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission. We investigated 189 river basins covering more than 90 % of the continental land area. TWS changes derived from the water balance equation were compared against GRACE data using two metrics: the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and the cyclostationary NSE. These metrics were used to assess the performance of more than 1600 combinations of the various datasets considered. We found a positive NSE and cyclostationary NSE in 99 % and 62 % of the basins examined respectively. This means that TWS changes reconstructed from the water balance equation were more accurate than the long-term (NSE) and monthly (cyclostationary NSE) mean of GRACE time series in the corresponding basins. By analysing different combinations of the datasets that make up the water balance, we identified data products that performed well in certain regions based on, for example, climatic zone. We identified that some of the good results were obtained due to the cancellation of errors in poor estimates of water budget components. Therefore, we used coefficients of variation to determine the relative quality of a data product, which helped us to identify bad combinations giving us good results. In general, water budget components from ERA5-Land and the Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) performed better than other products for most climatic zones. Conversely, the latest version of CLSM, v2.2, performed poorly for evapotranspiration in snow-dominated catchments compared, for example, with its predecessor and other datasets available. Thus, the nature of the catchment dynamics and balance between components affects the optimum combination of datasets. For regional studies, the combination of datasets that provides the most realistic TWS for a basin will depend on its climatic conditions and factors that cannot be determined a priori. We believe that the results of this study provide a road map for studying the water budget at catchment scale.

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