teaching material
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-46
Ole Henrik Borchgrevink Hansen ◽  
Audun Toft

The purpose of this article is to analyse and discuss Selma and the Quest for the Perfect Faith, a TV series made by The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and promoted for use in schools, and the accompanying teaching material about freedom of religion made by Save the Children. We discuss the series and material critically from a human rights and a human rights education perspective, and evaluate their suitability for use in religious education. The article is informed by mediatisation theory and argues that freedom of religion is primarily operationalised in accordance with journalistic criteria for presenting religion, and that it does not sufficiently balance the rights of children and the liberty of parents. This is inconsistent with sound human rights education and highlights the need for critical awareness when operationalising educational material produced and distributed by media actors for use in the classroom.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 638-648

The author analyzed the pattern of presenting descriptions in the novel "Surat Kecil untukTuhan" by Agnes Davonar. The purpose of this study is to describe the pattern of presentation of static descriptions, patterns of presentation of moving descriptions, patterns of presentation of outline descriptions, and describing the results of studies on the pattern of presentation of descriptions in the novel "Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan" by Agnes Davonar can be used as a teaching  material  Indonesian  for  class  XII  learners  based  on  the  2013 Curriculum. The research method use is descriptive qualitative method. Therefore, the data obtained in this study are not in the form of numbers, but in the form of descriptions or narratives. The results showed that in the novel "Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan" by Agnes Davonar, there were 9 patterns of description presentation including, 5 static patterns, 3 moving patterns, and 1 skeleton pattern. The results also showed that based on the results of the analysis of the suitability of study materials with the demands of the curriculum, the novel “Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan” can the results of the study have been validated by experts and declared worthy of use as teaching materials.

2022 ◽  
pp. 256-282
Angelos Sofianidis ◽  
Nayia Stylianidou ◽  
Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris ◽  
Marios Vryonides ◽  
Xenofon Chalatsis ◽  

The Erasmus+/KA3 project Augmented Assessment “Assessing newly arrived migrants' knowledge in Science and Math using augmented teaching material” aims to address the gap that exists in assessing newly arrived migrant students' prior knowledge in the fields of science and mathematics caused by the linguistic obstacle between them and the teachers. To address this gap, the project will develop the Augmented Assessment Library as well as a teachers' training course focusing on inclusive assessment and augmented reality. The chapter outlines the theoretical orientations of the project (augmented assessment bridges) and discusses the elements that comprise them focusing on the connections among inclusive pedagogy, visual representations in science and math education, multimodality, and augmented reality. It also describes the pedagogical framework underpinning the design of the Augmented Assessment Training Course as well as the main innovation of the project which is the Augmented Assessment Library and its pedagogical value for assessment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-123
Nurhayati Abbas ◽  
Nancy Katili ◽  
Dwi Hardianty Djoyosuroto

This research is motivated by the lack of mathematics teaching materials that can make students learn on their own. The teaching material can be created by teachers as they are the ones who possess the knowledge about their students’ characteristics. Further, learning materials are a set of materials (information, tools, or texts) that can aid teachers and students to carry out the learning process. The two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV) is one of the mathematics materials taught to eighth-grade students of junior high school; it contains problems related to daily life. However, it is found that this material is still difficult to master by most students. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the SPLDV teaching materials that can help students learn and solve problems as well as be used as examples by teachers in developing other materials. This research aimed to make problem-based SPLDV teaching materials. The research method refers to the Four-D Model by Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel (1974). It consisted of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The results showed that problem-based SPLDV teaching materials could be used in learning activities as the students and the teachers had shown their positive responses after going through expert assessments. This study also suggested that the teachers use this teaching material and adopt teaching materials for other similar materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-187
Putri Milenia Hutabarat ◽  
Aulia Sanova ◽  
Syamsurizal Syamsurizal

The role of technology in education is at the forefront of developing innovative teaching materials that may facilitate students' learning needs. The purpose of this research was to determine the procedure for developing an electronic module based on a scientific approach for the chemical bonding topic, as well as to determine whether the developed media is theoretically and practically feasible. This electronic module was designed with students with visual learning styles in mind, and the topics are presented in a scientific manner. The methods were implemented using the Lee and Owens model, which required several steps such as analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results showed that the electronic module was deemed feasible as a digital teaching material by expert judges. Based on practitioner testing during the learning process, this module was effective as a teaching material, as evidenced by 89.28 percent ("Excellent" category) students believing it was simple to understand the topic of chemical bonding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (6) ◽  
pp. 721-740
Yun Hyun Pack ◽  
Na Ya Choi ◽  
Bokyung Kim

Objectives: This study investigates the effects of teaching material presentation methods and young children's visual and auditory working memory capacity on their learning effectiveness. It also suggests effective instructional design and teaching-learning methods suitable for children’s information processing characteristics.Methods: Participants included 86 five-year-old children enrolled in kindergartens in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, and Daejeon. Three categories of teaching materials with different presentation methods were created. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the category groups, and participated in learning activities. After the activities, learning effectiveness, working memory, and attention were measured. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0.Results: Results indicated that children’s learning effectiveness differed according to the teaching material presentation method. Higher learning effectiveness was observed when auditory and visual information was presented concurrently rather than sequentially, but learning was not affected by the sequential order. The groups with larger auditory working memory capacity and larger visual working memory capacity achieved higher learning effectiveness than did their respective counterparts. Additionally, learning effectiveness was greater for children with larger auditory working memory capacity when presented with auditory information before visual, and for those with larger visual working memory capacity when presented with visual information before auditory.Conclusion: The study results enhance foundational knowledge related to individual differences in young children's visual and auditory information processing abilities. Moreover, this study has practical implications for developing instructional materials and proposals suitable for young children’s individual information processing characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
Mastang Ambo Baba ◽  
Arismunandar ◽  
Baso Jabu

This study aims to describe the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness of Islamic Education teaching materials in a multicultural perspective. The procedure for developing teaching materials is conducted by adapting Research and Development (R&D) using the Four-D model. The research subjects were Islamic education teachers and 30 students of class XI. Data collection was conducted using interview techniques, questionnaires, and the feasibility assessment sheet, practicality, and effectiveness of the product. The results showed that the teaching material products in the form of books for students as companion books on Islamic Education subjects were in the very valid category. The results of expert tests on Islamic Education teaching material products showed very valid criteria assessment. While the learning tools which include: learning implementation plans, teacher and student observation sheets and learning outcome assessment instruments are in the very valid category. The teaching material products developed meet practical criteria based on the target user test, namely educators on the ability of educators to manage the learning process with a fully implemented category as well as educators' responses to teaching material products are very positive. Teaching material products are effective because of a positive response from students and an increase in learning outcomes after using these teaching material products.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Abudarin Abudarin ◽  
I Made Sadiana ◽  
Sri Wahyutami ◽  
Syarpin Syarpin ◽  
Chuchita Chuchita ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-104
Diyana Septiningrum ◽  
Nur Khasanah ◽  
Nur Khoiri

The purpose of research is to know the characteristics, feasibility and effectiveness of developing teaching materials viruses based on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) to improve critical thinking skills. Research method using Research and Development (RD) with a 4D step (define, design, develop, disseminate) Thiagarajan et all. The subjects of the study are 34 students class X MIPA 1 as the experimental class and 34 students class X MIPA 4 as the control class. The eligibility of teaching material is derived from the results of expert validation questionnaires, responses of biology teachers and students' responses, and effectiveness of critical thinking skills from the results of the test questions pretest and posttest. The results of the characteristics teaching material viruses based SSI include: cover, introduction, news analysis, material, summary, evaluation, bibliography and glossary. The results of the eligibility from the material expert validation questionnaire were 88,67%, 94,67% of media experts, 83,55% of teacher responses and 82,29% of students' responses. The effectiveness of teaching materials used was obtained from the difference in the average value of experimental learning outcomes of 81.84 and 76.84 kontrol class with tcount = 4.338 and ttable = 1.6682 which means tcount ttable and Ha accepted, concluded that there were differences in posttest results experimental class with kontrol class. The n-gain results obtained the value of the experimental class of 0.63 and the control class of 0.54 with their respective categories being moderate. So it can be concluded that the use of biological material teaching material based on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) is effective to improve students' critical thinking skills class X SMA 12 Semarang.

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