paranasal sinuses
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2022 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 105913
Kendra Shrestha ◽  
James Van Strien ◽  
Yidan Shang ◽  
David F. Fletcher ◽  
Phred Petersen ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-42
Kumari Radha M. N ◽  
Anju Unnikrishnan ◽  
Manju N

Background: Aim: To assess efficacy of functional endoscopic sinus surgery in surgical management of ethmoid polyps.Methods:One hundred twelve adult patients age ranged 18- 38 years of either gender with ethmoid polyps underwent FESS under general anesthesia. The extent of surgery was decided based on the findings in pre-operative CT scan of paranasal sinuses. Anterior ethmoidectomy, posterior ethmoidectomy, middle meatus antrostomy and clearance of frontal recess were performed in all the patients. Five functional criteria were evaluated as nasalobstruction , anosmia, rhinorrhea, post nasal drip, head ache and facial pain.Results:Pre- operative nasal obstruction percentage was 3.42 and post- operative ercentage was 2.10, Anosmia percentage was 2.14 and 1.15, Rhinorrhea percentage was 3.56 and 2.08 and ocular problem in 1 and synechia in 4 cases.Conclusions:Functional endoscopic sinus surgery found to be effective in management of ethmoid polyps and hence can be the treatment of choice.

Chen Chen ◽  
Yuhui Qin ◽  
Haotian Chen ◽  
Junying Cheng ◽  
Bo He ◽  

Abstract Objective We used radiomics feature–based machine learning classifiers of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps to differentiate small round cell malignant tumors (SRCMTs) and non-SRCMTs of the nasal and paranasal sinuses. Materials A total of 267 features were extracted from each region of interest (ROI). Datasets were randomized into two sets, a training set (∼70%) and a test set (∼30%). We performed dimensional reductions using the Pearson correlation coefficient and feature selection analyses (analysis of variance [ANOVA], relief, recursive feature elimination [RFE]) and classifications using 10 machine learning classifiers. Results were evaluated with a leave-one-out cross-validation analysis. Results We compared the AUC for all the pipelines in the validation dataset using FeAture Explorer (FAE) software. The pipeline using RFE feature selection and Gaussian process classifier yielded the highest AUCs with ten features. When the “one-standard error” rule was used, FAE produced a simpler model with eight features, including Perc.01%, Perc.10%, Perc.90%, Perc.99%, S(1,0) SumAverg, S(5,5) AngScMom, S(5,5) Correlat, and WavEnLH_s-2. The AUCs of the training, validation, and test datasets achieved 0.995, 0.902, and 0.710, respectively. For ANOVA, the pipeline with the auto-encoder classifier yielded the highest AUC using only one feature, Perc.10% (training/validation/test datasets: 0.886/0.895/0.809, respectively). For the relief, the AUCs of the training, validation, and test datasets that used the LRLasso classifier using five features (Perc.01%, Perc.10%, S(4,4) Correlat, S(5,0) SumAverg, S(5,0) Contrast) were 0.892, 0.886, and 0.787, respectively. Compared with the RFE and relief, the results of all algorithms of ANOVA feature selection were more stable with the AUC values higher than 0.800. Conclusions We demonstrated the feasibility of combining artificial intelligence with the radiomics from ADC values in the differential diagnosis of SRCMTs and non-SRCMTs and the potential of this non-invasive approach for clinical applications. Key Points • The parameter with the best diagnostic performance in differentiating SRCMTs from non-SRCMTs was the Perc.10% ADC value. • Results of all the algorithms of ANOVA feature selection were more stable and the AUCs were higher than 0.800, as compared with RFE and relief. • The pipeline using RFE feature selection and Gaussian process classifier yielded the highest AUC.

2022 ◽  
pp. 51-55
I. I. Chernushevich ◽  
A. N. Naumenko ◽  
A. V. Voronov ◽  
A. Y. Golubev ◽  
E. E. Kozyreva

Introduction. Chronic rhinosinusitis is a disease that occurs everywhere, characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. If it is impossible to eliminate the causes of the recurrent disease with medical therapy, the use of surgical treatment help to recover the normal functioning of the ostium, including the ostiomeatal complex to improve ventilation and drainage of the paranasal sinuses and recover nasal breathing to relieve chronic inflammation.Purpose of the study. Assessment of the degree of intraoperative bleeding in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.Materials and methods. On the basis of the FGBU SPB Research Institute of ENT of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the period from 2020 to 2021. the study of the effect of local intranasal glucocorticosteroids (INGKS) in the intraoperative period in patients with chronic polypous rhinosinusitis was carried out. The total amount of blood loss during surgery for chronic polypous rhinosinusitis in patients who used mometasone furoate preoperatively and in patients not taking topical hormonal drugs was analyzed.Results. In the study group, the average blood loss per operation was 257 ml, in the control group – 401 ml. In patients who took intranasal glucocorticosteroids during surgery, the intensity of bleeding is less pronounced. Undoubtedly, there are many reasons that affect the intensity of bleeding in general, however, a decrease in the inflammatory response in the nasal cavity and a decrease in inflammatory metabolites have a beneficial effect on the state of the nasal mucosa.Conclusion. The use of intranasal glucocorticosteroids in the preoperative period has a positive effect on reducing the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, which helps to reduce the intensity of intraoperative bleeding.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Sajjad Ali Hashmi Syed ◽  
Sadaf Tanveer Khan ◽  
Jawwad Ali Hashmi Syed

Abstract Introduction: For Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), the surgeon needs an accurate depiction of the anatomy of paranasal sinuses and their variations. Computed tomography (CT Scan) fulfills this requirement by providing detailed anatomy, the anatomical variants, and the extent of the disease in and around the Para nasal sinuses. The aim of this study is to show the anatomy of the Frontal sinus as delineated by the computed tomography. Materials and Methods: STUDY DESIGN: Cross section Descriptive Study. Out of 337 patients above 12 years of age who were referred for computed tomography of paranasal sinuses in the Dept. of Radio- Diagnosis, Govt. Medical College and Hospital from December 2015 till October 2017, 200 adults(males and females) were randomly selected.Of the 200 subjects studied 37(18.5%) subjects had hypoplastic/ non or poorly pneumatised frontal sinuses of which 31 (15.5%) were bilateral and 6 (3%) were unilateral i.e. on right side. Observations and results: Intra frontal cell were seen in about 64 (32%) subjects of which 26 (13%) on right side, 24 (12%) were on left side and 14 (7%) were bilateral. Extension of pneumatisation into crista galli was seen in 16 (8%) subjects and into orbital roof was seen in 6 (3%) subjects. Conclusion: The findings in this study show that anatomical variations in the Para nasal sinuses and nasal cavity are common. Computed tomography is fundamental radiologic investigation for diagnosis of the Sino nasal lesions or pre and post-surgical assessment.

2022 ◽  
pp. 22-27
Viktoriya Valentinovna Bykova ◽  
Natalya Vladimirovna Boiko ◽  
Gadzhi Mutalibovich Letifov ◽  

Irrigation therapy is widely used in clinical practice for the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis. One of the methods of irrigation therapy is the Proetz method. This method has many contraindications and is associated with the development of a number of complications, which are not always taken into account by otorhinolaryngologists. We present a number of observations of complications associated with an uncontrolled pressure decrease in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

2022 ◽  
pp. 77-83
Gutiérrez Espinosa César Alfonso ◽  
Garza Castañeda Román Rodolfo ◽  
Cortes Ponce José Rosmal ◽  
Falcón García Juan Manuel ◽  
Beltran Ortega Carlos

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (Suppl-3) ◽  
pp. S428-31
Muhammad Ali ◽  
Saima Attiq ◽  
Sayed Nusrat Raza ◽  
Abdul Hakim ◽  
Shakeel Ahmed ◽  

Objective: To analyze the frequency and sites of bone erosion on computerized tomograghy scan in Allergic Fungal Rhinosinustis in Pakistan. Study Design: Retrospective observational study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of ENT, Combined Military Hospital Lahore, Malir Karachi and Rawalpindi, from Jan 2010 to Dec 2019. Methodology: Total 230 cases of Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis were screened, out of which 85 patients having bone erosions on computerized tomograpghy scan were included in the study. Bone erosion in different paranasal sinuses and their sub sites were evaluated. Depending upon the number of bone erosion, patients were divided into three categories as mild, moderate and severe. Those having erosion at a single site were labelled as mild, those with two sub sites of erosion as moderate and those with more than two subsites of erosion were labelled as severe cases. Results: Detailed evaluation of computerized tomography scan of paranasal sinuses revealed bone erosion in 85/230 (36.9%) cases. Mean affected age was 23.96 ± 12.71 years. There were 52 (61.1%) males and 33 (38.9%) females. Ethmoid sinus was the most commonly involved sinus to have bone erosions 55 (38.19%) followed by maxillary sinus 38 (26.38%) then sphenoid sinus 27 (18.75%) and lastly frontal sinus 24 (16.6%). Out of 85 patients 48 (56.1%) were having mild, 22 (25.8%) moderate and 15 (17.6%) had severe disease. Conclusion: Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis has high frequency of bone erosion. Computerized tomography scan is an important and effective investigation in finding these bony erosions and ethmoid sinus is the.....

2021 ◽  
Jana I. Preis ◽  
Anna W. Maro ◽  
Sophie Hurez ◽  
Sneha Pusapati

Paranasal sinuses anatomy is paired in 4 parts which includes frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid. Their relevant function is to secrete mucous for moisture, humidify inspired air, impart vocal resonance, and act as shock absorber for intracranial contents. Retention of secretions in the nasal cavity and sinuses can cause inflammation of the mucosa of paranasal sinuses and lead to infection. Classification of sinusitis is based on duration of symptoms. Diagnosis can be achieved clinically, however other diagnosis modalities such as cultures or radiology can help to achieve accurate diagnosis. Depending on the etiology management can be supportive or pharmacological. In some cases, long term monitoring and prevention therapy may be required.

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