recreational activity
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Lacramioara Balan

Drowning isn’t the only danger in water - some aquatic animals can be deadly. The scuba diver who dies underwater poses a difficult diagnostic dilemma for investigating authorities and pathologists. Barotrauma caused by the failure of a gasfilled body cavity to equalize its internal pressure with changes in the ambient pressure is another cause of death. Investigation should be thorough and follow a standardized outline. This investigation should include the victim’s past medical and social history, dive profile, a detailed history of the terminal event and resuscitation efforts, environmental conditions, examination of the diving equipment and finally the autopsy.

Surgery ◽  
2021 ◽  
Rebecca Swindall ◽  
Jacob W. Roden-Forman ◽  
Joseph Conflitti ◽  
Alan Cook ◽  
Carly Wadle ◽  

2021 ◽  
Kaźmierczak Rafał ◽  
Szczepańska Agnieszka ◽  
Grunwald Grzegorz ◽  
Kowalczyk Cezary ◽  
Tanajewski Dariusz

AbstractThe sailing market continues to develop rapidly and has a high growth potential. Sailing is one of the most popular types of recreational activity in Poland due to an abundance of lakes, including the Great Masurian Lakeland Trail which received a special mention from UNESCO. The development of nautical tourism requires effective organizational and technical solutions. The absence of a public mooring information system in Poland’s inland harbors has prompted the development of the Global Yacht Positioning System (GYPS) for mobile devices. The design process was preceded by a survey of sailors and marina operators to identify their needs and expectations, as well as an inventory of marinas in the Polish region of Masuria. The developed prototype system is a mobile application that relies on data transmission, communication and satellite technologies. The proposed solution is a convenient tool that will facilitate the operations of inland harbors and improve navigation safety.

2021 ◽  
Keaton Johnstone

<p>Gaming is a rapidly growing recreational activity. Over the last two decades we have seen a proliferation of games across all genres and user demographics. The consumption of content in modern games has grown as a result of the advancing technology available to game designers, as well as the growing expectations of the audience. The need for increasing the value of the content and expanding potential audience grows every day. Using dynamic adjustments to the underlying game systems as the player experiences the game, this paper will demonstrate how using emergent principles combined with other foundational systems, such as evolutionary algorithms, can increase the value of the content created for any game. This added value is of benefit to both those who have made the game, and the users who experience the results.</p>

2021 ◽  
Keaton Johnstone

<p>Gaming is a rapidly growing recreational activity. Over the last two decades we have seen a proliferation of games across all genres and user demographics. The consumption of content in modern games has grown as a result of the advancing technology available to game designers, as well as the growing expectations of the audience. The need for increasing the value of the content and expanding potential audience grows every day. Using dynamic adjustments to the underlying game systems as the player experiences the game, this paper will demonstrate how using emergent principles combined with other foundational systems, such as evolutionary algorithms, can increase the value of the content created for any game. This added value is of benefit to both those who have made the game, and the users who experience the results.</p>

Brian DeLoach ◽  
Whitley Stone ◽  
Danilo Tolusso ◽  
Mac Brown ◽  
Eric Cook ◽  

Aligning instructional modality with students’ perceptual preference (PP) or learning style is trending in educational research. However, there is little data to support this claim when instruction is geared toward a recreational activity, such as fly casting. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of implementing matched or unmatched instructional methods with student PP. There was no difference in casting performance between groups matched with their learning preferences versus those who were not matched. The data support Hanson’s theory stating instruction should be dictated based on the content structure, not the learner’s PP. The researchers recommend a systematic, multifaceted approach to teaching novel motor skills such as fly casting. Further, this approach could be utilized for similar motions in sport and recreation. Subscribe to JOREL

Nurfadhilah Nurfadhilah ◽  
Iis Komalasari ◽  
Agung Prabawa

Mendaki gunung merupakan kegiatan olahraga sekaligus rekreasi yang dalam situasi tertentu mengakibatkan tumpukan sampah tertinggal di berbagai lokasi (puncak, sekitar kemah, dan sepanjang lintasan). Kegiatan bernama Operasi Bersih Sampah Gunung Cikuray bertujuan membersihkan lokasi terjangkau dari sampah, khususnya yang berbahan plastik. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada Sabtu-Ahad, 29-30 Agustus 2020 melalui Kiara Janggot, Kota Garut, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan diikuti 52 orang dengan peserta termuda berusia 9 tahun dan tertua 45 tahun, 38 lelaki dan 14 perempuan. Sampah yang berhasil dikumpulkan dan dibawa ke kaki gunung berjumlah sekitar 60 kantong ukuran 3kg dan 15 karung ukuran 20 kg, total sekitar 400 kg. Jenis sampah umumnya botol  (botol plastik berisi urin, botol AMDK, botol minuman keras, tutup botol), pembalut, tisu, bungkus permen, bungkus mi instan, dan puntung rokok. Kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat, selain bagi kebersihan, kesehatan, dan kelestarian lingkungan, juga bagi individu yang mengikuti kegiatan, baik secara fisik maupun mental.---Mountain climbing is a sport as well as recreational activity which in certain situations results in piles of garbage left in various locations (at the top, around the camp, and along the trails). The activity called Operation Mount Cikuray Garbage Cleanup aims to clean up affordable locations from rubbish, especially those made of plastic. The activity was carried out on Saturday-Sunday, 29-30 August 2020 through Kiara Janggot, Garut City, West Java. The activity was attended by 52 people with the youngest participants aged 9 years and the oldest 45 years, 38 men and 14 women. The garbage collected and brought to the foot of the mountain is around 60 and 15 20 kg sacks, a total of about 400 kg. Types of waste are generally bottles (plastic bottles containing urine, bottled drinking water bottles, liquor bottles, bottle caps), sanitary napkins, tissue wrappers, instant noodle wrappers, and cigarette butts. This activity is very beneficial, in addition to cleanliness, health and environmental sustainability, as well as for individuals who participate in the activity, both physically and mentally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (16) ◽  
Nor Izana Mohd Shobri ◽  
Norhafizah Abdul Rahman ◽  
Nor Hisham Md Saman

Albeit the importance of the urban parks to serve as physical, physiological, and health relief platforms, little attention has been paid to the study of the adult’s preferences of outdoor recreational activity that is based on the human stress level. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to unveil the preference for outdoor recreational activity according to the human stress levels. Accordingly, this paper adopts a quantitative method through a web-based questionnaire survey that rests upon Kuala Lumpur’s urban population as the representative sample. The questionnaire consists of three parts- personal data, the preference of outdoor recreational activity, and a self-reported health status. This paper reveals from a pilot study of 62 respondents only, as the actual questionnaires’ survey and data analysis are still in progress. The data was analysed using factor and descriptive statistics in order to identify the most preferred outdoor recreational activity by a stressed adult. The result showed that the 20 items of outdoor recreational activities load into two dimensions, i.e., passive activity and active activity. The preferred passive activities by the adult who is reporting stress are enjoying the peace, resting and relaxation, enjoying the fresh air, releasing stress, enjoying nature, enjoying the sun and the sound of birds. For active activities, most of the adults who are reporting stress prefer to jog and do brisk walking. Significantly, the study’s findings enlighten the urban park planners - including the landscape architects, to design parks for outdoor recreation that could correspond and accommodate the different levels of stress.

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