urban mobility
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2022 ◽  
Ladu Mara ◽  
Milesi Alessandra ◽  
Fancello Gianfranco ◽  
Balletto Ginevra ◽  
Borruso Giuseppe

2022 ◽  
Márquez Ballesteros María José ◽  
Navas Carrillo Daniel

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 715
Simona Zapolskytė ◽  
Martin Trépanier ◽  
Marija Burinskienė ◽  
Oksana Survilė

To date, there is no developed and validated way to assess urban smartness. When evaluating smart city mobility systems, different authors distinguish different indicators. After analysing the evaluation indicators of the transport system presented in the scientific articles, the most relevant and influential indicators were selected. This article develops a hierarchical evaluation model for evaluating a smart city transportation system. The indicators are divided into five groups called “factors”. Several indicators are assigned to each of the listed groups. A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method was used to calculate the significance of the selected indicators and to compare urban mobility systems. The applied multi-criteria evaluation methods were simple additive weighting (SAW), complex proportional assessment (COPRAS), and technique for order preference by similiarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). The significance of factors and indicators was determined by expert evaluation methods: the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), direct, when experts evaluate the criteria as a percentage (sum of evaluations of all criteria 100%) and ranking (prioritisation). The evaluation and comparison of mobility systems were performed in two stages: when the multi-criteria evaluation is performed according to the indicators of each factor separately and when performing a comprehensive assessment of the smart mobility system according to the integrated significance of the indicators. A leading city is identified and ranked according to the smartness level. The aim of this article is to create a hierarchical evaluation model of the smart mobility systems, to compare the smartness level of Vilnius, Montreal, and Weimar mobility systems, and to create a ranking.

Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 165
Angelo Lerro ◽  
Piero Gili ◽  
Marco Pisani

In the area of synthetic sensors for flow angle estimation, the present work aims to describe the verification in a relevant environment of a physics-based approach using a dedicated technological demonstrator. The flow angle synthetic solution is based on a model-free, or physics-based, scheme and, therefore, it is applicable to any flying body. The demonstrator also encompasses physical sensors that provide all the necessary inputs to the synthetic sensors to estimate the angle-of-attack and the angle-of-sideslip. The uncertainty budgets of the physical sensors are evaluated to corrupt the flight simulator data with the aim of reproducing a realistic scenario to verify the synthetic sensors. The proposed approach for the flow angle estimation is suitable for modern and future aircraft, such as drones and urban mobility air vehicles. The results presented in this work show that the proposed approach can be effective in relevant scenarios even though some limitations can arise.

Land ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Salvador García-Ayllón ◽  
Phaedon Kyriakidis

The impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 on urban pollution in our cities is a proven fact, although its mechanisms are not known in great detail. The change in urban mobility patterns due to the restrictions imposed on the population during lockdown is a phenomenon that can be parameterized and studied from the perspective of spatial analysis. This study proposes an analysis of the guiding parameters of these changes from the perspective of spatial analysis. To do so, the case study of the city of Cartagena, a medium-sized city in Spain, has been analyzed throughout the period of mobility restrictions due to COVID-19. By means of a geostatistical analysis, changes in urban mobility patterns and the modal distribution of transport have been correlated with the evolution of environmental air quality indicators in the city. The results show that despite the positive effect of the pandemic in its beginnings on the environmental impact of urban mobility, the changes generated in the behavior patterns of current mobility users favor the most polluting modes of travel in cities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (42) ◽  
pp. 250-260
Elilson Nascimento

?Arte Panflet�ria: Porto Alegre? � um relato que registra e desdobra uma das performances da s�rie hom�nima que realizo desde 2018. Vestindo roupas sem estampas e portando uma sacola repleta de alfinetes de seguran�a, caminho � procura das panfleteiras e dos panfleteiros.�Aceito todos os an�ncios e discursos distribu�dos nas ruas, oferecendo um ou dois alfinetes de seguran�a para que cada trabalhador(a) decida em que ponto de meu corpo seu panfleto deve ser anexado. Volto para casa somente quando meu corpo est� integralmente panfletado. A performance j� foi realizada seis vezes, entre 2018 e 2019, nas ruas do Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, S�o Paulo, Recife e Buenos Aires, com dura��es que variaram de cinco a oito horas. Aqui, apresento o texto referente � a��o em Porto Alegre, em setembro de 2018, �s v�speras das elei��es, com dura��o total de sete horas.Palavras-chave:Escritos de artista. Performance. Mobilidade urbana. Cr�nica. Pr�tica ambulante.�Abstract?Pamplhet art: Porto Alegre? is a narrative that records and unfolds one of the performances of the homonymous serie that I?ve been conducting since 2018. Wearing clothes without prints and carrying a bag full of safety pins, I walk in search of the pamphleteers. I accept all the advertisements distributed in the streets, offering one or two safety pins so that each worker decides where on my body their flyer should be attached. I only return home when my body is fully pamphleted. The performance has already been performed six times, between 2018 and 2019, in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, S�o Paulo, Recife and Buenos Aires, with durations ranging between five and eight hours. Here, I present the text referring to the action in Porto Alegre, in September 2018, on the eve of the elections, with a total duration of seven hours.Keywords:Artist?s writings. Performance. Urban mobility. Chronic. Ambulant practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 238-249
Charles Chieppo ◽  
Joseph Giglio

Urban mobility revolution is transforming and traditional transportation agencies may be ill-equipped to oversee the changes.  Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. transit ridership was down as more people in metropolitan areas chose the convenience of options like Uber and Lyft.  The apparent durability of working from home has exacerbated both fiscal and equity challenges for transit. Meanwhile, vehicle travel is already ahead of pre-pandemic levels in 15 states.  The combination of reduced transit ridership and more cars threatens to worsen the challenges posed by climate change. Consumers have demonstrated their preference for the convenience new technologies provide.  But the skills and capabilities of traditional urban transit agencies do not foster innovation.  We propose that urban mobility be overseen by “Metro Transport Corporations,” public-private partnerships that combine the accountability of government with the entrepreneurial and technology-savvy influence of the private sector to address equity and sustainability challenges while driving superior customer service.   

2022 ◽  
Martin Lempp ◽  
Patrick Siegfried

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