spin alignment
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2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (39) ◽  
Bedangadas Mohanty ◽  
Sourav Kundu ◽  
Subhash Singha ◽  
Ranbir Singh

This paper covers the recent experimental development on spin alignment measurements of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] vector mesons in heavy-ion and [Formula: see text] collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. Measurements in [Formula: see text] collisions at LEP energies are also discussed. Spin alignment of vector mesons is studied by measuring the second diagonal element [Formula: see text] of spin density matrix. The spin density matrix element [Formula: see text] is obtained by measuring the angular distribution of vector meson decay daughter with respect to the quantization axis in vector meson rest frame. Measured [Formula: see text] values for vector mesons are found to be larger than [Formula: see text] at high momentum in [Formula: see text] collisions at LEP energies, suggesting the preferential production of vector meson with helicity zero state from the fragmentation process. The [Formula: see text] values are found to be smaller than [Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text] implies no spin alignment) for [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] vector mesons at low transverse momentum in Pb–Pb collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV. These observations are qualitatively consistent with the expectation from models which attribute the spin alignment effect due to polarization of quarks in the presence of large initial angular momentum in noncentral heavy-ion collisions and its subsequent hadronization by the process of recombination. No significant spin alignment effect is observed for [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] in mid-central Pb–Pb collisions and for vector mesons in [Formula: see text] collisions. However, the preliminary results of [Formula: see text] for [Formula: see text] mesons are larger than [Formula: see text] at intermediate [Formula: see text] in Au–Au collisions at RHIC energies and can be attributed to the presence of [Formula: see text] meson field. Although there is evidence of spin alignment effect of vector mesons in heavy-ion collisions but the measured effect is surprisingly larger in context of hyperon polarization. Therefore, these results will trigger further theoretical study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Marc Christoffer Paulus ◽  
Anja Paulus ◽  
Rüdiger-Albert Eichel ◽  
Josef Granwehr

Abstract The use of independent component analysis (ICA) for the analysis of two-dimensional (2D) spin-alignment echo–T 1 7Li NMR correlation data with transient echo detection as a third dimension is demonstrated for the superionic conductor Li10GeP2S12 (LGPS). ICA was combined with Laplace inversion, or discrete inverse Laplace transform (ILT), to obtain spectrally resolved 2D correlation maps. Robust results were obtained with the spectra as well as the vectorized correlation maps as independent components. It was also shown that the order of ICA and ILT steps can be swapped. While performing the ILT step before ICA provided better contrast, a substantial data compression can be achieved if ICA is executed first. Thereby the overall computation time could be reduced by one to two orders of magnitude, since the number of computationally expensive ILT steps is limited to the number of retained independent components. For LGPS, it was demonstrated that physically meaningful independent components and mixing matrices are obtained, which could be correlated with previously investigated material properties yet provided a clearer, better separation of features in the data. LGPS from two different batches was investigated, which showed substantial differences in their spectral and relaxation behavior. While in both cases this could be attributed to ionic mobility, the presented analysis may also clear the way for a more in-depth theoretical analysis based on numerical simulations. The presented method appears to be particularly suitable for samples with at least partially resolved static quadrupolar spectra, such as alkali metal ions in superionic conductors. The good stability of the ICA analysis makes this a prospect algorithm for preprocessing of data for a subsequent automatized analysis using machine learning concepts.

2021 ◽  
Marc C. Paulus ◽  
Anja Paulus ◽  
Rüdiger-A. Eichel ◽  
Josef Granwehr

The use of independent component analysis (ICA) for the analysis of two-dimensional (2D) spin-alignment echo--T1 7Li NMR correlation data with transient echo detection as a third dimension is demonstrated for the superionic conductor Li10GeP2S12 (LGPS). ICA was combined with Laplace inversion, or discrete inverse Laplace transform (ILT), to obtain spectrally resolved 2D correlation maps. Robust results were obtained with the spectra as well as the vectorized correlation maps as independent components. It was also shown that the order of ICA and ILT steps can be swapped. While performing the ILT step before ICA provided better contrast, a substantial data compression can be achieved if ICA is executed first. Thereby the overall computation time could be reduced by one to two orders of magnitude, since the number of computationally expensive ILT steps is limited to the number of retained independent components. For LGPS, it was demonstrated that physically meaningful independent components and mixing matrices are obtained, which could be correlated with previously investigated material properties yet provided a clearer, better separation of features in the data. LGPS from two different batches was investigated, which showed substantial differences in their spectral and relaxation behavior. While in both cases this could be attributed to ionic mobility, the presented analysis may also clear the way for a more in-depth theoretical analysis based on numerical simulations. The presented method appears to be particularly suitable for samples with at least partially resolved static quadrupolar spectra, such as alkali metal ions in superionic conductors. The good stability of the ICA analysis makes this a prospect algorithm for preprocessing of data for a subsequent automatized analysis using machine learning concepts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
R. J. Charity ◽  
T. B. Webb ◽  
J. M. Elson ◽  
D. E. M. Hoff ◽  
C. D. Pruitt ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Tianze Wu ◽  
Xiao Ren ◽  
Yuanmiao Sun ◽  
Shengnan Sun ◽  
Guoyu Xian ◽  

AbstractProducing hydrogen by water electrolysis suffers from the kinetic barriers in the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) that limits the overall efficiency. With spin-dependent kinetics in OER, to manipulate the spin ordering of ferromagnetic OER catalysts (e.g., by magnetization) can reduce the kinetic barrier. However, most active OER catalysts are not ferromagnetic, which makes the spin manipulation challenging. In this work, we report a strategy with spin pinning effect to make the spins in paramagnetic oxyhydroxides more aligned for higher intrinsic OER activity. The spin pinning effect is established in oxideFM/oxyhydroxide interface which is realized by a controlled surface reconstruction of ferromagnetic oxides. Under spin pinning, simple magnetization further increases the spin alignment and thus the OER activity, which validates the spin effect in rate-limiting OER step. The spin polarization in OER highly relies on oxyl radicals (O∙) created by 1st dehydrogenation to reduce the barrier for subsequent O-O coupling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 817 ◽  
pp. 136325
Xiao-Liang Xia ◽  
Hui Li ◽  
Xu-Guang Huang ◽  
Huan Zhong Huang

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Joachim Landers ◽  
Soma Salamon ◽  
Samira Webers ◽  
Heiko Wende

Abstract Mössbauer spectroscopy is a well-known technique to study complex magnetic structures, due to its sensitivity to electronic and magnetic interactions of the probed nucleus with its electronic surrounding. It has also been applied to the emerging fields of magnetic hybrid materials as well as to ferrofluids, as information on the magnetic alignment and the velocity of the probed nucleus, i.e. of the particle it is embedded in, can be inferred from the spectra in addition to the above-mentioned quantities. Considering the wide range of preparation methods and sample properties, including fluids, particle powders, sintered pellets, polymer matrices and viscoelastic hydrogels, a considerable advantage of Mössbauer spectroscopy is the usage of γ-photons. This allows measurements on opaque samples, for which optical experiments are usually not feasible, also making the technique relatively independent of specific sample geometries or preparation. Using iron oxide nanoparticles in glycerol solution as an exemplary material here, the variety of system parameters simultaneously accessible via Mössbauer spectroscopy can be demonstrated: Spectra recorded for particles of different sizes provided information on the particles’ Brownian dynamics, including the effect of the shell thickness on their hydrodynamic diameter, the presence (or absence) and ballpark frequency of Néel superspin relaxation as well as the particles’ average magnetic orientation in external magnetic fields. For single-core particles, this resulted in the observation of standard Langevin-type alignment behavior. Mössbauer spectra additionally provide information on the absolute degree of spin alignment, also allowing the determination of the degree of surface spin canting, which limits the maximum magnetization of ferrofluid samples. Analyzing the alignment behavior of agglomerated particles for comparison, we found a completely different trend, in which spin alignment was further hindered by the competition of easy magnetic directions. More complex particle dynamics are observed when going from ferrofluids to hybrid materials, where the particle mobility and alignability depends not only on the particles’ shape and material, but also on the matrices’ inner structure and the acting force-transfer mechanism between particles and the surrounding medium. In ferrohydrogels for example, particle mobility in terms of Mössbauer spectroscopy was probed for different crosslinker concentrations, resulting in widely different mesh-sizes of the polymer network and different degrees of freedom. While a decrease in particle dynamics is clearly visible in Mössbauer spectroscopy upon rising crosslinker density, complementary AC-susceptometry experiments indicated no Brownian motion on the expected timescales. This apparent contradiction could, however, be explained by the different timescales of the experiments, probing either the relatively free Brownian motion on ultrashort timescales or the more bound state preventing extensive particle motion by interaction with the trapping mesh walls in the millisecond regime. However, it should also be considered that the effect of the surroundings on particle rotation in AC-susceptometry may also differ from the variation in translational motion, probed by Mössbauer spectroscopy. Being sensitive mainly to translational motion also results in a wide range of particles to be accessible for studies via Mössbauer spectroscopy, including larger agglomerates embedded in polymers, intended for remote-controlled heating. Despite the agglomerates’ wide distribution in effective diameters, information on particle motion was found to be in good agreement with AC-susceptometry experiments at ultralow frequencies in and above the polymer melting region, while additionally giving insight into Néel relaxation of the individual nanoparticles and their magnetic structure.

2021 ◽  
Tianze Wu ◽  
Xiao Ren ◽  
Yuanmiao Sun ◽  
Shengnan Sun ◽  
Guoyu Xian ◽  

The production of hydrogen by water electrolysis suffers from the kinetic barriers in the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) that limits the overall efficiency. As spin-dependent kinetics exist in OER, the spin alignment in active OER catalysts is critical for reducing the kinetic barriers in OER. It is effective to facilitate the spin polarization in ferromagnetic catalysts by applying external magnetic field, which increases the OER efficiency. However, more active OER catalysts tend to have dynamic open-shell orbital configurations with disordered magnetic moments, without showing an apparent long-range interatomic ferromagnetism; thus controlling the spin alignment of these active catalysts is challenging. In this work, we report a strategy with spin pinning effect to make the spins in active oxyhydroxides more aligned for higher intrinsic OER activity. Such strategy bases on a controllable reconstruction: ferromagnetic oxides with controlled sulfurization can evolve into stable oxide<sub>FM</sub>/oxyhydroxide configurations with a thin oxyhydroxide layer under operando condition. The spin pinning effect is found at the interface of oxide<sub>FM</sub>/oxyhydroxide. The spin pinning effect can promote spin selective electron transfer on OER intermediates to generate oxygens with parallel spin alignment, which facilitates the production of triplet oxygen and increases the intrinsic activity of oxyhydroxide by ~ 1 order of magnitude. Under spin pinning, the spins in oxyhydroxide can become more aligned after magnetization as long-range ferromagnetic ordering is established on the magnetic domains in oxide<sub>FM</sub>. The OER kinetics are facilitated accordingly after magnetization, implying that the spin pinning effect is involved in the rate-determining step and this step is spin dependent. The spin polarization process in OER under spin pinning is also believed to be sensitive to the existence of active oxygen ligand (O(-)) in oxyhydroxide. When the O(-) is created in 1<sup>st</sup> deprotonation step under high pH, the spin polarization of ligand oxygens will be facilitated, which reduces the barrier for subsequent O-O coupling and promotes the O<sub>2</sub> turnover.

2021 ◽  
Tianze Wu ◽  
Xiao Ren ◽  
Yuanmiao Sun ◽  
Shengnan Sun ◽  
Guoyu Xian ◽  

The production of hydrogen by water electrolysis suffers from the kinetic barriers in the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) that limits the overall efficiency. As spin-dependent kinetics exist in OER, the spin alignment in active OER catalysts is critical for reducing the kinetic barriers in OER. It is effective to facilitate the spin polarization in ferromagnetic catalysts by applying external magnetic field, which increases the OER efficiency. However, more active OER catalysts tend to have dynamic open-shell orbital configurations with disordered magnetic moments, without showing an apparent long-range interatomic ferromagnetism; thus controlling the spin alignment of these active catalysts is challenging. In this work, we report a strategy with spin pinning effect to make the spins in active oxyhydroxides more aligned for higher intrinsic OER activity. Such strategy bases on a controllable reconstruction: ferromagnetic oxides with controlled sulfurization can evolve into stable oxide<sub>FM</sub>/oxyhydroxide configurations with a thin oxyhydroxide layer under operando condition. The spin pinning effect is found at the interface of oxide<sub>FM</sub>/oxyhydroxide. The spin pinning effect can promote spin selective electron transfer on OER intermediates to generate oxygens with parallel spin alignment, which facilitates the production of triplet oxygen and increases the intrinsic activity of oxyhydroxide by ~ 1 order of magnitude. Under spin pinning, the spins in oxyhydroxide can become more aligned after magnetization as long-range ferromagnetic ordering is established on the magnetic domains in oxide<sub>FM</sub>. The OER kinetics are facilitated accordingly after magnetization, implying that the spin pinning effect is involved in the rate-determining step and this step is spin dependent. The spin polarization process in OER under spin pinning is also believed to be sensitive to the existence of active oxygen ligand (O(-)) in oxyhydroxide. When the O(-) is created in 1<sup>st</sup> deprotonation step under high pH, the spin polarization of ligand oxygens will be facilitated, which reduces the barrier for subsequent O-O coupling and promotes the O<sub>2</sub> turnover.

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