problem diagnosis
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2021 ◽  
I Gusti Putu Suka Aryana ◽  

Sarkopenia merupakan penurunan massa otot ynag disertai dengan penurunan kekuatan otot dan atau performanya. Hal ini sering dianggap sebagai perubahan fisiologi biasa akibat proses penuaan dan sering tidak mendapatkan perhatian. Faktanya, sarkopenia merupakan pintu masuk awal dari semua penyakit yang ditakuti seperti diabetes. Sarkopenia meningkatkan resiko kejadian osteoporosis, diabetes, penyakit jantung koroner, hipertensi bahkan kanker. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena otot memiliki hubungan secara sistemik dengan seluruh organ tubuh kita. Buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai sumber yang bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa kedokteran, residen, rekan sejawat, juga klinisi dan peneliti. Dalam buku ini membahas problem dan tataklasana sarkopenia secara komprehensif. Penulis berharap buku ini akan memenuhi tujuan yang diinginkan dalam memberikan pengetahuan praktis yang dapat langsung diterapkan untuk meningkatkan perawatan pasien.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2021055
Sameerah Nawaz ◽  
Amanda Tapley ◽  
Andrew Davey ◽  
Mieke L Van Driel ◽  
Alison Fielding ◽  

Background: The management of psoriasis by general practitioners (GPs) is vital, given its prevalence, chronicity, and associated physical and psychosocial co-morbidities. However, there is little information on how GPs (including early-career GPs) manage psoriasis. Objectives: This study assessed the frequency with which Australian specialist GP vocational trainees (‘registrars’) provide psoriasis care and the associations of that clinical experience. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was done of data from the ReCEnT study, an ongoing multi-site cohort study of Australian GP registrars’ experiences during vocational training. In ReCEnT, 60 consecutive consultations are recorded 3 times (6-monthly) during each registrar's training. The outcome factor for this analysis was a problem/diagnosis being psoriasis, and independent variables were related to registrar, patient, practice and consultation factors. This study analysed 17 rounds of data collection (2010-2017) using univariate and multivariable regression. Results: Data from 1,741 registrars regarding 241,888 consultations and 377,980 problems/diagnoses were analysed. Psoriasis comprised 0.15% (n=550) of all problems/diagnoses (95% CI, 0.13-0.16). Significant patient multivariable associations of a problem/diagnosis being psoriasis included age, gender, being new to a practice or a registrar, and psoriasis being an existing problem rather than a new diagnosis. Significant registrar associations included seeking in-consultation information/assistance, not scheduling a follow-up appointment, prescribing medication, and generating learning goals. Conclusions: Australian registrars have modest training exposure to psoriasis and may find psoriasis management challenging. Furthermore, continuity of care (essential for optimal chronic disease management) was modest. The findings have implications for GPs’ approaches to the management of psoriasis more widely as well for general practice education and training policies.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Olvera N ◽  

Background and Objectives: Without appropriate medical weight problem diagnosis, minority women might have inaccurate views of their weight status. It is likely that receiving an obesity diagnosis from a physician will raise women’s awareness of their weight status and increase their desire or intent to control their weight. This study assessed: (1) the unique and combined contribution of medical weight diagnosis to desire to be thinner among minority women with overweight/obesity; (2) to what extent ethnicity/race moderated the relation of medical weight problem diagnosis to desire to be thinner; and 3) ethnic/racial differences in perceived and ideal body size, and body dissatisfaction among minority women. Methods: 366 Hispanic and 111 African American women with a mean age of 43.7 years (SD=15.9 years) completed a self-report health survey and figure rating scale. Results: Only 34.1% women reported having received a medical weight problem diagnosis in the past 12 months. Women with obesity (35.4%) were more likely to have received a medical weight problem diagnosis than women with overweight (11.8%) (p<0.001). Hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis revealed an association between a medical weight problem diagnosis (β=0.19, p=0.011) and desire to be thinner after controlling for ethnicity/race, researcher-estimated body mass index, and weight concern. Conclusions: The study’s findings provide evidence supporting the significant role that physicians’ weight problem diagnosis may play in minority women’s desire for thinness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-96
Faishal Luthfi Wanda Bukhroni ◽  
Vinisa N. Aisyah

Ahmad Dhani telibat dalam kasus ujaran kebencian dan akhirnya divonis bersalah atas cuitannya di Twitter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana TvOne membingkai berita kasus ujaran kebencian yang dilakukan oleh Ahmad Dhani. Model framing yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model framing milik Robert N. Entman yang berfokus pada pemilihan isu dan penonjolan aspek dari suatu berita. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan  menggunakan tiga berita TvOne pada periode November 2017 sampai Februari 2019 sebagai unit analisisnya, yang dianalisa dengan melihat teks, durasi dan scene. Berdasarkan element framing Entman yaitu Define Problem, Diagnose Cause, Moral Judgement, dan Treatment Recommendation, hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga hal dalam pemberitaan tersebut, yaitu ketidakberimbangan narasumber, pengulangan narasi Ahmad Dhani tidak bersalah, dan kontroversi UU ITE di Indonesia.Ahmad Dhani was involved in the case of hate speech and was ultimately convicted of his post on Twitter. This study aims to find out how TvOne framed the case of hate speech committed by Ahmad Dhani. The framing model used in this study is Robert N. Entman's framing model, focusing on the selection of issues and highlighting aspects of a story. This study used a qualitative method using three TvOne clips from November 2017 until February 2019 as the unit of analysis, analyzed by looking at the text, duration and scene. Based on Entman's framing elements such as Define Problem, Diagnosis Cause, Moral Judgment, and Treatment Recommendation, the results of the study identified three frames in the news, including the imbalance of the sources, the narrative of Ahmad Dhani's innocence, and the controversy over the ITE Law in Indonesia. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 6306
Byungchul Tak ◽  
Seorin Park ◽  
Prabhakar Kudva

Log analytics are a critical part of the operational management in today’s IT services. However, the growing software complexity and volume of logs make it increasingly challenging to mine useful insights from logs for problem diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a novel technique, Priolog, that can narrow down the volume of logs into a small set of important and most relevant logs. Priolog uses a combination of log template temporal analysis, log template frequency analysis, and word frequency analysis, which complement each other to generate an accurately ranked list of important logs. We have implemented this technique and applied to the problem diagnosis task of the popular OpenStack platform. Our evaluation indicates that Priolog can effectively find the important logs that hold direct hints to the failure cause in several scenarios. We demonstrate the concepts, design, and evaluation results using actual logs.

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