capture cross section
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Abdul Kabir ◽  
Jameel-Un Nabi

Abstract Radiative capture p+9Be → 10B+γ at energies bearing astrophysical importance is a key process for the spectroscopic study of 10B. In this work, we consider the radiative capture cross-section for the 9Be(p, γ)10B within the framework of the potential model and the R-matrix method for the multi-entrance channel cases. In certain cases, when the potential fails, therefore, the R-matrix approach is better to use for the description of partial components of the cross-section that have sharp or broad resonances. For all possible electric and magnetic dipole transitions, partial components of the astrophysical S-factor are computed. The computed value of the total S-factor at zero energy is consistent with the reported results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012088
A A Maksimova ◽  
A I Baranov ◽  
A V Uvarov ◽  
D A Kudryashov ◽  
A S Gudovskikh

Abstract In this work the properties of the BP/Si heterojunction interface were investigated by capacitance methods, the deep levels transient spectroscopy method and admittance spectroscopy. Admittance spectroscopy did not detect any defects, but the deep level transient spectroscopy showed response with activation energy of 0.33 eV and capture cross-section σn=(1-10)·10-19 cm2 and defect concentration (NT) is in the order of 1013 cm-3. This defect level is a trap for electron with position of 0.33 eV below the conduction band in region near the BP/Si interface.

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-29
T. G. Samkharadze ◽  
O. B. Khavroshkin ◽  
V. V. Tsyplakov

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 65
Bobir Toshmatov ◽  
Ozodbek Rahimov ◽  
Bobomurat Ahmedov ◽  
Abdumirhakim Ahmedov

We study an influence of the leading coefficient of the parameterized line element of the spherically symmetric, static black hole on the capture of massless and massive particles. We have shown that negative (positive) values of ϵ decreases (increases) the radius of characteristic circular orbits and consequently, increases (decreases) the energy and decreases (increases) the angular momentum of the particle moving along these orbits. Moreover, we have calculated and compared the capture cross section of the massive particle in the relativistic and non-relativistic limits. It has been shown that in the case of small deviation from general relativity the capture cross section for the relativistic and nonrelativistic particle has an additional term being linear in the small dimensionless deviation parameter ϵ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 71
N. Patronis ◽  
P. A. Assimakopoulos ◽  
S. Dababneh ◽  
M. Heil ◽  
F. Kaeppeler ◽  

The neutron capture cross section of the unstable isotope $^{135}$Cs was measured relative to that of gold by means of the activation method. The sample was produced by ion implantation in a high resolution mass separator and irradiated with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons at 30 keV and 500 keV, using the $^{7}$Li(p,n)$^{7}$Be reaction. After the irradiations at the above energies, one more irradiation with thermal neutrons was used for defining the sample mass and for measuring the half-life of $^{136}$Cs. The neutron capture cross section was  determined as 164 $\pm$ 10 mbarn and 34.8 $\pm$ 3.0 mbarn at 30 keV and 500 keV, respectively, and were used to normalize the theoretically derived cross section shape.

Gerard Rovira ◽  
Tatsuya Katabuchi ◽  
Kenichi Tosaka ◽  
Shota Matsuura ◽  
Yu Kodama ◽  

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 307
Bobomurat Ahmedov ◽  
Ozodbek Rahimov ◽  
Bobir Toshmatov

We study the capture cross-section of massless (photon) and massive test particles by the Schwarzschild–Tangherlini black hole, which is a solution of pure general relativity in higher dimensional spacetime with R×SD−2 topology. It is shown that an extra dimension weakens the gravitational attraction of a black hole, and consequently, radii of all the characteristic circular orbits, such as the radius of a photonsphere decrease in the higher dimensions. Furthermore, it is shown that in higher dimensions, there are no stable and bounded circular orbits. The critical impact parameters and capture cross-sections of photons and massive particles are calculated for several higher dimensions and it is shown that they also decrease with increasing dimension. Moreover, we calculate the capture cross-section of relativistic and non-relativistic test particles in the higher dimensions..

2021 ◽  
Taichi Takeishi ◽  
Satoshi Takeda ◽  
Takanori Kitada

Abstract The reproduction factor of Th232 is high in the thermal energy range and there is a possibility to achieve the breeding in LWRs. However, it is necessary to improve the conversion ratio since the breeding is difficult in LWRs. The conversion ratio can be improved by suppressing capture rate of Pa233 and by promoting capture rate of Th232. In addition, these capture rates can be modified by adding neutron absorber. Therefore, the neutron absorber is focused for improving the conversion ratio in this study. The high resonance peaks of Pa233 capture cross section exist around 1∼100 eV. The resonance peaks of Th232 are higher than 10 eV. Thus, when the 1∼10 eV neutrons are suppressed in the fuel, the Pa233 resonance capture reaction is suppressed and the Th232 resonance capture reaction is promoted by neutron spectrum hardening. Therefore, six neutron absorbers that have high capture cross section peaks at 1∼10 eV were selected. The PWR pin cell calculations were carried out by Monte Carlo code MVP. The fuels are composed of a base material and an absorber. The base material is an oxidized fuel composed of U233(10 wt%), Th232(89.95 wt%), and Pa233(0.05 wt%). The amount of neutron absorber was adjusted so that the infinite multiplication factor becomes 1.33. The impact of adding neutron absorber on the reaction rate was evaluated. As the result, the hardening of the neutron spectrum leads increase of the capture rate of Pa233, and the capture rate of Th232 in the epithermal energy range is increased. The change of capture rate of Th232 is greater than that of Pa232. Therefore, the conversion ratio is found to be improved by adding neutron absorber.

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