ergodic hypothesis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Andrew J. Larkoski ◽  
Tom Melia

Abstract Despite being the overwhelming majority of events produced in hadron or heavy ion collisions, minimum bias events do not enjoy a robust first-principles theoretical description as their dynamics are dominated by low-energy quantum chromodynamics. In this paper, we present a novel expansion scheme of the cross section for minimum bias events that exploits an ergodic hypothesis for particles in the events and events in an ensemble of data. We identify power counting rules and symmetries of minimum bias from which the form of the squared matrix element can be expanded in symmetric polynomials of the phase space coordinates. This expansion is entirely defined in terms of observable quantities, in contrast to models of heavy ion collisions that rely on unmeasurable quantities like the number of nucleons participating in the collision, or tunes of parton shower parameters to describe the underlying event in proton collisions. The expansion parameter that we identify from our power counting is the number of detected particles N and as N → ∞ the variance of the squared matrix element about its mean, constant value on phase space vanishes. With this expansion, we show that the transverse momentum distribution of particles takes a universal form that only depends on a single parameter, has a fractional dispersion relation, and agrees with data in its realm of validity. We show that the constraint of positivity of the squared matrix element requires that all azimuthal correlations vanish in the N → ∞ limit at fixed center-of-mass energy, as observed in data. The approach we follow allows for a unified treatment of small and large system collective behavior, being equally applicable to describe, e.g., elliptic flow in PbPb collisions and the “ridge” in pp collisions. We also briefly comment on power counting and symmetries for minimum bias events in other collider environments and show that a possible ridge in e+e− collisions is highly suppressed as a consequence of its symmetries.

Yonatan Berman ◽  
Ole Peters ◽  
Alexander Adamou

Many studies of wealth inequality make the ergodic hypothesis that rescaled wealth converges rapidly to a stationary distribution. Under this assumption, changes in distribution are expressed as changes in model parameters, reflecting shocks in economic conditions, with rapid equilibration thereafter. Here we test the ergodic hypothesis in an established model of wealth in a growing and reallocating economy. We fit model parameters to historical data from the United States. In recent decades, we find negative reallocation, from poorer to richer, for which no stationary distribution exists. When we find positive reallocation, convergence to the stationary distribution is slow. Our analysis does not support using the ergodic hypothesis in this model for these data. It suggests that inequality evolves because the distribution is inherently unstable on relevant timescales, regardless of shocks. Studies of other models and data, in which the ergodic hypothesis is made, would benefit from similar tests.

Kaloshin Vadim ◽  
Zhang Ke

This introductory chapter provides an overview of Arnold diffusion. The famous question called the ergodic hypothesis, formulated by Maxwell and Boltzmann, suggests that for a typical Hamiltonian on a typical energy surface, all but a set of initial conditions of zero measure have trajectories dense in this energy surface. However, Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) theory showed that for an open set of (nearly integrable) Hamiltonian systems, there is a set of initial conditions of positive measure with almost periodic trajectories. This disproved the ergodic hypothesis and forced reconsideration of the problem. For autonomous nearly integrable systems of two degrees or time-periodic systems of one and a half degrees of freedom, the KAM invariant tori divide the phase space. These invariant tori forbid large scale instability. When the degrees of freedoms are larger than two, large scale instability is indeed possible, as evidenced by the examples given by Vladimir Arnold. The chapter explains that the book answers the question of the typicality of these instabilities in the two and a half degrees of freedom case.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
Vladimir Grushko

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-110 ◽  
Francesco Benfenati ◽  
Gian Paolo Beretta

AbstractWe show that to prove the Onsager relations using the microscopic time reversibility one necessarily has to make an ergodic hypothesis, or a hypothesis closely linked to that. This is true in all the proofs of the Onsager relations in the literature: from the original proof by Onsager, to more advanced proofs in the context of linear response theory and the theory of Markov processes, to the proof in the context of the kinetic theory of gases. The only three proofs that do not require any kind of ergodic hypothesis are based on additional hypotheses on the macroscopic evolution: Ziegler’s maximum entropy production principle (MEPP), the principle of time reversal invariance of the entropy production, or the steepest entropy ascent principle (SEAP).

Olivier Darrigol

This chapter is the first subset of a set of critical summaries Boltzmann’s writings on kinetic-molecular theory. It covers a first period in which he tried to construct the laws of thermal equilibrium, including the existence of the entropy function and the Maxwell–Boltzmann law, by various means including the principle of least action, Maxwell’s collision formula, the ergodic hypothesis, and a procedure of adiabatic variation. This is an immensely fertile period in which Boltzmann introduced several of the basic concepts, problems, and difficulties of modern statistical mechanics.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (17) ◽  
pp. 9929-9944 ◽  
J. Chen ◽  
Y. Hu ◽  
Y. Yu ◽  
S. Lü

Abstract. The ergodic hypothesis is a basic hypothesis typically invoked in atmospheric surface layer (ASL) experiments. The ergodic theorem of stationary random processes is introduced to analyse and verify the ergodicity of atmospheric turbulence measured using the eddy-covariance technique with two sets of field observational data. The results show that the ergodicity of atmospheric turbulence in atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is relative not only to the atmospheric stratification but also to the eddy scale of atmospheric turbulence. The eddies of atmospheric turbulence, of which the scale is smaller than the scale of the ABL (i.e. the spatial scale is less than 1000 m and temporal scale is shorter than 10 min), effectively satisfy the ergodic theorems. Under these restrictions, a finite time average can be used as a substitute for the ensemble average of atmospheric turbulence, whereas eddies that are larger than ABL scale dissatisfy the mean ergodic theorem. Consequently, when a finite time average is used to substitute for the ensemble average, the eddy-covariance technique incurs large errors due to the loss of low-frequency information associated with larger eddies. A multi-station observation is compared with a single-station observation, and then the scope that satisfies the ergodic theorem is extended from scales smaller than the ABL, approximately 1000 m to scales greater than about 2000 m. Therefore, substituting the finite time average for the ensemble average of atmospheric turbulence is more faithfully approximate the actual values. Regardless of vertical velocity or temperature, the variance of eddies at different scales follows Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) better if the ergodic theorem can be satisfied; if not it deviates from MOST. The exploration of ergodicity in atmospheric turbulence is doubtlessly helpful in understanding the issues in atmospheric turbulent observations and provides a theoretical basis for overcoming related difficulties.

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