entropy production
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2022 ◽  
Rui Zhang ◽  
Katalee Jariyavidyanont ◽  
Evgeny Zhuravlev ◽  
Christoph Schick ◽  
René Androsch

Andreas Dechant

Abstract We investigate the problem of minimizing the entropy production for a physical process that can be described in terms of a Markov jump dynamics. We show that, without any further constraints, a given time-evolution may be realized at arbitrarily small entropy production, yet at the expense of diverging activity. For a fixed activity, we find that the dynamics that minimizes the entropy production is given in terms of conservative forces. The value of the minimum entropy production is expressed in terms of the graph-distance based Wasserstein distance between the initial and final configuration. This yields a new kind of speed limit relating dissipation, the average number of transitions and the Wasserstein distance. It also allows us to formulate the optimal transport problem on a graph in term of a continuous-time interpolating dynamics, in complete analogy to the continuous space setting. We demonstrate our findings for simple state networks, a time-dependent pump and for spin flips in the Ising model.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Shun Otsubo ◽  
Sreekanth K. Manikandan ◽  
Takahiro Sagawa ◽  
Supriya Krishnamurthy

AbstractThe rate of entropy production provides a useful quantitative measure of a non-equilibrium system and estimating it directly from time-series data from experiments is highly desirable. Several approaches have been considered for stationary dynamics, some of which are based on a variational characterization of the entropy production rate. However, the issue of obtaining it in the case of non-stationary dynamics remains largely unexplored. Here, we solve this open problem by demonstrating that the variational approaches can be generalized to give the exact value of the entropy production rate even for non-stationary dynamics. On the basis of this result, we develop an efficient algorithm that estimates the entropy production rate continuously in time by using machine learning techniques and validate our numerical estimates using analytically tractable Langevin models in experimentally relevant parameter regimes. Our method only requires time-series data for the system of interest without any prior knowledge of the system’s parameters.

Arthur Genthon ◽  
Reinaldo Garcia Garcia ◽  
David Lacoste

Abstract We study the Stochastic Thermodynamics of cell growth and division using a theoretical framework based on branching processes with resetting. Cell division may be split into two sub-processes: branching, by which a given cell gives birth to an identical copy of itself, and resetting, by which some properties of the daughter cells (such as their size or age) are reset to new values following division. We derive the first and second laws of Stochastic Thermodynamics for this process, and identify separate contributions due to branching and resetting. We apply our framework to well-known models of cell size control, such as the sizer, the timer, and the adder. We show that the entropy production of resetting is negative and that of branching is positive for these models in the regime of exponential growth of the colony. This property suggests an analogy between our model for cell growth and division and heat engines, and the introduction of a thermodynamic efficiency, which quantifies the conversion of one form of entropy production to another.

PRX Quantum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Gabriel T. Landi ◽  
Mauro Paternostro ◽  
Alessio Belenchia

2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Kun Zhang ◽  
Kun Hao ◽  
Dmitri Kharzeev ◽  
Vladimir Korepin

Entropy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Michel Feidt ◽  
Monica Costea

This paper presents a new step in the optimization of the Chambadal model of the Carnot engine. It allows a sequential optimization of a model with internal irreversibilities. The optimization is performed successively with respect to various objectives (e.g., energy, efficiency, or power when introducing the duration of the cycle). New complementary results are reported, generalizing those recently published in the literature. In addition, the new concept of entropy production action is proposed. This concept induces new optimums concerning energy and power in the presence of internal irreversibilities inversely proportional to the cycle or transformation durations. This promising approach is related to applications but also to fundamental aspects.

Entropy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Karo Michaelian ◽  
Ramón Eduardo Cano Mateo

Through a modern derivation of Planck’s formula for the entropy of an arbitrary beam of photons, we derive a general expression for entropy production due to the irreversible process of the absorption of an arbitrary incident photon spectrum in material and its dissipation into an infrared-shifted grey-body emitted spectrum, with the rest being reflected or transmitted. Employing the framework of Classical Irreversible Thermodynamic theory, we define the generalized thermodynamic flow as the flow of photons from the incident beam into the material and the generalized thermodynamic force is, then, the entropy production divided by the photon flow, which is the entropy production per unit photon at a given wavelength. We compare the entropy production of different inorganic and organic materials (water, desert, leaves and forests) under sunlight and show that organic materials are the greater entropy-producing materials. Intriguingly, plant and phytoplankton pigments (including chlorophyll) reach peak absorption exactly where entropy production through photon dissipation is maximal for our solar spectrum 430<λ<550 nm, while photosynthetic efficiency is maximal between 600 and 700 nm. These results suggest that the evolution of pigments, plants and ecosystems has been towards optimizing entropy production, rather than photosynthesis. We propose using the wavelength dependence of global entropy production as a biosignature for discovering life on planets of other stars.

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