derivational suffix
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Enn Ernits

This article examines the derivation of Kraasna nominals using suffixes. Despite limited documentation, it was possible to find a large number of nominal derivatives using 18 derivational suffixes formed from 20 primary suffixes and 21 suffixes formed from 21 secondary suffixes. Kraasna suffixes mostly resemble those of Seto. Only the compound suffixes (-i)s-to, -la-s, and -ži-ne, which derive just a few words (kaklas, laanist, soomist, ammuužine) are not characteristic of Seto. The suffixes *-ek and *eš occur as the assimilated form -eh in Kraasna, but as -eh and -eq in Seto. In oblique cases, the derivational suffix -eh still occurs in a mid-19th century folk song but had been lost by the early 20th century. The Kraasna dialect is surprisingly similar to Seto, from which it separated 300 years before its documentation in the early 20th century. It would be interesting to know to what extent later connections with Setomaa harmonised both dialects. Kokkuvõte. Enn Ernits: Kraasna noomenituletus. Vaatamata talletatud sõnavara piiratusele ilmneb Kraasna murrakus rohkesti käändsõnatuletisi. Need on moodustatud 20 primaarsufiksist tekkinud 18 liite ja 21 sekundaarsufiksist kujunenud sama arvu liidete abil. Kraasna sufiksid sarnanevad seto omadega. Ainult liitliited (-i)s-to, -la-s ja -ži-ne, mis tuletavad vaid üksikuid sõnu (kaklas, laanisto, soomisto, ammuužine), pole seto murrakutele omased. Viimatimainitud sufiks esineb ka Hargla, leivu ja lutsi murrakutes. Kraasna murrakule oli iseloomulik liidete *-ek ja *eš sarnastunud kuju -eh, seevastu seto murrakutes võivad need esineda paralleelselt -eh ja -eq kujul. Obliikvakäändes derivatiivsufiks -eh esines XIX sajandi keskpaiku veel ühe rahvalaulu sõnas *valgõ-hõ-ta, XX sajandi alguseks oli taandunud, vrd *valgõt. Kraasna murrakus kasutati rohkesti deminutiivliidet -kanõ. Enamikul Kraasna käändsõnatuletistel on vasted seto murrakutes, üksnes vähestel juhtudel see puudub, sh kipõküüdzüs ‘kurivaim’, mako ‘magamine’, tukim ‘tugi’ ja vadõridzõq ‘vaderid’. Teadaolevalt ainult Kraasna murrakus esinevad sõnad laudadzõq ~ laadadzõq ‘lehmakahi’ ja puzanõ ‘mõrkjas’. Kraasna murrak, mis irdus setost XX sajandi alguse kirjapanekutega võrreldes 300 aastat varem, on viimasega üllatuslikult sarnane. Tuleks uurida, kuivõrd suutsid murrakuid ühtlustada hilisemad seosed Setomaaga.

Diachronica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Eystein Dahl

Abstract This paper reassesses the rise of ergative alignment in Anatolian and Indo-Aryan, two branches of the Indo-European linguistic family. Both of these branches acquire split-ergative morphosyntax in the course of their history but via different grammaticalization paths and with different results. In the Anatolian language Hittite, a denominative derivational suffix develops into an ergative case marker, which is restricted to so-called neuter nouns. In Indo-Aryan, on the other hand, a new ergative category with anterior aspectual semantics emerges in Middle Indo-Aryan originating from a P-oriented resultative construction in Old Indo-Aryan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 3480
Rinny Rorimpandey

The Tontemboan language is one of the regional languages in Minahasa. This language has two dialects namely Makela’I and Matana’i. The purpose of this writing is to describe one side of the morphological process of Tontemboan language, in particular, Makela’I dialect, which is focused on Derivational affixes in Tontemboan language, their arrangement, and combination with other morphemes to form words, and their function. In conducting this research, the writer uses the qualitative method. In collecting data she used several techniques: Observation, interviewing, and analyzing written texts were used to collect and analyze data. The informants are choosing according to certain criteria, they came from the Motoling Barat Region. The result is there are 6 Derivational prefixes, those are :prefix {ma-} { paka -} ,{ta -}, {ka -},{pa -} {maka -},2 Derivational infixes, they are:Infix { – in –}, Infix { – um –}, 1 Derivational suffix { – an }, 4 Derivational Confixes they are: { ka-an }, {pa-an},{maka – em }, {maka – em }, {um-em}. Derivational affixes change the word class of their base form. It is expected that the result of this writing could be a contribution to the teaching of language, in particular the Tontemboan language.

Ирина Владимировна Новицкая ◽  
Виктория Владимировна Воробьева ◽  
Зоя Владимировна Федоринова

Введение. Изучение семантики словообразовательных формантов сосредоточено главным образом на материалах современных языков. Эмпирический материал охватывает лексические единицы одного из древних германских языков – древнеисландского, а именно существительные мужского рода, образованные с помощью словообразовательного суффикса -skapr-. Цель – моделирование участка семантического пространства, вербализованного в древнеисландском языке посредством производных лексических единиц с абстрактной семантикой, маркированных словообразовательным суффиксом -skapr-. Материал и методы. Материалом для исследования послужили этимологические и толковые словари древнеисландского языка. Корпус эмпирического материала составил 86 единиц, выделенных с помощью приема сплошной выборки. Исследование языкового материала осуществлялось с применением методов сравнения, компонентного и словообразовательного анализа, приемов этимологического анализа, интерпретации. Результаты и обсуждение. Корпус лексических единиц мужского рода склонения на -а, образованных от именных основ при помощи суффикса -skapr-, включает 86 единиц. Понятийные области, вербализованные производными с рассматриваемым суффиксом, включают обозначения личностных качеств человека, характера или способа действий и их результатов, обозначение конкретных объектов, товаров в собирательном значении, типов взаимоотношений, обозначения понятий, относящихся к религии, язычеству или колдовству. Наиболее многочисленная группа обозначений охватывает названия черт характера или поведения человека, как поощряемых, так и порицаемых обществом. При этом зафиксировано наличие синонимичных рядов производных с суффиксом -skapr-, номинирующих одно и то же качество характера человека, а также синкретичность семантики некоторых производных с указанным суффиксом, включающей как абстрактные, так и конкретные значения. Наличествующий в морфологической структуре анализируемых производных суффикс -skapr- этимологически связан с самостоятельным словом skap «вид, состояние», которое восходит к праиндоевропейскому корню *(s)keH. Развернутый ряд производных, построенных по одному и тому же словообразовательному типу, позволяет рассматривать данный тип как отдельный формат представления знаний, некий мыслительный конструкт, объективированный суффиксом. Суффикс в такой аналитической конструкции функционирует в качестве маркера формата. В случае с анализируемым суффиксом данный формат может быть определен как абстрактная сущность, названная основой, мыслимая как самостоятельный объект в абсолютизированном виде, т. е. в отрыве от действительного обладателя этой характеристики. Заключение. Производные с словообразовательным суффиксом -skapr- репрезентируют целый спектр понятий, связанных с характеристиками человека и его деятельности. Словообразовательный суффикс функционирует как маркер семантического инварианта в семантической структуре производных, который может позиционироваться как профиль словообразовательного типа. Семантическое пространство, форматируемое суффиксом, имеет композиционную природу, обусловленную семантикой компонентов самого суффикса. Introduction. Over the last decade’s studies on semantics of derivational morphemes have primarily dealt with contemporary language data. The article focuses on a group of Old Icelandic masculine nouns that are formed by means of the derivational suffix -skapr-. The aim is to model a fragment of the semantic field that is represented by the Old Icelandic derivatives with an abstract semantics and marked by the suffix -skapr- . Materials and methods. The source of material for the study is etymological dictionaries of the Old Icelandic language. The corpus of empirical material includes 86 lexical units. The study of the linguistic material draws on the methods of comparison, component and word-formation analysis, methods of etymological analysis, interpretation. Results. The corpus of masculine nouns belonging to the masculine a-declension, derived from nominal stems with the help of the suffix -skapr-, includes 86 units. The conceptual areas, verbalized by derivatives with the suffix under consideration, include designations of personal qualities of a person, character or method of action and its results, designation of specific objects, goods in a collective sense, types of relationships, designation of concepts related to religion, paganism or witchcraft. The most numerous group of designations covers the names of traits or behavior of a person, both encouraged and condemned by the members of society. It has been revealed that the same quality of a person’s character can be verbalized by a series of synonymous derivatives with the suffix -skapr-. Besides, a number of derivatives with the suffix display their syncretic semantics, involving both abstract and concrete meanings. The suffix -skapr- present in the morphological structure of the analyzed derivatives is etymologically related to the independent word skap “species, state”, which goes back to the Proto-Indo-European root *(s)keH. A series of derivatives, built according to the same word-formation type, allows us to consider this type as a separate format for representing knowledge, a kind of mental construct objectified by the suffix. The suffix in this analytic construct functions as a format marker. It is argued that the suffix under analysis marks the format that can be defined as “an abstract entity called by the base, conceived as an independent object in an absolutized form, i.e. in isolation from the real owner of this characteristics”. Conclusion. Derivatives with the word-formation suffix -skapr- represent a whole range of concepts related to the characteristics of a person and his activities. The word-formation suffix functions as a marker of the semantic invariant in the semantic structure of derivatives, which can be viewed as a profile of this word-formation type. The semantic filed indicated by the suffix is of a compositional nature due to the semantics of the components of the suffix itself.

Seyyedeh Zohreh Aftabi ◽  
Abbas Ali Ahangar ◽  
Hassan Mishmast Nehi

Aleksandra A. Janić

The subject of this paper is the status of Serbian adjectival derivational suffixes with initial j in comparison to their variants with initial lj, nj, and also without an initial consonant. Azbučnik prideva u srpskoj prozi dvadesetog veka by Miroslav Josić Višnjić was used as a corpus. The most favourable possible scenario for adjectival derivational suffixes ‑jan, -j(a)n, ‑jav, ‑jast, ‑ji, ‑jiv, ‑jal(a)n, ‑jar(a)n, -jat, -jev, ‑jevit, -jikav, -jin, ‑jit, ‑juškast and their distribution were analysed regarding the phonological characteristics of the final consonant of a derivational base they are combined with. These derivational suffixes with initial j in Serbian are the most stable with n and l at the end of a base (n + j from a derivational suffix > the phoneme nj, l + j from a derivational suffix > the phoneme lj), but they are rarely visible on the surface structure of adjectives (cf. pasji). In word formation analyses, adjectives with derivational bases with final nj, lj and other palatal and palatalised consonants can be morpho-phonologically explained with derivational suffixes with an initial j, but some of them also with initial nj, lj or without initial consonant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-295
Blaž Šoba ◽  

The article discusses the problematic use of the male gender forms, referring to the biological female gender subject. In the Russian language, the usage is standardized, when anoun in a clause carries the attributive function and is, as such, universal. On the other hand, the female gender formis used for the actual referential subject. In Slovene forms of addressing, a male gender form is used when referring to a female subject –the »antiagreeing« phrases Mrs professor and Mrs doctorcoexist with the matching (systematical) phrases, where the headword of each nominal phrase ends with a derivational suffix, denoting female gender. The difference between »antiagreement« and thematching phrases lies in the context of addressing and is mainly of stylistic nature. The article shows some options for either strategy and later on focuses on the comparison with a strategy of addressing in the Russian language: the equivalents of the Slovene phrases (Mrs professor, Mrs doctor, and their matching phrases, where the headword of each nominal phrase ends with a derivational suffix, denoting female gender), addressing by the first name and patronym, addressing by the combination Mrs/mr + last/first name and addressing by general terms, aiming for a neutral meaning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (97) ◽  
Juha Kuokkala

The purpose of this article is twofold: first, to give an overview of the morphological and areal variation of the Saami deverbal inchoative suffixes (North Saami -goahti- and -šgoahti-), and second, to give an updated account of the history of said suffixes. To achieve the latter, a critical survey is made of previous literature dealing with these Saami suffixes as well as the phonetically and semantically similar derivational suffixes in Mordvin (Erzya -kado-, -gado-) and in Veps and Ludic (-gande-, -škande- ~ -gade-, -škade-). Several kinds of etymological cognate or loan relations between these suffixes have been posited. In the present paper, however, it is argued that the Saami -goahti- suffix is not related to other Uralic suffixes, but instead results from the affixation of an independent verb (North Saami boahtit ‘to come’). The -š- element attaching to the suffix is explained as a remnant of another derivational suffix still found as an independent inchoative marker -ahtja- present from South Saami up to Lule Saami.

Diachronica ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-99
Marion Schulte

Abstract This study investigates the effects of borrowing on the semantics of a derivational suffix. It presents a case study that compares the borrowed Middle English suffix -ery to Middle French -erie, paying special attention to their respective semantic structures and analysing them with semantic maps. The semantic structure of the borrowed suffix -ery is very similar to that of its origin -erie and there is no evidence for semantic reduction as a result of the borrowing process. This stability is linked to sociolinguistic aspects of the contact situation. Substantial semantic changes do occur in the recipient language after the suffix has become an established word formation process, however. On the basis of empirical data, this paper makes a contribution to the study of derivational semantics and contact linguistics by proposing a methodology for the analysis of the semantic structure of (borrowed) derivational morphology.

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