atomic decomposition
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Hicham Arroussi

AbstractFor $1\le p<\infty $ 1 ≤ p < ∞ , let $A^{p}_{\omega }$ A ω p be the weighted Bergman space associated with an exponential type weight ω satisfying $$ \int _{{\mathbb{D}}} \bigl\vert K_{z}(\xi ) \bigr\vert \omega (\xi )^{1/2} \,dA(\xi ) \le C \omega (z)^{-1/2}, \quad z\in {\mathbb{D}}, $$ ∫ D | K z ( ξ ) | ω ( ξ ) 1 / 2 d A ( ξ ) ≤ C ω ( z ) − 1 / 2 , z ∈ D , where $K_{z}$ K z is the reproducing kernel of $A^{2}_{\omega }$ A ω 2 . This condition allows us to obtain some interesting reproducing kernel estimates and more estimates on the solutions of the ∂̅-equation (Theorem 2.5) for more general weight $\omega _{*}$ ω ∗ . As an application, we prove the boundedness of the Bergman projection on $L^{p}_{\omega }$ L ω p , identify the dual space of $A^{p}_{\omega }$ A ω p , and establish an atomic decomposition for it. Further, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness and compactness of some operators acting from $A^{p}_{\omega }$ A ω p into $A^{q}_{\omega }$ A ω q , $1\le p,q<\infty $ 1 ≤ p , q < ∞ , such as Toeplitz and (big) Hankel operators.

Edyta Kania-Strojec

AbstractWe study Hardy spaces associated with a general multidimensional Bessel operator $$\mathbb {B}_\nu $$ B ν . This operator depends on a multiparameter of type $$\nu $$ ν that is usually restricted to a product of half-lines. Here we deal with the Bessel operator in the general context, with no restrictions on the type parameter. We define the Hardy space $$H^1$$ H 1 for $$\mathbb {B}_\nu $$ B ν in terms of the maximal operator of the semigroup of operators $$\exp (-t\mathbb {B}_\nu )$$ exp ( - t B ν ) . Then we prove that, in general, $$H^1$$ H 1 admits an atomic decomposition of local type.

2021 ◽  
Robin Nolte ◽  
Thomas Schneider

Various properties of ontology modules have been studied, such as coverage, self-containment, depletingness, monotonicity, preservation of justifications. These properties are important from a theoretical and practical point of view because they ensure, e.g., that modules have meaningful interfaces, can be used for ontology debugging, or are suitable for computing a meaningful modular structure of an ontology, such as via atomic decomposition (AD). Given one of the many existing module notions, it is not always obvious whether it satisfies a given property, particularly when the module extraction procedure is based on normalization. We investigate several module properties from an abstract point of view with an emphasis on properties relevant for AD. We examine their interrelations, their relation with iterated module extraction, their preservation in normalization-based module notions, and the adjustment of the latter to the requirements of AD. As a case study, we apply our results to modules based on Datalog reasoning (DBMs), which comprise a large family of normalization-based module notions that provide logical guarantees of varying strengths and are thus suitable to a wide range of use cases. This makes DBMs ready to be used for AD and thereby opens AD to new applications.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-45
Narcisse Randrianantoanina

Abstract Let $\mathcal {M}$ be a semifinite von Nemann algebra equipped with an increasing filtration $(\mathcal {M}_n)_{n\geq 1}$ of (semifinite) von Neumann subalgebras of $\mathcal {M}$ . For $0<p <\infty $ , let $\mathsf {h}_p^c(\mathcal {M})$ denote the noncommutative column conditioned martingale Hardy space and $\mathsf {bmo}^c(\mathcal {M})$ denote the column “little” martingale BMO space associated with the filtration $(\mathcal {M}_n)_{n\geq 1}$ . We prove the following real interpolation identity: if $0<p <\infty $ and $0<\theta <1$ , then for $1/r=(1-\theta )/p$ , $$ \begin{align*} \big(\mathsf{h}_p^c(\mathcal{M}), \mathsf{bmo}^c(\mathcal{M})\big)_{\theta, r}=\mathsf{h}_{r}^c(\mathcal{M}), \end{align*} $$ with equivalent quasi norms. For the case of complex interpolation, we obtain that if $0<p<q<\infty $ and $0<\theta <1$ , then for $1/r =(1-\theta )/p +\theta /q$ , $$ \begin{align*} \big[\mathsf{h}_p^c(\mathcal{M}), \mathsf{h}_q^c(\mathcal{M})\big]_{\theta}=\mathsf{h}_{r}^c(\mathcal{M}) \end{align*} $$ with equivalent quasi norms. These extend previously known results from $p\geq 1$ to the full range $0<p<\infty $ . Other related spaces such as spaces of adapted sequences and Junge’s noncommutative conditioned $L_p$ -spaces are also shown to form interpolation scale for the full range $0<p<\infty $ when either the real method or the complex method is used. Our method of proof is based on a new algebraic atomic decomposition for Orlicz space version of Junge’s noncommutative conditioned $L_p$ -spaces. We apply these results to derive various inequalities for martingales in noncommutative symmetric quasi-Banach spaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
Helena F. Gonçalves

AbstractIn this paper we provide non-smooth atomic decompositions of 2-microlocal Besov-type and Triebel–Lizorkin-type spaces with variable exponents $$B^{\varvec{w}, \phi }_{p(\cdot ),q(\cdot )}({\mathbb {R}}^n)$$ B p ( · ) , q ( · ) w , ϕ ( R n ) and $$F^{\varvec{w}, \phi }_{p(\cdot ),q(\cdot )}({\mathbb {R}}^n)$$ F p ( · ) , q ( · ) w , ϕ ( R n ) . Of big importance in general, and an essential tool here, are the characterizations of the spaces via maximal functions and local means, that we also present. These spaces were recently introduced by Wu et al. and cover not only variable 2-microlocal Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces $$B^{\varvec{w}}_{p(\cdot ),q(\cdot )}({\mathbb {R}}^n)$$ B p ( · ) , q ( · ) w ( R n ) and $$F^{\varvec{w}}_{p(\cdot ),q(\cdot )}({\mathbb {R}}^n)$$ F p ( · ) , q ( · ) w ( R n ) , but also the more classical smoothness Morrey spaces $$B^{s, \tau }_{p,q}({\mathbb {R}}^n)$$ B p , q s , τ ( R n ) and $$F^{s,\tau }_{p,q}({\mathbb {R}}^n)$$ F p , q s , τ ( R n ) . Afterwards, we state a pointwise multipliers assertion for this scale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
Agnieszka Hejna

AbstractFor a normalized root system R in $${\mathbb {R}}^N$$ R N and a multiplicity function $$k\ge 0$$ k ≥ 0 let $${\mathbf {N}}=N+\sum _{\alpha \in R} k(\alpha )$$ N = N + ∑ α ∈ R k ( α ) . We denote by $$dw({\mathbf {x}})=\varPi _{\alpha \in R}|\langle {\mathbf {x}},\alpha \rangle |^{k(\alpha )}\,d{\mathbf {x}}$$ d w ( x ) = Π α ∈ R | ⟨ x , α ⟩ | k ( α ) d x the associated measure in $${\mathbb {R}}^N$$ R N . Let $$L=-\varDelta +V$$ L = - Δ + V , $$V\ge 0$$ V ≥ 0 , be the Dunkl–Schrödinger operator on $${\mathbb {R}}^N$$ R N . Assume that there exists $$q >\max (1,\frac{{\mathbf {N}}}{2})$$ q > max ( 1 , N 2 ) such that V belongs to the reverse Hölder class $$\mathrm{{RH}}^{q}(dw)$$ RH q ( d w ) . We prove the Fefferman–Phong inequality for L. As an application, we conclude that the Hardy space $$H^1_{L}$$ H L 1 , which is originally defined by means of the maximal function associated with the semigroup $$e^{-tL}$$ e - t L , admits an atomic decomposition with local atoms in the sense of Goldberg, where their localizations are adapted to V.

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