bessel operator
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Sabrine Arfaoui ◽  
Maryam G. Alshehri ◽  
Anouar Ben Ben Mabrouk

In the present paper, an uncertainty principle is derived in the quantum wavelet framework. Precisely, a new uncertainty principle for the generalized q-Bessel wavelet transform, based on some q-quantum wavelet, is established. A two-parameters extension of the classical Bessel operator is applied to generate a wavelet function which is used for exploring a wavelet uncertainty principle in the q-calculus framework.

Edyta Kania-Strojec

AbstractWe study Hardy spaces associated with a general multidimensional Bessel operator $$\mathbb {B}_\nu $$ B ν . This operator depends on a multiparameter of type $$\nu $$ ν that is usually restricted to a product of half-lines. Here we deal with the Bessel operator in the general context, with no restrictions on the type parameter. We define the Hardy space $$H^1$$ H 1 for $$\mathbb {B}_\nu $$ B ν in terms of the maximal operator of the semigroup of operators $$\exp (-t\mathbb {B}_\nu )$$ exp ( - t B ν ) . Then we prove that, in general, $$H^1$$ H 1 admits an atomic decomposition of local type.

Jan Dereziński ◽  
Vladimir Georgescu

AbstractWe consider the Schrödinger operator on the halfline with the potential $$(m^2-\frac{1}{4})\frac{1}{x^2}$$ ( m 2 - 1 4 ) 1 x 2 , often called the Bessel operator. We assume that m is complex. We study the domains of various closed homogeneous realizations of the Bessel operator. In particular, we prove that the domain of its minimal realization for $$|\mathrm{Re}(m)|<1$$ | Re ( m ) | < 1 and of its unique closed realization for $$\mathrm{Re}(m)>1$$ Re ( m ) > 1 coincide with the minimal second-order Sobolev space. On the other hand, if $$\mathrm{Re}(m)=1$$ Re ( m ) = 1 the minimal second-order Sobolev space is a subspace of infinite codimension of the domain of the unique closed Bessel operator. The properties of Bessel operators are compared with the properties of the corresponding bilinear forms.

F. Bouzeffour ◽  
M. Garayev

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
A. V. Belitsky ◽  
G. P. Korchemsky

Abstract We develop a new technique for computing a class of four-point correlation functions of heavy half-BPS operators in planar $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 SYM theory which admit factorization into a product of two octagon form factors with an arbitrary bridge length. We show that the octagon can be expressed as the Fredholm determinant of the integrable Bessel operator and demonstrate that this representation is very efficient in finding the octagons both at weak and strong coupling. At weak coupling, in the limit when the four half-BPS operators become null separated in a sequential manner, the octagon obeys the Toda lattice equations and can be found in a closed form. At strong coupling, we exploit the strong Szegő limit theorem to derive the leading asymptotic behavior of the octagon and, then, apply the method of differential equations to determine the remaining subleading terms of the strong coupling expansion to any order in the inverse coupling. To achieve this goal, we generalize results available in the literature for the asymptotic behavior of the determinant of the Bessel operator. As a byproduct of our analysis, we formulate a Szegő-Akhiezer-Kac formula for the determinant of the Bessel operator with a Fisher-Hartwig singularity and develop a systematic approach to account for subleading power suppressed contributions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
B. Bekbolat ◽  
N. Tokmagambetov ◽  

In this paper, we consider the non-homogeneous wave equation generated by the Bessel operator. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the non-homogeneous wave equation generated by the Bessel operator. The representation of the solution is given. We obtained a priori estimates in Sobolev type space. This problem was firstly considered in the work of M. Assal [1] in the setting of Bessel-Kingman hypergroups. The technique used in [1] is based on the convolution theorem and related estimates. Here, we use a different approach. We study the problem from the point of the Sobolev spaces. Namely, the conventional Hankel transform and Parseval formula are widely applied by taking into account that between the Hankel transformation and the Bessel differential operator there is a commutation formula [2].

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-84
Ali BenAmor ◽  
Rafed Moussa ◽  
Christian Seifert

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