Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
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Published By Sage Publications


2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110679
Emilio Turco

In this contribution, a novel nonlinear micropolar beam model suitable for metamaterials design in a dynamics framework is presented and discussed. The beam model is formulated following a completely discrete approach and it is fully defined by its Lagrangian, i.e., by the kinetic energy and by the potential of conservative forces. Differently from Hencky’s seminal work, which considers only flexibility to compute the buckling load for rectilinear and planar Euler–Bernoulli beams, the proposed model is fully three-dimensional and considers both the extensional and shear deformability contributions to the strain energy and translational and rotational kinetic energy terms. After having introduced the model formulation, some simulations obtained with a numerical integration scheme are presented to show the capabilities of the proposed beam model.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110729
Marina V Shitikova

In this paper, we consider the problem on a transverse impact of a viscoelastic sphere upon a viscoelastic shallow doubly curved shell with rectangular platform, the viscoelastic features of which are defined via the fractional derivative standard linear solid models; in so doing, only Young’s time-dependent operators are preassigned, while the bulk moduli are considered to be constant values, since the bulk relaxation for the majority of materials is far less than the shear relaxation. Shallow panel’s displacement subjected to the concentrated contact force is found by the method of expansion in terms of eigen functions, and the sphere’s displacement under the action of the contact force, which is the sum of the shell’s displacement at the place of contact and local bearing of impactor and target’s materials, is defined from the equation of motion of the material point with the mass equal to sphere’s mass. Within the contact domain, the contact force is defined by the modified Hertzian contact law with the time-dependent rigidity function. For decoding the viscoelastic operators involving the problem under consideration, the algebra of Rabotnov’s fractional operators is employed. A nonlinear integro-differential equation is obtained either in terms of the contact force or in the local bearing of the target and impactor materials. Using the duration of contact as a small parameter, approximate analytical solutions have been found, which allow one to define the key characteristics of impact process.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110731
Victor A Eremeyev ◽  
Leonid P Lebedev ◽  
Violetta Konopińska-Zmysłowska

The problem of dynamics of a linear micropolar shell with a finite set of rigid inclusions is considered. The equations of motion consist of the system of partial differential equations (PDEs) describing small deformations of an elastic shell and ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the motions of inclusions. Few types of the contact of the shell with inclusions are considered. The weak setup of the problem is formulated and studied. It is proved a theorem of existence and uniqueness of a weak solution for the problem under consideration.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110728
Ping Yang ◽  
Xu Wang ◽  
Peter Schiavone

The method of continuously distributed dislocations is used to study the distribution of screw dislocations in a linear array piled up near the interface of a two-phase isotropic elastic thin film with equal thickness in each phase. The resulting singular integral equation is solved numerically using the Gauss–Chebyshev integration formula to arrive at the dislocation distribution function and the number of dislocations in the pileup.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110661
Andaluzia Matei ◽  
Madalina Osiceanu

A nonlinear boundary value problem arising from continuum mechanics is considered. The nonlinearity of the model arises from the constitutive law which is described by means of the subdifferential of a convex constitutive map. A bipotential [Formula: see text], related to the constitutive map and its Fenchel conjugate, is considered. Exploring the possibility to rewrite the constitutive law as a law governed by the bipotential [Formula: see text], a two-field variational formulation involving a variable convex set is proposed. Subsequently, we obtain existence and uniqueness results. Some properties of the solution are also discussed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110635
Leonid Zubov ◽  
Mikhail Karyakin

The paper presents an exact solution for the problem of large deformations of torsion, axial tension–compression, and radial expansion or shrinkage of an elastic hollow circular cylinder equipped with pre-stressed elastic coatings. Surface coatings are modeled using the six-parameter nonlinear shell theory. The constitutive material of the cylinder is described by a three-dimensional nonlinear model of the isotropic incompressible body of the general form. Special boundary conditions describe the interaction of this material with thin coatings on the inner and outer surface of the pipe. Based on the solution obtained, numerical calculations were performed on the effect of preliminary stresses in coatings on the stress–strain state of a cylindrical pipe.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110650
Danial P. Shahraki ◽  
Bojan B. Guzina

The focus of our work is a dispersive, second-order effective model describing the low-frequency wave motion in heterogeneous (e.g., functionally graded) media endowed with periodic microstructure. For this class of quasi-periodic medium variations, we pursue homogenization of the scalar wave equation in [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], within the framework of multiple scales expansion. When either [Formula: see text] or [Formula: see text], this model problem bears direct relevance to the description of (anti-plane) shear waves in elastic solids. By adopting the lengthscale of microscopic medium fluctuations as the perturbation parameter, we synthesize the germane low-frequency behavior via a fourth-order differential equation (with smoothly varying coefficients) governing the mean wave motion in the medium, where the effect of microscopic heterogeneities is upscaled by way of the so-called cell functions. In an effort to demonstrate the relevance of our analysis toward solving boundary value problems (deemed to be the ultimate goal of most homogenization studies), we also develop effective boundary conditions, up to the second order of asymptotic approximation, applicable to one-dimensional (1D) shear wave motion in a macroscopically heterogeneous solid with periodic microstructure. We illustrate the analysis numerically in one dimension by considering (i) low-frequency wave dispersion, (ii) mean-field homogenized description of the shear waves propagating in a finite domain, and (iii) full-field homogenized description thereof. In contrast to (i) where the overall wave dispersion appears to be fairly well described by the leading-order model, the results in (ii) and (iii) demonstrate the critical role that higher-order corrections may have in approximating the actual waveforms in quasi-periodic media.

2022 ◽  
pp. 108128652110555
Ankit Shrivastava ◽  
Jingxiao Liu ◽  
Kaushik Dayal ◽  
Hae Young Noh

This work presents a machine-learning approach to predict peak-stress clusters in heterogeneous polycrystalline materials. Prior work on using machine learning in the context of mechanics has largely focused on predicting the effective response and overall structure of stress fields. However, their ability to predict peak – which are of critical importance to failure – is unexplored, because the peak-stress clusters occupy a small spatial volume relative to the entire domain, and hence require computationally expensive training. This work develops a deep-learning-based convolutional encoder–decoder method that focuses on predicting peak-stress clusters, specifically on the size and other characteristics of the clusters in the framework of heterogeneous linear elasticity. This method is based on convolutional filters that model local spatial relations between microstructures and stress fields using spatially weighted averaging operations. The model is first trained against linear elastic calculations of stress under applied macroscopic strain in synthetically generated microstructures, which serves as the ground truth. The trained model is then applied to predict the stress field given a (synthetically generated) microstructure and then to detect peak-stress clusters within the predicted stress field. The accuracy of the peak-stress predictions is analyzed using the cosine similarity metric and by comparing the geometric characteristics of the peak-stress clusters against the ground-truth calculations. It is observed that the model is able to learn and predict the geometric details of the peak-stress clusters and, in particular, performed better for higher (normalized) values of the peak stress as compared to lower values of the peak stress. These comparisons showed that the proposed method is well-suited to predict the characteristics of peak-stress clusters.

2021 ◽  
pp. 108128652110666
Ning Gan ◽  
Qianxuan Wang

Owing to the excellent performance of microstructures or nanomaterials with well-designed topological configuration, the characteristic scale of structural design is gradually shifting from macroscopic to nanoscale or microscale structural design. However, the size effect that emerges from the small-scale structures may not be explained effectively with the hypothesis of classical mechanics owing to the lack of microscopic parameters in the classical constitutive model. In addition, slender beams within such small-scale structures are prone to buckling failure, which puts forward additional requirements for the stability design of the structure except for the overall compliance of the structure. Therefore, a topology optimization framework combining the modified couple stress theory with the solid isotropic material penalization (SIMP) model is constructed to illustrate the size effect on topology optimization. Numerical results show that the size effect affects the compliance, buckling performance, and topological configurations of the evolutionary structures.

2021 ◽  
pp. 108128652110533
Yijie Liu ◽  
Aizhong Lu ◽  
Xiangtai Zeng

Analysis of the mechanical behavior of rock mass reinforced by fully grouted rock bolts is introduced based on the interaction between the rock mass and the bolts. The model is based on the following premises: (1) the elastic behavior of the rock mass and rock bolts; (2) the plane strain condition; (3) a deeply buried circular tunnel; (4) complete contact between the bolts and the surrounding rock, that is, they are bonded together; (5) the loads on the surrounding rock from the fully grouted rock bolts are replaced by innumerable concentrated forces along the longitudinal direction of the bolts. For this, the analytical radial displacement solution for a deeply buried circular tunnel subjected to concentrated forces at arbitrary points in surrounding rock is derived. As long as this displacement solution is integrated along the length direction of the bolt, the effect of the bolt on the surrounding rock can be obtained. According to the complete contact condition at the anchoring interface and the force balance condition of the bolts, under the action of the in situ stress, linear equations made up of shear stresses on the bolts are established, from which the distribution of shear stresses and axial forces along the bolts can be solved. Model simulations confirm the previous findings that each installed bolt has a pick-up length, an anchor length and a neutral point. Besides, the influence of the parameters of the rock bolts and the surrounding rock are discussed. The conclusion is consistent with the results of a practical project without adopting any empirical equations. The results of this method can provide a theoretical basis for the design and layout of rock bolts in underground caverns.

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