evolutionary line
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AoB Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Min-Jie Li ◽  
Huan-Xi Yu ◽  
Xian-Lin Guo ◽  
Xing-Jin He

Abstract The disjunctive distribution (Europe-Caucasus-Asia) and species diversification across Eurasia for the genus Allium sect. Daghestanica has fascinating attractions for researchers aiming to understanding the development and history of the modern Eurasia flora. However, no any studies have been carried out to address the evolutionary history of this section. Based on the nrITS and cpDNA fragments (trnL-trnF and rpl32-trnL), the evolutionary history of the third evolutionary line (EL3) of the genus Allium was reconstructed and we further elucidate the evolutionary line of sect. Daghestanica under this background. Our molecular phylogeny recovered two highly supported clades in sect. Daghestanica: the Clade I includes Caucasian-European species and Asian A. maowenense, A. xinlongense and A. carolinianum collected in Qinghai; the Clade II comprises Asian yellowish tepal species, A. chrysanthum, A. chrysocephalum, A. herderianum, A. rude and A. xichuanense. The divergence time estimation and biogeography inference indicated that Asian ancestor located in the QTP and the adjacent region could have migrated to Caucasus and Europe distributions around the Late Miocene and resulted in further divergence and speciation; Asian ancestor underwent the rapid radiation in the QTP and the adjacent region most likely due to the heterogeneous ecology of the QTP resulted from the orogeneses around 4–3 Mya. Our study provides a picture to understand the origin and species diversification across Eurasia for sect. Daghestanica.

Cláudio Rodrigues Coração ◽  
William David Vieira

Neste artigo, analisamos movimentos de entrada executados por determinados artistas de gêneros e cenas musicais distintos na chamada linha evolutiva da MPB . Tais ocorrências revelam tensões mercadológicas e de representatividade na fonografia brasileira e também o esvaziamento destas. Travamos metodologicamente nossa investigação partindo da concepção de pretensão à legitimidade cultural, acionada aqui como referência à conquista de espaço desses gêneros e cenas. Esclarecem esses movimentos de convergência e apaziguamento das tensões os videoclipes das canções Cheguei Pra Te Amar, com Ivete Sangalo e MC Livinho, Ta Tum Tum, com Simone & Simaria e Kevinho, e Sua Cara, com Major Lazer, Anitta e Pabllo Vittar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (26) ◽  
pp. 73-78
Maria Antonietta Maria Antonietta Sbordone ◽  
Barbara Barbara Pizzicato

Over the course of its history, design has never lost sight of nature as a term of comparison, sometimes taking from it, sometimes moving away from it. To investigate the complex relationship between the two terms, design and nature, we cannot ignore the evolution of man and how it has been profoundly influenced by technological innovation, which is the most evident result of science. Tracing an evolutionary line of design thinking, a double trajectory can be registered: on the one hand the tension towards progress and the myth of the machine, on the other hand the idea of a harmonious co-evolution with nature and the need to be reconnected with it. Besides, it is progress that allows mankind to thoroughly investigate natural mechanisms and make them their own. Contemporary design, autonomous but at the same time increasingly interdisciplinary, has got blurred boundaries which intersect with the most advanced fields of biological sciences. This evolution has opened up a whole new field of investigation that multiplies the opportunities of innovation, especially from a sustainability-oriented point of view. Today the dramatic breaking of the balance between man and nature has turned into the concept of permanent emergency, which is now matter of greatest interest for design, a design that attempts to react, mend, adapt to change in an authentically resilient way.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 343-351
Diana Nechit

Abstract Being a reading performance turned into a stage representation, the text Iubirea la oameni (Human Love) signed by Dmitry Bogosvlavski is a love radioisotope into an oppressive cloister space of a Belarusian isolated community. The show with the same name created by Bogdan Sărătean surprises the stage valence of the emergence, the evolution and the extinction of this feeling, from the sacrificial love of a mother, which often conceals the faults and the sins of the children, to the brutal love that snatches what it believes as deserved, to the strength to believe in love as salvation, as redemption, as many forms to illustrate and to dramatically represent such an old theme, yet always different. The personal approach of the double distribution formed by the young 3rd degree actor students, probing their own interiority and sensibility, nuances and enhances the evolutionary line of characters’ destiny on stage in an extremely profound performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-161
Carolina Tomasi

RESUMO: Discutir a poesia aguda de expressão visual e sonora, que partilha o sentido de renovar o antigo, mas não se desgarra do velho, ou de criar o novo, voltando à origem, é um dos motivos principais deste artigo. Mais do que barroquismo no século XX ou ruptura em relação ao passado, investigamos que os poetas Haroldo de Campos, Augusto de Campos e Affonso Ávila compartilham procedimentos de agudeza que se diferenciam por participarem de tempos discursivos diferentes, o discurso de barroco era um e o discurso do chamado “neobarroco” é outro. A partir de então, a vanguarda já não se faz como categoria operacional, mas apenas como um ponto na linha evolutiva. Temos, assim, um Haroldo de Campos que interroga a história literária de Antonio Candido, propondo-a não como formação, mas como transformação; menos como processo que se forma e mais como processo gerundivo, em que sobressaiam os momentos de ruptura, entendendo a tradição como um procedimento dialético, que coloca face a face diacronia e sincronia. Para exemplificação das reflexões, tomamos como base os poemas “Oportet”, de Haroldo de Campos, e “Novo novelo”, de Augusto de Campos, para discutir uma questão recorrente na literatura: tradição e ruptura, considerando questionável o rótulo “neobarroco” na literatura brasileira. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Literatura brasileira. Poesia experimentalista. Barroco. Neobarroco. Semiótica tensiva. ABSTRACT: To discuss sharp poetry of sound and visual expression, which shares the sense of renewing the old, but not strays from the old, or create the new, returning to the origin, is one of the main reasons of this article. More than baroque style in the twentieth century or break with the past, we investigated that the poets Haroldo de Campos, Augusto de Campos and Affonso Ávila share sharpness procedures that differ by participating in different discursive tenses, the baroque speech is one thing and the so called “new baroque” speech is another thing. Since then, the vanguard is no longer an operational category, but a point in the evolutionary line. We have thus a Haroldo de Campos that questions the literary history of Antonio Candido, proposing it not as a training but a transformation; less as a process that forms and more like a gerundive process, in which stand out the moments of rupture, understanding the tradition as a dialectical procedure, which puts diachrony and synchrony face to face. For exemplification of reflections we based on the poems “Oportet" by Haroldo de Campos and “Novo Novelo" by Augusto de Campos to discuss a recurrent theme in the literature: tradition and rupture, considering questionable the label "neo-baroque" in Brazilian literature.KEYWORDS: Brazilian Literature. Experimentalist poetry. Baroque. Neo-Baroque. Tensive semiotic.

2015 ◽  
Vol 89 (4) ◽  
pp. 553-575 ◽  
Adam T. Halamski ◽  
Maria Aleksandra Bitner ◽  
Andrzej Kaim ◽  
Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek ◽  
Bogdan Jurkovšek

AbstractLadinian deposits at Mt. Svilaja in Dalmatia (Outer Dinarides, Croatia) yielded an abundant brachiopod fauna of low diversity interpreted as a parautochthonous assemblage representing an ecosystem of dasycladacean submarine meadow. The fauna consists of four named species and one left in open nomenclature. The most common is the spiriferinideFlabellocyrtia flabellulumChorowicz and Termier, 1975 (Spiriferinida) accounting for more than 70% of the material. The athyridideCassianospira humboldtii(von Klipstein, 1845) is the only species known from elsewhere (Anisian of Southern Alps). The new species of SpiriferinidaThecocyrtella dagysiiHalamski, Bitner, Kaim, Kolar-Jurkovšek, and Jurkovšek n. sp. differs from other representatives of the genus in having a deep ventral sulcus.Albasphe albertimagniHalamski, Bitner, Kaim, Kolar-Jurkovšek, and Jurkovšek n. gen. n. sp. is a new brachiopod that possesses a dorsal septum with an intra-septal cavity and dorsal submarginal ridges, both features in common with AalenianZellaniaMoore, 1855 from which it differs in lack of the ventral septum and of ventral submarginal ridges. They are interpreted as members of a sparsely recorded paedomorphic evolutionary line of terebratulides with secondarily lost loop, described formally herein as Gwyniidina Halamski and Bitner n. subordo and subdivided into newly emended Dispheniidae Grant, 1988 (Dispheniinae Grant, 1988 with the only genusDispheniaand Albasphinae Halamski and Bitner n. subfam. withAlbaspheandZellania) and Gwyniidae MacKinnon, 2006 (including RecentGwyniaandSimpliciforma). In contrast to previous interpretations, the trocholophe lophophore ofGwyniais interpreted herein as secondarily simplified.

2012 ◽  
Vol 220-223 ◽  
pp. 644-648
Xiao Chun Shi ◽  
Na Zhang

In order to predict the evolutionary potential and the technological development direction of the loader, the combination of the maturity prediction and the technology evolutionary mode and the evolutionary line in TRIZ (Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems, Invention Problem Solving Theory) determines the technological maturity of the loader, and analyzes the location of the loader’s evolutionary route along the different evolutionary mode, finally put forward the possible future development direction of the loader according to the current evolutionary potential .

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-87 ◽  
Mark T. Anderson ◽  
H. Steven Seifert

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