brazilian literature
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-126
Marilia Librandi ◽  

Given the robust plurivocality that has characterized literature in Brazil since its colonial inception, and the eminently (and explicitly) receptive stance that many of its modern authors have adopted, I have structured my argument to follow two intersecting paths. Firstly, Clarice Lispector’s notion of “writing by ear” serves as a foundation for a renewed history of Brazilian literature, framed as a history of active listening. Secondly, the hope is to offer a Luso-Afro- Amerindian-Brazilian contribution to Latin American criticism, turning the semantic range of terms related to edges, margins, and borders into a more explicit semiotics of corporeality and performativity revolving around the ears and sound, echoes and silence, more generally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 065-073
Xing Fan ◽  

Contemporary literature has always been a dynamic arena for reflecting on and discussing a country’s social changes. With the worsening of social problems and the resurgence of right-wing forces in Brazil in the last decade, literature has endured a series of crises, but it has also found new opportunities. The “marginal writers” who attracted attention at the beginning of the century have gradually moved to the center of Brazilian literature. Aside from denouncing the social problems that exist in the periphery, such as violence, discrimination and poverty, they now pay more attention to the inner feelings of the vulnerable. On the other hand, writers who are known for their psychological descriptions have also begun to explore social issues, often maintaining the subjective perspectives of their characters. This essay argues that the merging of the marginal with the center and of collectivity with subjectivity implies the advent of a new type of narrative in contemporary Brazilian literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-30
Wudson Guilherme de Oliveira

Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar reflexões da Filosofia Africana (LOPES e SIMAS, 2020) acerca da ancestralidade, da história, cultura e linguística dos Povos Bantu (LWANGA-LUNYIIGO, e VANSINA, 2010) e a necessidade da implementação da Lei Federal 10.639/2003, bem como do compromisso para que se consolide a sua efetivação no Ensino de Filosofia (NOGUEIRA, 2011). Para o sucesso desta proposta, trabalhamos os valores morais e norteadores da Ética e as questões ligadas ao Respeito com uma turma do 1º Ano do Ensino Médio, composta por Alunados de jovens Pretos (as), Pardos (as) e Brancos (as) inseridos em uma instituição privada de educação na Baixada Fluminense, cidade metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, onde evidenciamos uma Pedagogia Antirracista (GOMES, 2017) e Decolonial (WALSH, 2013) a partir das pesquisas de Filósofos e Filosofas Afro-americanos, Africanos (ASANTE, 2009) e Afro-brasileiros, que produziram pensamentos filosóficos amparados na afroperspectiva. A metodologia utilizada foi gerada a partir de Oficinas, Rodas de Diálogos, Exposições de Livros de Literaturas Africanas, Indígenas e Afro-Brasileiros, apresentações sensibilizadoras de vídeos, textos e slides afrocentrados, onde serviram de subsídio para propor as discussões na Luta contra o Racismo. Graças a estas dinâmicas, foi possível descolonizar olhares eurocêntricos, racistas, xenofóbicos, machistas, homofóbicos entre outros, além de aumentar as estimas de Alunos Negros, proporcionar e construindo estratégias sólidas para a contribuição da valorização e a construção das identidades negras em prol da redução do Racismo.   This article aims to present reflections on African Philosophy (LOPES and SIMAS, 2020) about the ancestry, history, culture and linguistics of the Bantu People (LWANGA-LUNYIIGO, and VANSINA, 2010) and the need to implement the Federal Law 10.639/2003, as well as the commitment to consolidate its effectiveness in the Teaching of Philosophy (NOGUEIRA, 2011). For the success of this proposal, we work on the moral and guiding values ​​of Ethics and issues related to Respect with a class of the 1st Year of High School, made up of Black, Brown and White students. in a private educational institution in Baixada Fluminense, a metropolitan city of Rio de Janeiro, where we evidenced an Anti-racist (GOMES, 2017) and Decolonial (WALSH, 2013) Pedagogy from the research of African-American and African Philosophers (ASANTE, 2009) and Afro-Brazilians, who produced philosophical thoughts supported by an Afro-perspective. The methodology used was generated from Workshops, Rounds of Dialogs, Exhibitions of African, Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian Literature Books, sensitizing presentations of Afro-centered videos, texts and slides, which served as a subsidy to propose discussions in the Fight against Racism. Thanks to these dynamics, it was possible to decolonize Eurocentric, racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic views, among others, in addition to increasing the esteem of Black Students, providing and building solid strategies for the contribution of valorization and the construction of black identities in favor of reduction of Racism.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (65) ◽  
pp. 217
Ailton Pirouzi Júnior ◽  
Mariana Daminato

Resumo: O presente trabalho consiste em uma leitura da obra Dias úteis (2019), da escritora portuguesa Patrícia Portella, sob a perspectiva das epígrafes e de uma particular didascália. A proposta é entender a construção narrativa e temática dos “contos” dessa “novela”, através dos paratextos que os antecedem. Com a utilização de autores predominantemente de língua portuguesa, Portella recorre a Machado de Assis, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Clarice Lispector, Érico Veríssimo e Adélia Prado (literatura brasileira) e completa seu repertório com Maria José – o heterônimo de Fernando Pessoa – e Herberto Helder (literatura portuguesa). Por meio de uma visão geral, percebe-se que as epígrafes de Dias úteis (2019) não fazem papel de “borda da obra”, como rotulado por Genette (2009). Tanto quanto as epígrafes, a didascália carrega um significado particular dentro do texto e, mais do que orientações de como ler a obra, ela apresenta uma perspectiva da autora a respeito de algumas ideias que serão exploradas ao longo da trama. Ademais, destaca-se o fato de a obra estar inserida no cenário da novíssima ficção portuguesa. Em suma, a ideia é compreender não só a funcionalidade das epígrafes e da didascália, mas também a maneira como esses paratextos são articulados em Dias úteis (2019), entrelaçando, assim, excertos citados, textos e enredos.Palavras-chave: epígrafes; didascália; paratextos; novíssima ficção portuguesa; Patrícia Portela. Abstract: The present work consists of a reading of the work Dias úteis (2019), by the Portuguese writer Patrícia Portella, from the perspective of the epigraphs and a particular didascalia. The proposal is to understand the narrative and the thematic construction of the “short stories” of this “novel”, through the paratexts that precede them. Using predominantly Portuguese language authors, Portella calls Machado de Assis, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Clarice Lispector, Érico Veríssimo and Adélia Prado (Brazilian literature) and completes his repertoire with Maria José – the heteronym of Fernando Pessoa – and Herberto Helder (Portuguese literature). Through an overview, it is clear that the epigraphs of Dias úteis (2019) do not play the role of “edge of the work”, as labeled by Genette (2009). As much as the epigraphs, the didascalia carries a particular meaning within the text and, more than guidelines on how to read the work, it presents the author’s perspective on some ideas that will be explored throughout the plot. Furthermore, the fact that the work is inserted in the scenario of the newest Portuguese fiction stands out. In short, the idea is to understand not only the functionality of the epigraphs and didascalia, but also the way in which these paratexts are articulated in Dias úteis (2019), thus interweaving quoted excerpts, texts and plots.Keywords: epigraphs; didascalia; paratexts; brand new Portuguese fiction; Patricia Portela.

Carolina Correia dos Santos

This article analyses two examples of Brazilian literature, João Guimarães Rosa’s Grande sertão: veredas and João Antônio’s “Abraçado ao meu rancor”. Whereas the first narrates the sertão, “Abraçado ao meu rancor” is entirely dedicated to the metropolis of São Paulo. This article aims to display a series of resemblances between the two pieces that tend to disrupt an old but still active axiom of Brazilian social thought: the dichotomy between the country (sertão) and the city. The analysis begins by building up the distinction between the sertão and the city as it appears in most Brazilian literature and literary criticism. This opposition leads to a series of other constitutive polarities, such as development/underdevelopment, nature/culture, faith/reason. Through a reading of Rosa’s novel and Antônio’s story, this article will then juxtapose the sertão and the city showing how oppositions that have sustained so much of the Brazilian social thought are categories that need to be deconstructed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-217
Mariana Quezado Costa Lima ◽  
Clarissa Figueiredo Sampaio Freitas ◽  
Daniel Ribeiro Cardoso

Recent studies have established the role of urban planning policies in feeding the growth of informal settlements in Brazilian cities, through the socio-spatial exclusion of low-income residents. The difficulties of reversing this exclusionary logic are due to several complex factors. A factor less discussed in Brazilian literature, which has began to draw the attention of scholars, is the invisibility of the informal city. This research assumes that it is necessary to regulate the urban form of precarious informal settlements, in order to prevent the deterioration of urban environmental quality. We highlight the importance of compiling data about their urban form and their built environment, in order to contribute to a reality-based regulatory policy for these settlements. After discussing the phenomenon of urban informality in Fortaleza, we applied a methodology that combines Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and City Information Modeling (CIM), to support the redefinition of urban rules for precarious settlements of informal origin. This procedure will reveal not only the extent of the inadequacies of the (past and current) land use and occupation codes, but will also present some potentialities of GIS and CIM to inform its redefinition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 450-459
Roberto Remígio Florêncio ◽  
Juliana Albuquerque Rodrigues ◽  
Renata Xavier Monteiro ◽  
Maria Celma Vieira Santos

Resumo: Ao analisar o comportamento feminino das personagens de Machado de Assis, o ensino da Literatura no nível médio pode ganhar elementos para provocar a criticidade do aluno-leitor. Este texto focaliza o perfil da mulher submissa, recatada e reprimida pelos costumes e hábitos da sociedade brasileira do século XIX, baseados no machismo e na preservação da moralidade. A escolha do tema se deu pela necessidade de se trabalhar uma literatura reflexiva, que promova a criticidade e busque desenvolver o hábito da leitura no Ensino Médio. Apresentamos excertos do conto Uns Braços para ilustrar o desejo reprimido de uma senhora da sociedade, infeliz no casamento, em relação a um jovem rapaz, que a admira em silêncio. Assim, suscita uma reflexão acerca da mulher burguesa da época, que reverbera nas mulheres da atualidade. Os objetivos pretendidos foram alcançados, uma vez que se torna notória a possibilidade de análise reflexiva dos contos machadianos, com seus personagens e acontecimentos que trazem reflexões para a vida humana, seja na contextualização da época, seja na reflexão crítica da atualidade. Palavras-chave: Literatura Brasileira. Sociedade Burguesa. Formação de Leitores.Abstract: By analyzing the female behavior of Machado de Assis' characters, the teaching of Literature at secondary level can gain elements to provoke the criticality of the student-reader. This text focuses on the profile of the submissive woman, demure and repressed by the customs and habits of nineteenth century Brazilian society, based on machismo and the preservation of morality. The theme was chosen because of the need to work on a reflective literature that promotes criticality and seeks to develop the habit of reading in high school. We present excerpts from the short story: "Uns Braços" to illustrate the repressed desire of a society lady, unhappy in her marriage, for a young man, who admires her in silence. Thus, it raises a reflection on the bourgeois woman of the time, which reverberates in women today. The intended objectives were achieved, since the possibility of reflective analysis of Machado's tales becomes notorious, with their characters and events that bring reflections to human life, whether in the context of the time, or in the critical reflection of today. Keywords: Brazilian Literature. Bourgeois Society. Reader’s training. 

2021 ◽  
Débora Magalhães Cunha Rodrigues

RESUMO: Elisa Lispector escreveu inúmeros romances e contos, recebendo prêmios por alguns deles. A escritora, embora tenha explorado a construção de uma subjetividade feminina, é quase sempre lembrada pelos escritos autobiográficos, principalmente o romance No exílio de 1948. A crítica esteve mais atenta às narrativas que iluminavam episódios da vida de sua irmã caçula, Clarice Lispector, do que às especificidades de sua escrita. A obra e a trajetória de Clarice Lispector causaram sombra não só à obra de sua irmã como às de outras escritoras do mesmo período.  Neste artigo, questionamos o papel da crítica no apagamento do nome de Elisa Lispector na literatura brasileira que tomou o caso Clarice como excepcional, negando às escritoras, de um modo geral, um espaço para debater seus textos e subjetividades. Além da vinculação da obra da escritora à obra de sua irmã pela crítica literária, analisamos como a tradição literária falocêntrica contribuiu para este apagamento. Elisa Lispector contribuiu para o debate acerca do baixo número de publicações de escritoras, evocando Virginia Woolf e Simone de Beauvoir. Atuou para que as escritoras pudessem ter uma tradição em que se ancorar. Analisamos os romances O muro de pedras publicado em 1963, O dia mais longo de Thereza de 1965, A última porta de 1975, Corpo a corpo de 1983 e do conto “Uma outra temporada no inferno” de seu último livro O tigre de bengala publicado em 1985, demonstrando como a escritora explorou os processos de emancipação feminina e os conflitos comuns a esta fase de transição.BEYOND A ROOM OF ONE’S OWN: THE CASE ELISA LISPECTORABSTRACT: Elisa Lispector has written numerous novels and short stories, receiving awards for some of them. The writer, although she explored the construction of a female subjectivity, is almost always remembered for autobiographical writings, especially the novel No exílio of 1948. The criticism was more attentive to the narratives that illuminated episodes of the life of her younger sister, Clarice Lispector, than to the specificities of her writing. Clarice Lispector's work and trajectory cast a shadow not only on her sister's work but also on those of other writers of the same period. In this article, we question the role of criticism in the elimination of Elisa Lispector's name in Brazilian literature, which took Clarice as exceptional, denying writers, in general, a space to debate their texts and subjectivities. In addition to linking the writer's work to her sister's work by literary criticism, we analyze how the phallocentric literary tradition contributed to this elimination. Elisa Lispector contributed to the debate about the low number of writers' publications, evoking Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir. It worked so that the writers could have a tradition in which to anchor themselves. We analyze the novels O muro de pedras published in 1963, O dia mais longo de Thereza of 1965, A última porta of 1975, Corpo a corpo of 1983 and the short story "Uma outra temporada no inferno" from her last book O tigre de bengala published in 1985, demonstrating how the writer explored the processes of female emancipation and the conflicts common to this phase of transition.Keywords: Elisa Lispector; feminist criticism; Brazilian literature.

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