haccp system
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Rezki Amelia Aminuddin A.P., Hari Purnomo

Background: In the production process, small accidents often occur between fellow workers in the production area, such as workers colliding with each other during the transfer process from one process to the next which causes the product to spill and workers fall, causing injury. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the seafood industry, especially canning crabs. The company's production process applies a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) system with 12 work areas and 80% of the process is still done manually. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify risks and control the implementation of the HACCP system in the crab canning industry using the HAZOP method. Method: This type of research is a descriptive study, using the HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) method. The research was carried out at 12 nodes, namely receiving, checking aroma, sorting, mixing and filling, metal detecting, weighing, seaming, pasteurization, chilling, packing, and sanitation. Result: The results showed 4 risk ratings, namely low, medium, high, and extreme risk based on 8 sources of potential hazards. The biggest risk that is extreme is in node seaming. Conclusion: Based on processing data, 8 sources of potential hazards that can occur in the pasteurized crab meat production room. The recommendations given are to implement elimination, reduction, engineering control, administrative control, Personal Protective Equipment, work attitude improvement, and OHS training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012125
L M Zakharova ◽  
M S Gorbunchikova

Abstract The quality and safety of the resulting food product depend on many factors, including action coordination at all stages of the production process. A high level of control makes it possible to ensure it. In this sense, the HACCP system is the most suitable quality control system. The paper considers the possibility of the HACCP principles’ application to the technological process of bakery product production from wheat flour in the conditions of the Kemerovo Bread Factory. Then the authors present the possible risk analysis, identify critical points of the technological process, establish critical limits for each of the points, and define a monitoring system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 158-173

Vsyo o myase ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 16-19
Yu.A. Kuzlyakina ◽  
V.S. Zamula ◽  
E.V. Kryuchenko ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (171) ◽  
pp. 158-173

A. S. Shatalova ◽  
I. S. Shatalov ◽  
Y. S. Lebedin ◽  
D. A. Baranenko

The food allergy and allergen control are important for global health concerns. Latent allergens are a paramount problem in the specialized food products. Cross-contact and post-cleaning contamination are the main sources of these problems. According to the norms of the Technical Regulation Custom Union N 027/2012 and the Codex Stan 118-79 standard, the gluten content in food products should not exceed 20 mg / kg of the product. The purpose of this study was to analyze raw materials for the gluten-free food products manufacture to justify the HACCP system implementation. The samples of gluten-free flours were selected as research objects to assess the cleanliness of storage, transportation and production facilities in factories producing gluten-free products. In this study, we analyzed the samples of gluten-free flours to assess the cleanliness of storage conditions, transportation and industrial premises in gluten-free factories. The results showed that when using raw materials stored under improper conditions an increase in the gluten content in the final product is observed. We concluded that the gluten-free flours storage conditions in a room with gluten-containing raw materials are unacceptable, because the final product will have high gluten content. Thus, this product cannot be marketed as gluten-free. In addition, we analyzed the washes from the equipment after baking cookies from these flours. We found that in order to comply with regulations, it was necessary to conduct 3 consecutive washing

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 211
Annisa Salsabila Setya Budi ◽  
Trias Mahmudiono

ABSTRACTBackground: Aerofood ACS Surabaya as an international inflight catering service is required to have good food safety standards to ensure the quality of the products. The food safety system implemented by Aerofood ACS Surabaya on all its product is Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), including the banana cake. HACCP needs to be applied to prevent the possibility of physical, chemical, and biological contamination on food product that can cause foodborne disease.Objectives: The purpose of this research is to identify the application of HACCP system to banana cake in Aerofood ACS Surabaya.Methode: The method of this research is a qualitative descriptive method including field observation, interviews, and analyzes HACCP documents of aerofood ACS Surabaya.Result: There are 18 steps to produce banana cake until it can distributed to airlines and can be consumed by consumers: receiving of eggs, receiving of banana, receiving of dry goods (flour, sugar, baking soda, and oil), eggs storage, banana storage, dry goods storage, egg cracking, flour sifting, weighing, mixing, baking, chilling, shaping, packaging, storage of banana cake, setting in the tray, holding room, and delivery to plane. From 18 steps to produce banana cake, there are six critical control points: receiving of eggs, eggs storage, baking, cooling, storage of banana cake, and holding room.Conclusions: Physical, chemical, and biological contamination on banana cake can be prevented by paying attention to each steps, especially the critical control point. Aerofood ACS Surabaya has implemented the HACCP system properly and accordance with the established HACCP plan.Keywords: HACCP, food safety, airlines catering service, foodborne diseaseABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Aerofood ACS Surabaya sebagai perusahaan jasa boga penerbangan bertaraf internasional diharuskan memiliki standar keamanan pangan yang baik untuk menjamin mutu produk yang dihasilkan. Sistem keamanan pangan yang diterapkan oleh Aerofood ACS Surabaya pada semua produknya adalah Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), termasuk pada banana cake. HACCP perlu diterapkan untuk mencegah kemungkinan kontaminasi fisik, kimia, dan biologi pada produk pangan yang dapat menyebabkan foodborne disease.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan sistem HACCP pada produk banana cake di Aerofood ACS Surabaya.Metode: Metode dari penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif yang meliputi observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan menganalisis dokumen HACCP Aerofood ACS Surabaya.Hasil: Terdapat 18 tahap produksi banana cake hingga produk dapat didistribusikan ke peswat dan dapat dinikmati oleh konsumen, yaitu penerimaan telur, penerimaan buah pisang, penerimaan bahan baku kering (tepung, gula, baking soda, dan minyak), penyimpanan telur, penyimpanan buah pisang, penyimpanan bahan baku kering, pemecahan telur, pengayakan tepung, penimbangan, mixing, baking, pendinginan, pembentukan, pengemasan, penyimpanan banana cake, penataan pada tray, penyimpanan pada holding room, dan delivery ke pesawat. Dari 18 tahap produksi banana cake, terdapat enam titik kritis yaitu penerimaan telur, penyimpanan telur, baking, pendinginan, penyimpanan banana cake, dan penyimpanan pada holding room.Kesimpulan: Kontaminasi fisik, kimia, dan biologi pada produk banana cake dapat dicegah dengan memerhatikan setiap langkah terutama titik kritis. Aerofood ACS Surabaya telah melaksanakan sistem HACCP dengan baik dan sesuai dengan HACCP plan yang telah ditetapkan.Kata Kunci: HACCP, keamanan pangan, jasa boga penerbangan, foodborne disease

2021 ◽  
pp. 19-26
Saniya Ibraimova ◽  
Raushangul Uazhanova ◽  
Ayana Serikbaeva ◽  
Maryna Mardar

In order to manage quality and safety in the development of technology for new types of bakery products of increased nutritional value, the HACCP system was used. Marketing research has shown that consumers would like to see more nutritious breads with natural additives on store shelves. Juniper (Juniperucommunis L) is one of the traditional crops growing in Kazakhstan and characterized by a high content of biologically active substances. In this regard, 3 % of crushed juniper fruits were added to the bread recipe. In the course of research, a HACCP plan was developed for a new type of bread with increased nutritional value with the inclusion of juniper. As a result of the analysis of the bread production process, hazardous factors were identified and safety management measures were determined. Three critical control points were identified – during preparation (cleaning and grinding) of juniper fruits, during dough fermentation, and during storage of finished products. Once risk factors were identified, critical limits were identified, a monitoring procedure was established, and corrective actions were developed. The developed HACCP plan was tested at an enterprise for the production of bakery products, which led to an increase in the safety of products, and, accordingly, to an increase in its competitiveness in the consumer market of Kazakhstan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-71
M. K Lawan

To ensure the safety of ‘Fura da nono‘, a popular beverage widely consumed in the university campuses within Northern Nigeria, the HACCP system need to be applied. The study was carried out to assess the biological hazards associated with consumption of ‘Fura da nono‘ using the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system. Flowchart of the production processes was drawn and samples were collected and analyzed at different stages of production for total aerobic and coliform plate counts and fungi isolation. The results showed that grinded millet have a total aerobic plate counts (TAPC) ranged from 6.72 log10 to 6.98 log10 cfu/mg, while the total coliform counts (TCC) ranged from 5.32 log10 to 5.45 log10 cfu/mg. After sieving, the (TAPC) ranged from 6.45 log10 to 6.99 log10 cfu/mg, while the (TCC) ranged from 5.23 log10 to 5.59 log10 cfu/mg. All samples were positive for fungi growth after grinding and sieving. The result of (TAPC) after addition of hot water but before molding into shape ranged from 2.99 log10 to 3.23 log10 cfu/mg, while the (TCC) ranged from 0.53 log10 to 0.86 log10 cfu/mg. After molding the millet dough into shape the (TAPC) ranged from 2.98 log10 to 3.43 log10 cfu/mg, while the (TCC) ranged from 0.78 log10 to 2.60 log10 cfu/mg. All the samples collected after adding boil water and molding the millet dough into shapes turn out to be negative for fungi growth. The risk analysis, showed high risk at the level of millet grinding, molding of dough, blending with yoghurt and packing into containers. the study revealed that the stages post boiling of the ingredients with water and molding of the dough into round shapes are the most prone to contamination as such considered as critical control points in ‘fura’ production. It was concluded that there were high bacteria counts in ‘fura’ production with dangers of food borne illnesses when consumed. There is a need to improve hygienic practices especially at the critical points observed in the study.

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