extreme risk
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2022 ◽  
Vol 305 ◽  
pp. 114358
Muhammad Abubakr Naeem ◽  
Thomas Conlon ◽  
John Cotter

2022 ◽  
Ionela Daniela Găitan-Botezatu ◽  

Globally, post-event funding needs are growing, while the material and human damage caused by extreme events is constantly growing. The 2015 United Nations (UN) Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction estimated that worldwide, these extreme events cause losses of approximately $ 250-300 billion annually. Although there are now various post-event financing options (insurance, grants, loans, donations, etc.) for the population, companies or public institutions, these instruments are often not sufficient for post-event recovery and reconstruction, so many challenges remain for post-event recovery. Thus, there is often a gap between the financing needs of companies or the population and the existing financing instruments, most often the amounts needed for financing being higher than the amounts that are available through the various existing financing mechanisms. In this article we addressed the topic of post-event funding sources such as donations and highlighted that these, although they are one of the cheapest sources of funding, the support of post-event donors is often uncertain. Also, in the elaboration of this paper I used qualitative and quantitative research based on the use of methods such as Spearman correlation indicator, data processing and analysis, documenting reports, studying reference works and other studies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (142) ◽  
pp. 37-56
Sunny Xiang

Abstract This article examines a range of mid-twentieth-century American fashions, particularly women’s intimate wear, that went by the name of “bikini.” In doing so, it identifies the bikini as an overt but unremarkable incident of racial and colonial violence. Treating the nuclear Pacific as conspicuously incidental in mainstream atomic culture enables new insights on the visual interplay between white femininity and primitive sexuality—an interplay that, the author argues, was integral to establishing domestic virtue and modern living as atomic age touchstones of “peace.” To elaborate on this argument, this article tracks the bikini’s achievement of propriety within a broader fashion revolution spurred by the use of high-tech fibers in swim, sleep, and support garments. It shows how an atomic ideal of “nature” arose from an imperial desire for security in the face of extreme risk—both the global risk of nuclear war and the domestic risk of sexual promiscuity.

Massaporn Cheuathonghua ◽  
Maria E. de Boyrie ◽  
Ivelina Pavlova ◽  
Jutamas Wongkantarakorn

2021 ◽  
John Lindberg ◽  
Denali Archer

The term ‘radiophobia’ has been a cornerstone in much of the nuclear discourse over the past 70 years and has been used extensively by proponents of nuclear technologies to dismiss fears of radiation as being emotional overreactions to a risk that is actuarially very low, and that this stems from public ignorance. Despite its longevity in nuclear discourse, little attention has been afforded to the term, its history, and the factors that underpin the extreme divergence in risk perception that the term de facto refers to, threatening to severely hamper any efforts to redress said divergence. This article will explore these factors, mostly sociopsychological in nature, and conclude that the powerful affective imagery associated with radiation, compounded by various heuristics and biases, renders public discomfort with ionising radiation from nuclear power plants rational – despite the fact nuclear energy is actuarially the safest energy source available. The article will note that whilst its often ostracising usage towards the public should render the term obsolete, radiophobia can still be regarded as a useful concept to try and explain the extreme risk perception divergence that exists between nuclear experts and the public. This would, however, require a paradigm shift that acknowledges the complex historical and sociopsychological factors that have shaped radiation into becoming a uniquely feared process. Such an acknowledgement will likely be a prerequisite for any efforts towards normalising humanity’s relationship with radiation, and would require considerable changes in communication practices.

A. E. Akay ◽  
A. Erdoğan

Abstract. Large forest lands are damaged every year due to wild fires in Turkey. Prompt detection and rapid intervention is the key factors of firefighting activities. To be well prepared for the wildfires, it is crucial to determine the fire sensitive areas and then to locate fire extinguishing structures such as fire lookout towers and the firefighting headquarters by consideration these areas. The accuracy of the fire risk maps plays important role in the effectiveness of the fire management strategies and decisions. In this paper, the accuracy of a fire risk map, which was developed by GIS techniques integrated with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), was evaluated based on the previous fire incidence in the study area. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to generate fire risk map based on topographic features and forest vegetation structures. Then, total of 19 forest fires recorded in the study area in last 50 years were evaluated to validate the risk map. It was found that 23.81% of the area was subject to extreme risk, while 25.81% was of high risk. The results indicated that about 42.10% of the fire events fell into the forested areas with extreme fire risk, while 31,58% were in the high fire risk. Thus, the fire risk map developed by using the GIS-based MCDA can be an effective way for accurate estimation of the fire sensitive areas.

Aaditi Bansod ◽  
Ashish Anjankar

Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses accountable for initiating severe acute respiratory syndrome  (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Common Cold, etc. Studies have found a certainly available development severity about covid epidemic over rising in blood glucose level sufferers. There is the effect of functioning dextrose equilibrium, rawness, change-resistant level together with a start regarding this peptide-aldosterone method (RAAS) caused by possible infective connection in the middle of  SARS-CoV-2 along with insulin-dependent diabetes. Your chance regarding come to have extremely unwell against SARS-CoV-2 live probable via occurring minor whether you all are blood glucose level crop up controlled. Experience coronary illness either more difficulty over inclusion on rising in blood glucose level would intensify this likeliness on obtaining solemnly sick by SARS-CoV-2, similar to another fervid contamination, on account of additional compared to only situation build that solid as you all are physique directed toward opposing this contamination. Growing contamination would too expand swelling, either inner bump, rising humans accompanied by a rise in blood glucose level, above-target blood sugars can also be the cause of that, and more severe complications can happen due to that inflammation. Instead of the other side, recently developed rise in glucose blood level and extreme catabolic difficulties regarding the previous rise in blood glucose level, as well as ketoacidosis diabetic including non-ketotic hyperglycemia considering whichever unusually excessive shots regarding hypoglycaemic agent come about validate, turned out to be seen within sufferer of SARS-CoV-2. In Hindustan throughout this, another upsurge regarding this SARS-CoV-2, seeing that unparalleled gush over patient regarding black fungus took place were seen: resistance down-regulation give rise to Covid-19 along with this utilization regarding effective against a wide range of organisms along with glucocorticoids-specific convalescent which is a dully restrained rise in blood glucose level along the ketoacidosis—are to be expected be obliged to come up with up to mutiny. SARS-CoV-2 comes behind alongside black fungus shore extreme risk bloodshed rate along with opportune observation, fungicidal treatment, cruel incision, the usually surgical removal of lacerated left important element of this operation.

2021 ◽  
Jingyang Zhang ◽  
Xu Wu ◽  
Ruzhen Yan ◽  
Zhengjie Chun

Abstract In recent years, the extreme risk events occurred frequently in the financial market have not only brought huge losses to investors and inflicted heavy losses on the market, but also posed a severe challenge for the traditional effective market hypothesis. These extreme risk events are often accompanied by sudden plummeting of liquidity. Different from the efficient market hypothesis(EMT), firstly, this paper studies the nonlinear fluctuation characteristics and causes of contracts with different maturity periods in China stock index futures market under the framework of fractal market theory and using the multifractal detrended fluctuation model Secondly, under the framework of the fractal market theory, the existence of the liquidity spillover effect between the stock index futures and spot is tested, the direction, intensity, and contribution of spillover between stock index futures and spot are analyzed. Finally, there is a robustness test. The study finds that both stock index futures and stock index spot in China have obvious nonlinear fractal fluctuation characteristics, and stock index futures have higher degree of multifractal, the characteristics are related to correlated multifractal and distributed multifractal; the longer the maturity period of the stock index futures contract, the lower the multifractal degree; there are significant asymmetric liquidity spillover effects between the stock index futures and spot; the multifractal degree has an important influence on the intensity and contribution of the liquidity spillover effect, and the multifractal degree is inversely proportional to the intensity of liquidity spillover and the contribution of spot to futures fluctuations.

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