hazard analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 390
Takehiro Funamizu ◽  
Hiroshi Iwata ◽  
Yuichi Chikata ◽  
Shinichiro Doi ◽  
Hirohisa Endo ◽  

Background: Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on chronic hemodialysis who are complicated by coronary artery disease (CAD) are at very high risk of cardiovascular (CV) events and mortality. However, the prognostic benefit of statins, which is firmly established in the general population, is still under debate in this particular population. Methods: As a part of a prospective single-center percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) registry database, this study included consecutive patients on chronic hemodialysis who underwent PCI for the first time between 2000 and 2016 (n = 201). Participants were divided into 2 groups by following 2 factors, such as (1) with or without statin, and (2) with or without high LDL-C (> and ≤LDL-C = 93 mg/dL, median) at the time of PCI. The primary endpoint was defined as CV death, and the secondary endpoints included all-cause and non-CV death, and 3 point major cardiovascular adverse events (3P-MACE) which is the composite of CV death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and stroke. The median and range of the follow-up period were 2.8, 0–15.2 years, respectively. Results: Kaplan–Meier analyses showed significantly lower cumulative incidences of primary and secondary endpoints other than non-CV deaths in patients receiving statins. Conversely, no difference was observed when patients were divided by the median LDL-C at the time of PCI (p = 0.11). Multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis identified statins as an independent predictor of reduced risk of CV death (Hazard ratio of statin use: 0.43, 95% confidence interval 0.18–0.88, p = 0.02), all-cause death (HR: 0.50, 95%CI 0.29–0.84, p = 0.007) and 3P-MACE (HR: 0.50, 95%CI 0.25–0.93, p = 0.03). Conclusions: Statins were associated with reduced risk of adverse outcomes in patients with ESRD following PCI.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Mengxuan Xiao ◽  
Sitong Liu ◽  
Huozhu Jin ◽  
Mingji Xiao ◽  
Huiqiang Wang ◽  

The important quality of green tea is freshness, but high temperature, light, oxygen, and humidity during storage may reduce the freshness of green tea. Thus, this study investigated the freshness loss of green tea (FLGT) under an accelerated shelf-life testing (ASLT) by sensory evaluation and acceptability test. The FLGTs of the samples stored at 20°C, 30°C, and 40°C, were determined as 67 days, 55 days, and 45 days, respectively by the Q10 method. In addition, they were further determined as 67 days, 57 days, and 42 days, respectively, by the Weibull Hazard Analysis (WHA). The sensory evaluation and acceptability test confirmed the correctness of the above results by 2-alternative choice analysis and chemical analysis. The Q10 method was applied to predict the FLGTs stored at 4°C and −20°C which were 93 days and 150 days, which was further verified by 2-alternative choice analysis and chemical analysis. The results show that it is possible to predict the suitable drinking period of green tea during storage by the Q10 method.

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 905-914
Elena Titorenko ◽  
Natalia Trofimova ◽  
Evgenia Ermolaeva ◽  
Ivan Trofimov ◽  
Leonid Breskin ◽  

Introduction. Statistical methods of data processing and IT technologies make it possible to introduce new modern methods of hazard and risk analysis in food industry. The research objective was to develop new software that would link together various risk-related production data. Study objects and methods. The research featured food production company LLC Yug (Biysk, Russia) that specializes in functional products and various ready-made software automation solutions. The study also involved statistical methods, methods of observation, collection of primary information, sequential top-down development of algorithms, and the Java programming language. Results and discussion. Food producers have a registration procedure for inconsistencies and violations of permissible limits at critical control points. The authors developed a new software program that allows production line operators to enter data on downtime and other violations of the production process. The program makes it possible for managers to receive up-to-date reports on various criteria, identify violations, and select appropriate corrective actions. This ready-made solution automates the process of accounting and hazard analysis. The program was tested at LLC Yug with the focus on the time that operators and managers needed to register the problem, analyze the data, develop corrective or preventive measures, and apply them. Conclusion. The new software proved to be less time-consuming than standard procedures applied in food industry and made it possible to save the time that operators and managers spent on decision making and reporting.

Catur Cahyaningsih

Sulawesi Island is the active tectonic region, where the tectonic architecture and potential earthquake sources until now remain largely unknown. The worst earthquake, an Mw 7.5 on September 28, 2018, in Palu, Indonesia, was caused catastrophic damage to life and property. The earthquake has highlighted the urgent need to raise knowledge of the cause of possible large future earthquakes and vulnerability. The main objective for this project is to create a thorough earthquake probabilistic hazard analysis map of the region, which is presently unavailable to better prepare for future earthquakes. The neotectonic and structural map was created using was supplemented with the 30-m resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) solution, and seismologic data. The results demonstrate that faulting controls the geometry and the majority of these faults are active and capable of causing medium to large magnitude earthquakes with moment magnitudes ranging from 6.2 to 7.5 from 44 seismic sources. Our results show Sulawesi's northern deformation regimes have high seismicity risk and vulnerability. This study contributes a realistic seismic source for the Sulawesi neotectonic area particularly at the northwest, north, and east deformation regime, to understand the key large future earthquakes.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Julio Garrote

Flood hazard and risk analysis in developing countries is a difficult task due to the absence or scarce availability of flow data and digital elevation models (DEMs) with the necessary quality. Up to eight DEMs (ALOS Palsar, Aster GDEM, Bare Earth DEM, SRTM DEM, Merit DEM, TanDEM-X DEM, NASA DEM, and Copernicus DEM) of different data acquisition, spatial resolution, and data processing were used to reconstruct the January 2015 flood event. The systematic flow rate record from the Mocuba city gauge station as well as international aid organisms and field data were used to define both the return period peak flows in years for different flood frequencies (Tyear) and the January 2015 flooding event peak flow. Both visual and statistical analysis of flow depth values at control point locations give us a measure of the different hydraulic modelling performance. The results related to the Copernicus DEM, both in visual and statistical approach, show a clear improvement over the results of the other free global DEMs. Under the assumption that Copernicus DEM provides the best results, a flood hazard analysis was carried out, its results being in agreement with previous data of the effects of the January 2015 flooding event in the Mocuba District. All these results highlight the step forward that Copernicus DEM represents for flood hazard analysis in developing countries, along with the use of so-called “citizen science” in the form of flooding evidence field data acquisition.

Narges Afsari ◽  
Mohammad Saleh Abdipour ◽  
Fataneh Taghizadeh-Farahmand

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 441
Agnieszka Tubis ◽  
Sylwia Werbińska-Wojciechowska ◽  
Pawel Sliwinski ◽  
Radoslaw Zimroz

Enterprises today are increasingly seeking maintenance management strategies to ensure that their machines run faultlessly. This problem is particularly relevant in the mining sector, due to the demanding working conditions of underground mines and machines and equipment-operating regimes. Therefore, in this article, the authors proposed a new approach to mining machinery maintenance management, based on the concept of risk-based maintenance (RBM) and taking into account safety issues. The proposed method includes five levels of analysis, of which the first level focuses on hazard analysis, while the next three are connected with a risk evaluation. The final level relates to determining the RBM recommendations. The recommendations are defined in relation to the three main improvement areas: maintenance, safety, and resource availability/allocation. The proposed approach is based on the use of fuzzy logic. To present the possibilities of implementing our method, a case study covering the operation of selected mining machinery in a selected Polish underground mine is presented. In the case of mining machinery, fourteen adverse-event scenarios were identified and investigated; general recommendations were also given. The authors have also indicated further directions of research work to optimize system maintenance strategies, based on the concept of risk-based maintenance. Additionally, the discussion about the implementation possibilities of the approach developed herein is provided.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-115
Hanif Farhan Setya Rama ◽  
Adwitya Bhaskara

Risiko kecelakaan kerja pada proyek konstruksi merupakan risiko yang tinggi, namun terkadang faktor-faktor yang dapat mengurangi kecelakaan kerja masih kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Menurut Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor : 05/PRT/M/2014 pada Bab 1 Pasal 1 Sitem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Konstruksi adalah bagian dari sistem manajemen organisasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan konstruksi dalam rangka pengendalian risiko K3. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang perbandingan risiko kecelakaan pelaksanaan suatu proses pembangunan menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) dan HAZOP (Hazard Analysis and Operability Study), penerapan penelitian secara kuantitatif penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung di proyek pembangunan lalu menganalisis risiko kecelakaan sesuai dengan data K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) dan sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan yang telah dilakukan di Proyek Pembangunan Pasar Johar Selatan, Semarang. Dari hasil analisis dengan metode FMEA diperoleh nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number) 15,39 terdapat pada, pekerjaan pembesian, yaitu pekerja yang tertusuk kawat. Risiko yang terjadi berdasarkan metode HAZOP memiliki Risk Level 7,18 terdapat pada pekerjaan pembesian. Tindakan mitigasi yang dilakukan sesuai dengan metode FMEA dan HAZOP yaitu dengan sering melakukan arahan kepada para pekerja untuk rajin menggunakan APD sesuai standar K3, memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya APD, dan Penataan kepada para pekerja untuk keselamatan kerja.Kata Kunci: FMEA, HAZOP, Risiko Kecelakaan, K3

2022 ◽  
Alex Markov ◽  
Mayank V. Bendarkar ◽  
Dimitri N. Mavris

Yulun Chen ◽  
Qingrun Liu ◽  
Fangwei Yang ◽  
Hang Yu ◽  
Yunfei Xie ◽  

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