solar radiation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 103829
Sérgio Roberto Andrade Dantas ◽  
Fúlvio Vittorino ◽  
Kai Loh

Muchamad Rizky Nugraha ◽  
Andi Adriansyah

<span>Solar energy is a result of the nuclear fusion process in the form of a series of thermonuclear events that occur in the Sun's core. Solar radiation has a significant impact on the lives of all living things on earth. The uses, as mentioned earlier, are when the solar radiation received requires a certain amount and vice versa. As a result, a more accurate instrument of solar radiation is required. A specific instrument is typically used to measure solar radiation parameters. There are four solar radiation parameters: diffusion radiation, global radiation, direct radiation, and solar radiation duration. Thus, it needs to use many devices to measure radiation data. The paper designs to measure all four-radiation data by pyranometer with particular modification and shading device. This design results have a high correlation with a global standard with a value of R=0.73, diffusion with a value of R=0.60 and a sufficiently strong direct correlation with a value of R=0.56. It can be said that the system is much simpler, making it easier to monitor and log the various solar radiation parameters.</span>

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 101991
Elena Carra ◽  
Jesús Ballestrín ◽  
Rafael Monterreal ◽  
Raúl Enrique ◽  
Jesús Polo ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 133 ◽  
pp. 126419
Alireza Araghi ◽  
Christopher J. Martinez ◽  
Jørgen E. Olesen

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 806
Mariusz T. Sarniak

The silicon photovoltaic modules that dominate the market today are constantly being modified, but at the same time, the search for new, more efficient design solutions is underway. The study examined a less popular photovoltaic module built from point-focusing Fresnel radiation concentrators and high-efficiency three-junction cells. The advantage of this type of module is its high overall efficiency, exceeding 30%. The disadvantage is that they require biaxial precision tracking mechanisms because even a small deviation of the direction of direct solar radiation from the perpendicular to the module’s surface causes a large and abrupt drop in efficiency. This type of photovoltaic module structure is often also marked with the symbol C3PV. A mathematical model and simulation calculations were carried out in the Matlab/Simulink package for the C3PV module—the CX-75/200 model based on the “Solar Cell” component. The concentration of direct solar radiation was taken into account. For the module under consideration, experimental and simulation results show the necessity of accurate positioning concerning the direction of solar radiation—deviation of the radiation angle by about 5° causes a very high power loss (by about 92%).

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Z. Ebrahimpour ◽  
Seyyed Ali Farshad ◽  
M. Sheikholeslami

Purpose This paper scrutinizes exergy loss and hydrothermal analysis of Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) unit by means of FLUENT. Several mirrors were used to guide the solar radiation inside the receiver, which has parabolic shape. Radiation model was used to simulate radiation mode. Design/methodology/approach Heat losses from receiver should be minimized to reach the optimized design. Outputs were summarized as contours of incident radiation, isotherm and streamline. Outputs were classified in terms of contours and plots to depict the influence of temperature of hot wall, wind velocity and configurations on performance of Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) based on thermal and exergy treatment. Four arrangements for LFR units are considered and all of them have same height. Findings Greatest Nu and Ex can be obtained for case D due to the highest heat loss from hot wall. Share of radiative heat flux relative to total heat flux is about 94% for case D. In case D when Tr = 0.388, As hext rises from 5 to 20, Nutotal enhances about 11.42% when Tr = 0.388. By selecting case D instead of case A, Ex rises about 16.14% for lowest Tr. Nutotal and Ex of case D augment by 3.65 and 6.23 times with rise of Tr when hext = 5. To evaluate the thermal performance (ηth) of system, absorber pipe was inserted below the parabolic reflector and 12 mirrors were used above the ground. The outputs revealed that ηth decreases about 14.31% and 2.54% with augment of Tin and Q if other factors are minimum. Originality value This paper scrutinizes exergy loss and hydrothermal analysis of LFR unit by means of finite volume method. Several mirror used to guide the solar radiation inside the receiver, which has parabolic shape. DO model was used to simulate radiation mode. Heat losses from receiver should be minimized to reach the optimized design. Outputs were summarized as contours of incident radiation, isotherm and streamline.

Nkpa M. Ogarekpe ◽  
Jonah Chukwuemeka Agunwamba ◽  
Maurice G. Ekpenyong

The study investigated the structure of the integrated solar and hydraulic jump enhanced waste stabilization pond (ISHJEWSP) variables. Also, to determine the cluster of the most important variables that account for the performance of the ISHJEWSP using principal component analysis (PCA). Three sets of experimental ponds were constructed with varying locations of point of initiation of hydraulic jump. Wastewater samples collected from the inlet and outlet for varying inlet velocities were examined for physicochemical and bacteriological characteristics for a period of nine months. The Pearson’s R-matrix and KMO statistic were used in evaluating the structure of the variables. Consequently, the variables of temperature, pH, algae concentration, solar radiation, and locations of the point of initiation of hydraulic jump were subjected to PCA. Two components had eigenvalues above the Jolliffe’s criterion and in combination explained 90.66% of the total variance. The inflexion of the scree plot justified the retained components. The analysis after rotation revealed that the parameters of pH, temperature, solar radiation, and algal concentration loaded highly to component 1. This underscores the precedence of ambient climatic conditions, alongside the state of the wastewater in general, to the inlet velocity and location of point of initiation of hydraulic jump.

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