pion mass
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2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
T. Blum ◽  
P. A. Boyle ◽  
M. Bruno ◽  
N. H. Christ ◽  
D. Hoying ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Raghuveer Garani ◽  
Michele Redi ◽  
Andrea Tesi

Abstract We investigate the nightmare scenario of dark sectors that are made of non-abelian gauge theories with fermions, gravitationally coupled to the Standard Model (SM). While testing these scenarios is experimentally challenging, they are strongly motivated by the accidental stability of dark baryons and pions, that explain the cosmological stability of dark matter (DM). We study the production of these sectors which are minimally populated through gravitational freeze-in, leading to a dark sector temperature much lower than the SM, or through inflaton decay, or renormalizable interactions producing warmer DM. Despite having only gravitational couplings with the SM these scenarios turn out to be rather predictive depending roughly on three parameters: the dark sector temperature, the confinement scale and the dark pion mass. In particular, when the initial temperature is comparable to the SM one these scenarios are very constrained by structure formation, ∆Neff and limits on DM self-interactions. Dark sectors with same temperature or warmer than SM are typically excluded.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. T12017
P. Abratenko ◽  
R. An ◽  
J. Anthony ◽  
L. Arellano ◽  
J. Asaadi ◽  

Abstract This article presents the reconstruction of the electromagnetic activity from electrons and photons (showers) used in the MicroBooNE deep learning-based low energy electron search. The reconstruction algorithm uses a combination of traditional and deep learning-based techniques to estimate shower energies. We validate these predictions using two νμ-sourced data samples: charged/neutral current interactions with final state neutral pions and charged current interactions in which the muon stops and decays within the detector producing a Michel electron. Both the neutral pion sample and Michel electron sample demonstrate agreement between data and simulation. Further, the absolute shower energy scale is shown to be consistent with the relevant physical constant of each sample: the neutral pion mass peak and the Michel energy cutoff.

Ole Lynnerup Trinhammer ◽  
Henrik G. Bohr

Abstract We calculate the pion mass from Goldstone modes in the Higgs mechanism related to the neutron decay. The Goldstone pion modes acquire mass by a vacuum misalignment of the Higgs field. The size of the misalignment is controlled by the ratio between the electronic and the nucleonic energy scales. The nucleonic energy scale is involved in the neutron to proton transformation and the electronic scale is involved in the related creation of the electronic state in the course of the electroweak neutron decay. The respective scales influence the mapping of the intrinsic configuration spaces used in our description. The configuration spaces are the Lie groups U(3) for the nucleonic sector and U(2) for the electronic sector. These spaces are both compact and lead to periodic potentials in the Hamiltonians in coordinate space. The periodicity and strengths of these potentials control the vacuum misalignment and leads to a pion mass of 135.2(1.5) MeV with an uncertainty mainly from the fine structure coupling at pionic energies. The pion decay constant 92 MeV results from comparing the fourth order self-coupling in an effective pion field theory with the corresponding fourth order term in the Higgs potential. We suggest analogies with the Goldberger-Treiman relation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Lu Meng ◽  
E. Epelbaum

Abstract We propose an alternative approach to Lüscher’s formula for extracting two-body scattering phase shifts from finite volume spectra with no reliance on the partial wave expansion. We use an effective-field-theory-based Hamiltonian method in the plane wave basis and decompose the corresponding matrix elements of operators into irreducible representations of the relevant point groups. The proposed approach allows one to benefit from the knowledge of the long-range interaction and avoids complications from partial wave mixing in a finite volume. We consider spin-singlet channels in the two-nucleon system and pion-pion scattering in the ρ-meson channel in the rest and moving frames to illustrate the method for non-relativistic and relativistic systems, respectively. For the two-nucleon system, the long-range interaction due to the one-pion exchange is found to make the single-channel Lüscher formula unreliable at the physical pion mass. For S-wave dominated states, the single-channel Lüscher method suffers from significant finite-volume artifacts for a L = 3 fm box, but it works well for boxes with L > 5 fm. However, for P-wave dominated states, significant partial wave mixing effects prevent the application of the single-channel Lüscher formula regardless of the box size (except for the near-threshold region). Using a toy model to generate synthetic data for finite-volume energies, we show that our effective-field-theory-based approach in the plane wave basis is capable of a reliable extraction of the phase shifts. For pion-pion scattering, we employ a phenomenological model to fit lattice QCD results at the physical pion mass. The extracted P-wave phase shifts are found to be in a good agreement with the experimental results.

Manfred Daum ◽  
Peter-R. Kettle

The most precise value for the \pi^0π0 mass was obtained from the measurement of the mass difference m_{\pi^-}-m_{\pi^0} = 4.593\,64(48)mπ−−mπ0=4.59364(48),MeV/c^22 in the charge exchange reaction \pi^-π−p \rightarrow \pi^0→π0n at PSI. With the most precise charged pion mass value, m_{\pi^+} = 139.570\,21(14)mπ+=139.57021(14),MeV/c^22 and the validity of the CPT theorem (m_{\pi^-} = m_{\pi^+}mπ−=mπ+), a value m_{\pi^0} = 134.976\,57(50)mπ0=134.97657(50),MeV/c^22 is obtained. The measurements also revealed, for the first time, evidence of an unexpectedly large contribution from Coulomb de-excitation states during the pionic atom cascade.

Manfred Daum ◽  
Peter-R. Kettle

The most precise value for the pion mass was determined from a precision measurement at PSI of the muon momentum in pion decay at rest, \pi^+ \rightarrow \mu^+ + \nu_{\mu}π+→μ++νμ. The result is m_{\pi^+} = 139.570\,21(14)mπ+=139.57021(14)~MeV/c^22. This value is more precise, however, in agreement with the recent compilation of the Particle Data Group for m_{\pi^-}mπ−. The agreement of m_{\pi^+}mπ+ with the recent measurement. This yields a new quantitative measure of CPT invariance in the pion sector: (m_{\pi^+} - m_{\pi^-})/m_{\pi}(\mbox{av}) = (-2.9 \pm 2.0)\cdot 10^{-6}(mπ+−mπ−)/mπ(av)=(−2.9±2.0)⋅10−6, an improvement by two orders of magnitude.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
M. Hori ◽  
H. Aghai-Khozani ◽  
A. Sótér ◽  
A. Dax ◽  
D. Barna

AbstractWe review recent experiments carried out by the PiHe collaboration of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) that observed an infrared transition of three-body pionic helium atoms by laser spectroscopy. These measurements may lead to a precise determination of the charged pion mass, and complement experiments of antiprotonic helium atoms carried out at the new ELENA facility of CERN.

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