code change
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E-Structural ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 28-42
Citra Umara Trisnayanti ◽  
Laily Nur Affini

Abstract. This study analyzed the code-switching used in Fathia Izzati's YouTube videos channel according to the types and their functions. This study used a qualitative descriptive method since the research object is obtained from the internet or computer-based. The researchers used content analysis to get information based on research objectives. In collecting the data, the researchers analyzed the data through some steps, and they were: watching the videos, making transcription from the videos, identifying and classifying the utterances. As a result, from Fathia Izzati's videos, this study found three types of code-switching: inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, and tag-switching. The speaker used two languages, namely Indonesian and English, during the vlog shooting process. The dominant type of code-switching that the speaker used is intra-sentential switching. Then, from the seven functions, this study found six functions the speakers did the code change. They were participant, solidarity, topic switch, switching for affective functions, metaphorical switching, and lexical borrowing.Keywords: bilingualism, sociolinguistics, code-switching, and video-blogging.Abstrak. Penelitian ini menganalisis alih kode yang digunakan dalam video di saluran YouTube Fathia Izzati berdasarkan jenis dan fungsinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode kualitatif deskriptif, karena objek pada penelitian ini diambil dari internet atau bersumber dari komputer. Peneliti menggunakan analisis konten untuk menemukan informasi yang tepat sesuai dengan pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menganalisis data melalui beberapa langkah, yaitu menonton dan mendengarkan video, membuat transkripsi dari video, mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan ucapan Fathia Izzati. Hasilnya, dari video-video Fathia Izzati, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat tiga tipe code-switching, di antaranya adalah inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, dan tag-switching. Jadi pembicara menggunakan dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bInggris selama proses syuting vlog. Jenis alih kode yang paling dominan adalah intra-sentential switching. Peneliti menemukan bahwa dari tujuh fungsi yang ada, ditemuakan enam fungsi alih kode yang dilakukan pembicara, yaitu partisipan, solidaritas, pergantian topik, peralihan karena fungsi afektif, alih kode metaforis, dan kata pinjaman.Kata kunci: bilingualisme, sosiolinguistik, alih kode, video-blogging

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e548
Martin Grambow ◽  
Christoph Laaber ◽  
Philipp Leitner ◽  
David Bermbach

Performance problems in applications should ideally be detected as soon as they occur, i.e., directly when the causing code modification is added to the code repository. To this end, complex and cost-intensive application benchmarks or lightweight but less relevant microbenchmarks can be added to existing build pipelines to ensure performance goals. In this paper, we show how the practical relevance of microbenchmark suites can be improved and verified based on the application flow during an application benchmark run. We propose an approach to determine the overlap of common function calls between application and microbenchmarks, describe a method which identifies redundant microbenchmarks, and present a recommendation algorithm which reveals relevant functions that are not covered by microbenchmarks yet. A microbenchmark suite optimized in this way can easily test all functions determined to be relevant by application benchmarks after every code change, thus, significantly reducing the risk of undetected performance problems. Our evaluation using two time series databases shows that, depending on the specific application scenario, application benchmarks cover different functions of the system under test. Their respective microbenchmark suites cover between 35.62% and 66.29% of the functions called during the application benchmark, offering substantial room for improvement. Through two use cases—removing redundancies in the microbenchmark suite and recommendation of yet uncovered functions—we decrease the total number of microbenchmarks and increase the practical relevance of both suites. Removing redundancies can significantly reduce the number of microbenchmarks (and thus the execution time as well) to ~10% and ~23% of the original microbenchmark suites, whereas recommendation identifies up to 26 and 14 newly, uncovered functions to benchmark to improve the relevance. By utilizing the differences and synergies of application benchmarks and microbenchmarks, our approach potentially enables effective software performance assurance with performance tests of multiple granularities.

2020 ◽  
Larry Humphries ◽  
Jesse Phillips ◽  
Rodney Schmidt ◽  
Bradley Beeny ◽  
David Louie ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (11n12) ◽  
pp. 1779-1800
Zengyang Li ◽  
Peng Liang ◽  
Dengwei Li ◽  
Ran Mo ◽  
Bing Li

Both complexity of code change for bug fixing and bug severity play an important role in release planning when considering which bugs should be fixed in a specific release under certain constraints. This work investigates whether there are significant differences between bugs of different severity levels regarding the complexity of code change for fixing the bugs. Code change complexity is measured by the number of modified lines of code, source files, and packages, as well as the entropy of code change. We performed a case study on 20 Apache open source software (OSS) projects using commit records and bug reports. The study results show that (1) for bugs of high severity levels (i.e. Blocker, Critical and Major in JIRA), there is no significant difference on the complexity of code change for fixing bugs of different severity levels for most projects, while (2) for bugs of low severity levels (i.e. Major, Minor and Trivial in JIRA), fixing bugs of a higher severity level needs significantly more complex code change than fixing bugs of a lower severity level for most projects. These findings provide useful and practical insights for effort estimation and release planning of OSS development.

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