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F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 961
Kevin McKernan ◽  
Liam Kane ◽  
Yvonne Helbert ◽  
Lei Zhang ◽  
Nathan Houde ◽  

The Psilocybe genus is well known for the synthesis of valuable psychoactive compounds such as Psilocybin, Psilocin, Baeocystin and Aeruginascin. The ubiquity of Psilocybin synthesis in Psilocybe has been attributed to a horizontal gene transfer mechanism of a ~20Kb gene cluster. A recently published highly contiguous reference genome derived from long read single molecule sequencing has underscored interesting variation in this Psilocybin synthesis gene cluster. This reference genome has also enabled the shotgun sequencing of spores from many Psilocybe strains to better catalog the genomic diversity in the Psilocybin synthesis pathway. Here we present the de novo assembly of 81 Psilocybe genomes compared to the P.envy reference genome. Surprisingly, the genomes of Psilocybe galindoi, Psilocybe tampanensis and Psilocybe azurescens lack sequence coverage over the previously described Psilocybin synthesis pathway but do demonstrate amino acid sequence homology to a less contiguous gene cluster and may illuminate the previously proposed evolution of psilocybin synthesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Saad Ihsan Butt ◽  
Saba Yousaf ◽  
Atifa Asghar ◽  
Khuram Ali Khan ◽  
Hamid Reza Moradi

In 2003, Mercer presented an interesting variation of Jensen’s inequality called Jensen–Mercer inequality for convex function. In the present paper, by employing harmonically convex function, we introduce analogous versions of Hermite–Hadamard inequalities of the Jensen–Mercer type via fractional integrals. As a result, we introduce several related fractional inequalities connected with the right and left differences of obtained new inequalities for differentiable harmonically convex mappings. As an application viewpoint, new estimates regarding hypergeometric functions and special means of real numbers are exemplified to determine the pertinence and validity of the suggested scheme. Our results presented here provide extensions of others given in the literature. The results proved in this paper may stimulate further research in this fascinating area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 867-889
Isanawikrama Isanawikrama ◽  
Edwin Joyo Hutomo ◽  
Yud Buana

The attitudes and behaviors of employees who provide frontline service and address the extent to which relationships vary among male and female employees. The overall model predicts effects of role stress and work or no work conflict on customer-contact employees’ job performance, job, and life satisfaction, and quitting intent. Results of structural equations modeling suggest an important role for work/no work conflict overall as well as two areas of interesting variation across gender. Specifically, multisampling structural equations analyses suggest that role stress affects female service provider’s job performance more negatively than it does males’, and that job satisfaction is related more highly to quitting intent among males. Overall, results suggest interesting similarities and differences across gender.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 961
Kevin McKernan ◽  
Liam Kane ◽  
Yvonne Helbert ◽  
Lei Zhang ◽  
Nathan Houde ◽  

The Psilocybe genus is well known for the synthesis of valuable psychoactive compounds such as Psilocybin, Psilocin, Baeocystin and Aeruginascin. The ubiquity of Psilocybin synthesis in Psilocybe has been attributed to a horizontal gene transfer mechanism of a ~20Kb gene cassette. A recently published highly contiguous reference genome derived from long read single molecule sequencing has underscored interesting variation in this Psilocybin synthesis gene cassette. This reference genome has also enabled the shotgun sequencing of spores from many Psilocybe strains to better catalog the genomic diversity in the Psilocybin synthesis pathway. Here we present the de novo assembly of genomes of 81 Psilocybe genomes compared to the P.envy reference genome. Surprisingly, the genomes of Psilocybe galindoi, Psilocybe tampanensis and Psilocybe azurescens lack sequence coverage over the previously described Psilocybin synthesis pathway but do demonstrate amino acid sequence homology to an alternative pathway and may illuminate previously proposed convergent evolution of Psilocybin synthesis.

The Auk ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 137 (4) ◽  
Sievert Rohwer ◽  
Vanya G Rohwer ◽  
Meera Lee Sethi ◽  
Janneke HilleRisLambers

Abstract Using the patterns of fault bars in their primaries, we studied the mode of primary replacement in non-molting Lesser Sandhill Cranes (Antigone c. canadensis) salvaged from hunters in southwestern Saskatchewan. About 80% of their primaries are used for 2 yr and 20% for 3 yr. Primaries are replaced during the breeding season and are lost in synchronous blocks representing about half the primaries, suggesting that most adults probably can fly weakly during flight feather replacement. Cranes are large, aggressive birds, and this interesting, and undescribed mode of flight feather replacement seems adapted to the ability of adult cranes to defend their precocial chicks from predators. Strikingly, juvenile Sandhill Cranes showed no fault marks in their primaries, suggesting that their parents’ ability to protect them shields them from the fright of predator attacks, which, in most birds, causes fault bars to be more prevalent and strongly expressed in juveniles than adults. Adults show interesting variation in the number of primaries replaced annually, which seems likely related to whether or not they are caring for chicks. Further, single primaries may or may not be replaced preferentially, suggesting sensitivity to feather function. Evaluating these observations must await field studies of molting adults.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 41-55
Makiko Kihara

Today, the martyrological discourse is one of the most conspicuous traditions of Polish Romanti-cism. When searching for the genesis of this discourse, one cannot overestimate the importance of the literary and political activities of Adam Mickiewicz from the autumn of 1832 to the middle of 1833. However, little is known about the problem of the resonance of Mickiewicz’s martyrological language and about how this discourse functioned in various texts of the Great Emigration. This paper attempts to answer those questions in reference to left-leaning texts of Komitet Narodowy Polski (KNP) and To-warzystwo Demokratyczne Polskie (TDP) from the 1830s. A study of the writings of KNP has led the author to the conclusion that they represent a common martyrological code of the emigration’s logo-sphere, while the TDP publications constitute an interesting variation of the martyrological collective imagination. The original character of the martyrological expression of the democrats stems from their views on the role of the people in regaining independence. On the other hand, certain common traits existed between TDP and Mickiewicz, which demonstrates that democrats modified the martyrological framework as a national narrative established by Mickiewicz.

2019 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-99
Mohammed Modhaffer ◽  
Sivaramakrishna Challavenkata

In this paper, we investigate the form, salient patterns and core functions of word-level total reduplication in Classical Arabic (CA) and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Using a multi-genre corpus of 469 million words, we extract total reduplication (TR) candidates into an SQL database, manually filter them, and perform concordance search to identify the patterns and functions. Data analysis reveals nine patterns and eleven functions of TR and compares their relative frequency in each variety. The functions of TR are mapped into two broad categories: morphological and semantic/pragmatic. Results show an interesting variation in terms of top functions being favored by the two varieties. While TR is favored by CA to express serial ordering, MSA is noticed to favor it to express intensification. The empirical findings of this study provide a reliable quantification of the status of TR in CA and MSA which is rather difficult to obtain by theoretical means: on the one hand, TR in Arabic is not as productive as in other languages such as Indonesian. On the other hand, it is more common in CA than in MSA because the latter usually resorts to using loose phrases to express the same concepts expressed by TR in CA.

2018 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 378-411 ◽  
Lauren C. Porter ◽  
Alaina De Biasi ◽  
Susanne Mitchell ◽  
Andrew Curtis ◽  
Eric Jefferis

Objectives: Abandoned houses may attract or generate crime; however, little is known about the nature of this relationship. Our study is aimed at better understanding this link. Methods: Focusing on a high-crime neighborhood in Ohio, we use spatial video and calls for service (CFS) to examine how crime changed on streets where abandoned homes were removed. We also draw on the insights of 35 ex-offenders, police officers, and residents to examine how and why abandoned houses are connected to crime in this locale. Results: On average, streets where abandoned houses were razed accounted for a lower proportion of neighborhood crime after removal. Also, a lower proportion of total CFS from these streets related to serious crime. Our narrative data indicate that abandoned houses are opportunistic because they provide cover, unoccupied spaces, and are easy targets. Conclusions: The removal of abandoned housing was associated with positive changes in crime overall; however, our approach revealed interesting variation across streets. We surmise that the relevance of a particular abandoned house may be contingent on the larger context of that street or neighborhood. In order to understand these dynamics, future research should continue to “drill down” into micro-spaces.

Karin Schlapbach

This chapter elucidates philosophical and religious aspects of ancient dance discourse. It traces novel connections from the poetic and philosophical motif of the dance of the stars to later ancient dance discourse. A link is found in the genre of exhortations (protreptics) to philosophy, which influenced Lucian’s On Dancing, and in the philosophical ideal of heavenly contemplation. The latter yields a particularly interesting variation by Augustine, who finds in dance spectacles an occasion to know things through themselves. The remainder of the chapter discusses the evidence for the role of dancing in ancient mystery cults and argues that in this context dance represents a way to attain cognition through sensory and emotional experience. This path is pursued further with an examination of the early Christian dance ritual depicted in the apocryphal Acts of John.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 703-720 ◽  

AbstractWord puzzles and the problem of their representations in logic languages have received considerable attention in the last decade (Ponnuruet al. 2004; Shapiro 2011; Baral and Dzifcak 2012; Schwitter 2013). Of special interest is the problem of generating such representations directly from natural language (NL) or controlled natural language (CNL). An interesting variation of this problem, and to the best of our knowledge, scarcely explored variation in this context, is when the input information is inconsistent. In such situations, the existing encodings of word puzzles produce inconsistent representations and break down. In this paper, we bring the well-known type of paraconsistent logics, calledAnnotated Predicate Calculus(APC) (Kifer and Lozinskii 1992), to bear on the problem. We introduce a new kind of non-monotonic semantics for APC, calledconsistency preferred stable modelsand argue that it makes APC into a suitable platform for dealing with inconsistency in word puzzles and, more generally, in NL sentences. We also devise a number of general principles to help the user choose among the different representations of NL sentences, which might seem equivalent but, in fact, behave differently when inconsistent information is taken into account. These principles can be incorporated into existing CNL translators, such as Attempto Controlled English (ACE) (Fuchset al. 2008) and PENG Light (White and Schwitter 2009). Finally, we show that APC with the consistency preferred stable model semantics can be equivalently embedded in ASP with preferences over stable models, and we use this embedding to implement this version of APC in Clingo (Gebseret al. 2011) and its Asprin add-on (Brewkaet al. 2015).

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