early childhood development
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Fernando Gabriel RODRÍGUEZ

La relación entre significación y verdad ha sido, para algunas tradiciones, una marca definitoria del hecho semiótico. Este planteo vale tanto para abordajes lógico-epistémicos, atentos especialmente a la noción de referencia, como para modelizaciones desde la noción de lengua saussureana, concentradas en el mecanismo sígnico (respectivamente, referencialistas y significacionistas). Junto con ello, los dos tipos de abordaje, el primero trabajando desde la proposición, el segundo desde las oposiciones del nivel significante, conciben esencialmente la semiosis desde la matriz lingüística, y ambos convergen finalmente en pensar la verdad como un problema de coherencia interna. Se analizan ambas tradiciones, mostrando sus puntos de afinidad y divergencia, y con apoyo en la psicología del desarrollo de la infancia temprana se objeta que el nexo entre procesos de semiosis y de cognición puede entenderse como originario. En consecuencia, se discute que la semiótica como disciplina deba plantearse límites en términos veritativos o epistémicos. Abstract: The relationship between meaning and truth has been, for some traditions, a defining mark of the semiotic fact. This is valid both for logical-epistemic approaches, paying special attention to the notion of reference, and for modelizations based on Saussure's notion of langue, centered on the signification mechanism (respectively, referentialists and significationists). Together with this, the two types of approach, the first working from the proposition, the second from the oppositions of the signifying level, essentially conceive the semiosis from the linguistic matrix, and both finally converge in thinking the truth as a problem of internal coherence. Both traditions are analyzed, showing their points of affinity and divergence, and with support in the psychology of early childhood development it is objected that the nexus between semiotic processes and cognition can be understood as original. Consequently, it is discussed that semiotics as a discipline should be delimited by truth or epistemic terms.

2022 ◽  
Olga Namen ◽  
Emma Näslund-Hadley ◽  
María Loreto Biehl

This paper presents novel evidence of an intervention to foster preschool students cognitive skills during COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted a policy experiment that provided preschool student parents with a SMS text message program to support student learning at home. Taking advantage of existing parent networks, we study the direct effect of being selected to receive the SMS text messages, and the spillovers of being part of a parent network. We show that after 15 weeks of intervention, SMS text messages increase student cognitive skills by 0.11 to 0.12 standard deviations. The effect is driven by an increase of parental involvement through the proposed activities. We find no evidence that information is transferred within parent networks.

2022 ◽  
pp. 385-402
Lucy Kivuti-Bitok ◽  
Joyce Jebet Cheptum

This chapter looks at the systems approach in addressing the dilemma of investing in neonatal health in resource constraints environment. Is investing in neonatal care the key to attaining sustainable development goals? Is it just or even just to invest in Neonatal care in the midst of competing interests? It applies causal loop diagrams as part of systems dynamics approach in seeking to identify the intended and intended consequences of investing in Neonatal Health. A look into countries have done well in Neonatal health and their investment early childhood education is done in order to give insight into the relationship between the investments.

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