pairwise differences
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Laura Engel ◽  
Doreen Becker ◽  
Thomas Nissen ◽  
Ingolf Russ ◽  
Georg Thaller ◽  

Maternal lineages are important for the breeding decision in the Holstein horse breed. To investigate the genetic diversity of the maternal lineages and the relationships between founder mares, the maternal inherited mitochondrial genome (except the repetitive part of the non-coding region) of 271 mares representing 75 lineages was sequenced. The sequencing predominantly revealed complete homology in the nucleotide sequences between mares from one lineage with exceptions in 13 lineages, where differences in one to three positions are probably caused by de novo mutations or alternate fixation of heteroplasmy. We found 78 distinct haplotypes that have not yet been described in other breeds. Six of these occurred in two or three different lineages indicating a common ancestry. Haplotypes can be divided into eight clusters with all mares from one lineage belonging to the same cluster. Within a cluster, the average number of pairwise differences ranged from zero to 16.49 suggesting close maternal relationships between these mares. The results showed that the current breeding population originated from at least eight ancestral founder mares.

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11651
Noppadon Yosboonruang ◽  
Sa-Aat Niwitpong ◽  
Suparat Niwitpong

The delta-lognormal distribution is a combination of binomial and lognormal distributions, and so rainfall series that include zero and positive values conform to this distribution. The coefficient of variation is a good tool for measuring the dispersion of rainfall. Statistical estimation can be used not only to illustrate the dispersion of rainfall but also to describe the differences between rainfall dispersions from several areas simultaneously. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to construct simultaneous confidence intervals for all pairwise differences between the coefficients of variation of delta-lognormal distributions using three methods: fiducial generalized confidence interval, Bayesian, and the method of variance estimates recovery. Their performances were gauged by measuring their coverage probabilities together with their expected lengths via Monte Carlo simulation. The results indicate that the Bayesian credible interval using the Jeffreys’ rule prior outperformed the others in virtually all cases. Rainfall series from five regions in Thailand were used to demonstrate the efficacies of the proposed methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Frank Filbir ◽  
Felix Krahmer ◽  
Oleh Melnyk

AbstractThe angular synchronization problem of estimating a set of unknown angles from their known noisy pairwise differences arises in various applications. It can be reformulated as an optimization problem on graphs involving the graph Laplacian matrix. We consider a general, weighted version of this problem, where the impact of the noise differs between different pairs of entries and some of the differences are erased completely; this version arises for example in ptychography. We study two common approaches for solving this problem, namely eigenvector relaxation and semidefinite convex relaxation. Although some recovery guarantees are available for both methods, their performance is either unsatisfying or restricted to the unweighted graphs. We close this gap, deriving recovery guarantees for the weighted problem that are completely analogous to the unweighted version.

Nora Schmit ◽  
Shevanthi Nayagam ◽  
Mark R Thursz ◽  
Timothy B Hallett

Abstract Background Progress towards viral hepatitis elimination goals relies on accurate estimates of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infection prevalence. We compared existing sources of country-level estimates from 2013 to 2017 to investigate the extent and underlying drivers of differences between them. Methods The four commonly cited sources of global-prevalence estimates, i.e. the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Schweitzer et al., the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDA Foundation, were compared by calculating pairwise differences between sets of estimates and assessing their within-country variation. Differences in underlying empirical data and modelling methods were investigated as contributors to differences in sub-Saharan African estimates. Results The four sets of estimates across all ages were comparable overall and agreed on the global distribution of HBV burden. The WHO and the CDA produced the most similar estimates, differing by a median of 0.8 percentage points. Larger discrepancies were seen in estimates of prevalence in children under 5 years of age and in sub-Saharan African countries, where the median pairwise differences were 2.7 percentage and 2.4 percentage points for all-age prevalence and in children, respectively. Recency and representativeness of included data, and different modelling assumptions of the age distribution of HBV burden, seemed to contribute to these differences. Conclusion Current prevalence estimates, particularly those from the WHO and the CDA based on more recent empirical data, provide a useful resource to assess the population-level burden of chronic HBV-infection. However, further seroprevalence data in young children are needed particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. This is a priority, as monitoring progress towards elimination depends on improved knowledge of prevalence in this age group.

2020 ◽  
Charalampos Tsourakakis ◽  
Michael Mitzenmacher

2020 ◽  
pp. 193229682093182
Stefan Pleus ◽  
Ulrike Kamecke ◽  
Delia Waldenmaier ◽  
Manuela Link ◽  
Eva Zschornack ◽  

Background: International consensus recommends a set of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) metrics to assess quality of diabetes therapy. The impact of individual CGM sensors on these metrics has not been thoroughly studied yet. This post hoc analysis aimed at comparing time in specific glucose ranges, coefficient of variation (CV) of glucose concentrations, and glucose management indicator (GMI) between different CGM systems and different sensors of the same system. Method: A total of 20 subjects each wore two Dexcom G5 (G5) sensors and two FreeStyle Libre (FL) sensors for 14 days in parallel. Times in ranges, GMI, and CV were calculated for each 14-day sensor experiment, with up to four sensor experiments per subject. Pairwise differences between different sensors of the same CGM system as well as between sensors of different CGM system were calculated for these metrics. Results: Pairwise differences between sensors of the same model showed larger differences and larger variability for FL than for G5, with some subjects showing considerable differences between the two sensors. When pairwise differences between sensors of different CGM models were calculated, substantial differences were found in some subjects (75th percentiles of differences of time spent <70 mg/dL: 5.0%, time spent >180 mg/dL: 9.2%, and GMI: 0.42%). Conclusion: Relevant differences in CGM metrics between different models of CGM systems, and between different sensors of the same model, worn by the same study subjects were found. Such differences should be taken into consideration when these metrics are used in the treatment of diabetes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 115 (531) ◽  
pp. 1336-1348
Carina Gerstenberger ◽  
Daniel Vogel ◽  
Martin Wendler

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