recommender system
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2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Suman Bhoi ◽  
Mong Li Lee ◽  
Wynne Hsu ◽  
Hao Sen Andrew Fang ◽  
Ngiap Chuan Tan

The broad adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) has led to vast amounts of data being accumulated on a patient’s history, diagnosis, prescriptions, and lab tests. Advances in recommender technologies have the potential to utilize this information to help doctors personalize the prescribed medications. However, existing medication recommendation systems have yet to make use of all these information sources in a seamless manner, and they do not provide a justification on why a particular medication is recommended. In this work, we design a two-stage personalized medication recommender system called PREMIER that incorporates information from the EHR. We utilize the various weights in the system to compute the contributions from the information sources for the recommended medications. Our system models the drug interaction from an external drug database and the drug co-occurrence from the EHR as graphs. Experiment results on MIMIC-III and a proprietary outpatient dataset show that PREMIER outperforms state-of-the-art medication recommendation systems while achieving the best tradeoff between accuracy and drug-drug interaction. Case studies demonstrate that the justifications provided by PREMIER are appropriate and aligned to clinical practices.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Zhe Fu ◽  
Li Yu ◽  
Xi Niu

As the popularity of online travel platforms increases, users tend to make ad-hoc decisions on places to visit rather than preparing the detailed tour plans in advance. Under the situation of timeliness and uncertainty of users’ demand, how to integrate real-time context into dynamic and personalized recommendations have become a key issue in travel recommender system. In this article, by integrating the users’ historical preferences and real-time context, a location-aware recommender system called TRACE ( T ravel R einforcement Recommendations Based on Location- A ware C ontext E xtraction) is proposed. It captures users’ features based on location-aware context learning model, and makes dynamic recommendations based on reinforcement learning. Specifically, this research: (1) designs a travel reinforcing recommender system based on an Actor-Critic framework, which can dynamically track the user preference shifts and optimize the recommender system performance; (2) proposes a location-aware context learning model, which aims at extracting user context from real-time location and then calculating the impacts of nearby attractions on users’ preferences; and (3) conducts both offline and online experiments. Our proposed model achieves the best performance in both of the two experiments, which demonstrates that tracking the users’ preference shifts based on real-time location is valuable for improving the recommendation results.

Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 242
Oumaima Stitini ◽  
Soulaimane Kaloun ◽  
Omar Bencharef

Nowadays, recommendation systems offer a method of facilitating the user’s desire. It is useful for recommending items from a variety of areas such as in the e-commerce, medical, education, tourism, and industry domains. The e-commerce area represents the most active research we found, which assists users in locating the things they want. A recommender system can also provide users with helpful knowledge about things that could be of interest. Sometimes, the user gets bored with recommendations which are similar to their profiles, which leads to the over-specialization problem. Over-specialization is caused by limited content data, under which content-based recommendation algorithms suggest goods directly related to the customer profile rather than new things. In this study, we are particularly interested in recommending surprising, new, and unexpected items that may likely be enjoyed by users and will mitigate this limited content. In order to recommend novel and serendipitous items along with familiar items, we need to introduce additional hacks and note of randomness, which can be achieved using genetic algorithms that brings diversity to recommendations being made. This paper describes a Revolutionary Recommender System using a Genetic Algorithm called RRSGA which improves the fitness functions for recommending optimal results. The proposed approach employs a genetic algorithm to address the over-specialization issue of content-based filtering. The proposed method aims to incorporate genetic algorithms that bring variety to recommendations and efficiently adjust and suggest unpredictable and innovative things to the user. Experiments objectively demonstrate that our technology can recommend additional products that every consumer is likely to appreciate. The results of RRSGA have been compared against recommendation results from the content-based filtering approach. The results indicate the effectiveness of RRSGA and its capacity to make more accurate predictions than alternative approaches.

Abdelaaziz Hessane ◽  
Ahmed El Youssefi ◽  
Yousef Farhaoui ◽  
Badraddine Aghoutane ◽  
Noureddine Ait Ali ◽  

Huilian Fan ◽  
Yuanchang Zhong ◽  
Guangpu Zeng ◽  
Chenhao Ge

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