locus typicus
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Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5048 (4) ◽  
pp. 575-580

Based on type specimen investigation, the status of Helops tristis Rossi, 1790 as the type species of the genus Dendarus Dejean, 1821 is confirmed. Lectotypes are designated for Helops tristis and Pandarus coarcticollis Mulsant, 1854 – both are classified in Dendarus. Pandarus libanicus Desbrochers des Loges, 1881 is recognised as a junior synonym of Dendarus calcaratus Baudi di Selve, 1881. Both taxa share the same locus typicus (Mount Lebanon in Lebanon) and are morphologically distinct from the Italian Dendarus lugens (Mulsant & Rey, 1854). Finally, D. lugens is considered as a synonym of D. (Dendarus) coarcticollis.  

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4987 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-131

A taxonomic revision and a key to the Chthonius C.L. Koch, 1843 species of the ischnocheles group from Italy, with records from neighbouring countries, are provided. The following new species are described: Chthonius gallettii n. sp. (♂, locus typicus: Sicily, Ragusa Province, Ragusa, Grotta delle Lame 6009 Si/RG), Chthonius gentianae n. sp. (♂, Veneto, Treviso Province, Fregona, Pian del Cansiglio, Bus della Genziana 1000 V/TV), Chthonius herminii n. sp. (♂♀, Veneto, Treviso Province, Cavaso del Tomba, Costalunga, Speoncia del Diaol 1811 V/TV); Chthonius inguscioi n. sp. (♂♀, Apulia, Lecce Province, Presicce, Grotta Madonna della Rutta 533 Pu/LE), Chthonius lanai n. sp. (♂♀, Piedmont, Cuneo Province, Bernezzo, Pertus d’la Kassetta 1323 Pi/CN), Chthonius marciai n. sp. (♂, Sardinia, Nuoro Province, Dorgali, Grotta del Bue Marino 12 Sa/NU) and Chthonius nicolosii n. sp. (♂♀, Sicily, Catania Province, Nicolosi, Grotta Lunga 1029 Si/CT). The following new subjective synonymies are proposed: Chthonius malatestai Callaini, 1980 n. syn. of C. agazzii Beier, 1966; Chthonius ruffoi Caporiacco, 1951 n. syn. of C. densedentatus Beier, 1938; Chthonius mingazzinii Callaini, 1991 n. syn. of C. euganeus Gardini, 1991; Obisium megachelum Amary, 1840 n. syn. of C. ischnocheles (Hermann, 1804); Chthonius dalmatinus Hadži, 1930 n. syn. of C. ischnocheles (Hermann, 1804); Chthonius litoralis Hadži, 1933 n. syn. of C. ischnocheles (Hermann, 1804); Chthonius rhodochelatus Hadži, 1937 of C. ischnocheles (Hermann, 1804) (rest. syn.). Chthonius horridus Beier, 1934 (n. stat.) is upgraded from subspecies of C. doderoi Beier, 1930 and Chthonius reductus Beier, 1939 (n. stat.) from subspecies of C. ischnocheles (Hermann, 1804). A lectotype is designated for Chthonius rayi L. Koch, 1873. Twenty-eight species of Chthonius of the ischnocheles group are known at present from Italy, of which three are endemic to Sicily and two to Sardinia. New country records are established for Chthonius alpicola Beier, 1951 (Croatia and Slovenia); Chthonius guglielmii Callaini, 1986 (mainland France), Chthonius halberti Kew, 1916 and Chthonius ilvensis Beier, 1963 (Corsica); Chthonius pygmaeus Beier, 1934 (Switzerland), and Chthonius densedentatus Beier, 1938 (France, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece).  

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 ◽  
pp. 127-142
Guillaume Ghisbain ◽  
Vladimir G. Radchenko ◽  
Diego Cejas ◽  
Francisco P. Molina ◽  
Denis Michez

Wild bees represent a global group of highly diversified insect pollinators, nowadays concerningly well known for their widespread observed patterns of decline. Amongst them is the genus Dasypoda, a widespread Palearctic clade of solitary bees generally poorly represented in entomological collections. Among the 39 accepted species of the genus, 35 are known by both sexes, and a large number of taxa are still known by a low number of specimens. The recently described taxon Dasypoda (Heterodasypoda) michezi Radchenko, 2017 endemic to southern Portugal is just such a case. The species was described from two male specimens, but no female material has been known to date. Here, we provide the first description of the female of D. michezi, collected close to the locus typicus in southern Portugal along with a series of conspecific males. Sex pairing is proposed based on the sympatry of the male and female specimens and on the similar morphology of non-sexual dimorphic traits and on the barcode of a fragment of Cytochrome Oxidase I. We provide high quality imaging of both sexes of D. michezi to help future identification of the species and present a key for all known species of the subgenus Heterodasypoda. We finally propose an IUCN status for D. michezi and discuss the conservation of such geographically restricted species in the current context of global change.

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4878 (2) ◽  
pp. 397-400

Roger (Ruggero) Verity published Phoenicurusia as a subgenus of Lycaena Fabricius, on p. 21 of vol. 2 of Farfalle Diurne d’Italia (1943), since in the male genitalia the falces were bent like an acute elbow after one-quarter of their length, rather than smoothly curved as they are in species of the subgenus Lycaena. Verity contextually designated Polyommatus phoenicurus Lederer, 1870 (Locus Typicus: [LT] ‘Hadschyabad’ [N. Iran]) as the Type Species [TS] of Phoenicurusia and described the male genitalia of phoenicurus Lederer, 1870, “razza” scintillans Christoph, 1887, labelled as from Germab (Askhabad [Turkmenistan]), and those of Polyommatus dimorphus Staudinger, 1881, labelled as from Passo Taldyk [Kyrgyzstan: Alai Mts]. Although Verity included both species in his new subgenus, he also highlighted an important difference existing between them, since, contrary to those of dimorphus, the genitalia of phoenicurus were ‘enormous’ with respect to the size of the butterfly. Both the aedeagus and the valvae were extremely elongate, much more than those of dimorphus and the latter were terminally toothed.

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4858 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-294 ◽  

The designation of a neotype for Macrobiotus coronifer Richters, 1903 (now the type species of the genus Richtersius Pilato & Binda, 1989) by Maucci & Ramazzotti (1981) with type locality Bodø in Norway is shown to be invalid as it does not comply with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Article 75.3.4). Furthermore, the specimen selected by Maucci & Ramazzotti (1981) is not from the original type locality, and the superficial and outdated documentation prevent a reliable identification of the species. A Code-compliant neotype is therefore designated. The new neotype was collected from the original locus typicus in Svalbard and described with standard light microscopy, detailed scanning electron microscopy imaging, DNA barcodes and a transcriptome, which makes it ideally suited for stabilising the taxonomy and nomenclature of Richtersius coronifer (Richters, 1903). 

Antonio Verdugo ◽  
Peter E. Stüben ◽  
Jose L. Torres ◽  
Pedro Coello

A new Auletobius species of the subgenus Canarauletes, Auletobius gaditanus spec. nov., is described from southern Spain. The report that the sister taxon Auletobius maroccanus Hoffmann, 1953 (Locus typicus: Morocco, Reggou, Moyen Moulouya) also occurs in Spain (Almeria: Punta del Sabinar) is corrected, because this specimen also belongs to the new species without doubt. In a morphological and molecular differential diagnosis, the new species is distinguished from the closest related species, and for the first time, a molecular relationship analysis (CO1) is presented for almost all species of the subgenus Canarauletes, whose main distribution area is in the Canary Islands and Madeira.   Taxonomic acts Auletobius gaditanus spec. nov. –

Tomasz Rewicz ◽  
Jarosław Brodecki ◽  
Karolina Bącela-Spychalska ◽  
Alicja Konopacka ◽  
Michał Grabowski

Cryptorchestia garbinii Ruffo, Tarocco and Latella, 2014 (Amphipoda: Talitridae), a semiterrestrial amphipod, reported (as Orchestia cavimana Heller, 1865) from the Polish inland waters, e.g., the lowermost Vistula River, for the first time in 2009. Now, we have reported this species from the upper Oder River, which is c.a. 350 km SE from the closest known localities near Berlin, Germany. We confirmed its identity by the DNA barcodes and showed that all individuals found so far in other countries in Central and Western Europe represent the same haplotype, excluding a singleton from the locus typicus of this species in Lake Garda, Italy.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4586 (2) ◽  
pp. 391 ◽  

The genus Gnophopsodos Wehrli, 1945 has recently been under revision (Erlacher & Erlacher 2016). For three out of nine species belonging to the taxon, the females have hitherto been unknown, one of them being G. ravistriolaria. Material collected in the Sayan Mountains in 2015, about 25 km away from the locus typicus of G. ravistriolaria, and recently received, contained two males of that species and a single unknown female. The latter could clearly be assigned to the genus Gnophopsodos by their genitalia. We conclude that the female belongs to G. ravistriolaria based on the following: (1) it belongs to a small series further comprising two males that proved to be G. ravistriolaria based on genitalia characters; (2) all of the three specimens have been collected close to the locus typicus of G. ravistriolaria, where no sympatric Gnophopsodos species are known from; (3) the new female clearly differs from females of other Gnophopsodos species concerning its genitalia characters and (4) its habitus matches that of the known males, including the holotype. The female of G. ravistriolaria is now illustrated for the first time. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 20
Belma Kalamujić Stroil ◽  
Lejla Lasić ◽  
Jasna Hanjalić ◽  
Sonja Mačar ◽  
Adi Vesnić

Rhyacophila Pictet 1834 is globally distributed and highly diverse genus of caddisflies (Trichoptera), characterized by numerous regionally endemic species. In the Balkan Peninsula, the highest number of Rhyacophila species (23) was recorded for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Rhyacophila bosnica Schmid, 1970 is found only in the Balkan Dinaric region, with a locus typicus in Vučja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Like with many species of Trichoptera, the morphology of its larva is still unknown. Therefore, DNA barcoding approach was used to link two developmental stages. In this paper, we report on the first DNA barcode record for this species.

Дрaгojлa Гoлуб ◽  
Жeљaнa Maрић ◽  
Гoрaн Шукaлo ◽  
Свjeтлaнa Цвиjић ◽  
Рaдoслaв Дeкић

У рaду су дaти пoдaци o мoрфoлoшким, мoрфoмeтриjским и мeристичкимкaрaктeристикaмa кoнстaтoвaних врстa рибa фaмилиje Cobitidae из риjeкe Сутурлиje кoja сe,пoрeд риjeкe Ширoкe и Врбaсa, нaвoди кao locus typicus за врсту Sabanejewia balcanica. Рибe суузoркoвaнe у љeтнoм пeриoду 2013. гoдинe, a укупнo je устaнoвљeнo 17 јединки Cobitiselongatoides и 12 јединки Sabanejewia balcanica. Aнaлизирaнe су неке мoрфoлoшкe кaрaктeристикe(пигмeнтaциja тиjeлa, пoлoжaj и брoj тaмних мрљa у oснoви рeпнoг пeрaja и присуствo пoдoчнeбoдљe), 14 мoрфoмeтриjских кaрaктeрa, мaсa тиjeлa и пeт мeристичких oсoбинa. Кoнстaтoвaнo jeдa сe вeћинa aнaлизирaних пaрaмeтaрa пoклaпa сa рeзултaтимa сличних истрaживaњa, aли и дaнeки кaрaктeри oдступajу oд пoдaтaкa у литератури (брoj нeгрaнaтих зрaкa у трбушнoм пeрajу кoдC. elongatoides и брoj грaнaтих зрaкa у рeпнoм пeрajу кoд S. balcanica). С oбзирoм на то дa супoдaци o биoсистeмaтскoм стaтусу прeдстaвникa фaмилиje Cobitidae у вoдaмa Бoснe иХeрцeгoвинe нeуjeднaчeни, рeзултaти oвoг истрaживaњa трeбa дa дoпринeсу пojaшњaвaњу њихoвeтaксoнoмскe пoзициje, тe да упoтпунe пoдaткe o рaспрoстрaњeњу пojeдиних врстa.

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