energy optimization
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2022 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 101724
Zhong Chen ◽  
C.B. Sivaparthipan ◽  
BalaAnand Muthu

Satish S. Salunkhe ◽  
Shelendra Pal ◽  
Abhishek Agrawal ◽  
Ravi Rai ◽  
S. S. Sreeja Mole ◽  

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 310
Martyna Świętochowska ◽  
Izabela Bartkowska

Water supply pumping stations are among the main energy-consuming elements in the water supply system. The energy optimization of a pumping station can significantly affect the energy consumption of a water utility. This article deals with the energy optimization of water pumping stations. The work assumes several variants of optimization of water supply pumping stations through changes in the water supply system, pressure changes in the pumping station, and modification of the number of pumps. After analyzing the network, conducting field tests, and creating a model of the water supply network, the network was calibrated in order to reproduce the existing water network as accurately as possible. Then, a variant analysis was performed, and the best optimization method for the pumping station was selected. In two variants, there was a decrease in electricity consumption; in three there, was an increase; in one, there was no change. By connecting the DMA zones and modifying the pressure in the pumping station, the energy consumption of the pumping stations was reduced. On this basis, it was found that it is possible to optimize the water pumping station by modifying the pumping station and work related to the network layout.

2022 ◽  
pp. 506-528
Sa'ed Abed ◽  
Areej Abdelaal ◽  
Amjad Gawanmeh

Energy demand has increased significantly in the recent years due to the emerging of new technologies and industries, in particular in the developing countries. This increase requires much more developed power grid system than the existing traditional ones. Smart grid (SG) offers a potential solution to this problem. Being one of the most needed and complex cyber-physical systems (CPS), SG has been addressed exhaustively by researchers, from different views and aspects. However, energy optimization yet needs much more studying and examination. Therefore, this chapter presents a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the state-of-the-art developments in SG as a CPS with emphasis on energy optimization techniques and challenges. It also surveys the main challenges facing the SG considering CPS factors and the remarkable accomplishments and techniques in addressing these challenges. In addition, the document contrasts between different techniques according to their efficiency, usage, and feasibility. Moreover, this work explores the most effective applications of the SG as a CPS.

Abstract In the first and second chapter the article provides an overview of the currently used energy sources in Hungary and the most popular renewable energies. In addition, the Weibull estimation is presented, too. The subsequent chapter looks at some of the research results about the solar energy optimization with Weibull distribution. The study presented is a mathematical solution of the solar energy optimization with distribution. The final chapter contains a brief explanation of the results. This publication briefly summarizes a prototype solution for an estimation and forecast of solar energy and yield with Weibull distribution.

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