flaw characterization
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2021 ◽  
Valéry Lacroix ◽  
Pierre Dulieu ◽  
Kunio Hasegawa

Abstract When flaws are detected in pressure retaining components, assessments have to be done in order to demonstrate the fitness-for-service (FFS) of the component for continued operation. This FFS demonstration is performed in accordance with FFS Codes providing flaw assessment procedure and acceptance standards. The first step of the flaw assessment is the flaw characterization which aims at determining the flaw geometry to be used for the analyses. This key step is done according to flaw characterization rules provided in the FFS Codes and hence appears as essential for the rest of the assessment. According to the flaw characterization rules of ASME B&PV Code Section XI, a nonplanar flaw (i.e., oriented in two or more intersecting inclined planes, curvilinear geometry, or combinations of nonplanar geometry) shall be resolved into two planar flaws by projection of the flaw area into planes normal to the maximum principal stresses. This approach allows to simplify the flaw assessment but should remain conservative. Therefore, the conservatisms due to the simplified projection approach for nonplanar flaws are investigated in this paper. Current computational tools have been clearly improved so that the modelling of nonplanar flaws does not present any significant difficulty. In this frame, this paper compares the stress intensity factors of projected nonplanar flaws and the mixed mode stress intensity factor of actual nonplanar flaws. This is carried out for multiple flaw sizes, flaw shapes, flaw orientations and different load cases. The final scope is to quantify how the flaw projection into planes normal to the maximum principal stresses is conservative and how this conservatism could be improved, if need be.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (10) ◽  
pp. 820-830
K. Sudheera ◽  
N. M. Nandhitha ◽  
VPaineni Bhavagna Venkat Sai ◽  
Nallamothu Vijay Kumar

Valéry Lacroix ◽  
Pierre Dulieu ◽  
Kunio Hasegawa ◽  
Vratislav Mares

Abstract When flaws are detected in pressure retaining components, assessments have to be done in order to demonstrate the fitness-for-service (FFS) of the component for continued operation. This FFS demonstration is performed in accordance with FFS Codes providing flaw assessment procedures and acceptance standards. Before performing analyses, a flaw characterization has to be carried out in order to determine unequivocally the flaw geometry. This flaw characterization is done according to rules provided in the FFS Codes and hence appears as crucial for the rest of the flaw assessment. The first step of the flaw characterization addresses the interaction of the flaw and the free surface of the component: if a subsurface flaw is located near the free surface, this step consists of characterizing the flaw as surface or subsurface according to subsurface-to-surface flaw proximity rules. The recharacterization process from subsurface to surface flaw is addressed in all fitness-for-service (FFS) Codes. The second step of the flaw characterization addresses the interaction of the flaw with adjacent flaws: if a flaw is located near another flaw, this step consists of combining the flaws between them according to flaw proximity rules. However, in some FFS Codes and in the ASME B&PV Section XI Code particularly, there is a lack on how to treat the interaction of a combined flaw and the free surface of the component. The ASME B&PV Section XI Code flaw characterization is not clear on this topic which could lead to misinterpretations and unreliable flaw assessment results. Some typical examples of unrealistic flaw assessment results due to these misinterpretations of the ASME B&PV Code Section XI flaw characterization rules are depicted in this paper. After analyzing more in-depth the origin of the inconsistencies based on 3D Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) calculations, the paper is used as Technical Basis for the improvement of the ASME B&PV Code Section XI in order to clarify the treatment of combined flaw in the flaw characterization (IWA-3300) and in the flaw acceptability assessment as well (IWB/IWC-3510-1).

Fuminori Iwamatsu ◽  
Katsumasa Miyazaki ◽  
Koichi Saito

Abstract Fitness-for-Service (FFS) codes, such as ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code, Section XI, have flaw characterization rules for evaluation of structural integrity. Since stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and thermal fatigue frequently cause multiple flaws, FFS codes should have proximity rules as a part of flaw characterization rules. The flaw characterization rules should consider fracture modes, such as brittle fracture, ductile fracture, and plastic collapse. Those in the current codes are not divided by the fracture modes. Especially, application of the current proximity rules to plastic collapse of non-aligned multiple flaws should be validated because there are few studies for this issue. Thus, fracture tests of flat plates with through-wall flaws and finite element analysis (FEA) were conducted for predicting collapse loads due to plastic collapse. A series of the fracture tests of flat plates with non-aligned two flaws has been conducted, and a trend between the load reduction and the flaw locations was shown from the results. This trend shows that the defined net-section for non-aligned multiple flaw dominate the collapse load. For the validation the trend shown by the fracture tests, FEA was performed for predicting the measured collapse load. Equivalent plastic strain around a flaw tip dominates a collapse behavior, and an equivalent plastic strain at collapse called as fracture strain was determined for FEA. The collapse loads predicted by the fracture strain are correspond with the test results for any flaw locations. FEA conditions can interpolate and cover a wide range of flaw locations conducted by the tests. The load ratios which represent effect of flaw interaction on a collapse load were estimated by parametric FEA. The ratios were mapped to investigate the trend of the effect on a collapse load. The mapped results show that the load ratio depends on a shorter flaw length of two flaws. This trend shown by the analysis results is corresponds with the fracture test results. These results are fundamental idea to make a flaw characterization rule in the FFS codes, such as ASME BPVC Section XI, for ductile fracture evaluation.

Pierre Dulieu ◽  
Valéry Lacroix ◽  
Kunio Hasegawa

Abstract In the case of planar flaws detected in pressure components, flaw characterization plays a major role in the flaw acceptability assessment. When the detected flaws are in close proximity, proximity rules given in the Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Codes require to combine the interacting flaws into a single flaw. ASME Code Case N877-1 provides alternative proximity rules for multiple radially oriented planar flaws. These rules are applicable for large thickness components and account for the influence of flaw aspect ratio. They cover the interaction between surface flaws, between subsurface flaws and between a surface flaw and a subsurface flaw. The calculations of flaw interaction have been performed under pure membrane stress. However, actual loading conditions induce non-uniform stresses in the component thickness direction, such as thermal bending or welding residual stresses. Non-uniform stress fields can lead to variations in the Stress Intensity Factors of closely spaced flaws, affecting their mutual interaction. The objective of this paper is to assess the suitability of ASME Code Case N877-1 with regards to the presence of a bending part in the applied stress distribution. For that purpose, various applied stress profiles and flaw configurations are covered. The effect on flaw interaction is assessed through three-dimensional XFEM analyses.

Pierre Dulieu ◽  
Valéry Lacroix ◽  
Kunio Hasegawa

Abstract In the case of planar flaws detected in pressure components, flaw characterization plays a major role in the flaw acceptability assessment. When the detected flaws are in close proximity, proximity rules given in the Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Codes require to combine the interacting flaws into a single flaw. However, the specific combination criteria of planar flaws vary across the FFS Codes. These criteria are often based on flaw depth and distance between flaws only. However, the level of interaction depends on more parameters such as the relative position of flaws, the flaw sizes and their aspect ratio. In this context, revised and improved proximity criteria have been developed to more precisely reflect the actual interaction between planar flaws. Thanks to numerous three-dimensional XFEM analyses, a wide range of configurations has been covered, including interaction between two surface flaws, interaction between two subsurface flaws and interaction between a surface flaw and a subsurface flaw. This paper explains in detail the steps followed to derive such generic proximity rules for radially oriented planar flaws.

2018 ◽  
Vol 99 ◽  
pp. 13-22 ◽  
Caifang Cai ◽  
Roberto Miorelli ◽  
Marc Lambert ◽  
Thomas Rodet ◽  
Dominique Lesselier ◽  

Pierre Dulieu ◽  
Valéry Lacroix ◽  
Kunio Hasegawa ◽  
Yinsheng Li ◽  
Bohumir Strnadel

When multiple surface flaws are detected in pressure components, their potential interaction is to be assessed to determine whether they must be combined or evaluated independently of each other. This assessment is performed through the flaw characterization rules of Fitness-For-Service (FFS) Codes. However, the specific combination criteria of surface flaws are different among the FFS Codes. Most of the time, they consist of simple criteria based on distance between flaws and flaw depth. This paper aims at proposing alternative characterization rules reflecting the actual level of interaction between surface planar flaws. This interaction depends on several parameters such as the relative position of flaws, the flaw sizes and their aspect ratio. Thanks to numerous three-dimensional XFEM simulations, best suited combination criteria for surface planar flaws are derived by considering the combined influence of these parameters.

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