rapid expansion
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2022 ◽  
Vol 135 ◽  
pp. 108547
K. Buczkó ◽  
Zs. Trábert ◽  
Cs. Stenger-Kovács ◽  
K. Tapolczai ◽  
T. Bíró ◽  

Brian Meneses Claudio ◽  
Luis Nuñez Tapia ◽  
Witman Alvarado Díaz

In December 2019, a series of cases of pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 were identified in Wuhan (China), which was declared by the WHO as a pandemic on March 11th , 2020, because it caused enormous problems for the global public health due to its rapid expansion. In Peru it was only on March 6th , 2020, that the first case of COVID-19 was reported, therefore, the government took some measures to control the spread of the virus. A biosafety measure that is frequently used is taking the temperature with an infrared thermometer, which is not well seen by some specialists due to the error it has, therefore, it would not represent a safe measurement, as other measurement systems do. . In view of this problem, in this article a thermal image processing system was carried out to detect possible cases of patients with COVID-19, in such a way that the system performs a more accurate measurement of body temperature and can be implemented in any place, where this measurement is intended to be carried out, helping to combat the spread of the virus that currently continues to affect many people. Through the development of the system, tests were conducted with various people, obtaining a more accurate measurement of body temperature with an efficiency of 95% at 1 m between the drone and the person, in such a way that if it presents a body temperature above 37°C could be infected with COVID-19. Keywords-- Thermal camera, COVID-19, Drone, MATLAB, WHO, Image processing

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Md Mosleh Uddin ◽  
Mark Mba Wright

Abstract Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a natural biochemical process that converts organic materials into combustible biogas. AD has been long practiced for agricultural and urban waste management; however, this process is getting more attention as an alternative energy source nowadays. Additionally, various biogas-derived value-added chemicals and transportation fuels are turning AD into a profitable biorefinery business model. Despite its numerous potentials, AD technologies still face challenges in conversion efficiency, process stability, product quality, and economic feasibility. Researchers have been devising various mechanisms to tackle these challenges. However, a widespread adoption of commercial-scale AD is yet to be visible. The development of AD technology requires a concerted effort of scientists from different backgrounds to ensure rapid expansion.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-125
Julie Z. Miller ◽  
Riley Culberg ◽  
David G. Long ◽  
Christopher A. Shuman ◽  
Dustin M. Schroeder ◽  

Abstract. Perennial firn aquifers are subsurface meltwater reservoirs consisting of a meters-thick water-saturated firn layer that can form on spatial scales as large as tens of kilometers. They have been observed within the percolation facies of glaciated regions experiencing intense seasonal surface melting and high snow accumulation. Widespread perennial firn aquifers have been identified within the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) via field expeditions, airborne ice-penetrating radar surveys, and satellite microwave sensors. In contrast, ice slabs are nearly continuous ice layers that can also form on spatial scales as large as tens of kilometers as a result of surface and subsurface water-saturated snow and firn layers sequentially refreezing following multiple melting seasons. They have been observed within the percolation facies of glaciated regions experiencing intense seasonal surface melting but in areas where snow accumulation is at least 25 % lower as compared to perennial firn aquifer areas. Widespread ice slabs have recently been identified within the GrIS via field expeditions and airborne ice-penetrating radar surveys, specifically in areas where perennial firn aquifers typically do not form. However, ice slabs have yet to be identified from space. Together, these two ice sheet features represent distinct, but related, sub-facies within the broader percolation facies of the GrIS that can be defined primarily by differences in snow accumulation, which influences the englacial hydrology and thermal characteristics of firn layers at depth. Here, for the first time, we use enhanced-resolution vertically polarized L-band brightness temperature (TVB) imagery (2015–2019) generated using observations collected over the GrIS by NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite to map perennial firn aquifer and ice slab areas together as a continuous englacial hydrological system. We use an empirical algorithm previously developed to map the extent of Greenland's perennial firn aquifers via fitting exponentially decreasing temporal L-band signatures to a set of sigmoidal curves. This algorithm is recalibrated to also map the extent of ice slab areas using airborne ice-penetrating radar surveys collected by NASA's Operation IceBridge (OIB) campaigns (2010–2017). Our SMAP-derived maps show that between 2015 and 2019, perennial firn aquifer areas extended over 64 000 km2, and ice slab areas extended over 76 000 km2. Combined together, these sub-facies are the equivalent of 24 % of the percolation facies of the GrIS. As Greenland's climate continues to warm, seasonal surface melting will increase in extent, intensity, and duration. Quantifying the possible rapid expansion of these sub-facies using satellite L-band microwave radiometry has significant implications for understanding ice-sheet-wide variability in englacial hydrology that may drive meltwater-induced hydrofracturing and accelerated ice flow as well as high-elevation meltwater runoff that can impact the mass balance and stability of the GrIS.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Steven Zwane ◽  
Motshedisi Sina Mathibe ◽  
Anastacia Mamabolo

Learning outcomes Students will be able to: describe the entrepreneurial traits required for successful business venturing; evaluate the entrepreneurial risks associated with a rapid business expansion in the early start-up phase of an entrepreneurial venture, especially in crisis; select and defend appropriate management systems that will contribute to the sustainability of a business post the crisis and rapid expansion; and evaluate the online social media optimisation strategies. Case overview/synopsis In July 2019, Lekau Sehoana launched branded sneakers called Drip. It took Lekau six weeks to sell the first 600 pairs of shoes from his car boot, not having applied any robust marketing strategies. During the interactions with customers, it became clear that there was a demand for a new South African sneakers brand. In December of the same year, he manufactured and within a few days, sold 1,200 sneakers. This rapid achievement was enough confirmation for Lekau that there was a need for locally manufactured and branded shoes. Based on this success, Lekau started to consider the launch of his own business. However, during the process of the formal launch, the world was suddenly experiencing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. During the planning stage regarding the mode of operation and the full business launch, in March 2020, South Africa was placed into the Covid-19 Alert Level 5 lockdown, complicating the decision-making process even further. Despite the extremely severe lockdown regulations that lasted more than a year, in May 2021, Lekau had already managed to open 11 stores in reputable malls and sold hundred thousands of his sneakers. This instant success, putting pressure on the manufacturing ability, distribution and costing structure, led to Lekau becoming concerned about having grown and still growing too fast too soon during a pandemic. His concern was what would happen when the country would move back to normal, without the constraints caused by the lockdown, would he be able to sustain the growth and how would he achieve this, and how would he be able to manage the fast-growing venture? Complexity academic level Entrepreneurship, Innovation, General Management and Marketing courses at the Postgraduate Diploma and Masters level. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CCS 3: Entrepreneurship.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Warissara Jutidamrongphan ◽  
Boonprasit Kritpracha ◽  
Karl Sörelius ◽  
Keerati Hongsakul ◽  
Ruedeekorn Suwannanon

Abstract Background Infective native aortic aneurysm (INAA) is a rare clinical diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to describe the CT findings of INAAs in detail. Methods This was a retrospective single-center study of INAA patients at a major referral hospital between 2005 and 2020. All images were reviewed according to a protocol consisting of aneurysm features, periaortic findings, and associated surrounding structures. Results One hundred and fourteen patients (mean age, 66 years [standard deviation, 11 years]; 91 men) with 132 aneurysms were included. The most common locations were infrarenal (50.8%), aortoiliac (15.2%), and juxtarenal (12.9%). The mean transaxial diameter was 6.2 cm. Most INAAs were saccular (87.9%) and multilobulated (91.7%). Calcified aortic plaque was present in 93.2% and within the aneurysm in 51.5%. INAA instability was classified as contained rupture (27.3%), impending rupture (26.5%), and free rupture (3.8%). Rapid expansion was demonstrated in 13 of 14 (92.9%) aneurysms with sequential CT studies. Periaortic inflammation was demonstrated as periaortic enhancement (94.7%), fat stranding (93.9%), soft-tissue mass (92.4%), and lymphadenopathy (62.1%). Surrounding involvement included psoas muscle (17.8%), spondylitis (11.4%), and perinephric region (2.8%). Twelve patients demonstrated thoracic and abdominal INAA complications: fistulas to the esophagus (20%), bronchus (16%), bowel (1.9%), and inferior vena cava (IVC) (0.9%). Conclusion The most common CT features of INAA were saccular aneurysm, multilobulation, and calcified plaques. The most frequent periaortic findings were enhancement, fat stranding, and soft-tissue mass. Surrounding involvement, including psoas muscle, IVC, gastrointestinal tract, and bronchi, was infrequent but may develop as critical INAA complications.

Science ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 375 (6576) ◽  
pp. 12-12
Gabriel Popkin

2022 ◽  
Guruprasad R Medigeshi ◽  
Gaurav Batra ◽  
Deepika Rathna Murugesan ◽  
Ramachandran Thiruvengadam ◽  
Souvick Chattopadhyay ◽  

Background: Rapid expansion of the omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern despite extensive vaccine coverage might be related to decreased neutralising ability of vaccine induced antibodies. The neutralising ability of different vaccines with or without natural SARS-CoV-2 infection against omicron is however not well known. Methods: We tested the ability of vaccine and natural infection induced antibodies to neutralise omicron variant in a live virus neutralisation assay. Four groups of individuals were included: (i) complete vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (n=20), (ii) complete vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 plus prior SARS-CoV-2 infection during the delta variant driven surge (n=20), (iii) complete vaccination with inactivated whole virus vaccine (BBV152) (n=20), (iv) complete vaccination with BBV152 plus prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (n=20). Primary outcome was fold-change in the virus neutralisation ability of plasma against the omicron variant compared with ancestral and delta variant. Findings: The neutralisation geometric mean titre (GMT) was 384 (95% CI: 662, 223) against the ancestral virus with BBV152 vaccination alone and 383 (95% CI: 709, 207) with ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccination alone. The corresponding values for hybrid immunity groups were 795 (95% CI: 1302, 486) and 1424 (95% CI: 2581,786) respectively. Against the omicron variant, only 5 out of 20 in both BBV152 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine only groups, 5 out of 19 in BBV152 plus SARS-CoV-2 infection group, and 9 out of 20 in ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 plus SARS-CoV-2 infection group exhibited neutralisation titres above the lower limit of quantification (1:20). The 50% neutralization titre against ancestral strain and omicron demonstrated strong correlation with anti-RBD IgG levels [Pearson r: 0.94 (0.91, 0.96) p: <0.001 and 0.92 (0.88, 0.95) p:<0.001 respectively]. Interpretation: Omicron variant shows significant reduction in neutralising ability of both vaccine induced and hybrid immunity induced antibodies which might explain immune escape and high transmission even in the presence of widespread vaccine coverage.

Demography ◽  
2022 ◽  
Acton Jiashi Feng

Abstract Existing research on assortative mating has examined marriage between people with different levels of education, yet heterogeneity in educational assortative mating outcomes of college graduates has been mostly ignored. Using data from the 2010 Chinese Family Panel Study and log-multiplicative models, this study examines the changing structure and association of husbands' and wives' educational attainment between 1980 and 2010, a period in which Chinese higher education experienced rapid expansion and stratification. Results show that the graduates of first-tier institutions are less likely than graduates of lower-ranked colleges to marry someone without a college degree. Moreover, from 1980 to 2010, female first-tier-college graduates were increasingly more likely to marry people who graduated from similarly prestigious colleges, although there is insufficient evidence to draw the same conclusion about their male counterparts. This study thus demonstrates the extent of heterogeneity in educational assortative mating patterns among college graduates and the tendency for elite college graduates to marry within the educational elite.

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