it employees
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2021 ◽  
pp. 227868212110476
Rahul. P

The study covers aspects of leadership trust among the information technology (IT) employees in India, with the help of data collected from a cross section of 205 IT employees. The article has assessed leadership trust factor from the employee’s (workforce) perspective with COVID19 pandemic and work-from-home situation. The outcome of data establishes a positive relationship between leadership trust and factors such as communication, decision-making, integrity, and motivation. The study also suggests that the IT sector and its leadership have created a positive trust among the employees during the COVID-19 work-from-home scenario. Findings suggest that in areas like integrity and making decisions quickly, the IT leadership has exhibited high trust levels, while in some other areas like communication and keeping the employees motivated (inspired), there have been few minor gaps that require attention from the leadership, which could preclude the wilting of established trust between the leader and his employees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 141-148
Irina Yanchovska

Purpose – The main purpose of this research paper is to investigate the correlation between job satisfaction of employees in the IT sector and their personal performance. Additionally, the study examines the overall level of employee satisfaction, as well as if job satisfaction levels differ significantly among the studied demographic groups. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on quantitative analysis of data collected through a questionnaire containing answers of 126 international respondents from over 25 different IT companies. The research methods used are one-dimensional methods for preliminary analysis, Cronbach alpha for reliability and consistency, one-way ANOVA for mean values comparison and correlation analysis for examining relationships. Findings – The findings show a moderate statistically significant correlation between job satisfaction and employees’ personal performance, which is bidirectional as influence and  presumably depends on other variables like work engagement, motivation, stress or exhaustion, which were not examined in the current study. Additionally, most of the employees in the researched sample define themselves as satisfied with their jobs. Statistically significant variation of the mean job satisfaction levels was observed in two of the examined demographic variables – gender and years in the current position. Practical implications – The research results can be beneficial for different organizations since job satisfaction is important for employees’ long-term retention, for increasing their commitment and loyalty towards the organization, as well as for the creation of a motivating and productive work environment. Employees’ job satisfaction and their personal performance should always be considered main organizational values and key for achieving excellent business results and market leadership. Originality/value – The results of the current research are important for validating the position of these researchers, who claim that a positive correlation between an employees’ job satisfaction and their personal performance in the workplace exists and should not be neglected. Additionally, it contributes towards a better understanding of job satisfaction among IT employees.

Karlapudi Thriveni Kumari

For sustainability of the Indian IT industry, there is a need to focus on career determinants that affect employee engagement. This study provides a framework to understand career determinants affecting employee engagement in the Indian IT sector that can lead towards successful and sustainable organisations. The data is accumulated from 272 techies employed in various IT companies across the country. By applying descriptive statistics, correlation, multi-regression, and interaction models, the study is developed. In the study, career determinants such as benefits, promotion satisfaction, career autonomy, and level of responsibility affect employee engagement. Moreover, the relationship is moderated by gender, and it varies between male and female IT employees. Therefore, for sustainability of the IT industry in India, there is a need to focus on career determinants that increase employee engagement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-98
Laili Irawati ◽  
Rostiana Rostiana

Working as an IT employee who must meet Service Level Agreement (SLA) to customers means having to do the best for customers even though they are no longer in working hours. This way of working will ultimately affect the quality of life. Therefore, this study aims to determine which of the grit, perceived organizational support and job characteristics will affect the quality of life of IT employees. This research was conducted using a non-probability sampling technique, namely employees who work in the IT department who have service standards to customers in carrying out their work. Research data collection was carried out twice with a data collection time of 1 to 3 weeks between the first study and the second study. The number of participants in the first study was 199 people and the second study was 128 people. The results showed that job characteristics became the dominant factor affecting the quality of life of IT employees. Meanwhile, grit and perceived organizational support do not affect the quality of life of IT employees. With about 70 percent of the study participants being male, it is understandable if work becomes an important part of a person's life so that even though he works with high work demands he still feels he has a good quality of life.

2021 ◽  

Workers are the backbone of an industry as well as an economy. Accelerating growth requires ensuring, understanding and managing life of workers when they are at work. This paper analyses the meaning and importance of safe work in Information Technology industry where work is rendered in apparently safe environment. IT industry has been chosen as it apparently offers highly remunerative packages but compromises on some of the essentials of decent work. One of the dimensions of decent work is safe work. In this paper, work safety has been measured on the basis of rudimentary statistical tools and non-parametric tests. Primary data collected from 272 IT employees by using snowball sampling technique and a well-designed questionnaire have been used for developing Safe work Index (SWI) on the lines of decent work agenda of the International Labour Office. Findings reveal deficit of safe work in IT companies and deteriorating health status of IT employees which has implications for the social health of the nation. The nature of work in IT industry which requires longer hours at work, constant sitting posture and working on computer screens has started playing havoc among the employees of younger age group and calls for attention for provision of decent ergonomic furniture and timely breaks from a sitting posture. The paper concludes with suggestive measures for the same.

Dr. S. Seethalakshmi , Et. al.

Work from Home” has become the new normal during theCovid’19 pandemic. The Information Technology giants companies are considering ‘Work from home’ as a permanent solution to the increasing rental costs and overhead costs. Work from home has not affected the productivity of the employees in most cases. IT Employees also stand to benefit in many ways in terms of flexible working, reduced travel, home atmosphere, less pollution etc. This study was taken up through a survey of 103 IT employees to understand their perception on ‘Work from Home’. The study intends to identify Factors influencing their perception and the Challenges faced by them during work from home.

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