snowball sampling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-42
Ahmed Deen ◽  
Po-Lin Pan

This study aimed to understand the impact of ethical codes on Saudi journalists’ perceptions toward mobile journalism (MOJO). Three major ethical dimensions were examined, including seeking truth, minimizing harm, and being accountable in news coverage. A survey link created with SurveyMonkey was transmitted via social media avenues, such as Twitter and WhatsApp, where Saudi journalists can complete the questionnaire and then share the link with other Saudi journalists. A total of 124 Saudi journalists were recruited by this snowball sampling approach, while the Codes of Ethics of Society of Professional Journalists was adapted as major measurements for three ethical dimensions, including seeking truth, minimizing harm, and being accountable. Results found that all three ethical dimensions of professional journalists generated significant influences on Saudi journalists’ perceptions toward MOJO. Specifically, minimizing harm was found as the most powerful factor that affected Saudi journalists’ perceptions toward MOJO, followed by being accountable and seeking truth, indicating that Saudi journalists who were more likely to seek truth, minimize harm, and be accountable would exhibit more positive perceptions toward MOJO. Although using smartphone as a journalistic tool was a key factor toward Saudi journalists’ MOJO perceptions, it was not as powerful as three ethical dimensions that affected their MOJO perceptions. Keywords: mobile journalism, codes of ethics, professional journalism, Saudi journalists

2022 ◽  
Justice and Policy Journal of Social

Conceptually, violence that occurs in the whole world with a various form is an indication of power-abuse, gender inequality and domination. Dating-Violence is an act of violence that against a partner, whether physical, sexual or psychological, that are committed before marriage. Nowadays, it is a problem that is quite prominent in the world community.The objectives of this research to obtain a more specific pictures of a dating-violence behaviour.The method of this research used a descriptive-method using a qualitative approach. Descriptive research was conducted with the objectives of picturing or describing the object or phenomenon to be studied. The technique of this research was conducted using snowball sampling techniques.The samples in this research were Sekretaris Jenderal Pemerintahan Mahasiswa (PEMA). The student who experienced dating-violence at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of South Sumatera was the main sample of this research and another student, was her close-friend and families of students experiencing dating-violence. The data collection techniques using literature study, observation, and interviews. The data obtained and analysed by the researchers in order to found any new facts with a qualitative approach. The results of this research indicated that dating was no longer a matter of love and affection but rather someone tends to think that dating as a form of ownership not an exploratory process to get to know each other before stepping into a more serious step, namely marriage. Because of the opinion, it made a person committed violence to defend what was his/her own. The dating-violence were caused by several things, for examples: jealousy, infidelity, not obeying their couples’ orders. The were two kinds of violence experienced in dating: verbal violence which is a psychological violence and non-verbal violence which is physical violence.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Suriyani BB ◽  
Suci Amalya Widiastuti

This study aims to determine and describe optimizing public services online at the regional office of the Ministry of the Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi, this study uses descriptive qualitative methods to 5 informants determined by snowball sampling technique, data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data reduction, presentation data, drawing conclusions/verification, the data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and described in descriptive form. The results of this study indicate that public services carried out online at the regional office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi are very good, this can be seen from the implementation of services with standard operating procedures that apply during the pandemic and the handling that is in accordance with what has been determined at the regional office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights by upholding the values of professionalism, accountability, synergy, transparency, and innovation. Based on the research, one form of research on optimizing public services is the existence of a digital-based service system that makes it easier for the public to receive services, supporting facilities, and infrastructure, as well as services provided quickly and responsively at the region of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Southeast Sulawesi.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Walter Magero Wafula ◽  
Oliver Vivian Wasonga ◽  
Oscar Kipchirchir Koech ◽  
Staline Kibet

AbstractPastoralism is globally recognized as the backbone of the economy in the vast arid and semi-arid rangelands. Despite its enormous economic contribution, the system is facing a myriad of challenges, among them, land use and land tenure changes, resulting in diminished grazing land. Accompanying such changes is the conversion of traditional grazing lands into other uses such as settlements, with urbanization being one of the key drivers of pastoral system dynamics. Understanding such dynamics in the face of compounding factors such as frequent droughts linked to climate change is key in guiding policy formulation and interventions aimed at achieving a sustainable pastoral production system. This study investigated factors determining migration and settlement of pastoralists in Nairobi City of Kenya. Data was collected through a snowball sampling approach using semi-structured household questionnaires, focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) in five Sub-counties of Nairobi City County. A total of 144 household interviews, 6 FGDs and 16 KIIs were conducted to elucidate drivers of urban pastoralism, opportunities and challenges encountered by pastoralists in the city. A binary logistic regression model was used to analyse the determinants of their migration. Results show that search for pasture and water resources, and alternative markets especially during droughts, are the main reasons for pastoralists’ migration to the city. In addition, educated herders were found to be more likely to migrate to the city as they pursue wage employment. Whereas these findings revealed that migration to the city exposes pastoralists to diverse livelihood opportunities, they are equally faced by a number of challenges - mainly road accidents involving livestock, frequent land displacements to pave way for development of real estates, and livestock poisoning from sewage and garbage wastes. There is a need for policy and regulatory interventions to recognize pastoralism alongside other forms of urban farming and addressing challenges facing sustainable pastoral production.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-104
Saiful Muslim

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Pelaksanaan pengawasan di BMT Al Hijrah KAN Jabung Syariah Malang, (2) Peranan pengawasan dalam meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan di BMT Al Hijrah KAN Jabung, (3) Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanan pengawasan di BMT Al Hijrah KAN Jabung. Metode penulisan paper ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan strategi tunggal terpancang. Sumber data yang digunakan terdiri dari informan, lokasi penelitian serta arsip dan dokumen. Teknik sampling yang digunakan teknik purposive snowball sampling. Dalam mengumpulkan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan analisis dokumen.Pelaksanaan pengawasan di BMT Al Hijrah KAN Jabung Syariah Malang ini didasarkan pada empat hal, yaitu: a. Waktu pelaksanaan pengawasan, meliputi pengawasan preventif yaitu pengawasan yang dilakukan pada waktu rekrut karyawan agar mendapatkan tenaga kerja yang produktif, represif yaitu pengawasan yang dilakukan selama kegiatan berlangsung agar berjalan lebih terarah dan kuratif yaitu pengawasan yang dilakukan setelah kegiatan berlangsung untuk mengevaluasi apabila ada kesalahan, b. Subyek/pengawas, diwenangkan kepada kepala bagian masing-masing departemen, c. Obyek/yang diawasi, ini meliputi seluruh karyawan beserta kegiatannya, d. Cara, pengawasan ini dilakukan secara langsung, tidak langsung, berkala dan tidak berkala.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-187
Sumani Abdul-Manan ◽  
Alhassan Iddrisu Abdullai ◽  
Buhari Gunu Yussif

Background: A proven strategy for saving lives from vaccine-preventable diseases is the timely vaccination of the people. In Ghana, there is considerable hesitation about the Covid-19 vaccines due to anxieties and uncertainties about their safety. With varying perceptions and believes being developed about Covid-19 vaccines, there is a likely negative effect on vaccine acceptance or otherwise. This study aims to ascertain the levels of acceptance of potential Covid-19 vaccine among Ghanaian adults, to identify predictors of vaccine acceptance or hesitance. Methodology: A web based cross-sectional survey conducted among Ghanaians above 18 years, conducted between the month of February and March, 2021. Data were collected by administering online google forms (Questionnaire). The questionnaire was shared through social media platforms. A snowball sampling technique was used where researchers shared google forms to close friends and family. Analyses were conducted at p-value <0.05 using descriptive statistics, cross-tabula­tions and logistic regression. Results: A total of 350 responses were achieved by end of data collection. Out of these, only 348 were considered for analysis based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Majority of the respondents (65.2%) were male, a third (30%) of them live in rural areas and about 57.5% were married. Factors such as age, educational level, prior vaccine acceptance history, personal vulnerability and self-feeling of health were significantly associated with covid-19 vaccine acceptance. Conclusion: The results depict low acceptance rate for potential covid-19 vaccine among Ghanaians. Government and MoH should engage the media on its role in combating misinformation with regards the Covid-19 vaccine. Key words: coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), vaccine, hesitance, acceptance.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Oludayo Tade

Abstract Studies on xenophobic violence have mainly focused on their causes and effects, but have yet to probe how victimisation experiences of xenophobia trigger migration intentions and actual practices. In a balance of tales, I examine how families contributed to staying put/return decisions by Nigerian migrants in South Africa following the September 2019 xenophobic violence. The study asks: to what extent do family facilitate and/or contribute to the decision to return? And how do return strategies unveil the centrality of family in taking migration decisions? Data emerged through online interviews with Nigerian immigrants in South Africa who stayed put, and six family members in Nigeria were reached through snowball sampling. This was supplemented with secondary interviews conducted with Nigerian returnees in three National newspapers (The Punch, Vanguard, Nigerian Tribune and The Nation newspapers). Findings show the centrality of family in both migration intentions, staying-put, and the actual practices of Nigerian victims of xenophobia in South Africa.

2022 ◽  
Se Young Jung ◽  
Da Som Me Park ◽  
Hui-Woun Moon

BACKGROUND No studies have been conducted on smart devices that provide integrated nursing for patients' urinary & bowel elimination needs. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the feasibility of a smart excretion care system tethered to Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in a tertiary hospital and community care setting and discuss the expectations of the reducing burden of nursing care. METHODS Focus group interviews were conducted based on the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research Guidelines. The interviews were conducted in March, 2021, involving 67 participants who had worked at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital for more than one year and had experience assisting patients with excretion care. Data were collected using both purposive and snowball sampling methods. RESULTS This research found four themes relevant to the Smart Excretion Care System: expectations of reducing burdens of nursing care, applicable indications (by departments and diseases), preferred features/functions, and expected benefits of using the Smart Excretion Care system at the clinical facilities. Nurses from the Comprehensive Nursing Service wards were found to have the highest burden of excretion care. It was a common opinion that the Smart Excretion Care System would be very useful in the Intensive Care Unit, and it should be applied first to patients with stroke or dementia. CONCLUSIONS Excretion care is one of the most bothersome tasks for nurses that increase their workload. The further development of the Smart Excretion Care System, as a digital health intervention, can help improve nurses’work efficiency and reduce their burden as well as expand to caregivers and guardians.

2022 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 278-293
Randa Manurung ◽  
Agus Setiadi ◽  
Mukson Mukson

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aliran rantai pasok, margin dan efisiensi pemsasaran, dan peramalan jumlah permintaa produksi produk karkas ayam di PT Ciomas Adisatwa Unit Pabelan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Penentuan responden menggunakan metode snawball dan accidental sampling. Snowball sampling digunakan untuk menelusuri anggota rantai pasok, antara lain supplier, produsen dan retailer sedangkan anggotavrantai pasok untuk konsumen ditentukan secara accidental sampling.  Analisus data menggunakan deskriptif dan perhitungan ekonomi (margin dan efisiensi pemasaran). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa anggota aliran rantai pasok terdiri dari peternak, PT Ciomas Adisatwa Unit Pabelan, , super market, broker best meat, broker biasa, pedagang dan konsumen akhir. Aliran rantai pasok (barang, uang dan informasi) berlangsung secara sistematis dan sesuai dengan kesepakatan masing-masing aliran rantai. Margin pemasaran produk karkas ayam dengan ukuran 0.7, 0.8 dan 1.0 kg  pada saluran 1 (PT Ciomas Adisatwa-Broker biasa-Pedagang-Konsumen) sebesar Rp. 6.000, Rp. 6.500 dan Rp. 6.500.  Saluran 2  (PT Ciomas Adisatwa-Broker best meat-Konsumen) sebesar Rp. 0 dan saluran 3 (PT Ciomas Adisatwa-Super Market-Konsumen)  sebesar Rp. 7.250, Rp 8.550 dan Rp. 8.300. Efisiensi pemasaran saluran 1 sebesar 78,18%, 79,03% dan 80,88%, pada saluran 2 sebesar 100% dan pada saluran 3 sebesar 77,16%, 76,61% dan 79,66% yangmenunjukan proses pemasaran tergolong efisien. Hasil Data Envelopment Analysis (Peternak terhadap PT Ciomas Adisatwa)  dan (PT Ciomas Adisatwa terhadap pengecer) pada tahun 2018-2020 masing-masing sebesar 100% yang menggambarkan aliran pengadaan bahan baku dan pemasaran kepada retailer tergolong efisien. Peramalan jumlah permintaan karkas ayam ukuran 0.7, 0,8 dan 1.0 ekor pada Januari 2021 sebesar 28.395, 32.070 dan 21.867 ekor. Peramalan jumlah produksi ayam ukuran 0.7, 0.8 dan 1.0 ekor sebesar 46.142, 52.134 dan 35.626 ekor.

Vaccines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Yi Kong ◽  
Hao Jiang ◽  
Zhisheng Liu ◽  
Yi Guo ◽  
Dehua Hu

Objective: To investigate the uptake and vaccination willingness of the COVID-19 vaccine among Chinese residents and analyze the difference and factors that impact vaccination. Methods: The snowball sampling method was used to distribute online questionnaires. Relevant sociodemographic data along with the circumstances of COVID-19 vaccination were collected from the respondents. The χ2 test, independent samples t test and binary logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: Among 786 respondents, 84.22% had been vaccinated. Over 80% of the vaccinated population have completed all the injections because of supporting the national vaccination policies of China, while the unvaccinated population (23.91%) is mainly due to personal health status. Meanwhile, statistical analysis revealed that the main predictors of not being vaccinated were younger age (3 to 18 years old), personal health status, and lower vaccinated proportion of family members and close friends (p < 0.05). Conclusions: There was a high level of uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in China, and people who have not been vaccinated generally had a low willingness to vaccinate in the future. Based on our results, it suggested the next work to expand the coverage of the COVID-19 vaccination should be concentrated on targeted publicity and education for people who have not been vaccinated.

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