kernel support vector machines
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N Nithya ◽  
G Nallavan

Wearable devices have now become virtual assistants, and the sports industry also aims in technological integration. The objective of this research article is to introduce a wearable device to detect and record the movement of a cricket player during his training session. The designed system collects the displacement and rotational information through a combination of accelerometer and gyroscope placed on the cricket bat. We propose a data-driven machine learning model which takes raw analog data as input for classifying the strokes. The algorithm used is the polynomial support vector machine, a supervised classification algorithm with 300 independent variables to enable accurate and real-time stroke classification. The system has a dedicated user interface for accessing these real-time details. This wearable embedded system does not require any cloud services as the complex analyses are performed in the processor itself. The player and the coach can get visual reference support, and the mistakes can be corrected during the training period itself. The device can detect the arm action of a cricket player with a success rate of 97%. The hardware is powered using a 10,000 mAh rechargeable battery.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 534
Ilona E. Kłosowska-Chomiczewska ◽  
Adrianna Kotewicz-Siudowska ◽  
Wojciech Artichowicz ◽  
Adam Macierzanka ◽  
Agnieszka Głowacz-Różyńska ◽  

The efficiency of micellar solubilization is dictated inter alia by the properties of the solubilizate, the type of surfactant, and environmental conditions of the process. We, therefore, hypothesized that using the descriptors of the aforementioned features we can predict the solubilization efficiency, expressed as molar solubilization ratio (MSR). In other words, we aimed at creating a model to find the optimal surfactant and environmental conditions in order to solubilize the substance of interest (oil, drug, etc.). We focused specifically on the solubilization in biosurfactant solutions. We collected data from literature covering the last 38 years and supplemented them with our experimental data for different biosurfactant preparations. Evolutionary algorithm (EA) and kernel support vector machines (KSVM) were used to create predictive relationships. The descriptors of biosurfactant (logPBS, measure of purity), solubilizate (logPsol, molecular volume), and descriptors of conditions of the measurement (T and pH) were used for modelling. We have shown that the MSR can be successfully predicted using EAs, with a mean R2val of 0.773 ± 0.052. The parameters influencing the solubilization efficiency were ranked upon their significance. This represents the first attempt in literature to predict the MSR with the MSR calculator delivered as a result of our research.

2021 ◽  
Eric Y. Durand ◽  
Chuong B. Do ◽  
Peter R. Wilton ◽  
Joanna L. Mountain ◽  
Adam Auton ◽  

AbstractAncestry deconvolution is the task of identifying the ancestral origins of chromosomal segments of admixed individuals. It has important applications, from mapping disease genes to identifying loci potentially under natural selection. However, most existing methods are limited to a small number of ancestral populations and are unsuitable for large-scale applications.In this article, we describe Ancestry Composition, a modular pipeline for accurate and efficient ancestry deconvolution. In the first stage, a string-kernel support-vector-machines classifier assigns provisional ancestry labels to short statistically phased genomic segments. In the second stage, an autoregressive pair hidden Markov model corrects phasing errors, smooths local ancestry estimates, and computes confidence scores.Using publicly available datasets and more than 12,000 individuals from the customer database of the personal genetics company, 23andMe, Inc., we have constructed a reference panel containing more than 14,000 unrelated individuals of unadmixed ancestry. We used principal components analysis (PCA) and uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) to identify genetic clusters and define 45 distinct reference populations upon which to train our method. In cross-validation experiments, Ancestry Composition achieves high precision and recall.

Mohamed M. Elgamml ◽  
Fazly S. Abas ◽  
H. Ann Goh

A tremendous increase in the video content uploaded on the internet has made it necessary for auto-recognition of videos in order to analyze, moderate or categorize certain content that can be accessed easily later on. Video analysis requires the study of proficient methodologies at the semantic level in order to address the issues such as occlusions, changes in illumination, noise, etc. This paper is aimed at the analysis of the soccer videos and semantic processing as an application in the video semantic analysis field. This study proposes a framework for automatically generating and annotating the highlights from a soccer video. The proposed framework identifies the interesting clips containing possible scenes of interest, such as goals, penalty kicks, etc. by parsing and processing the audio/video components. The framework analyzes, separates and annotates the individual scenes inside the video clips and saves using kernel support vector machine. The results show that semantic analysis of videos using kernel support vector machines is a reliable method to separate and annotate events of interest in a soccer game.

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