efficient transmission
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M. Satish Kumar ◽  
P. V. R. D. Prasada Rao

The mobile device demand has been increased and it is estimated that in upcoming 10 years, the wireless cellular demand will increase up to 500 times. And it is not possible only with the cellular networks to satisfy this huge demand. To meet the huge requirement from the mobile end user, 5G networks enabled device to device communication can be applied. Device to Device (D2D) connection is the direct link among the two devices without the intervention of main station. Thus, D2D reduces the latency. And 5G are supported for the high data rates. Furthermore, for efficient transmission, multicast device to device communication is used. Multicast distrubutes the messages to multiple users of the restricted geographical area. Trustworthy communication is necessary for multicast D2D communication. Enhanced Diffie–Hellman algorithm is used for the trustworthiness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 1920
Ganesh R. Jagadale ◽  
Muralidhar P. Tambe ◽  
Yallapa Jadhav ◽  
Pradip S. Borle ◽  
Malangori A. Parande ◽  

Background: The COVID-19 was the emerging disease caused by SARS-COV2. Efficient transmission of this disease occurs through droplets and fomites. The susceptibility of children to coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) and transmission of COVID-19 from children to others is a relatively unexplored area. The aim of this study was to understand the transmission dynamics of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in children. Study objectives were to estimate secondary attack rate of COVID-19 from paediatric index case during the early phase of pandemic in Pune city and to identify factors associated with transmission and development of the COVID-19 disease.Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study conducted in the month of June 2020. The sample includes 58 contacts of 11 laboratory confirmed pediatric index cases of COVID-19 from Pune municipal corporation after written informed consent. A confidential telephonic interview of parents was taken by using a prestructured questionnaire which includes socio-demographic data, family background, type of house, development of symptoms, outcome etc.Results: The mean age of primary pediatric case was 12.7±5.1 years. All of them were symptomatic. The SAR estimated was 55.2%. The factors significantly affecting SAR were comorbidity, no. of family members, type of family, overcrowding, no. of rooms, bedroom attached with toilet.Conclusions: The household SAR from paediatric patients is high and is closely associated with family size and other household characteristics. Hence, home quarantine should be advocated in smaller families with appropriate isolation facilities; more emphasis is given to co-morbid individuals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Hui Li ◽  
Hang Zhou ◽  
Xiaoguo Liang ◽  
Fen Cai ◽  
Lingwei Xu ◽  

5G technology strongly supports the development of various intelligent applications, such as intelligent video surveillance and autonomous driving. And the human detection technology in intelligent video surveillance has also ushered in new challenges. A number of video images will be compressed for efficient transmission; the resulting incomplete feature representation of images will drop the human detection performance. Therefore, in this work, we propose a new human detection method based on compressed denoising. We exploit the quality factor in the compressed image and incorporate the pixel_shuffle inverse transform based on FFDNet to effectively improve the performance of image compression denoising, then HRNet and HRFPN are used to extract and fuse high-resolution features of denoised images, respectively, to obtain high-quality feature representation, and finally, a cascaded object detector is used for classification and bounding box regression to further improve object detection performance. At last, the experimental results on PASCAL VOC show that the proposed method effectively removes the compression noise and further detects human objects with multiple scales and different postures. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, our method achieved better detection performance and is, therefore, more suited for human detection tasks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 399-421
Wei Yinzong

Abstract In the Qing, transcription of marginalia became common scholarly practice, involving a number of different people who created a new reading culture. This article follows the marginalia trail of scholar and calligrapher He Zhuo 何焯 through various transcribers and others involved in the process: He's disciples, later generations of scholars, bibliophiles, calligraphers, and booksellers. Connected through He's and others' marginalia across time and space, these transcribers established a network for the efficient transmission of information, knowledge, and thought. Transcription of such marginalia created a unique book culture that shaped scholarship, thought, and society in the Qing and produced critical texts that are still read today.

2021 ◽  
Johnathan (Hans) Barkei ◽  
Perry Y. Li

Abstract A hydro-mechanical transmission (HMT) transmits power both mechanically and hydraulically allowing continuously variable transmission ratios and more efficient transmission than hydrostatic transmission. A conventional HMT tends to be costly and bulky since it has a hydrostatic transmission in parallel with a mechanical transmission. An alternative is a compact inline configuration that utilizes a two-shafted pump that is mechanically and hydraulically connected to a motor. This avoids the need for a planetary gear set while providing the HMT functionality. When the pump/motor displacement is zero, all of the power is transmitted mechanically and the transmission ratio is unity, a condition referred to as lock-up that is expected to be very efficient. Previous research however has shown significant losses at this operating condition in experiments. This is thought to be caused primarily by compressibility losses due to the repeated unnecessary opening and closing of the distributor valves. This paper first models the Hondamatic in simulations to confirm that compressibility losses contribute to the low efficiency at lock-up. Second, the paper proposes a solution to reduce these compressibility losses by means of a second cam mode that closes the distributor valves to prevent flow between the piston and the high and low pressure volumes. The performance of the existing inline HMT and the proposed solution at lock-up are modeled in simulations and compared. The results indicate a 10% increase in efficiency at lock-up.

2021 ◽  
Weipeng Wan ◽  
Yongfeng li ◽  
Weiyu Wang ◽  
Hongya Chen ◽  
he wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (03) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Malangori A Parande ◽  

Introduction: The COVID-19 was the emerging disease caused by SARS-COV 2. Efficient transmission of this disease occurs through droplets and fomites. As COVID-19 has high transmission and hence susceptible household & non-household close contacts are at high risk of developing disease. Study Objectives: 1) To estimate secondary attack rate of COVID-19 among the contacts during the pandemic in Pune city; 2) To identify factors associated with transmission and development of COVID-19 disease. Material & Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study conducted in the month of June 2020. The sample includes 741 contacts of 119 Laboratory confirmed cases for COVID-19, resides in 15 ward offices areas of Pune Municipal Corporation after written informed consent. A confidential telephonic interview was taken by using a prestructured questionnaire which includes socio demographic data, duration of stay, family background, outcome, type of house, development of symptoms etc. Results: The overall Secondary Attack Rate estimated to be 32.5%, 33.7% among the high risk contacts while 13.3% among the low risk contacts. In this city, 6 wards (40%) out of 15 wards showed SAR of more than 40%. The characteristics of primary cases associated with spread of disease were presence of symptoms and duration between onset of disease and isolation of primary case. The factors significantly affecting SAR were age, comorbidity, no. of family members, type of family, type of house, overcrowding, no. of rooms, bedroom attached with toilet, type of contact & containment zone. Conclusion: Higher SAR was seen in the household contacts. It is necessary to adopt rigorous measures to cut the transmission chain in this area of close contact.

2021 ◽  
Abrar Wafa ◽  
Mahsa T. Pourazad ◽  
Panos Nasiopoulos

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (2) ◽  
Øystein Volden ◽  
Petter Solnør ◽  
Slobodan Petrovic ◽  
Thor I. Fossen

AbstractAn ever-increasing number of autonomous vehicles use bandwidth-greedy sensors such as cameras and LiDARs to sense and act to the world around us. Unfortunately, signal transmission in vehicles is vulnerable to passive and active cyber-physical attacks that may result in loss of intellectual property, or worse yet, the loss of control of a vehicle, potentially causing great harm. Therefore, it is important to investigate efficient cryptographic methods to secure signal transmission in such vehicles against outside threats. This study is motivated by the observation that previous publications have suggested legacy algorithms, which are either inefficient or insecure for vision-based signals. We show how stream ciphers and authenticated encryption can be applied to transfer sensor data securely and efficiently between computing devices suitable for distributed guidance, navigation, and control systems. We provide an efficient and flexible pipeline of cryptographic operations on image and point cloud data in the Robot Operating System (ROS). We also demonstrate how image data can be compressed to reduce the amount of data to be encrypted, transmitted, and decrypted. Experiments on embedded computers verify that modern software cryptographic algorithms perform very well on large sensor data. Hence, the introduction of such algorithms should enhance security without significantly compromising the overall performance.

M. T. Pourazad ◽  
T. Sung ◽  
H. Hu ◽  
S. Wang ◽  
H. R. Tohidypour ◽  

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