contingency leadership
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-60
Muzammel Shah

Despite the bulk of studies in the domain of leadership, there is still a dearth of agreement over what makes leaders effective. The objective of the present study is to address this gap by devising a model for leadership effectiveness in light of previous studies. The basic premise of the framework presented in this study is the same as Contingency leadership theory (Fiedler, 1964; 1967). To be successful, managers need to implement different leadership styles in different situations and that a particular leadership style would be most effective in specific circumstances. It is proposed that managers need to implement transactional or transformational leadership style and adopt associated HRM practices depending upon the level of LMX relationship which might lead to effective leadership in an organization. Effective people management requires that HR practices should be applied by a manager with a matching and consistent leadership style. Leadership effectiveness is enhanced if a manager uses a leadership style with supportive HR practices that best matches a particular group of subordinates. Moreover; uncovering the underlying relationship between HRM and leadership will help refine current methodological approaches in this area, guiding theoretical improvement and policy development related to HRM and leadership.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jiang Xu ◽  
Jih-Yu Mao ◽  
Ye Zhang

PurposeAlthough leader humility is generally considered a positive leadership behavior, this study aims to examine when the positive influences of leader humility are likely weakened.Design/methodology/approachData were collected from a two-wave survey. Ordinary least squares regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses.FindingsAlthough leader humility is positively related to perceived leader support, this relationship is weakened when the environment is uncertain, resulting in comparatively lower follower performance.Practical implicationsLeaders should be aware that environmental constraints may weaken the desired outcomes of humility and therefore adapt leadership to situational needs.Originality/valueContrasting to predominant research on leader humility, this study examines a critical boundary condition by which its positive influences are compromised. In light of the disruption caused by the ongoing COVID-19, this study suggests that what usually are considered positive characteristics of leader humility are likely perceived as little leader support when the environment is uncertain. Findings of this study echo contingency leadership theories, which suggest that effective leadership should be context-dependent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Inbanathan Naicker ◽  
Phumlani Erasmus Myende ◽  
Zamokwakhe Thandinkosi Ncokwana

Drawing on the quintile system of categorising schools, South African public schools are bifurcated into no-fee and fee paying schools. Emerging research has shown that school principals in both categories of schools encounter several challenges with regard to school funding. In this article, we employ contingency leadership theory to examine how school principals respond to the school funding challenges they encounter. An interpretive, qualitative case study drawing on semi-structured interviews with 4 purposively selected principals was conducted. To augment the interview data, purposively selected school documents were reviewed. Through thematic analysis, it was found that principals in fee-paying and no-fee schools employ a cocktail of practices to respond to the challenges they encounter. From the findings, we learn that school funding challenges push principals to enact a form of transgressive leadership where they adopt a context-driven, as opposed to a policy-driven approach to school leadership. Furthermore, the funding challenges drive school principals to renegotiate their roles as professional managers of the school and as ex-officio members of the School Governing Body. This results in school principals becoming more entrepreneurial in their school leadership.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-114
Arfandi ◽  
Muhammad Ihwan

The implementation of the contingency leadership model in the development of Islamic education institutions is one of the platforms for the fulfillment of effective and efficient Islamic education with a variety of infrastructure, regulations, and a sense of responsibility. Contingency leadership is a leadership model explaining that a leader can be effective when the leader style and the leader situation are convenient. Contingency theory assumes that leadership is the process of exercising an influence related to the group task situation.

Shangbiao Tang ◽  
Guanglei Zhang ◽  
Hai-Jiang Wang

In this study, we built and tested a contingency model linking leader daily empowering behaviors with employee daily job crafting. Drawing on the contingency leadership literature and the model of proactive motivation, we theorized employee daily work meaning and vigor as moderators of the above relationships. Daily data were collected from 103 Chinese employees for five consecutive days. Our findings suggest that leader dayT (a certain day) empowering behaviors are more strongly related to employee dayT+1 (next day after the certain day) job crafting when employee dayT work meaning is low and employee dayT+1 vigor is high. Our findings suggest that only under certain conditions can empowering leadership promote employee job crafting on a daily basis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Yajnavalka Banerjee ◽  
Christopher Tuffnell ◽  
Rania Alkhadragy

Abstract Background Resistance to change is customary and is expected in any organization. However, most of the downsides of change can be avoided if the organization/individual prepares for the change by acknowledging guided strategies. In healthcare, change is the state of nature, which has also translated to medical education (ME). ME in the current era has undergone a shift from a traditional content-based curriculum to a competency-based curriculum. Recently, however, the broader social-accountability movement has accelerated this rate of transformation. One of the key challenges to educators harbingering this transformation to competency-based medical education (CBME) is to redesign the processes of teaching. Aim Here we define a framework designed using Mento’s model of change that will totally agree with introducing positive change in teaching in an institution undergoing transformation from a traditional content-based curriculum to a competency-based curriculum. Methodology Using Schein’s “unfreezing” as a guide term we critically reflected on the popular change-management models, to home in on Kotter’s model of change to transform organizations. However, Kotter’s change-model draws from Situational and Contingency Leadership Theories, which may not agree with academic organizations involved in ME. As such organizations adhere to Transactional and Transformational Leadership archetypes, where Leadership is constructively executed by “The Leader Team”, we decided to adopt Mento’s change-model for our study. Mento’s model not only draws from the precepts of Kotter’s model, but also incorporates axioms of Jick’s and GE’s change-models. Results Using Mento’s model a framework was blueprinted to implement active learning (AL) strategies in CBME. Here we have elaborated on the framework using the exemplar of flipped teaching. The development of this framework required the design and execution of a faculty development program, and a step by step guidance plan to chaperon, instruct and implement change in teaching to harbinger CBME. Further, we have also reflected on the change process using Gravin’s framework. Conclusion To our knowledge this is the first report of the use of Mento’s model of change in medical education. Also, the blueprinted framework is supported by acknowledged leadership theories and can be translated to implement any curricular change in CBME.

2019 ◽  
Witri Khairiyyah ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

This article was created to fulfill the final assignment of the Educational Administration and Supervision course, and can also be used as a reference on several aspects regarding Leadership in Education.Scientific articles should be structured with systematic methods and steps to facilitate research. In this article, the researcher uses the literature study method by collecting literature (material materials) sourced from books, journals, and other sources related to Educational Leadership.Leaders are people who are able to influence others in terms of mobilizing or coordinating to achieve a goal. While leadership is the whole action of leaders in influencing other people to achieve a goal. Leadership in education is divided into several models, namely the leadership character model, situational leadership model, effective leader model, contingency leadership model, transactional leadership model, and transformational leadership model. In addition there are also leadership styles in education, diameters of authoritarian leadership styles, Democratic / Democratic Leadership Style, and Laissez Faire Style.

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