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Published By University Of Nis - Faculty Of Philosophy


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 145-162
Зоран Марков ◽  
Ћипријан Главан

The family Nikolić of Rudna was one of the most important families of Serbian descent from Hungary. The history of this noble family is largely unknown, as it didn’t receive much attention in the historiography. The present document was written by a member of the Nikolić family and addressed to the adopted son of baron Mihajlo Nikolić, Jovan Tirfelder. The document is an excellent information source about the history of the family. The document was written in German in the first decades of the 20th century. It comprises six pages and nowadays it is preserved, in a good state of conservation, in the document collection of the History department of the National Museum of Banat from Timișoara. The document comprises five short chapters: 1. General data about the Serbians in Hungar, 2. Sources about the history of our family, 3. The name of our family and its notation, 4. The history of our family end 5. Remarks regarding the use of the genealogical charts. The original documents regarding the history of the family before 1848 were lost during a fire, which occurred in Rudna during the 1848-1849 revolution. That is why it was necessary to use other sources in order to write the present document: e.g.: National Archives of Hungary in Budapest or the Archives of the Timiș County. A short history of the family, which contains previously unpublished aspects, constitutes the most significant part of this document and of the present article. Another part of the article is dedicated to the baron Fedor Nikolić of Rudna. He was the most important member of the family and a notability in Banat in the second half of the XIXth century. As a deputy, he represented various districts of Banat in the Hungarian parliament. He had an important position in the governing body of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1882-1886). Additionally he led several associations and commercial companies from Banat and Hungary and received various titles and medals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 95-112
Саша Јашин

Endowment as a possessed form of charity was very much present in the life of Serbian communities. Endowments are one of the best examples of an individual’s love and respect for their nationality and for the spiritual and intellectual support of Serbian youth and intellectuals. The times that followed the Second World War diminished the public’s interest in this type of charity, ie the fate of these funds became uncertain until they were extinguished. Today, when they are no more, the learned good deeds and the significance they had in life testify to them the most. Archival material, as well as other rich bibliography, provide a real opportunity to present the life of these endowments and their creators, as a phenomenon of exceptional importance in the Serbian people. Leaving their endowments to those who will come into the world after them, the endowments are permanently ugly. Conscious of their presumed role in a given time and space must not replace the work of those who, through self-preservation, love for the people and their neighbors and noble feelings, considered it our duty to publish their immortal deeds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 113-121
Јована A. Касаш

Град Темишвар са околином заузимао је значајно место у политици разгра- ничења Краљевине Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца на мировној конференцији у Паризу. Територијалне претензије југословенске Владе и њене делегације на Темишвар правдане су војним победама и присуством војске у спорним подручјима, историјским правом, као и жељама сâмог становништва које је тамо живело. Међутим, значајно је приказати какву је улогу у разграничењу имало и јавно мњење у Краљевини СХС. Да би се код читаоца створила слика о важности Темишвара за српску страну, у штампи је посебна пажња пос- већена епитетима и синтагмама који су описивали овај град. Аутори чланака представљали су га позитивно и поетично, на пример као: „банатски бисер” или „наша дика”... У раду ћемо изложити бројне епитете које су уредништва српских листова и аутори новинских чланака користили пишући о Темишва- ру непосредно након Првог светског рата. Даjемо и један шири историјски контекcт који прати и показује колико је српској страни било важно да ова банатска престоница припадне Kраљевини СХС.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 51-70
Мирјана Д. Бојанић Ћирковић

В работе конкретизируется и систематизируем общеприняты примечания о элементах повествования в произведениях Анджелко Крстича, обогащая их спецфичестями (особенностями) наративного мира капитального произведе- ния Траян Анджелко Крстича (1932). Соответственно природе методы его творческого поступка расветливаемого нами в соотношении с литературным временем и общественной и исторической обстановкой условляемой его, и в большой степени сквозь имплицитную поэтику, интенции эмпирического и имплицитного романа Траян и его стиль повествования связываем с эпиче- ским повествованием. Значительные аспекты повествовательного поступка Крстича находим в эпической миссии, технике ab ovo, т.е. саге о семье Ра- девич, формированию лика Траяна опираясь на эпический мотив, т.е. пред- ставительность фольклорных элементов наратива, которые одновременно являются заглавиями отделов работы. В работе обращаем внимание и на эле- менты модернизации повествовательной формы романа Траян. Работу закан- чиваем обзором на рецензию эпические повествования Анджелко Крстича с точки зрения нашей современности, и открываем просторы для полемики в связи с а (на)хроникой такого поступка.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 177-200
Жива Ђ. Милин

У првим двема деценијама XXI века у Араду, Темишвару и Нишу одржано је 15 међународних нучних скупова на којима су и србисти из Румуније – универзитетски професори, наставници, књижевници и научни истражива- чи – саопштавали реферате, студије и друге прилоге из историје, дијалекто- логије, књижевности, фолклора, топонимије, ономастике, српско-румунског суживота и сл. Радови са ових научних скупова су накнадно били објављени у посебним зборницима или посебним бројевима стручних часописа, а које наводимо овде после сваког поменутог међународног научног скупа.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 163-176
Јордана С. Марковић

Беда, обрушившаяся на весь мир с конца 2019 года в виде появления и агрес- сивного распространения нового, доселе неизвестного вируса короны, долж- на была найти свое место в языковой системы. В этой статье на материале сербского языка показано, в какой степени увеличивается семейство слов в связи с вирусом и вызываемым им заболеванием, а также то, как эти лексемы формируются, пишутся и соответствуют в систему сербского языка, как и до- роги которыми будет происходить дальнейшее расширение.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 355-367
Благоје Чоботин

This study is the result of field research that we have conducted in some of the villages situated on the shores of Mures River, where a Serbian community still exists and therefore I managed to identify some important people that know the customs and popular traditions of the Church. The content of the article presents the elements of the Christmas rituals, those that are still retained and used, as well as those rituals from the past that have been lost over time and are no longer practiced today. We have also tried to identify the causes that contributed to the forgetting or loss of these Christmas habits and rituals of the Serbian community living on the shores of Mures River.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 325-338
Иван М. (игуман Јустин) Стојановић

Bishop of Timișoara dr Georgije Letić (⁎1872†1935) was one of the most prominent dignitaries of our Serbian Orthodox Church of his time. He marked his era as a respectable hierarch, man of letters, a good and skilled organizer of church life in the dioceses that have been permanently or temporarily entrusted to him. Bishop dr Georgije Letić led the Diocese of Timișoara for many years, between 1904-1931 as a diocese bishop, and between 1931-1935 as administrator. The change of state administration (Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Kingdom of Romania - Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) over Banat (which was later split between Romania and Yugoslavia), as well as the difficult and irregular times during the First World War left heavy marks on the entire territory of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Timișoara, as well as consequences on the life of the Serbian Church in Romania. Bishop dr Georgije managed, as a skilled organizer, despite of current conditions, not only to successfully organize the diocesan life, but also to build new foundations for the upcoming generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 133-144
Горан М. Максимовић

The paper analyzes the review of the Great War (1914-1918) in the memoir book The Life of a Man in the Balkans, by the writer Stanislav Krakov (1895-1968), which he wrote most probably between 1936 and 1968, and was published from a manuscript legacy three decades later after his death, in 1997. Krakov directly participated as a participant at the front in three wars, the First and Second Balkan Wars and the Great War, during which he was severely wounded three times and awarded several times for heroism. The subject of our special analysis is a review of events from the First World War. This refers primarily to the mobilization and war operations in 1914, and then to the withdrawal of the serbian army at the end of 1915 and the beginning of 1916 through Montenegro and Albania, all the way to the Greek island of Corfu. Krakov presented the most complete picture of the war operations in the records from the Salonica Front (1916-1918), as well as in the review of the war operations for the liberation of the entire country until the end of 1918. It is one of the most exciting books of Serbian documentary-artistic prose written in the 20th century, in which the features of autobiographical-memoir and novel prose intersect in a creative way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 9-24
Нина В. Аксић

The paper will present and analyze the terminology of nutrition in ritual practice, which was and it is still in use among Serbs in the Danube Gorge (Romania). The terminological corpus will be drawn from the field records of the authors of the paper, which were recorded in 2017 in the villages of Divič, Stara Moldava and Belobreška. The terms presented in the paper will be considered within the general context of use. In that way, the significance they have in the ritual-customary practice of the Patron Saint among Serbs in this part of Romania will be shown. Along with the analysis of the field material, the relevant literature related to this area will be consulted. The aim of the paper would be to present the terminological lexicon and thus keep it from oblivion, as well as to show the useful meaning of these terms in the rituals. As a contribution to the work, several recipes of Saint Patron ritual nutrition, from the mentioned villages will be given in the form of transcripts.

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