Religion and Social Health in Muslims

Harold G. Koenig ◽  
Saad Al Shohaib
Fu-Ju Tsai ◽  
Cheng-Yu Chen ◽  
Gwo-Liang Yeh ◽  
Yih-Jin Hu ◽  
Chie-Chien Tseng ◽  

Background: Nursing educators should train nursing students to pursue physical, psychological, spiritual, and social health promotion. The purpose of this study was to explore relationships between nursing students’ meaning of life, positive beliefs, and well-being. Methods: A cross-sectional correlational study with a quantitative approach was adopted. Purposive sampling was used. A total of 170 nursing students voluntarily participated in this study. A 56-item questionnaire was used to examine nursing students’ meaning of life (1-25 items), positive beliefs (1-11 items), and well-being (1-20 items). The content validity index (CVI) of the study questionnaire was established as 0.95 by seven expert scholars. The reliability values for the three parts of the measure were as follows: meaning of life, Cronbach’s α 0.96; positive beliefs, Cronbach’s α 0.93; and well-being, Cronbach’s α 0.95. Percentages, frequencies, means, SDs, Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by rank, Spearman’s rank correlation, one-way analysis of variance, Spearman’s rho correlation, and regression analysis were used for the data analysis. Results: Nursing students had the following mean scores: meaning of life with 4.02 (SD 0.56); positive beliefs with 3.92 (SD 0.62); and well-being with 3.95 (SD 0.57). The results indicate that for all nursing students, meaning of life was positively correlated with positive beliefs, r=0.83 (P<.01); similarly, all nursing students had positive beliefs that were positively correlated with meaning of life, r=0.83 (P<.01). In the results of the study, the nursing students’ background, meaning of life and positive beliefs explained 63% of the variance in well-being (Adjusted R2 squared =0.63, F=33.41, P<.001). Conclusions: Nursing students’ sense of meaning of life and positive beliefs may impact their well-being. Therefore, nursing educators can promote meaning of life and positive beliefs to nursing students as a way to increase their well-being for physical, psychological, spiritual, and social health promotion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 1099-1104
Priti Desai ◽  
Anita Wanjari ◽  
Deepali Giri

The COVID 19 pandemic had disrupted the lives of all socio-economic groups of the global population. The lockdowns, social distancing, financial adversities, continuous fear of being a victim to the virus had left every individual desperate with a feeling of vulnerability. Irrespective of all possible efforts at the global level, no ultimate solution to get rid of this virus is available till date except for the preventive measures. Various medicines and formulations are into practice, which may boost one’s immunity to fight against the virus. This catastrophic scenario had resulted in an impact on the human being in all aspects, physical, mental, emotional, social and behavioural. Ayurveda, the science of life has encompassed all these aspects through its preventive and curative principles. Aacharrasayana, code of conduct or behavioural discipline is one such modality that entails perfect mental, physical, social and spiritual health of the human being. The execution of Aacharrasayana in this situation can immensely contribute in restoring mental, spiritual and social health. This review aims to interpret the implementation of various aspects of Aacharrasayanain context of COVID 19 and its utility in combatting the dreadful crisis.

Tirta Anggraini Tirta Anggraini

ABSTRACT According to the World Health Organization (WHO), maternal nutritional status at the time of growth and during pregnancy can affect fetal growth and development. Based on (IDHS) survey of 2007 AKI Indonesia at 228 per 100,000 live births, although this figure is still the highest in Asia. Social health center in Palembang in 2011 the number of pregnant women with good nutritional status of 67 men (97.1%). factors that influence the nutritional status of pregnant women is the temperature of the environment, economic status, habits and views of women to food, age, education, and health status. The purpose of this study is a known relationship education and economic status with nutritional status of pregnant women in the third trimester of Social Health Center Palembang in 2012. This study uses analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all third trimester pregnant women who visit the health center Social Palembang in May 2012, with a sample of 30 respondents. Sampling in this study with non-random methods with techniques Accidental Sampling. Data analysis carried out univariate and bivariate statistics with Chi-Square test with significance level α = 0.05. The results showed than 30 respondents there (73.3%) of respondents that good nutritional status, higher education (76.7%), and high economic status (70.0%). The results of this study showed no significant association education and economic status with nutritional status of pregnant women in the third trimester of Social Health Center Palembang in 2012. From the results of this study, researchers hope to improve the health care workers, especially health services in Antenatal Care services pay more attention to maternal risk of poor nutritional status.   ABSTRAK Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), status gizi ibu hamil pada waktu pertumbuhan dan selama hamil dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin. Berdasarkan (SDKI) survei terakhir tahun 2007 AKI Indonesia sebesar 228 per 100.000 Kelahiran Hidup, meskipun demikian angka tersebut masih tertinggi di Asia.  Di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang tahun 2011 jumlah ibu hamil yang berstatus gizi baik sebesar 67 orang (97,1%). faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi ibu hamil adalah suhu lingkungan, status ekonomi, kebiasaan dan pandangan wanita terhadap makanan, usia, pendidikan, dan status kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan pendidikan dan status ekonomi dengan status gizi ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil trimester III yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang pada bulan Mei tahun 2012, dengan jumlah sampel 30 responden. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dengan metode non random dengan teknik Accidental Sampling. Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 30 responden terdapat (73,3%) responden yang berstatus gizi baik, pendidikan tinggi (76,7%), dan status ekonomi tinggi (70,0%). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna pendidikan dan status ekonomi dengan status gizi ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas Sosial Palembang tahun 2012. Dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti berharap petugas pelayanan kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan terutama dalam pelayanan Antenatal Care lebih memperhatikan kehamilan ibu yang berisiko status gizi buruk.

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