Giving form to Life According to Max Scheler

Daniela Verducci
2009 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-102
Robin Rehm

Kasimir Malewitschs suprematistische Hauptwerke ›Schwarzes Quadrat‹, ›Schwarzer Kreis‹ und ›Schwarzes Kreuz‹ von 1915 setzen sich aus schwarzen Formen auf weißem Grund zusammen. Der Typus des Schwarzweißbildes weist überraschende Parallelen zu den bildlichen Wahrnehmungsinstrumenten auf, die vom ausgehenden 18. bis Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in den Experimenten der Farbenlehre, physiologischen Optik und Psychologie verwendet worden sind. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht diese Parallelen in drei Schritten: Zunächst erfolgt eine allgemeine Charakterisierung des Schwarzweißbildes mit Hilfe des Kontrastbegriffs von Edmund Husserl. Des weiteren wird die Entstehung und Funktion des schwarzweißen Kontrastbildes in den Wissenschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts typologisch herausgearbeitet. Unter Berücksichtigung des Wissensbegriffs von Max Scheler wird abschließend die Spezifik des Wissens eruiert, das die Schwarzweißbilder sowohl in der Malerei Malewitschs als auch in den genannten Wissenschaften generieren. Malevich’s main Suprematist works, such as ›Black Square‹, ›Black Circle‹, and ›Black Cross‹ from 1915, consist of black shapes on white ground. Surprisingly this series of shapes strongly resembles scientific black-and-white images used for research on colour theory, physiological optics, and psychology throughout the 19th century. This paper examines the parallels between Malevich’s paintings and the scientific drawings in three steps: It first characterizes black-and-white images in general, using Edmund Husserl’s definition of the term ›contrast‹. Secondly, the paper investigates the development and function of black-and-white images as tools of perception in the sciences. It finally discusses the specific knowledge generated through Malevich’s art and through scientific black-and-white images, following Max Scheler’s phenomenological identification of knowledge.

1980 ◽  
Vol 78 (40) ◽  
pp. 553-561
Heinz Leonardy

Francesco Galofaro

AbstractThe paper presents a semiotic interpretation of the phenomenological debate on the notion of person, focusing in particular on Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, and Edith Stein. The semiotic interpretation lets us identify the categories that orient the debate: collective/individual and subject/object. As we will see, the phenomenological analysis of the relation between person and social units such as the community, the association, and the mass shows similarities to contemporary socio-semiotic models. The difference between community, association, and mass provides an explanation for the establishment of legal systems. The notion of person we inherit from phenomenology can also be useful in facing juridical problems raised by the use of non-human decision-makers such as machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (9999) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Aivaras Stepukonis ◽  

The article explores a special mode of the human mind outlined in the writings of Max Scheler under the notion of the functionalization of essential (a priori) knowledge. While the concept of a priori was given its profound elaboration in the writings of Immanuel Kant, Scheler applies it with a number of significant modifications. Along with the a priori of objective reality, which is the mind’s first step in grasping the autonomous world, Scheler comes to posit a species of a priori that is subjective. A person’s exposure to an objective essence exercises a special kind of influence on that person’s mind: what was once an objective a priori is appropriated as a subjective a priori, the thing thought becomes a “form” or pattern of thinking, the thing liked becomes a “form” or manner of liking. “Functionalization” characterizes precisely the mind’s ability to transmute the essential knowledge of autonomous reality into subjective a priori forms of knowing and anticipating that reality. This transmutation unfolds on three intuitive planes: that of meaning which is known, that of value which is perceived or apprehended, and that of existence which is encountered in the resistance of objects to the will of the percipient.

Lígia NEGRI ◽  
Guida Fernanda Proença BITTENCOURT ◽  
Selmo Ribeiro FIGUEIREDO JR.

Neste artigo, trazemos o acontecimento que o voto do ministro relator Carlos Ayres Britto funda pela sua enunciação, no Supremo Tribunal Federal, referente à recente (2011) questão da união homoafetiva no Brasil, tendo como corpus de análise as citações (in)diretas extraídas de afirmações de personalidades célebres (Platão, Max Scheler, Descartes, Fernando Pessoa, Nietzsche, Hegel, Jung, Caetano Veloso, Rui Barbosa, Spinoza, Sartre e Chico Xavier), postas em jogo na materialidade linguística. Discutimos os efeitos de sentido possíveis delas decorrentes, mediante a perspectiva da Análise do Discurso de orientação francesa, tendo em conta os aspectos relevantes das condições de produção do discurso, sem deixarmos de aventar os efeitos de articulação entre citações e enunciados que as circunscrevem no voto, paralelismos etc. Lançaremos, ainda, breve olhar sobre o ethos do sujeito do discurso, a partir dos efeitos de sentido das citações. Dentre outras avaliações e reflexões, concluiremos que o discurso tem como argumento maior o amor, confrontando uma FD (Formação Discursiva) prototípica do judiciário, inclusive nas menções a interdiscursos religiosos. Para nosso exercício analítico, contamos especialmente com Possenti (2009, 2002), Eni Orlandi (2009, 2006), Foucault (2010, 2009), Maingueneau (1997) e Pêcheux (2009), para que constituam nosso aporte teórico.

1983 ◽  
pp. 424-436
Linda A. Bell

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Possidônio Ferreira Barbosa Júnior ◽  
Antonio Rômullo Pereira Ribeiro de Sousa

O artigo constitui-se de uma apresentação sucinta dos elementos principais do sistema ético de Max Scheler. Utilizando-se do método fenomenológico, Scheler afirma que a ética deve basear-se na experiência, pois o valor não é algo que se atribui, mas que é experimentado. O fenomenólogo alemão defende que o homem está rodeado por um cosmos de valores que não necessita ser produzido, apenas reconhecido através do perceber sentimental, possibilitando, inclusive, uma organização hierárquica dos valores. No entanto, este perceber se encontra afetado pelo ressentimento, o que implica em uma negação dos valores através da inversão valorativa.

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