edmund husserl
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 181-198
Iswanto Iswanto ◽  
Yudhi Kawanggung

The understanding of moko is related to the identity of the Alor people. Historically, moko was brought from Vietnam and became a heirloom which was passed down from generation to generation. In practice, moko can be used as a dowry of marriage, clan identity, musical instruments, and several other uses. This study provides novelty on the moko symbolization as a socio-religious harmony of Alor society. The problem to be resolved in this research is “how does the moko symbolize socio-religious harmony in the people of Alor, East Nusa Tenggara?” The theoretical concept used in this article is Geertz’s ‘religious as the cultural system” which is paired with Epicurus' opinion about the three levels of harmony. This study used the phenomenological method of Edmund Husserl.  The results of this study are moko symbolization as a rhythmic leader of musical instruments related with social messages in the ownership it and the function of moko as a dowry of marriage. In addition, the results of the study also show that the symbolization of moko becomes a part of the harmony embodiment in the life of the Alor people. This symbolization process occurs at the level of ideas and manifests in behavior. The novelty in this research is the characteristics of the Alor community as a heterogeneous society place the symbols of a set of conventions. Moko as part of the convention symbol embodies social harmonization. This part becomes an interesting character because moko is not an original object from the Alor community, but it has been adopted as a cultural symbol. Social harmonization occurs at the level of ideas which are adhered to customary law. This really depends on the values held in society.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 442-460
Johana Ruadjanna Tangirerung ◽  
Kristanto Kristanto

Abstract. This study aimed to find the meaning of worship, fellowship and liturgy experienced by the congregation during Sunday Worship live streaming during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used was descriptive qualitative phenomenological Edmund Husserl, which explains the meaning or meaning of a life experience of several people, groups of a concept, habit or phenomenon. This study found that the congregation was less able to experience the meaning of live streaming worship related to the meaning of fellowship, worship and liturgy during the Covid-19 pandemic, because they did not understand its essence. The true meaning of worship can be experienced when understanding worship as fellowship with the Triune God who transcends time and space.Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan makna ibadah, persekutuan dan liturgi yang dialami jemaat dalam Ibadah Minggu secara live streaming pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif fenomenologis Edmund Husserl, yang menjelaskan arti atau makna sebuah pengalaman hidup beberapa orang, kelompok atas sebuah konsep, kebiasaan atau fenomena. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa jemaat kurang dapat mengalami makna ibadah live streaming terkait makna persekutuan, ibadah maupun liturgi pada masa pandemi Covid-19, karena kurang memahami esensinya. Makna ibadah yang sesungguhnya dapat dirasakan apabila memahami ibadah sebagai persekutuan dengan Allah Tritunggal yang melampaui urang dan waktu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-166
Françoise Dastur

Résumé Ce qui est en marche en France du XVIIe au XVIIIe siècle, c’est le processus en quelque sorte irréversible de l’émancipation de l’homme, par la conquête de la liberté intérieure avec Descartes et son cogito, puis par la conquête de la liberté politique avec la révolution de 1789. Mais c’est en Allemagne avec Marx, Nietzsche et Freud que cette centration excessive de l’homme sur lui-même va se voir profondément mise en question. Le culte ainsi rendu à la raison humaine a en effet conduit à un développement des techniques et des sciences qui a permis à l’être humain de s’arracher de manière progressive à l’ordre de la nature, comme le montrent ces grands critiques de la technique moderne que sont Martin Heidegger en Allemagne et Jacques Ellul en France. A l’individualisme qui s’est largement répandu dans les sociétés démocratiques s’oppose dans la philosophie franco-allemande du XXe siècle l’accent mis sur la nécessité pour l’être humain d’être en rapport avec ses semblables, comme le montrent les œuvres de trois philosophes français, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty et Levinas, qui se fondent tous trois sur l’œuvre fondatrice du philosophe allemand Edmund Husserl. C’est à partir de là que l’on peut voir apparaître une nouvelle et paradoxale image du sacré, comme en atteste en Allemagne la poésie de Hölderlin et en France la pensée de Levinas. La perspective anthropocentriste qui a guidé le développement de l’homme occidental depuis la Renaissance se voit ainsi radicalement mise en question. Le dialogue franco-allemand qui a marqué le développement de la pensée philosophique doit par conséquent aujourd’hui s’ouvrir à des influences plus lointaines, à la fois occidentales et orientales, qui sont celles des penseurs écologiques du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Mikhael - Dua

<em>Public understanding of Covid 19 is often seen as a source of problems in pandemic time. This article presents a discussion that the logic of understanding is different from the logic of explanation. If in scientific explanation, law and scientific theory are regarded as the premises, all human understanding departs from the historical experience of the world which belongs to the community. In a phenomenological perspective, human understanding is rational because it is oriented toward convergence without coincidence, unification without equivalence, commonality without identity, and cooperation without uniformity. The Study of the musical experiences of East Nusa Tenggara shows that the people of East Nusa Tenggara have a transverse rationality, in a sense that is convergent with the health protocol, although is based on the mythical cosmology. Based on this kind of logos, any effort in solving Covid 19's problem as a point of convergence needs interpretation of local community different understanding.</em><br /><br /><strong>Key words:</strong> Covid 19, Edmund Husserl, Phenomenology, rationality, transversality.

Tempo Social ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 47-69
Renan Springer de Freitas

Neste ensaio defende-se a tese de que a “crise de legitimidade” da ciência é um fenômeno para o qual podem existir três lugares: o mundo celestial a que nos conduzem os escritos de autores como José Ortega y Gasset, Karl Jaspers, Johan Huizinga e Edmund Husserl; o mundo dantesco a que nos levam os escritos do filósofo da ciência Paul Feyerabend; e o mundo da realidade terrena a que nos conduzem os escritos de cientistas que reagem a uma situação de aberta hostilidade à ciência. Neste último caso, o termo “crise” não exprime uma desilusão pessoal com a ciência (como nos casos de Ortega y Gasset, Jaspers e Huizinga), nem as idiossincrasias de um sistema filosófico (como no caso de Husserl), nem as consequências funestas de uma bem-intencionada utopia libertária (como no caso de Feyerabend), mas uma redefinição dos caminhos a serem tomados por diferentes disciplinas científicas. Isso aconteceu na Alemanha da República de Weimar, a rigor o único lugar em que já existiu o que pode ser apropriadamente chamado de crise de legitimidade da ciência. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Andrea Ximena Oyola Lamprea ◽  
Lucila Acevedo Figueroa ◽  
José Alberto Agüero Grande ◽  
Yolanda Ivonne Trujillo León

La disciplina del cuidado es la expresión del trabajo afectivo, acreditado y competente, que el profesional de enfermería  efectúa en la interacción con la persona, de acuerdo a su temporalidad  y en diferentes contextos en donde se desarrolla o en donde procura su salud; al proporcionar cuidado se concibe a la persona como la unidad esencial del cuerpo que le permite mediar entre la naturaleza, la cultura y el espíritu, como ser único inseparable y particular; consecuentemente se alude que la tarea del cuidar está infundida por la filosofía, porque implica el análisis de los propósito de la vida humana, de la naturaleza del ser y de la realidad, de los valores presentes en el cuidado y el discernimiento intelectual para el bienestar de la persona. Para propugnar esta idea, se hace el acercamiento a algunos filósofos cuyo referente han discurrido sobre la investigación en la disciplina del cuidado, tales como Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger y Hans-Georg Gadamer enfocados a  develar el real significado de la experiencia vivida con un interés genuino y respetuoso por su existencia y fragilidad.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-156
Moh Durrul Ainun Nafis

Within a plural society, social and cultural discourses are frequently becoming a scourge. One of them is the blending of traditions in the face of people's modernity, such as the link between Islam and the indigenous Samin's traditional beliefs. The purpose of this study is to conduct a phenomenological investigation into the Samin Kudus custom of marriage contracts. Data was gathered using descriptive techniques such as observation, documentation, and interviews, and then analyzed using Edmund Husserl's phenomenological methodology. According to the findings, the marriage contract was held between the groom and the bride through the Samin custom of the marriage contract procession. This is due to the fact that the potential groom is of Samin custom practitioners who also embraces Islam belief, whereas the bride is a Muslimah. In addition, the marital contract procession is a harmonization across traditions in the study of phenomenology, specifically in harmonizing customs and religion through the stages of nyumuk, mbalesi gunem, ngendek, and paseksen. Diskursus sosial dan budaya kerap kali menjadi momok dalam kehidupan masyarakat majemuk. Salah satu di antaranya ialah harmonisasi tradisi di tengah modernitas umat seperti keterkaitan antara Islam dan adat kepercayaan Samin. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini ialah untuk melakukan pendalaman fenomenologis terhadap akad nikah berdasarkan adat Samin Kudus. Data penelitian dihimpun melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara dengan teknik deskriptif, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori fenomenologi Edmund Husserl. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akad nikah yang dilangsungkan antara pengantin pria dan wanita melalui prosesi akad nikah berdasarkan adat Samin. Hal ini disebabkan pengantin pria adalah seorang keturunan adat namun telah berstatus sebagai muslim, sedangkan pengantin wanita beragama Islam. Selain itu, dalam kajian fenomenologi prosesi akad nikah merupakan harmonisasi lintas tradisi, yakni menyelaraskan adat dan agama melalui tahapan nyumuk, mbalesi gunem, ngendek, dan paseksen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 108-128
Carlo Orellano

La investigación presente analizará las semejanzas y relaciones encontradas entre los planteamientos de Edmund Husserl y Simone Weil respecto al fenómeno religioso de la idolatría. Para ello, señalaremos en primer lugar el tratamiento que la religión podría tener dentro del marco fenomenológico husserliano; posteriormente, nos enfocaremos en el análisis de una de las publicaciones póstumas de autoría weiliana. Respecto al filósofo austríaco, se recurrirá a textos de distintos períodos de su obra, por lo que implícitamente se contemplará una continuación entre sus denominados análisis estáticos y los genéticos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-126
Christopher R. Myers

For more than a century, phenomenology’s relation to history has remained a problem for phenomenological analysis. This can in part be attributed to the circumstances surrounding the beginnings of phenomenology. As Europe moved increasingly toward world war at the turn of the 20th century, a growing consciousness of the historical relativity of all values and knowledge spread throughout the continent, leading Ernst Troeltsch to speak of the “crisis of historicism” (Rand 1964, 504-5). In this same context, Edmund Husserl framed phenomenological analysis in opposition to history. While Husserl recognized the “tremendous value” that history has to offer philosophical thinking, he believed that a purely historical reduction of consciousness necessarily results in the relativity of historical understanding itself, like a serpent that bites its own tail (Husserl 2002, 280). If phenomenology was to be a genuine science, it had to attempt a phenomenological reduction which would seize upon the essence of our historical being, i.e., our essence as beings that exist within history and are inseparable from it. What was required over and beyond a historical understanding of lived experience was an analysis of the structure of historicity itself (293-4).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-62
Dylan Shaul ◽  

It seems natural to suppose that the burgeoning field of critical phenomenology would come to bear at least some affinities or resemblances (whether implicitly or explicitly) to critical theory, insofar as both are deeply concerned with directing a rigorous critical eye towards the most pressing political, economic, cultural, and social issues of our time. Yet critical theory has also had its share of critics of phenomenology itself, not least of which was the foremost member of the first-generation Frankfurt School critical theorists, Theodor W. Adorno. Adorno’s critique of phenomenology was, for historical reasons, confined to Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, and might be concisely put as follows: for Adorno, classical phenomenology is insufficiently critical towards contemporary realities of oppression and domination (an insufficiency variously attributed to an alleged pernicious idealism, solipsism, methodological individualism, descriptivism, or ahistoricism in classical phenomenology). On this count, critical phenomenologists today may very well agree—at least to the point of affirming that phenomenology’s critical potential remained largely “untapped” in its classical formulations. However, in a twist of historical fate, Adorno failed to engage with a contemporaneous phenomenologist with whom he perhaps had more in common than anyone else: Emmanuel Levinas. Levinas himself was also notably critical of Husserl and Heidegger (while of course also being enormously indebted to them), for reasons not altogether dissimilar to Adorno’s. For Levinas, phenomenology had hitherto neglected the fundamental ethical or moral dimensions of experience—in particular our ethical responsibility towards the Other in the face of the manifold evils and injustices of the world. What might Adorno have thought of Levinas’s work, and Levinas of Adorno’s? What might they have learned from one another? And how might this exchange have affected the trajectories of critical theory, phenomenology, or critical phenomenology?

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