Neuroprotective effect of dipeptide AVP(4-5)-NH2 is associated with nerve growth factor and heat shock protein HSP70

2007 ◽  
Vol 144 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-545 ◽  
T. A. Zenina ◽  
T. A. Gudasheva ◽  
Ya. S. Bukreyev ◽  
S. B. Seredenin
Ф.М. Шакова ◽  
Т.И. Калинина ◽  
М.В. Гуляев ◽  
Г.А. Романова

Цель исследования - изучение влияния комбинированной терапии (мутантные молекулы эритропоэтина (EPO) и дипептидный миметик фактора роста нервов ГК-2H) на воспроизведение условного рефлекса пассивного избегания (УРПИ) и объем поражения коры мозга у крыс с двусторонним ишемическим повреждением префронтальной коры. Методика. Мутантные молекулы EPO (MЕРО-TR и MЕPО-Fc) с значительно редуцированной эритропоэтической и выраженной цитопротекторной активностью созданы методом генной инженерии. Используемый миметик фактора роста нервов человека, эндогенного регуляторного белка, в экспериментах in vitro проявлял отчетливые нейропротективные свойства. Двустороннюю фокальную ишемию префронтальной коры головного мозга крыс создавали методом фотохимического тромбоза. Выработку и оценку УРПИ проводили по стандартной методике. Объем повреждения мозга оценивался при помощи МРТ. MEPO-TR и MEPO-Fc (50 мкг/кг) вводили интраназально однократно через 1 ч после фототромбоза, ГК-2Н (1 мг/кг) - внутрибрюшинно через 4 ч после фототромбоза и далее в течение 4 послеоперационных суток. Результаты. Выявлено статистически значимое сохранение выработанного до ишемии УРПИ, а также значимое снижение объема повреждения коры при комплексной терапии. Полученные данные свидетельствуют об антиамнестическом и нейропротекторном эффектах примененной комбинированной терапии, которые наиболее отчетливо выражены в дозах: МEPO-Fc (50 мкг/кг) и ГК-2Н (1 мг/кг). Заключение. Подтвержден нейропротекторный эффект и усиление антиамнестического эффекта при сочетанном применении мутантных производных эритропоэтина - MEPO-TR и MEPO-Fc и дипептидного миметика фактора роста нервов человека ГК-2H. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combination therapy, including mutant erythropoietin molecules (EPO) and a dipeptide mimetic of the nerve growth factor, GK-2H, on the conditioned passive avoidance (PA) reflex and the volume of injury induced by bilateral ischemia of the prefrontal cortex in rats. Using the method of genetic engineering the mutant molecules of EPO, MERO-TR and MEPO-Fc, with strongly reduced erythropoietic and pronounced cytoprotective activity were created. The used human nerve growth factor mimetic, an endogenous regulatory protein based on the b-bend of loop 4, which is a dimeric substituted dipeptide of bis- (N-monosuccinyl-glycyl-lysine) hexamethylenediamine, GK-2 human (GK-2H), has proven neuroprotective in in vitro experiments. Methods. Bilateral focal ischemic infarction was modeled in the rat prefrontal cortex by photochemically induced thrombosis. The PA test was performed according to a standard method. Volume of brain injury was estimated using MRI. MEPO-TR, and MEPO-Fc (50 mg/kg, intranasally) were administered once, one hour after the injury. GK-2Н (1 mg/kg, i.p.) was injected four hours after the injury and then for next four days. Results. The study showed that the complex therapy provided statistically significant retention of the PA reflex developed prior to ischemia and a significant decrease in the volume of injury. The anti-amnestic and neuroprotective effects of combination therapy were most pronounced at doses of MEPO-Fc 50 mg/kg and GK-2H 1 mg/kg. Conclusion. This study has confirmed the neuroprotective effect and enhancement of the anti-amnestic effect exerted by the combination of mutant erythropoietin derivatives, MEPO-TR and MEPO-Fc, and the dipeptide mimetic of human growth factor GK-2H.

Life Sciences ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 59 (25-26) ◽  
pp. 2139-2146 ◽  
Kyoko Yamamoto ◽  
Ryoko Yoshikawa ◽  
Shigeru Okuyama ◽  
Yuki Takahashi ◽  
Yasuko Karasawa ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Sherry L. Xu ◽  
Roy C. Y. Choi ◽  
Kevin Y. Zhu ◽  
Ka-Wing Leung ◽  
Ava J. Y. Guo ◽  

Flavonoids, a group of compounds mainly derived from vegetables and herbal medicines, share a chemical resemblance to estrogen, and indeed some of which have been used as estrogen substitutes. In searching for possible functions of flavonoids, the neuroprotective effect in brain could lead to novel treatment, or prevention, for neurodegenerative diseases. Here, different subclasses of flavonoids were analyzed for its inductive role in neurite outgrowth of cultured PC12 cells. Amongst the tested flavonoids, a flavonol aglycone, isorhamnetin that was isolated mainly from the leaves ofGinkgo bilobaL. showed robust induction in the expression of neurofilament, a protein marker for neurite outgrowth, of cultured PC12 cells. Although isorhamnetin by itself did not show significant inductive effect on neurite outgrowth of cultured PC12 cells, the application of isorhamnetin potentiated the nerve growth factor- (NGF-)induced neurite outgrowth. In parallel, the expression of neurofilaments was markedly increased in the cotreatment of NGF and isorhamnetin in the cultures. The identification of these neurite-promoting flavonoids could be very useful in finding potential drugs, or food supplements, for treating various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and depression.

Stroke ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (Suppl_1) ◽  
Kota Kurisu ◽  
Je Sung You ◽  
Seok Joon Won ◽  
Zhen Zheng ◽  
Raymond A. Swanson ◽  

Background and Purpose: Cofilin-actin rods are covalently linked aggregates of cofilin -1 and actin. Under ischemic conditions, these rods have been observed in neuronal processes, but their significance is unknown. Here, we explored a potential role of these rods in two different models of neuroprotection from experimental stroke—therapeutic hypothermia and the 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70). Methods: Male C57/BL6 mice were subjected to distal middle cerebral artery occlusion (dMCAO), and treated with hypothermia. Cooling (31°C, 2hrs) was begun at the onset of dMCAO. A neuroprotective effect of hypothermia was validated by functional assessments and infarct volume measurement. Cofilin-actin rod formation was assessed by histological analysis at 4 and 24hrs after dMCAO. Its expression was analyzed in three different regions, infarct core (the center of the infarct), penumbra (area salvaged by intervention and a fixed distance from the midline), and ischemic borderzone (border of ischemic lesion). In addition, Hsp70-overexpressing transgenic (Tg) mice and Hsp70-deficient (Ko) mice were also subjected to dMCAO, and cofilin-actin rod expression was assessed in same manner. Results: As shown previously by our lab, both hypothermia and Hsp70 Tg mice had smaller lesion sizes and improved neurological outcomes compared to normothermic and wildtype (Wt) mice. Hsp70 Ko mice had larger lesion sizes and worsened neurological outcomes. Following dMCAO, cofilin-actin rods were increased, but were reduced by hypothermia in the ischemic core (24hrs, p<0.05), penumbra (4 and 24hrs, p<0.05), and ischemic borderzone (4 and 24hrs, p<0.05). Among Hsp70 Tg mice, cofilin-actin rod formation was decreased in the ischemic borderzone (4 and 24hrs, p<0.05), while Hsp70 Ko mice showed increased rod formation in the penumbra (4 and 24hrs, p<0.05). Conclusions: Cofilin-actin rod formation was suppressed under conditions of improved neurological outcome, and increased under circumstances where outcome was worsened. This suggests that cofilin-actin rods may act to participate in or exacerbate ischemic pathology, and warrants further study as a potential therapeutic target.

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